Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife


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The previous owner of Mu Ru Yue’s body had been poisoned. Because of this, her meridians were blocked, hindering her cultivation, which eventually led to her being known as tr*sh. After being beaten to death, Mu Ru Yue, who had originally been a successor to a medicinal aristocratic family in Hua Xia, reincarnated into her new body.

They want to seal my path?

I will train to reach the peak of the realms!

They give me a foolish prince as my husband?

I can make do with him.

It would be easier for me to deal with him, rather than with other candidates who would be thrown at me in the future. I shall strive to become powerful enough that nobody will be able to mock or kill me!

Associated Names
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Phoenix Cry Firmament
Tuyệt sắc đan dược sư: Quỷ Vương yêu phi
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Cultivation beauties
  2. Transmigration: Weak to stronger characters
  3. Queens of Cultivation
  4. Beautiful Transmigration Stories
  5. Cultivation / Fantasy FL

Latest Release

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05/17/17 Radiant Translations c280
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76 Reviews sorted by

Chichiru Michiru rated it
November 3, 2016
Status: c52
So far so good. It is the typical reincarnated-transferred to another body novel where the MC was a good for nothing, ridiculed, scorned, and loses what she has. Then suddenly sh*t happen... MC become a cold hearted, crafty, peerless genius and all the people's jaw drop to the floor due to shock.

Well I like the MC's personality... Like Black bellied doctor MC but not that cold hearted, but still someone not to be mess with... Male MC so far is currently surrounded by mist, full of mystery.

Translation is good... more>> and done well. Good job TLer's and editors. <<less
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Mrs. B
Mrs. B rated it
May 4, 2019
Status: c1077
the 1st Xiao Qi Ye's novel I read and when I read this I fell in love with it right away. I love the plot, I love Mu Ru Yue with her coldness and her abilities, I love Ye Wu Chen and their handsome kids. Powerful and good looking family. What's not to love?! There are some minus here and there but I don't mind because I enjoyed the story very much.
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kakistory rated it
June 17, 2018
Status: c400
This story isn't worthy of appreciation.

People finds error in everything MC do, always jealous of MC to the point of ridiculously.

It's fine if the author covers it, but this is truly a slap to readers. It's ridiculousness is infinite, I can't even fathom. The males in the story is all fond of MC, the main male lead is jealous to the point of choking the readers. I mean, come on?! Are u seriously serious ? Idk idgf anymore. Dropping this.
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JoAnna rated it
June 8, 2018
Status: c400
Truthfully I only SKIMMED the story from the beginning up to 400 chapters before I'm unable to tolerate it any longer. I'm glad I didn't actually waste my time reading it. The whole story is a freaking MESS. Incarnate this incarnate that, everyone don't have to worry about dying cause they will sooner if not later incarnate again. You know about c*ckroach villains who refuses to die every single damn time? In this story, sure they'd die but then POOF - there they are again, reincarnated! This story seemed like... more>> it doesn't have any rule, law or higher powers that maintains stability or whatnot. IT IS SUCH A HUGE MESS. I'm out. <<less
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Sceer rated it
January 14, 2018
Status: c298
Basically the story is about a man and a woman who are madly in love with each other. Then there's a woman#2 that was also very in love with the man. She killed both of them so that in another lifetime she will have a chance with the man.

I don't know how the author managed to make a plot out of this idea but good job. It's not just interesting enough anymore as you progress.
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TheJackWrite rated it
December 3, 2017
Status: c500
You can't help but love this MC. She might be dense with her feeling but she is very expressive. She is not a person who judge people by their cover. She is also very fair and just. After people commit wrong, if they decided to repent they will not be treated badly after getting a fair punishment but if they still insist on revenge, no one can blame her for being ruthless. Or more likely, people around her being ruthless to them. MUHAHAHAHAHA. Cough cough.

I like it very much that... more>> Yue'er [MC] is powerful and domineering. She is powerful but that is because she worth it with how she always nearly sacrifice her life to reach further ranks to top on top of the world. This is one of few novel that really have worthy male lead for heroine to love. The Male lead refuse to even look at other women aside the heroine. Some may say that it is kind of illogical for the male lead to not even have any interest on any other woman aside the MC but I think it very logical for the character to be like that.

