Demon’s Diary


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Liu Ming, since he was young, lived in a savage prison named Savage Island where the prisoners aren’t controlled by any guard or security. When the island sinks due to “mysterious” events, only a handful of people survive – those survivors are then pursued by the government.

On the other hand at another place, two practitioners are worrying about what will happen to them because the young master that they were supposed to protect had died.

Their young master just so happens to look nearly like our hero…

What will happen? Where will Liu Ming ends up and what will he do?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Ma Thiên Ký
Mo Tian Ji
Şeytanın Günlüğü
Related Series
A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality (5)
Great Demon King (5)
Pivot of the Sky (3)
The Portal of Wonderland (3)
World of Cultivation (3)
Warlock of the Magus World (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels that I have read 2
  2. Ayiah, seems interesting
  3. Xianxia novels
  4. Male Protagonist
  5. Xianxia

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/01/23 Steambun c1261
04/28/23 Steambun c1260
04/27/23 Steambun c1259
04/26/23 Steambun c1258
04/25/23 Steambun c1257
04/24/23 Steambun c1256
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94 Reviews sorted by

craBebe rated it
May 15, 2016
Status: --
I'm looking forward to how this story develops. So far it's been all about cultivation, but it will be interesting to see what happens after the MC's foundation is established and he begins to cultivate some more relationships between himself and other members of his sect/people of the world.

That's probably one of the only things that this novel is lacking is relationships between other characters, so far all characters outside of the MC have been forgettable and we've only really gotten to know him.

Outside of that, the MC's background coupled... more>> with his experiences in the sect has been very interesting. Fortuitous encounters and his exploration of those encounters have also been exciting to read. It feels like the translator has increased the frequency of updates for this story so it has been easier to get s**ked in, all in all a good read and one of the more interesting novels on GT. <<less
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Laama rated it
May 22, 2021
Status: c328
Novel as itself is great. One of the best ones I have read for a long time. Many situations where there is usually is some cliché the author uses that but doesn't go to that cliché. It has made this really interesting to read. This is the reason why I don't give this novel one star.

Now the problems. First translator was okay. Didn't really like how some words were chosen but it was still readable. I think that the translator didn't have much experience on how similar novels are usually... more>> translated.

Second translation was total shit. Every chapter had same things with different words and it was really annoying to read.

Third translator. Well I read only half a chapter as I couldn't read more. It was just pure machine translation without any editing. Google translate does better job. <<less
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Icura rated it
November 22, 2016
Status: c187
It's good when it focuses on the main character and his exploits. However, the story makes the grievous mistake of telling the story of in-sequential side-characters, some of whom never meet the MC. There was literally an arc where only one out of four chapters focused on the MC. This is a ridiculous problem when most of those side characters never meet the MC before they die. What's the point?

I have to emphasize that I really do like it when it is focused on the MC, but the pointless focus... more>> on side characters' perspectives becomes absolutely ridiculous. <<less
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Ardavix rated it
June 20, 2016
Status: c124
I can't help but writing this review whilst feeling a bit melancholy.
I managed to get up to 124 chapters before I ended up calling it quits.

Firstly, by no means is this a bad novel; actually, it's more or less decent but that said, if I had one word to describe the overall feeling of it... unfortunately, it would probably be slightly better than 'bland'.

Truth be told I expected the MC (in lieu of the description) to come back from Savage Island a bada** OP MC not unlike the one from SotTR or other similar Xuanhuan novels. Instead, I got an extremely cautious but smart MC that is far from OP even 100+ chapters in (relative to his peers), has only one distinguishing feature that doesn't really seem to be that useful (yet.. maybe) and (in lieu of the author's writing style) is absolutely not someone who will likely ever make your blood boil - unlike (say for instance) Lin Ming from Martial World.

All that said, in some circumstances I really wouldn't mind these points but in DD I personally think that the real issue is with the author's writing style.

Perhaps it's just me being spoilt' by authors like those from MW, SotTR, MHE etc. etc. however imo ~ what really makes this novel a three star novel as of chapter 124 is that I've not once had a feeling of satisfaction while reading this. I've had to pretty much force myself to read it; there are no blood boiling scenes as of yet and the MC (although by no means weak) does not really stand out.

