Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki


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A genius magician, to fight against his fate to die a natural death from old age, grasped at the truth of magic to allow himself to reincarnate with a power he created himself. The cycle of reincarnation is repeated multiple times and in his 31st reincarnation, the magician became a boy named Syril who lives in a village of elves. However, that village is ruled by Humans, and the Elves are treated as livestock. After becoming 14 years old, Syril, who regained his past knowledge and experience, stands up to help a girl, who is his childhood friend. The story of the creation of an ideal country begins in that one village, a place where all races can coexist. Elves, Fox-girl, and various other Heroines.

Associated Names
One entry per line
From Elf Reincarnation to Cheat Kingdom Founding Chronicle
Related Series
Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru (Shared Universe)
Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi ~ Sokushi Mahou to Skill Copy no Choetsu Heal (Shared Universe)
The Elf Is a Freeloader (2)
Seirei Gensouki ~Konna Sekai de Deaeta Kimi ni~ (1)
Charging Magic With a Smile~ Infinite Magic Power After Being Reincarnated Into a Different World (1)
Sevens (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. My List Harem LN/WN (MC Polygamy) V2
  2. Follow list
  3. Novels I Want To Read [1]
  4. Kingdom Building (But Actually Good)
  5. Easy Going (The Reckoning)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/14/16 Raising the Dead v2c9
01/03/16 Raising the Dead v2c8
12/27/15 Raising the Dead v2c7
12/14/15 Raising the Dead v2c6
12/14/15 Raising the Dead v2c5
12/07/15 Raising the Dead v2c4.5
12/03/15 Raising the Dead v2c4
11/28/15 Raising the Dead v2c3
11/21/15 Raising the Dead v2c2
11/14/15 Anon Empire v2c1
11/14/15 Raising the Dead v2c1
11/10/15 Anon Empire v2 prologue
11/07/15 Anon Empire v1 epilogue
10/31/15 Anon Empire v1c20
10/29/15 HelloMojo v1c19 (ue)
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22 Reviews sorted by

BLKCandy rated it
April 1, 2016
Status: --
Volume 1 is great.

In volume 1 we have arm production, militia training and uprising against the empire. Along the way our MC even laid some trap to remove his opposition and secure his support.

Though he relied too much on his OPness. So much that the village and this rebellion only capable of functioning because of him.

Volume 2 is just... horrible. It totally ignore what the 1st volume built. There is no sense of danger. There is no war preparation even though everyone knows the empire will eventually come and slaughter... more>> them.

We got some refugees, fox girl refugees. So it is necessary to accommodate them and assist them in adjusting to the elf village. But we wasted an entire book on that.

And we are not talking about building career or role for them to work in the village, the MC just provided everything with his OPness and other world knowledge while spending fluffy time with fox girls. (And nailed one) instead of employing their skill and give them roles. Even wasted chapters on cooking. (He does give them jobs after the village accepted them though. But the village accepted them not because of their skill, but because something MC gave them.)

Hell, after procuring war fund, instead of seeing how the fund going to secure the village future, we get shopping date instead... (Well, they did buy supplies for the village though. Just not war supplies).

It's like we traded war preparation for fluffy time. Even when there will be thousands of empire soldiers attacking this village of a few hundreds with barely any training and preparation in a few months.


Volume 1: 4/5 Good rebellion. MC is too much of a cheat and relied too much on his cheat though.

Volume 2: 2/5 Too much fluffy time, too much cooking, too much party, too little progress, too little (no) village development. Still relying too much on the cheats. <<less
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keklel rated it
July 19, 2016
Status: v3 prologue
I love how much detail the author put into the series. Seems like he really wanted you to feel like you were right there with the characters with all the trivia about vitamins, hunting and food, which all add to the story.

