Entire Clan Upholds Me as King


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In a brutal post-apocalyptic world, Yun Huai was born with a seemingly useless ability – he attracted the most powerful beings.

Thrown amidst zombies to lure dangerous creatures, he met a gruesome end in an unexpected accident.

Upon awakening, Yun Huai found himself as a spaceship repairman on a garbage planet, in an era where everyone piloted mechs and the average height was 1.8 meters. Keeping his psychic ability a secret, Yun Huai strived to survive among the strong.

However, his life took a turn when he encountered an internet celebrity exploring the garbage planet.

Captured in a candid shot, the slender youth smiled faintly. His starry, grey-purple eyes resembled those of a royal, venerated on a sacred altar.

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Recommendation Lists
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  2. Romance BL
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Latest Release

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4 Reviews

Feb 15, 2024
Status: --
This is completely translated (- the extras) on the translation site.

Its MTL so the names and genders flip flop around sometimes, but it's otherwise very read-able.

Is it a gem? Not really. The world building is solid. But that's about it for good points.

... more>> The main characters both have a personality and don't. The side characters are forgettable. The "villian" was more of a nuisance easily swatted and kind of pointless. The romance is very one note, just endless devotion.

I guess the Main characters are so OP in the end that nothing seems a challenge or even mildly threatening which makes for boring reading. And you (and the MCs) don't care enough about the non-OP characters to worry about them either. There's a general sense of detachment built into the character designs, so it doesn't even feel out of place.

The MC is placed on a pedestal beyond the intimacy of relationships with "lesser beings" by his own people and he's too shy/apathetically broken to connect to people even if he wants to. Ultimately, his devotion to his role as "king" and the responsibilities associated with it leave him alone and honestly, unrelatable.

The ML is genetically inclined to see every one as either Mate, food, thing I don't really feel like eating/killing right now due to reasons, and nuisance to be destroyed. So he's even less inclined to have any sort of relationship with side characters. Despite this, he's probably the most interesting character of the lot. His motivations and emotions are simple, but well explored.

If you have nothing better to do, there's no red flags and the romance can be sweet, so go ahead and read. If nothing else the sci-fi world feels rich and diverse. It has dragons and zerg and space elves.

I just wish it was better than it is. <<less
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Apr 28, 2024
Status: Completed
It was such a fluffy read!!! (my heart~)

I'm so glad that I came across this! (It kinda gave me little mushroom vibes but a lot different)

I won't spoil instead I'll recommend this to everyone~ and there is good world building + interesting plot.

I almost cried in the end, it gets a little angsty but nonetheless it's happy ending.
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Dec 23, 2024
Status: Completed
Overall the world building is interesting but the characters aren’t (with the exception of the ML). MC is very bland and boring. Everyone is adores and loves him, and MC and the ML are super OP so his only conflict is him being able to accept love from others. And I can’t believe that someone with no experience with anything can just be a king to command and control everything. Due to plot armor, everything ends up correctly. It would be one thing if he had experience doing that during... more>> the apocalypse but he was just malnourished, human bait.

There are antagonists but they pose no real threat and serve only as background for the relationship between the MC and ML. Even the major, overarching problem that looms over the entire story serves as a stepping stone for MC and ML to take the final step. I struggled towards the end to finish it but the ending was the most interesting part of the story. It was if all the emotion missing from the rest of the story got compressed to the end. <<less
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Mar 02, 2024
Status: c28
it's fluffy and has some decent worldbuilding. The story moves quite slowly tho and even though I'm about a quarter way through, nothing much has happened in terms of plot. I'm honestly not sure if anything is truly going to happen if this story leans more along slice of life.

... more>>

By chapter 28, the author has started arc 2 of the story. Arc 1 was focused on introducing the MC and ML and their meeting together. The arc ends with MC being found and taken back to his kingdom. My guess is that this story will focus on ML's pursuit and MC's differences from part kings by being kind.

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