Dating the Strongest Boss


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【The entire world bullies you, hates you, and isolates you, but your world has light because of him. I hate this world! But I love you!】

Xiao Chen is an ordinary person, but the world he lives in is never ordinary.

Various bizarre deaths and spiritual events happen around him. One after another, countless passersby look at him with pity, as if they’re looking at a dead person.

Early passerby: I remember that this Xiao Chen died really tragically, and when he died… blablablabla, and… blablablabla.

Passerby in the middle: ? Why is Xiao Chen still not dead???

Late passerby: WHAT? Why is the Boss in a relationship with Xiao Chen???

Xiao Chen: ????

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cùng Boss Mạnh Nhất Yêu Đương
Fall in Love with BOSS in Horror Movies
Related Series
Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss (5)
I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games (3)
Misplacement Game (2)
Non-Human Seeking Re-employment (2)
Horror Game Escape Guide (1)
The Haunted (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. will read
  2. Completed Novels 1
  3. The Good Stuff
  4. Chrysanthemun (Translation Completed)
  5. To Read - Fully Translated 3 - Shounen Ai

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/12/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c49
10/05/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c48
09/28/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c47
09/23/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c46
09/21/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c45
09/16/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c44
09/14/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c43
09/09/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c42 part2
09/09/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c42 part2
09/09/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c42
09/07/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c42 part1
08/31/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c41
08/26/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c40
08/24/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c39
08/21/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c38
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32 Reviews

Apr 25, 2020
Status: c1
I enjoyed the first two chapters so much I decided to Mtl.

this story is very similar to "Boyfriend's Always Turned Out to Be a Horror Movie Boss" in that the Mc's

... more>>

are both cannon fodder characters in a story that originally bullied or mistreated the ML, but due to the unaware Mc's replacing the cannon fodder, ended up causing the ML to fall obsessively in love with them.


anyway, I'm really enjoying this so far. However the only problem I've had so far is in the second ark.


A group of teens (I think they're teens) are desperately trying to escape the sins of their pasts and - as a result of these sins - their impending doom.

I have no clue as of yet what sins these kids have committed, but there was one girl who just died and apparently her sin was being very promiscuous when she was younger and then...


getting an abortion.

??? How is this a sin punishable by death?

If I remember correctly, she got the abortion whilst she was 6 months pregnant, but I can't be sure because you know - it's hard to understand mtl sometimes lol. Most places ban abortions in late term pregnancies so I can understand how this can be considered horrible. Obviously her decision was already eating away at the girl, but I guess apparently she deserved death too lol. Idk I just thought it was ridiculous.


Aside from that - really enjoying the novel! <<less
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May 02, 2020
Status: Completed
I don't know how to describe it. It's fluffy and cute but at the same time sad and depressing.

MC and ML experience extreme torture both physically and mentally before or after they met.

It's a bit like the novel 'lover always on counter attack'. MC memory always reset. But unlike that novel ML too forget everything but in the middle he will regain it his memory again.

... more>>

ML is a virus and MC is a mutated movie data. It's was unlike any other QT novel, where the protagonists will basically return to their own world and stay their. MC and ML here were bound to jump from movie to movie.

And it's kinda sad, in their second world, the first world of the novel, ML stayed their until the end of life. He discovered the secret of the world after the world end. MC suffered half of his lifetime because ML came to him in the middle but ML suffered a long time after MC died.

The cannibalism town arc made me really depressed. It the plot of that arc made it turn around. It made me laugh because of the plot twist of werewolves.

And the first time they met, the arc with spirit of the glass but they use a pen. It's the second to the last arc, really made me cry.

The last arc, is very light though all the characters in the movie died. It's light compare to the earliest arc. (They killed each other (ʘᗩʘ’)).

HE, ml's hardship finally been rewarded. In the ghost eye arc, ML finally gather enough power to make MC finally unbound the shackles of the world. ヾ (*’O’*) /

BTW, MC is very cute. His every personalities in every world is not the same. ML is very possesive and crazy. If it's not a movie I think ML would bound MC's soul. I think that's what ML trying to do in arc one but he did not find MC's soul, only the end of the world did he realize that MC's soul already reincarnated in other movies.