EDIT: Actually now I've gotten tired of these (mostly erroneous) trivia and they really don't add to the story and could be left out. The number of factual errors is staggering. One particularly glaring example being the "small" 89kg draw weight crossbow being more powerful than a 45kg longbow... more>> and being able to penetrate plate armor. That is simply impossible. A crossbow is much weaker than a longbow of equal draw weight due to having a shorter powerstroke (let's generously assume that the prod is somehow magically more efficient than the historical crossbows) - a rule of thumb is that a crossbow is equivalent to a longbow with half its draw weight, which means the 89kg draw weight crossbow mentioned would most likely have been weaker than the 45kg draw weight longbow mentioned earlier that was said to have been unable to penetrate plate. With a 89kg draw weight you would need a crazy long powerstroke (measured in meters) to get enough energy to penetrate medieval plate (which was case hardened steel), certainly not with a "small bow" like the one described in the novel. Even if we're being generous and give it twice as long a powerstroke as usual it still would not have penetrated plate as even a 1000lb draw weight crossbow could not penetrate 15th century medieval plate and I fail to see how a crossbow with less than a fifth of that crossbow's draw weight could possibly be stronger and still be called a "small bow". See https://www. Youtube. Com/watch?v=76mbOMFjlu0

It might seem like I'm being pedantic but the armor piercing weaponry is actually a major plot point that spanned the entirety of the first 13 chapters (I'm up to chapter 13 at the time of writing) so getting this crucial fact wrong makes my head hurt. The author should at least have explained why historical crossbows required much higher draw weights to release the same energy as longbows and how MC's magic compensated for that.


I've not been able to find any sources that back up the author's claims about killing potato nematodes by drowning in water for 3 months. I mean it seems kind of s*upid that they have all this water, wind, fire and earth magic and have to worry about disinfecting the soil. Can't they just use magic to kill the parasites? Also why do elves have appendices. Also why do they have the exact same species of plants and parasites as Earth? And if they have the species of potato susceptible to nematodes why don't they have the species that are not? etc etc. Lots of unanswered questions.


Oh my god the historical inaccuracies are driving me crazy. >It is only at 19th century the art of using yeast began to spreed on earth. For this world which only has technology around 16th century this kind of use is still unknown.

WTF! Yeast has been used for making bread since at least 5000 years ago in ancient Egypt and was mentioned in the Bible! It's clear that the author does not even bother with the most rudimentary fact checking for even the most basic facts.

There are at least 3 basic factual errors every chapter. It's actually amazing. You could even make a drinking game with this.


Wow, v2c6-8 was entirely about cooking, eating and dancing. Unbelievable. I mean it was unbelievably boring. And so many of the details are wrong that I cannot be bothered to point them out anymore. Strongly recommend skipping these chapters if you only care about the story.

Also, why didn't the MC immediately visit the firefox's (lol@the name) new camp when heading to Erin? Why didn't Kuu ask him? That seems kind of a dumb thing to do. Also, the main story picks up after the incredibly boring v2c-8 so if you just skip those it gets better. <<less
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tablewindow rated it
May 11, 2016
Status: --
[Read up to volume 3 prologue]
The first volume is pretty good, with prospects of decent worldbuilding, adventure and action. After the first volume however, it turns into a description of the daily life of some unimportant sidecharacters, who have come to live in the village because of their pitiable background.

90% of volume 2 was describing how a bunch of children start picking up their lives in the village, with the preparations for a banquet and the banquet itself taking 4 chapters. 4 chapters where NOTHING happens, besides the cooking of food and people eating it. The worldbuilding died, and all that the novel does now is describing boring actions in everyday life of some unimportant sidecharacters. You would think that the battle with the empire from volume 1 at least would progress, but besides encountering a single enemy from the empire (one enemy, not an army), nothing happens at all, in fact the empire's politicians etcetera don't even make an appearance. At the start of volume 3 this trend seems to be continuing, so even the future prospects are grim. Dropped it at v3 prologue.

Volume 1 - 4/5
volume 2 - 1/5
volume 3 prologue - 1/5

overall 2/5, only the first volume is worth the time, after that this novel just selfdestructs, besides having a decent foundation to work with.
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Seregosa rated it
June 13, 2017
Status: v3 prologue
Just... haah... this isn't really worth reading. If you really want something to kill some time but have read most novels out there, you could give it a whirl. The people giving this 4-5 stars are freaking out of their mind. I don't easily give any grade below 3 stars for average, but this is below average. The only reasons it's 2/5 stars is because of the interesting idea and that it is actually somewhat readable. The grammar/translation is horrible as well, it flows really badly and makes reading this... more>> novel even more of a pain.