In short, due to the fact that I really don't have the free time to read all the novels that perhaps I'd like to read I had to drop this one on the count that it was not very satisfying. Perhaps in the future it will get better but I'm reasonably certain that in lieu of the author's writing style, it won't happen until at least 300-400 chapter have been released/translated; that said, there is no guarantee.

If anything, pick it up then.
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lord rated it
May 15, 2016
Status: c107
A smart MC who thinks before taking action and the story of his struggle to survive (yes, survive! Not training until you become a god or something, just trying to survive!). If you are bored and want to try something new, dd is worth your time.
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the_cheater17 rated it
November 20, 2015
Status: --
So far (chapter 31), I like this story. Good plot and have surprise elements, at least for me.
I hope the story will better.
You like xianxia, you'll like this WN.
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SimpleToySword rated it
May 17, 2021
Status: c280
The story was great until the original translator left it around chapter 280-ish (I think.) Then after that two different translators came in and translated it, the first one being pretty much machine translated and the second one not making much of a difference also. The quality of the first translator’s translations was top notch and the story was going really well for me. And then the new translators pretty much destroyed the series with their bad English grammar.

After reading over 200 chapters of high quality writings, I am not... more>> willing to lower my standards and read some bs quality writings that makes me rage every few minutes when I see bad grammar that doesn’t make sense, which I have to mentally fix in my head every time to make sense of what the h it’s trying to say.

And so I rage quit after trying to read like ten or so chapters after that.

Just don’t start it. You’ll regret it. <<less
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Coz_In_Love rated it
June 18, 2019
Status: --
I like MCs that does his own thing not looking for trouble or trouble finding him most of the time, this one satisfies me, it's like a real adventure instead of stories of conflicts.
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prinsewa rated it
April 11, 2017
Status: c173
Read this if you like SLOW and STEADFAST kind of stories. It literally gives NO RUSH OF EMOTION of any kind, you're not gonna love it, not gonna hate it, not gonna anticipate (looking forward to) anything! That's just the way the author writing style is, regular and light. There's some enormous amount of effort put into making no plot holes (so, good story I guess...) and contrarily none putting life and dynamism in the story telling. Even the fights are only sequences of smart successive actions. Yes, it did... more>> good lessening the shock, surprise, sneer (and the like) moments but saying a character is happy, or other, is not the same as being able to show it (make the reader feel it).

The author really seems to want to avoid interactions (maybe to avoid behavior mistakes?) but like introducing useless stuff (and characters) to the point it's ridiculous:

A very strong example is the life and death trial in the side world, where a lot of side characters previously vigorously (like reaaaaally too much!) put on the front by the author (Si Chuan, Lei Zhen, the useless jealous guy over Jia Lan in the entrance popped out of nowhere...) get killed without actual impact on the story.
You also have the episode with Liu Ming going to the Bai clan for the first time where most of the time was given to useless chatter between side characters, very little to the impression and/or suspicion (Ex: you just get later that he figured out the old lady was hidden nearby without even a hint of it, or the usual glinting eye) of Liu Ming.

Then the first story with the scarlet dragon being mentioned again and again, no real impact on the various sects, just to just end meeting his death in a weakened state to Liu Ming.


Places where you actually can expect (and ought to have) some meaningful or at least refreshing interactions and dialogue, the author keeps it to minimum. Basically you'll have endless JUSTIFICATIONS, endless HYPOTHESES (since the guy actually lives most of the story in his room... lol, let's say alone.), clearly too much of the narrator presence. This looks less like a tale and more like documentary.

Now that i've shared my feeling for this (without hate I swear!), go figure out if it's a good read or not ;-) . <<less
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LazyAutumnLeaves rated it
March 27, 2017
Status: Completed

While the story started off great, after a few hundred chapters it starts going downhill. You have the cycle of power up ~> fall into space crack ~> land in other area ~> meet new girls ~> participate in war/major conflicts ~> power up. The cycle repeats over and over again which is really disappointing with how much potential DD had at the beginning. I would put this at a 3 due to the terribly rushed and crappy ending but since the author didn't make me cringe on the cycles' progression throughout the story, I'll give him an extra star.