[Not spoiler] Ghost king is someone exceptionally powerful and regard all gender equal except for Yue'er. Only her can make him destroy even himself on his own and willing to be a rug for Yue'er to warm her feet as long as she wished for it.


Extremely doting but he is a genuine jar of vinegar. He couldn't even stand his own son who was still a baby take his time with his wife.

I laughed many times. There have yet to be a moment where I need to cry but I can feel pity and wrenched heart when their only son had his limps amputated and thrown in front of them. Their son didn't die and had to live thousand year to wait for his parent to reincarnate and reunite with them.


Although there is second or more male leads, they really unworthy for Yue er. So, those that felt disappointed with the tragedy of second male leads, don't worry since this novel really has a worthy main male lead. I can assure you that for five hundred chapters, I have yet to felt disappointed in the main characters. Except that it was inevitable because the author also need to think logically, the male lead couldn't be at few important moment because of author's doing. <<less
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Keisotsuna rated it
May 20, 2017
Status: c283
One of the best Xuanhuan novel ever!!!

This is simply an amazing novel. Sure, in the beginning the part where the MC came from another world and was a 'tr*sh' aren't really what you can call original. But who are we to judge simply because of that? I say, I don't regret continuing to read the story. The further you read the more you'll realize that the plot is more deeper than you expected and it gets more unique.

These are the best parts of the story, for me, that is:

*The... more>> protagonist, Mu Ru Yue, isn't exactly 'overpowered'. Though her cultivation speed is faster than the norms, there are still many more people who are stronger than her. And she knows this and understand her own limits and strength.

*Her love interest, Ye Wu Chen, is mysterious and very powerful. But his greatest charm is how he genuinely cares and loves Mu Ru Yue. I miss the parts where Ye Wu Chen used to act like a 'child trapped in a grown man's body' and stole kisses from Mu Ru Yue. Simply adorable!

*There is no "harem" because Ye Wu Chen is very loyal to Mu Yu Rue and won't ever dare to look at another woman. And though Mu Ru Yue attracts a lot of male attention, only Ye Wu Chen has that 'special place' in her heart.

*There are mysteries yet to be discovered about Mu Ru Yue and Ye Wu Chen's past. It's interesting and tells that there's more to the story than what you think, which, of course, open a lot of opportunities for more enemies/rivals and twists in the plot.

*The story's just so lovable and leaves you asking for more. ♥️♥️♥️ <<less
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admira rated it
May 9, 2017
Status: c263
It's a decent read. I like the dynamic between the female lead and her love interest, especially early on. However, the more recent chapters haven't been doing it for me. The entire point of the novel seems to have changed, although there wasn't much of a plot to begin with.

The story seems shallow overall. People in power, the MC's allies included, are all more than happy to use their power and influence to trample on those weaker than them. They even have the guts to complain about someone mistreating one... more>> of their own for the same reason. It also goes on and on about how earth-shatteringly handsome/beautiful important character X, how jealous all the cannon fodder are of their skills/wealth/appearance, etc.

Good as a time-killer. <<less
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Sacred Feet
Sacred Feet rated it
March 2, 2017
Status: c191
Typical reincarnation story: strong female transmigrates into the body of a not so powerful female in another time. There are 1500+ chapters, so some major conflicts are still not completely solved while there are plenty of minor conficts get dragged out and solved.

(At this point you've uncovered much of the MC's true identity). I think the story is starting to reveal the ML's true identity now, but Yan Jin's strength has only just progressed and his conflicts will unlikely be solved until much later

You get to witness the rise and downfall of many powerful yet delusional villains (most of whom are jealous females and their supporters). You'll get frustrated how can people be so delusional, but let me tell you this is not far from real life unfortunately. People always want what they can't have, and spoiled people will always feel entitled.
You also get to witness the growth of the MC in her strength and also in her love life. She increases her own strength (and others) in both alchemy and martial arts. She learns to accept love and to love, despite keeping her ruthless personality. She softens for those whom she cares about, but is ruthless otherwise.