✧\ (>o<) ノ✧ <<less
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Aug 31, 2020
Status: c31
It’s not to my tastes, the problem is that while I don’t mind the set up or the writing style, it becomes confusing as the arcs continue. It’s a baffling time because in the first arc it seems like they’re in a game/movie world and you’ll see that there are multiple players but turns out... only one girl is supposedly a player? Everyone else is an NPC? Is MC supposed to be an NPC or a player? But then the second world completely drops this plot line and just straightforwardly... more>> proceeds like a horror short story with MC and ML off to the side in their own world.

Both MC and ML aren’t badly written either, it’s just that they completely side step the plot. While the other characters run around trying to save themselves, it cuts to MC and ML just chilling to the side with minimal interaction with the rest of the cast. Rather than quick Transmigration, it just feels like several short stories with the MC having the same name and same mark but different personality. This especially comes through when transitioning from one world to the next, we cut immediately into the next world with 0 exposition.

Overall the story has a very interesting summary and decent start, but it gets confusing pretty quickly. Rather than quick transmigration, I would recommend reading every arc as a short story rather than one whole plot line. Granted, I only read two arcs before dropping so the story could improve later on, however I can’t find the patience to do so and will unfortunately have to stop here. <<less
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 23, 2020
Status: c98
3 words to describe this story

Possesive, repetitive and no plot.

Basically all the chapter between the starting and ending chapter have the same taste. Each chapter is short and ended quite abruptly despite the long explanation on the start and middle.

Although some of these repetititive story has interesting and touching parts but it was tiny proportion compared with the whole story, hence 2 star.
16 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 28, 2020
Status: Completed
3 stars (I accidentally pressed 2 stars and couldn't change it QAQ)

It started out interesting but became pretty boring and repetitive. Most arcs followed the same formulaic patterns.

The MC is way too passive and reliant on the ML for my liking. He just have to stand there in the palm of the ML's hands as an observer and the plot will carry on with or without him. The ML pretty much did everything and leads the MC around like a doting father helping his six year old cross the... more>> street.

Because the MC's personality tends to change somewhat with each world, I feel like that the author could have done more for the MC's character (s). But, in most of the worlds, he only alternates between the cold, facial paralysis type or the weak, innocent and pure type who cries quite easily.


My favorite arcs were the Death arc and the Demon Tree arc, simply because the MC was actually somewhat interesting in those arcs and showed some calculative initiative. Sadly, this wasn't the norm.


The ML really carried this story. He may be a stalkerish, creepy, obsessive, apathetic person who kills without batting an eyelash, but his love, dedication and absolute care toward the MC is admirable and pretty darn sexy. Overall, it was an okay read, mostly because of ML. It could have been much, much more if better executed. But, it helped pass the time. <<less
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Apr 25, 2020
Status: c52
It's a horror novel with romance. While it is not very scary, there are gory elements and a bit of mystery to MC and ML's past as well. ML is full-blown yandere. MC is no less devoted to ML. The backstory behind each horror world is sad and horrifying. MC is extremely smart and doesn't shy away from investigating clues even though he is so obviously being protected by ML (who is the BOSS of every horror world). MC and ML do not remember their previous world's at all though... more>> ML gets flashes of their shared past in some instances.

T/L - 10/10

Story - 7/10 <<less
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Jun 07, 2020
Status: c23
The jump to the second arc was very confusing... the story really lost me there and I decided I couldn't follow anymore. As another review mentioned, MC is super passive during the first arc and while I sensed his empathy for ML, I don't believe how his feelings turned romantic. ML is also creepy (sure, he's a ghost who is hell bent on revenge - I can respect that) but his post death love for MC is not sweet at all, just controlling and possessive. Again, that's fine if that... more>> was the overall tone of the story but it's like the author is trying to write it as their romance being all sweet and fluffy... overall, the story of a little all over the place. <<less
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Sep 21, 2021
Status: c18
It's like the "Boyfriend's Always Turned Out To Be Horror Movie BOSS" Bollywood edition.

The attraction was instantaneous, which is unrealistic but OK, but ML being obsessed and feeling possessive towards the MC right here and there? MC is super cool with it? Lol, he wakes up with backaches and countless hickeys, then there's already made breakfast, a strange ass shadow... He just asks the shadow about the food then glosses over the most pressing issue bruh.