In short, read this if you like a legitimately calm MC but just know ahead of time that he'll always be the "new kid" for a loooong time until the very end of the series due to his falling into space cracks, meeting ppl way above his cultivation stage, etc.

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January 14, 2017
Status: c204
An excellent example of a cultivating story done right. I like the main character. I like the setting. I even like the villains, who are abnormally intelligent for this type of novel. Definitely worth a shot if you like main characters who aren't complete mu*derhobos but still have a backbone. Demon's Diary hits the sweet spot between the two common types.
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alexelielchain rated it
July 25, 2016
Status: c151
I can never get tired in this one. Every chap is worth reading. You won't feel like skipping some of it. The world building is good and have good spacing. The plot is very good and not confusing. I just hope that there will be no cheap and narrow minded harem build up. Well there is harem tag lets just see how it works in this novel. I'm expecting good from this MC since he don't seems like an easily emotionally attach person and I don't think I'm getting the... more>> vibe of "YOU ARE INTERESTING I'LL FOLLOW U" annoying side characters which tend to become an author's wet dream. <<less
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ptsome110 rated it
June 9, 2016
Status: c118
The Good:
1. Small Mistakes - I really like IET works; however I noticed that the MC never really makes a mistake. Wang Yu gives his characters a sense of realism by allowing them to make mistakes (due to lack of knowledge) as is normal in real life. For example, he gets scammed out of 10 spirit stones when he can rent books for free.
2. World Building - the underlying philosophy of how powers work is explained generically like in ISSTH, thus you don't know everything and from time to time you are exposed to new and foreign things. For example, the MC journey into the ghost land & his adventures there.
2. Lacks Arrogance - arrogant talks of how I'm going to kill you are kept to a minimum & when they occur they are justified. Fights lack speeches and truly are fights, thus bringing a nice sense of realism rather than fantasy.
3. Lacks Repetitive Plots - I really liked Martial God Asura until I realized it repeated plots. Villain Arrogant Speech -> Shocked by MC's powerup -> Ruthless slaughter -> cooldown period -> Repeat with new villains whose only difference from previous villains is that they have different names and power levels
4. Non-Arc Story telling - when the hero is super weak you are introduced to a dragon which the MC has nothing to do with, his superiors deal with it, but they can't because its so OP so the dragon is causing havok in the lands which have an impact on the MC in numerous chapters. While all of this is going on the MC is going through the normal main storyline. Eventually many chapters later he will deal with the dragon (as of ch 118 he has still not met the dragon as his enemy, I'm assuming in this arc he will kill it.... but again because of the way the author writes its not predictable)
5. Not Predictable
6. The MC has numerous struggles some more urgent than others (very much akin to normal life) - thus the MC lacks obvious OP-ness & needs to struggle to overcome not only physical but mental challenges.
7. Story moves at the perfect pace not too slow not to fast & you read through the chapters always wanting the next release.

The Bad:
1. Unnecessary need to hide power up - its placed in there so that when the MC reveals it everyone is shocked (an element readers love seeing)
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Enryu022 rated it
May 26, 2016
Status: c114
This is amazing story, reminds me ISSTH a bit, even the main character is a lot like Meng Hao. I really enjoyed that 100 plus chapters so far, it was slow at the beginning, but the story picks up later, now it's one of my favorites stories to look forward to.
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Raphael rated it
November 14, 2015
Status: --
I really like what this is turning out to be so far (chapter 30) it is by no stretch groundbreaking but I like how the series took a plot everyone uses and added a little bit to it like that island. Can’t wait for some of the secrets that the story has been building up so far to be revealed. I give it a 5 star when it should be a 4 because it is my hope that the series later on lives up to it since there are some... more>> great looking plot points scattered so far. I recommend anyone who is reading Eternal Life and likes it because it has a similar story but also to anyone who likes cultivation stories because this is a fairly standard one that everyone will most likely like if they are into this genre (which lets be honest everyone here should be =D) <<less
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Hgod369 rated it
June 2, 2022
Status: c350
1. Ok 1st let us remove the element in regards to the translation. Cuz its true it became tr*sh somewhere at 280+ (Currently reading on raws using chrome on phone... google trans this days are sometimes good idk)