Like mother, like daughter

You learn about the true identities of the MC and ML as you read on, with plenty of hints foreshadowing such info and there are plenty of plot twists. Some of these twists do become predictable just before they happen though. Nonetheless, it's still very exciting! Chapters are a good length - enough to give you action, imagery, and dialogue as well as suspense each time. I'm very thankful the translator provides teasers for the next chapters and there are almost daily updates. Of all of the reincarnation stories I read/I've read, I find this one the most interesting.
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Liyu rated it
March 30, 2020
Status: --
Ugh, just ugh.

Do you know that feeling when you are bored and decide to read a random xianxia or xuanhuan novel already expecting nothing great, but just want to relieve your boredom ? Well unexpectedly this novel managed the feat to make you even more tired or bored!! How ? It's not that the plot is slow or anything like that, it's just how the characters are ridiculous, specially female characters! They just lack self-esteem so much, they are ready to throw anything for a man, this is ridiculous !

and... more>> for people in cultivation worlds, the characters are just so dumb!! Not even the elders have a spark of intelligence!

Anyway, extremely brainless characters and 1D, or even 0D (if it's possible) villains, they are from noble houses and can't stop saying bit*h left and right.

I only gave two stars because I liked the first dynamics in their relationship where the ML is actually somehow dependant on the MC, but he rapidly turned into the cliche invincible king of hell ML of xianxia novels. <<less
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SuperRedNova rated it
February 10, 2020
Status: c1235
Love the vast sprinklings of dramatic irony in this story. Just enough to get you hooked without being disappointing by revealing all the cards.

Word of warning though, yandere characters are a main plot driving point and can seem excessive at times, especially the females that view the MC as a love rival. It is not all bad though, there are plenty examples of good smart people that can move on from a relationship or at least learn to respect the other's feelings.
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errantknight rated it
June 29, 2019
Status: c400
I waited until 400 to see if it got better, but nope. The translator's skills got this a three, otherwise it would have been a two. Even for the genre, the characters are shallow, unlikable and cold. The novel is incredibly repetitive, the enemies are unbelievably s*upid, completely illogical, and no one learns anything, ever. Except the leads who never have to work for anything and never have to break a sweat.

We're told that people love each other, but the only way they show that is by them mu*dering others... more>> for the sake of the people they care about. This is absolutely on purpose. Whole years are skipped as we leap from confrontation to confrontation, with nary a scene of genuine human emotion intruding on the constant descriptions of beauty and beatings. We don't care about these people because we're never actually allowed to see their lives. For God's sake, the author even skipped the wedding night they spent about 300 chapters getting to except for the arguments and revenge. If you're writing a romance and leave the romance out, you're kinda doing it wrong, lol.

The sad part it that the initial set up contained that it contained the kernel of a great idea for a cultivation novel: 'poisoned tr*sh girl meets mentally damaged but powerful boy. Discarded by others, with each others help they grow and survive.' Wouldn't that have been more interesting than what it turned out to be? I may write that.... <<less
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Silver leaves
Silver leaves rated it
March 15, 2019
Status: c197
For me writing this review is something that I really can't help but to speak. First of all the story plot is going too fast, yet, there's a moment when it's going too slow too. The ML and FL relationship is not the thing to talk about since they developed their feeling so fast as to trust each other much. I say this story about magic is quite acceptable as it is not going over the simple imagination can see. Some story, I really couldn't imagine about the situation such... more>> as fighting a beast, and going to a spaces between their ring, etc. For this story it's not a bad one thou some part is similar to another story like venerated venomous consort. Like in the chapter 196. I decided to stop from here. If you want to read the story just read and don't read the review yet. Wait until you finished reading, you'll soon know about your own recommendations. <<less
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chiii rated it
December 31, 2018
Status: c128
This is a good novel. However, the protagonist leaves all of her playing cards out in the field so everyone can see them. She has no back ups as of this point, and basically all of her secrets are exposed. I remember, when she first revealed her power to bring back life to withered plants and increase their age to her master, she said that she wouldn't have revealed it if it wasn't towards someone she trusts. HOWEVER omg this chick goes to a basically huge contest and shows everyone... more>> that very talent of hers. AND THEN the author omg gives her a special pill furnace as a reward and yup she gets targeted. The transitions are also confusing to the point of being annoying and I just find it really s*upid how none of these love crazed ladies ever recover from their s*upidity. It is literally so damn annoying, I see it everytime and I'm sick of it. <<less
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Starvenus rated it
November 27, 2018
Status: c404
I like reading this novel, at first. The FMC is quite likable, she has cold personality however insanely protective toward people she cares.