What I mean to say is, MC's characterization is uncharacteristically bland. He's OK with everything,... more>> cold, detached, but somehow feels the urge to help the ML out, keeps saying he's not a holy mother but keeps saving dudes left and right anyway... So unappealing.

ML is, as I already mentioned, a carbon copy of sum random BL ML's combined with sum shady groping in between. No personality to speak of.

I'll be dropping this after arc 1, since I'm a firm believer that "if even 1st one is tr*sh, others can't be any better".

So, good luck to those that are planning to stay here lol, turn off your brain and you should be OK.

P.s: Tho translation is good, gotta give it to them. +1 star for it. <<less
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Nov 12, 2023
Status: c21
So, a woman in this story dies because she committed the “sin” of getting an abortion. This is presented in the story as a very morally wrong, so of course she deserves everything that’s coming to her.

I’m kind of laughing at the hypocrisy of a BL story taking this sort of stance. I’m used to these stories kind of hating on women, but this is new to me. The story was ok before this but I’m dropping because I just can’t keep reading after this.
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Oct 24, 2022
Status: c110
IT ACTUALLY PRETTY GOODS BUTT-! If you're the type of reader who likes soft gongs or you could say it's non-toxic lol you better back off, while reading this honestly for the early arcs my brain can still accept it. But it's getting harder and harder and I suggest reading it in the right mood, if you're not strong please leave it for a while and read it again when your mood is back.
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Da Xiao Jie
Da Xiao Jie
Jan 05, 2021
Status: Completed
This is a very good infinite flow story with a mix of horror/gore, survival games and bl. If this is your thing, definitely check this out.

At first, you might find this story confusing especially around arc 1-2 but if you keep progressing, all of it will make sense in the end, trust me. You just have to keep reading.

... more>>

The worlds/arcs are actually movies. MC is a NPC/character from the movie. So that’s why there will be a person from real world coming transmigrated into these movies and seems to know the plot. ML is actually a virus who fell in love with MC and he wants to take MC out from these ‘worlds/movies’.


The translation is quite smooth and has little to none grammatical errors so kudos to the translator.

Author’s writing style is more towards foreshadowing and ambiguity. But in the end, the mystery will get solved and you won’t left with questions (if you really pay attention to the story and details)

ML is very possessive and yandere. But it does stated in the description; I hate this world! But I love you! So readers should expect what kind of ML they are getting. Personally, I do like the ML. Contrary to other yandere MLs, this one doesn’t force MC and is actually listen to what MC wants (he will respect MC’s choices and grant his wishes)

MC is sometimes calm and indifferent and sometimes he is soft. But that’s actually quite understandable imo considering that he is actually

a NPC, he is not the protagonist of the movie at all sometimes, he is a canon fodder, the antagonist, or even someone completely unrelated

I find that I actually like all of his characters/ characteristics in each arc. <<less
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Aug 16, 2022
Status: c47
As I write this, I have read the first three arcs and I find mysel reluctant to continue reading. I would only be pressing on to see if there is some explanation for what is going on with the MC and ML.

So far, it feels like I am watching completely separate short lowish quality horror movies. What connects them is a person that always has the same name (otherwise MC feels like a different person) and an obsessive dead powerful lover. They don't have memories of the previous arcs, so... more>> it doesn't feel like smooth progression, just kind of repeating the same thing. The only scenes of the MC and ML are basically cuddling and the ML proclaiming he will protect his MC. Otherwise, they are kind of standing in the background and thus I formed no attachment to them.

The stories themselves are focused on the cannon fodder and a good portion of time is spent on describing their torture and death. A lot of gore and horror, but I must say I felt nothing while reading it. It's because it's obvious from the start they are just cannon fodder and will most likely all die, plus the story is too short to form any bond with the characters. The author didn't manage to make them come alive in my mind and thus I don't feel horrified no matter what happens to them.