2. I've read some reviews of people and it looks like they read a different novel. Because (Spoilers ahead)

-MC doesn't have the cliché ass ancient awesome crazy Parents/Background... Everything he has is through his efforts and some tiny bit of luck... MC father is just a confidante and worked for the... more>> 3rd prince and put to death for stealing a precious ring.

-Experience in the mortal prison island isn't so special as to be exact that was merely part of the mortal realm not even the lowest slums of the cultivation world difficulty.

-MC cheat (tiny bit of luck) the vampire in his dantian isn't so good as it looks as it's a sourced from a demon and is fatally flawed... To those wondering how he got it... It's from the rat YTM killed.

-Cultivation world is cruel so how do you expect a person with average talent and tiny bit of luck go bonkers every where and MC is no arrogant piece of tr*sh that attempts to test his plot armor at every turn and seek/court death. f*ck arrogant brain cell reducing s*upid MC'S and their authors...

-Some ask where the niece went? Well he sent her to the best sect in the nation available. After that how do you expect MC to have the time to care about others when he can't even take care of himself. He has done enough for a favor he received. He was given a chance to survive in the mortal prison island and he gave the niece to change her fate of a cultivator and experience a part of the real world hidden from mortals.

-At times MC can be a bit dumb but if you actually think about it in his POV this is reasonable as he is still in the begginer village (Yuan... Continent is actually just a small island) which leads to his ignorance and lack of knowledge (Ex. When he was dealing with the Demon feet/leg idk)

-For YTM... Yeah don't like her as well but remeber even the smartest and best of men can't beat hormones (look thorougout real human history). And MC is a virg*n (unexpirienced with girls / women) in a medieval/ancient time setting... He was taught how to survive in the mortal world during his tenure in the mortal prison island but not the ways of women... So don't expent modern 30y.o. knowledge in a less than medieval/ancient 20y.o. kid.

Overall, if you are looking for a rarely seen cultivation MC that is actually reasonable... this is for you. If you feel using some brain cells while reading... this is for you. If you don't, you will definitely find this dull and boring. <<less
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Queen of Sheba
Queen of Sheba rated it
September 7, 2017
Status: --
Mixed sentiments. This story is quite bemusing. On one hand, it has entire arcs brimming with great potential, which is...mostly fulfilled one can say. And then there are areas of this story, entire mini-arcs, during which nothing truly happens, the mysteries aren't even that mysterious anymore. The protagonist isn't who he believes himself to be either. It's almost as if the role the protagonist is playing has consumed him. So lost in a facade, that everything else has been forgotten. Leaving a man, clinging onto the smallest of attachments to... more>> keep him grounded.

Worth a read, but there parts of this story that almost seem as if its from a completely different novel. Be warned! <<less
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mrttao rated it
August 1, 2017
Status: c277
It is tolerable. Dumb MC, author telling us how smart he is, cheat... On the plus side the MC is not completely brainless, he just has his moments of s*upidity.

MC is absolutely obsessed with being low key and hiding everything, then complains the sect doesn't value him. He will even outright openly lie to them to make them not value him on purpose. For example when the elders are shocked by his fast cultivation, he lies and claims that he ruined his future prospects by using cheap pills that give... more>> a quick boost at the cost of ruining future progress potential instead of admitting he ate some demon meat which is harmless at small quantities, his elders constantly fail to notice how pure his energy is too (proving he lied about using the cheap pills), despite explicitly being able to detect it, they just fail to connect the dots and think about what they see and thus don't realize he lied.

And he also keeps on revealing his power at the end of the day anyways when his face is shoved into the great rewards the sect is offering... powers he explicitly hid earlier. so why not just show them in the first place? It would be better if he chose what to hide and what to show instead of hiding everything and then being forced to show and come up with excuses.