She's ruthless and unfeeling though. For example there's one instance where she saw a horse with carriage run full speed about to hit 4 years old girl. The only reason she saved the kid cause she felt something from the little girl otherwise she won't bother doing the saving.

The more I read the more bored and pissed I became. There is no plot, no excitement at all. Everything... more>> that happen is rinse and repeat events after events. The main characters turn flat the only improvement they have is their cultivation.

The plots always go like this :

- Side character introduced.

- If female, she would be going googly eyes for ML and pissed at FMC for being unworthy for him (only she is worthy). Thus scheming like crazy until she either dead or, cripple cultivation. And if her family helped out then the family facing disaster too.

- If Male, he would be going ga ga for FMC which make another insignificant female side character who loves this side male character acts with vengeance against FMC cause the one they like won't even look at them. Again same thing happen; scheming, result either dead or cripple. Same thing with their family too.

- The amount of sentences of 'I only love her in this life past, present and future. Blah blah. Some more devoted love announcements words.'

- The amount of sentences describing godlike good looking ML. The same for FML.

- The one that irk me, there's a lunatic bit*h aiming to destroy FML and this couple dare to go seperate ways almost all the time. Geez, talk about a forced way to make the bit*h aim at them one at a time.


The one that pissed me off the most is the over used plot of this crazy bit*h that's like a parasite soul hopping for thousand years since she can't have the ML she destroyed their whole family/clan including FML and ML and chopped off all limbs of their 5 years old son.

She then keep waiting on the prowl for their reincarnations so she can do it all over again causing disaster cause she still can't get the ML this time around too.


Honestly, I'm exhausted reading this story. I just want to move on from that plot cause it turn the story flat despite promising premise. Often I skip cause I just want to continue with the story. <<less
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blasterwisard rated it
June 19, 2018
Status: c125
Nothing technically wrong with the story, but there is no filler so the characters turn flat.

No backstory other than absolutely required by the plot.

No dialogue between characters with the purpose of fleshing out their relationship.

No scenes that do not include vital plot developments.

So it all just turns into a forced march of a story. People's relationships can't all be explained by the narrator...
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bluedreamsfairy rated it
June 6, 2018
Status: c400
Well. At first I found the FL really crafty, but when the story goes on, I noticed some "defects":

  1. The story's beginning is similar to The Anarchic Consort and then to Ghost Emperor Wild Wife
  2. People are either really helpful or vengeful. This is a too distinct division
  3. The FL is not that clever (I mean, she is... but doesn't value the situation more)
  4. The Sect that FL created wasn't written for a long time. It's like it didn't exist.
  5. The time passing from an event to the next have not credit: it changes from 3 days to nearly 6 months without something happening even if it should.
... more>>

For example, when the FL discovered Wu Chen was in the academy and looked for him, the fake mistress girl told her that he will return soon because it was already a long time that he was out. But after some time FL went to the Archive Library and cultivated here 6 months. After that she encountered a group of silly and jeaulos girls and WuChen saved her at last moment.


6. They repeat too much "I am his/hers"

7. Enemies or protagonists little asses when are in dangerous situations are saved at the last second. This is too annoying.

8. Helpers speak (reveal the truth) in front of obvious enemies. How come they are so s*upid???

9. Ya know, that people recognise auras? Sometimes mysteriously it doesn't work.

10. FL replies are getting repetitive. Ok, you disdain people who doesn't deserve your attention, but before more powerful people... you are weak. Ok, you know best when battle, but enemies have connections with stronger enemies. <<less
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ss_zeklord rated it
May 1, 2018
Status: c689
This is one of my all time favorite novels! The romance is so sweet between the main female lead and the male lead, the plot is well thought out and unravels well as the story progresses and the female kicking ass is always great to read. The translation quality is amazing and you can expect stable releases almost every day so this is really a great novel to pick up and read.
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Uno rated it
April 30, 2018
Status: c422
A simply written whatever bad idea comes to mind story. Never felt so hateful, annoyed and rage reading such bad plots. It was bearable to read at the earlier stage of the novel, have ups and downs but still a decent read I might say.