First of all, if you read any work by this author, even those written 8 years after this one (seems this author has no desire for self-improvement whatsoever since I highly doubt that people haven't been mentioning these issues to him thousands of times before) be prepared for massive info dumps with redundant, worthless information that goes into great detail. Also remember that most of this information is offensively inaccurate, so don't ever believe that this author has proper knowledge or has checked that the "Facts" he found are correct. I have never encountered another author that is as fcking horrible and reliant upon wikipedia copy-paste information. At least 60-80% of every chapter is just details and information about irrelevant stuff that will never matter to the story and is just annoying to read, it's like reading fact booklets or school books, only that the information is incorrect a majority of the time. You might as well start reading your old school books instead, because those might be more interesting than this. This can hardly be called a novel. It's as if the author is so bad at writing a proper plot and using his imagination that he fills the chapters up with copy-pasted knowledge that he has no fcking clue about but found online just to be able to release chapters fast enough, which is a crying shame because the parts where he actually uses his head instead of relying on "facts" are interesting and good, enough for a 4/5 stars. The story doesn't revolve around the characters and the world in this novel, it revolves around the useless trivia the author adds in. There's no depth or feelings to their personality, everything feels boring and their personalities are thin AF.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind some trivia and facts, in fact I welcome it if it's accurate AND relevant to the story, especially stuff like explanations on the magic systems or other things, stuff that isn't common knowledge. It's just that it isn't in this novel since it's just used to fill out space. Not even chinese novels are as bad as this when it comes to redundant information. I mean, this author uses a whole chapter to describe how a crossbow is made bit by bit, including some made up information. Then he uses a whole chapter to explain how a greenhouse works and how he made one over there in that fantasy world, another chapter about how he was planning to plant potatoes and intricate (and often inaccurate) details about potatoes and how they may or may not be poisonous, including some real life events about potatoes and sickness that he also got wrong, then another chapter is about how he's making compost, managing to lengthen a simple description to half a chapter because he wants to go through every step along with other useless trivia related to it. It's not bad with information, but I question whether or not the author actually understands what a novel is supposed to be. He should just stop writing novels altogether and start writing fact booklets instead, he's clearly more suited towards that, if only he could check the facts properly and not get it wrong. It feels like the author is that one kid that uses wikipedia to make himself sound almighty and omnipotent, knowledgeable of all things, yet doesn't know what the fck he's talking about and actually knows nothing at all, just reading it out aloud from a paper someone else wrote.

Sigh. Well, just go ahead and try it. If the bad translation and worthless information doesn't scare you off, it might be a good read. If you just skip over everything that seems like trivia (it will never be remotely useful to know any trivia/facts/information that he writes out, it won't impact your understanding of the story if you skip over it), it might actually be a great way to kill off a few hours with. Luckily only about 50 chapters have been released, otherwise I would've dropped it before volume 1 was over. <<less
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Ardavix rated it
March 26, 2016
Status: --
The first volume read a bit like Summoned Slaughterer (Yobidasa Reta Satsuriku-sha) in that the MC was not afraid to kill or to do what he had to do in order to nation-build/create his kingdom: Elushie. However, the MC was no where near as trigger happy as Hifumi from SS; still, he was absolutely no pushover unlike most JP MCs. That said, volume 2 reads like a very poorly written ecchi/slice-of-life version of Death March. I kid you not, nation building and awesomeness was replaced by another JP fantasy/cooking/ecchi/harem novel...... more>> why author why!?

Volume 1 was at least a 4/5 if not a 4.5/5

Volume 2 is a 1/5 ~

As it is now, the enjoyment I get from this novel is 1/5... and hence, fair warning before going into this series, you may like it ~ but know what you’re getting into first. <<less
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Sir Laffsalot
Sir Laffsalot rated it
November 23, 2020
Status: v3c3 part2

Anyone who reads any of my reviews sees me say this over and over and over. They also see the reasons why I hate shounen. It's mostly because you read one, you've read them all, because they're all copycats of one another, lacking any originality (some do have 1 original idea throughout the whole story, but that's few and far between), and they all use the same old, worn out cliches over and over and over and over and over.... AH!!! Nauseating!!! Also, they are generally on... more>> the elementary, and sometimes, middle school reading levels.