If you are looking for an ok fairly generic xianxia story, this hits the spot. Also, it seems like later chapters got better, mostly because he was away from the sect on a long term 4 year mission. Time will tell if things get bad again when he gets to the sect or if the author really improved.

edit: time won't tell after all. author dropped this (abruptly rushed an "ending" out of nowhere that didn't actually wrap up the story) to focus on his commercially successful story, which resulted in the translators dropping it too (despite there being 1200 additional chapters left to translate. by the time a new translator picked it up the original one was deleted so the first 320 or so chapters are missing) <<less
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Swiper rated it
February 3, 2021
Status: c21
I've read other reviews saying this was not cliche, but I feel the exact opposite. This has so many elements in it that have already been explored by other novels, and the creative aspects are completely ignored. Here's a list of cliche for future readers.

1.) Learns a variety of skills from a group of top criminals (Tales of Herding Gods does this way better)

2.) "Average Talent" going to a low-tier sect joining a weak faction (A Will Eternal, ISSTH and many many others do this as well)

3.) Nation-toppling... more>> beauties every other chapter (I've not seen a single wuxia/xianxia/xuanhuan novel without a stunning love interest or two)

4.) Mysterious parents who will probably be an integral part of the plot later on (ISSTH is the example I remember best, but this is a classic trope with countless other examples)

5.) Cheats: this time a secret cultivation technique, and an innate talent to split his consciousness (Cheats are in every single wuxia/xianxia/xuanhuan out there, but this one is a bit played down)

6.) Arrogant young masters, for example that Lei Zhou character, and the Mu girl (It's a bit different because they aren't exactly villainss, but they are arrogant young masters nonetheless)

7.) Random side characters talking to each other trying to reveal as much information as possible to the reader (Not really a trope, but something done often in other novels and is really annoying)

That's all I remember off the top of my head, but do realize that I've only read 20 chapters, so there might be plenty more in later chapters. And, just because it's cliche doesn't make a novel bad. What makes me dislike this novel is the fact that it pretends to be something it isn't. The author attempts to make the novel feel different from others, but looking into it, he/she just makes the novel boring and tedious as a result, without even succeeding in getting rid of the tropes. Lastly, I'd just like to say the translation is pretty horrendous. When reading this I alternated between the translated version and mtl version to keep my expectations low enough to swallow the grammar and wording.

tl;dr C for effort <<less
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jad14661 rated it
July 21, 2020
Status: c64
I really wish I read the reviews before reading this diary but I was afraid it would influence my thoughts during reading the novel but clearly it was pointless. Like people said, this guy is a kid who grew up in the worst prison known and has been thrown in just because of his dad but somehow after he gets his "second chance" he becomes a tortoise, it makes you think he's one of those side characters in a good novel who cultivates their entire lives in solitude only to... more>> die or get robbed by the MC. He gets taken advantage of but shows no reaction, he has no talent and it doesn't seem like he will improve anytime, all he has is a secret cultivation place like in martial god space except it refines his yuan qi or whatever its called, also some people in this story scheme towards him while he doesnt even know whats going on, this guy hasn't done one scheme I think, and this was kind of annoying while reading but there's a super hot chick with good talent in this story and our ret*rd MC can't help but stare and shout her name whenever he see's her like I thought he had a strong mind, obviously his little brother has more control over his brain than he does lol, he even goes to save her with no seeming rewards and exposes a trump card he shouldn't have, he even gets duped by side characters like an ens*aved ghost, he is a pu*sy too and does whatever anyone stronger than him tells him to do except for that one time he offended a senior just so he could not have his other seniors be uncomfortable with the new seniors presence even though he was dragged there by them, like he said himself no such thing as a free lunch at the start but he thinks he can get this epic Dark bone strength cultivation just cuz the senior is nice, this diary will just make you feel vexed because of the s*upid writing, if anyone is trying to read this because they're bored just dont, this diary will raise your expectations just to give you nothing in return, the novel synopsis is catfishing or clickbaiting you into reading it lol, rating 2 is generous on my part <<less
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