... more>>

The author tries to bring a story of a deep bond between lovers, friend (s) and family member (s) from previous or another life to the recent time of the story. Eventhough ML and FL lost the previous life's memories, but for the strong intimate feelings they managed to tangle upon one another and hook up again. I get the picture of what the author is trying to potray, and it has a deep, emotional touch and feelings to it, but the poorly arrangement plots, bad expressions, needless arguments and worse of all, a simply 'I write whatever I want, even if it's a worthless idea' wasted the potentials.

It was pretty ok, not so bad to read up to a certain chapter (it did have rushed scenes or sudden end of an arc), beyond that, one would want to pull the hair from the scalp from anger/frustration/annoyed/irritated/mind blowing reading the bad drama and stuffs. I mean, not just the couple who died transmigrated/reincarnated came to the same world and at almost the exact same time, even the nemesis came as well (maybe there was an explanation on how on earth they manage to get to the same realm and time, I don't really remember thou) just because she wants to own, heads over heels, crazy for the ML (it's not time traveling genre), not just she tried once failed but a second, third, fourth and so on to no avail, she even been killed several times, needless she is brought back to life, and the same thing repeats, getting rid of FL and get the ML scheme. The actions are dull nothing much to expect, the fights/killings done simply on a whim "nothing personal, I just don't like you... Kill"

Welp, there are other characters came along which should been killed but saved, one in particular brought back into the plot, for no strong reason she bare deep hatred, out to kill kind of jealousy towards FL/MC. Long story short, it was rather a not so bad story earlier but turned bad and worse further up.

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Mavsynchroid rated it
April 17, 2018
Status: --
Welcome to the newest Saturday morning cartoon!!

That's what I can't help but think of when I read this novel. The first couple hundred "chapters" (i say this in quotes as they're tiny) or so are the same generic stuff you're used to when a stone cold female MC ends up in the body of some tr*shy young miss. However, things really start going more and more downhill once the big bad villain comes in. I'll leave the rest in spoiler quotes..

... more>>

She never friggen dies. The villain I mean. I'm pretty sure they've killed this woman twice already in the novel so far alone. She just jumps from body to to body. Into some body of a girl who's in some powerful sect which is always juuuuuuust a little stronger than the level of the MC and ML, making it so that whole powerful sect or group goes after the MC and ML. Then the MC and ML get stronger by reaffirming their love or popping a pill and kill her, and she dies.. only to reappear like 50 chapters later in a new body of another girl in a sect or group that's once again juuuuuuuuust a little stronger than the level of the MC and ML. Of course for some reason none of these sects or groups ever question why this girl has suddenly completely changed her personality and has grown an obsession for some guy.. It just.. doesn't make sense to read.

What's really annoying is the ML has shown a few times already that after killing someone, he can grab their soul and burn it to ashes or whatever so they never come back.. Didn't think of doing that at all?

This is what I mean by saturday morning cartoon. A villain who keeps being beaten yet escapes only to come back in the next episode with a new dastardly plan. It gets old extremely fast. I'd rather read the generic route where everyone of these plans are thought up by some new throw away villain instead of this insanely jealous women they can't seem to kill permanently.


To be honest, the villains in this novel aren't really believable. They almost fall in love with either the MC or ML, like within half a page, and start making plans to kill off the other spouse so they can "have the person all to themselves". When they're caught in whatever plan they tried, they scream and moan that the MC isn't good enough for the ML or vice versa, right to their faces. Or they challenge one of them to some sort of death competition, claiming they will have the one they want if they win... They pretty much go bat sh*t crazy. What person would act this way thinking it was the way to make a person love them? I'll kill the person you're obviously deeply in love with, and then you'll fall in love with me instead?.. Huh?.. It's like the arrogance dial is dialed up to 111111, to the point where it's kind of embarrassing to read, as it's not very well written. <<less
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