Okay, so if I FRIKKEN HATE SHOUNEN so much, then WHY did I give this one 5 stars?

1. It doesn't read on an elementary, or even middle school level - a college student would easily enjoy this without feeling like he's losing brain cells.
2. It is NOT full of old, overused cliches that make you want to bang your head against a cinder block wall.
3. It's full of original material, and not a copy from using the shounen handbook. Yes, there are some s*upid things that makes you want to pull your hair out, but hey, what story doesn't? At least in this one, IT'S SOMETHING NEW AND DIFFERENT!
4. VERY enjoyable story. I love the story idea and progress. So far, even though a SoL, it never stalls (I know, really too early to judge that, but hey, I've seen some stall as early as in the middle of the first volume).

So, although it's a shounen, I highly recommend.

EDIT: I've been asked why I read shounen if I hate it so much. Simple, for finding the very very VERY rare, golden gems like this one. <<less
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MondoX rated it
April 29, 2016
Status: --
The concept of the story is interesting, and the way the MC's reincarnation comes into play is unique. In spite of the two positive concepts I mentioned, the story is boring. The story is focused on explaining almost every detail of how to hunt, clean, and cook prey, medical treatments, and other useless concepts that are not as important to the overall story.
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SlashCrit rated it
February 21, 2016
Status: --
Started off great. The h-scenes are great. But I don't know where the story is going lately. Going to have to edit this after it progresses a bit more. But overall good reincarnation Kingdom story.
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razgallo rated it
January 17, 2016
Status: --
The idea of a soul being continuously reincarnated is a good base for plot but it just isn't explained that well, it feels that the main character suffers from a multiple personalities every time he uses his unique skill. It makes the events predictable and less intense.

I liked the pace of the story in the first volume the kingdom building theme that is hinted is interesting. The culture of the elves is also a new idea and not a cookie cutter woodland elves that lives in the tree house. The... more>> story makes humans the main villain.

When he recovers his past life knowledge we are introduced to a wide array of template like a great healing capabilities, RPG-esque Item box, suddenly too strong. We just all assume that these skills work in this current world even though it is from another world skill. Sometimes laws of nature can be forgotten.

Later in the story we are told that his other lives has "personalities" which made me question the rules of his unique skill. The author didn't explain why they could have unique "personalities" and can even restrict this skill's potential. I thought it would just be his past lives memories and not full blown characters inside his head. I think this is just another sloppy way to make it "hard" for him and make the character developed.

There are some weird things that are out of place like info dump about potato cultivation, everyone does not question how he got some otherworldly abilities, and never just accepts his "common sense".

Then volume 2 is just all over the place. Honestly we waste 3-4 full chapters of them cooking, making preparations, and having a banquet. What on earth happened, did the author lose his focus and can't write credible stuff anymore? I am not sure I would rather have some political background with the human side than read these mundane activities.

Don't forget we have erotica side stories like intercrural s*x for example, I get it. Really it is always hinted he is a pe*vert but to make side stories like these is just disgusting. I would watch p*rn than read it. I would have loved to give this story a good rating if it wasn't for the latest translated volume, which is volume 2.

I would not recommend this story. <<less
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HentMas rated it
June 10, 2020
Status: v2c9 part3
I was waiting for this novel to advance a bit to continue it because it slowed the F down in volume 2

I enjoy cooking, and novels that suddenly focus on cooking I don't really mind them, the whole banquet wasn't "that" bad, the problem is that... nothing they are cooking is as "delicious" as they "say" it is...

braised deer/boar is "the dish of the gods"????

... more>> "Clear broth" is "unknown" on this world!?!? (it has existed ever since people learned to cook meat for Christ sake)

Frying potatoes with lard is very tasty and delicious but... really... no one has ever dared to pull the potato from the ground and eat it because they are poisonous...



The vegetable that singlehandedly supported a WHOLE FRIKKEN COUNTRY when in times of FAMINE is considered poisonous in this world...

I was very veeeery annoyed at the way this author tried to brute force his way trough to make s*upid dishes because he doesn't know how to cook into "delicacies no one has ever tasted" without going trough the trouble of "developing" cooking in this medieval setting.

I don't like this twist... I don't like it at all because it felt super forced.

And forget about the action packed first volume, you're now in another novel, this novel has nothing to do with that novel, so... want some fries in lard?.

F off author... at least TRY a bit.

And then I read the confession...

No... thank you but no, I can't, I get it, this MC was "pro active" F OFF...

Not even in a million years would I enjoy someone getting cucked, not even if the one doing it was the male.

forget it, I'm dropping this, it's not well written, it turned into something it wasn't, it stopped being interesting and the interpersonal relationships are FUBAR. <<less
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Mr.G rated it
March 17, 2020
Status: --
I just... don't know if the author even knew what he was going after. If feels like he had and idea for 3 separate novels and decided "lets just cram all of these into one". I am aware that rating is all subjective, but 4 stars is... generous. The writing is on the lower end of acceptable. Conversations feel like two people who learned how to interact with people from textbooks and are just trying it out for the first time. Characters aren't exactly unique or exciting. The pacing is... more>> just a mess.

You really should probably look for something else, unless you are just in it for the s*x scenes, then have fun I suppose. <<less
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Maleandar rated it
April 3, 2016
Status: --
MC gets reincarnated every time he dies. This time around he is an elf and they are being suppressed by the humans. This is a story of a Nation building, Harem loving MC. There are H scenes, but they are depicted with the X.5 chapters, which you cans kip if you do not want to read the H scenes. You will not lose anything by skipping them as it just shows the s*x and his love for the female. The story is a mix of action and slice of life,... more>> the story is decent paced.

The MC can call upon his past lives and gain their power IF he has enough experience in this life. An Example is a Dragon and another is a demon lord of his past lives which he can not use yet as he has not accumulated enough experience


Fun and entertaining read 4/5 as the author really did not need the H scenes to make this story great. <<less
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Star_God rated it
January 2, 2016
Status: --
A Hell lot of Reincarnation in entire prolouge

After becoming 14 years old, Syril, who regained his past knowledge and experience, stands up to help a girl, who is his childhood friend. The story of the creation of an ideal country begins in that one village, a place where all races can coexist. Elves, Fox-girl, and various other Heroines.
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ninthlite rated it
December 15, 2015
Status: --
The first volume is a 4/5 in my book due to the opness of the main character and the fact that the first volume is basically the set up for the rest of the novel. However the second volume so far has brought my rating up to a 5/5, the series before was lacking a spark and the foxfire girls add a spark to the slight edgy story. The first volume was boring due to the predictability of op MC winning everything, while the foxfire girls are really cute!
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Melakias rated it
November 11, 2015
Status: --
[Review up to Prologue for Volume 2]

The story about a man who studied magic and managed to inscribe his memories into his soul, how he would remember his past lives at the start of his teenager years, how he lived through dozens of lives in multiple different ways and how he started to get tired. And how once he found love in the pretty smile of an elf. And how in this 30th life he puts everything on the line for a girl with a similar smile.

Pretty cool story so... more>> far, it's a Country Building with a moderately OP character, don't misunderstand me, he's capable of not only remembering all his previous lives, but also take their form and power, tho he's bound by his current body's limit of power, putting a limit on how far he can get, but giving enough flexibility to grow.
Volume 1's not a 5/5, but the story building up really pushes it to the 5/5 and makes this a pretty recommended read. <<less
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Carmeops rated it
February 16, 2020
Status: v2c6 part4
don't get fooled by the highly detailed cheat ability or the action packed start of the novel

this is a village building/agricultural/day to day novel

like, you can get a full chapter centered into explaining how to make a stew, or how to care for potatoes

also, the MC all of a sudden start revolutionazing the way people live and do things that are clearly impossible by hiding his cheat, but everyone goes "it's Ciril, so it make sense" for no reason, I mean, they were ens*aved for years and he did nothing,... more>> and suddenly it's like he is another person, but noone questions it, it's a bit farfetched <<less
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Yume. rated it
July 31, 2019
Status: --
Twisting the Arm of Fate with Cheat Magic!! Is the sequel to this novel. (It's a transmigration into an offline vrmmo world type novel.) ... more>>

Main girl is Cyril's youngest daughter.


The Old Man Who Got a Second Round in Another World. Is a sequel to both this and the aforementioned novel.

I've yet to complete the novel (it's still ongoing.) but as the reincarnated isekai uncle in this novel meets a self proclaimed amnesiac golden fox girl in a world without fox beastkin whom like cheat magic has black tips on her ears and white tip to her tail complete with rose red eyes it's pretty safe to assume she is Cyril's granddaughter meaning she is cheat magic's MC + Cyril's daughters child who has been transmigrated to the world in that novel.


This novel is rather interesting and has a good romance with the main girl, the additions to the harem seem rather forced and very unfair to the main girl in places though.

I highly recommend giving this novel a read, the first couple arcs i'd rate at five stars and the later ones around 3-3.5, for me the quality does indeed drop somewhat but it remains an interesting read nevertheless.

I will note however that the direction of this novel shifts after volume one, so the rating for this novel will vary greatly depending on what people enjoy, the first volume is engaging with a big bad empire of evil humans who rule most of the world and treat other races as literal livestock. (They kill elves and foxes for their magical crystals similar to magic stones monsters drop in other novels so other races are little more than cattle to the humans.)

After volume one it becomes a slice of life focused on the village, food and relationships with the big bad hovering in the background.

TL;DR: Read volume one if you enjoy an op MC who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, read past volume one if you also enjoy a fluffy slice of life with some ecchi moments. <<less
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Kuro no Maou
Kuro no Maou
February 4, 2016
Status: --
What the f*ck was the author thinking when he began writing volume 2? The first volume was quite serious and the worldbuilding was decent, also it hinted at the true nature of the mc's unique skill (to become one of his past reincarnations) and the end-of-volume battle against the Empire didn't feel too forced.

And then it went down hill from there.

Let's gloss over the (unnecessary) nsfw chapters (he's TOTALLY in love with the elf girl, so much hat she f*cks the fox girls first, yeah that makes sense) and move... more>> on to the actual "content".

After the founding of the Elushie Kingdom (<---name of the heroine), the main issue for our hero is: the elves lack salt! Oh my god! What a f*cking twist! Because salt is totally important for a newly developing country, a lot more important than defending the elf tribe from the giant f*cking empire standing next to it, amiright? No I'm not right.

But coincidentally the fox tribe has just been attacked by said empire, leaving only the women to escape to our mc's kingdom, bringing the salt. Follows an insane amount of chapters about cooking (?), banquets (again, our mc's to priority), unnecessary dialogues, and fox tails! With 0% story progression! Or worldbuilding! Or anything relatively relevant for a novel about another world! But we got titties, so who cares, right? <<less
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July 22, 2019
Status: --
¯_ (ツ) _/¯ You know what I feel that not anyone has pointed out

... more>>

I feel that the author of this novel is BOT (; -_-) yeah a literal ROBOT

yes sometimes there are some moments that feels like they are real but most of the time it feels like a story written by a Learning robot probably a new AI in its learning Phase (¬_¬)

Grammar is mostly correct but what person speaks or communicate like that??◉_◉ the interactions in novel feels like something I once saw in a movie between two robots (•_•) (•_•) or Programmed Humans So once anyone reads this don't spread it Don't wanna have Terminator coming to Myaa house to blow me up, MIB or other agency after maa

つ ◕_◕ ༽つ (ಠ_ಠ) Seriously Don't spread it, though I think I will be ready (ง'̀-'́) ง

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March 3, 2016
Status: --
Interesting Concept, does get pretty dark in the beginning but still worth a read. Can not say much in the Moment as its still early on, but the MC has the memories of 31 Lives and can take their Formes.
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