Things are probably explained later on in the novel and it might bring the whole thing together. Maybe the ending part turns out to be amazing. Who knows. But... an awesome novel grabs your attention from the start and firmly holds until the end, where you feel sad to see it end. A good novel holds your attention since the start and then ends just in time when you are starting to lose interest. A novel that bores you in the first half (or more) and only starts being interesting towards the end, is not a good novel in my books. At this point, I would give this three stars, but I will wait and maybe eventually return to continue reading it one day. If the end part is also disappointing, then three stars would be too good. <<less
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May 20, 2020
Status: Completed
I really like the yandere ML!! Although for those worried ML is mostly just really obsessed and protective of MC for most of the arcs. Only for the last 2 arcs I suspect he shows the other aspects of yanderes (it is never stated whether he does or not).

The writing style though is quite confusing, especially with the scene changes. In the respect I really have to give mad props to the translator, they somehow managed to translate it such that its even more clearer than the original!

Also most arcs... more>> are pretty anticlimactic. MC and ML get together and the ghost encounter events are then totally seperate from them. It's still written but it's happening to another group of characters and doesn't concern the MC at all. It's pretty disappointing when this happens and loses the excitement for me, making me just want the arc to be over quick. <<less
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May 15, 2020
Status: Completed
Update: Changed the rating to 4.

Extremely grateful that someone picked up this amazing novel. Mind you, this is a quick transmigration story where MC and ML will always be in love in each world. This novel consists of 8 arcs. Yup, they're all horror and shrouded in mystery. Some arcs are hands down amazing while some are so-so. I love how the story unfolds as we go so we can also guess about the mystery behind the plot. The author writes the story in a very compelling way so that... more>> we're able to completely immerse into it. Every chapter keeps me wanting to know what's gonna happen next because it's that good. The atmosphere in this novel is eerie yet exciting. I also need to point out that the romance itself doesn't seem forced, which is a good thing. MC and ML are both loyal and love each other to death (like, literal death). MC is just a normal human, while ML is the BOSS. He's either dead or becomes a malevolent spirit and the likes. The fact that their relationship, in a kind of way, is so very twisted -- it's all very interesting to me. Romance between man and ghost! Sometimes I think this kind of romance is way better than the usual human-human romance. It's supernatural, eerie, and intense. This novel just broadens your views on just how much someone is capable of doing for their lover.

However, there's just a teeny tiny bit of dissatisfaction coming from me: sometimes, the timeline shifts from present to past, yet there is no clear indication of this happening. So, it's confusing. Even the change of scenes seems abrupt like it just happened out of nowhere. Especially if you're reading this with MTL, it's way way way more confusing.

My thoughts about the ending:


Sadly, the story ends really abruptly. It's like the author stopped writing about the last arc two-thirds of the way, then decided to pack their stuff and go. Honestly, they could've put more effort into it. I was also expecting some extras, but apparently, nothing. I wish there were more chapters dedicated to their origins and how their world works, since these were barely explained in the middle of each arcs.


As of now, there are only 30 chapters out of 110 chapters translated. Even after MTLing my way through most of the chapters, I can't help wanting to read the translated version. The translations are amazing and the translator's notes are very informative. Love that. <<less
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Nov 22, 2023
Status: --
Boring. No character development. Really disappointed since I was looking forward to it. The plot is full of holes. It's all just random. Each arc is a repeat of the previous. And world jumping pointless and sense less. I am kinda angry at the wasted time. Why would anyone consider giving it even 3 stars baffles me.

Dropped near end and jumped straight to last chapter.
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Nov 15, 2023
Status: c47
I read 3 arcs so technically I’m allowed to give out my 2-cents. I’m a big believer of this you never know until you try... but wow this wasn’t good lol. I appreciate the TL’s efforts, but this story was just not my type. I generally like this genre of MC being the only one that doesn’t die because of his golden thigh ML, but the pacing & execution was lacking. The third arc kind of sealed the deal for me.
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Nov 11, 2023
Status: c46
Dropped after 3 arcs.

First arc was interesting, brought up mystery but in a good way.

Second arc was terrible execution. Just terrible.

Third arc, similar to the first one as we got some actual thoughts and emotion from MC, but still so flat. There’s no engagement with any of the characters, the plot setup is shallow, the motivations are barely explained.

The fourth arc sounded just as bad so decided to drop here.

all the stars to the translator for the efforts.
but the actual story? Has some ideas somewhere but needs a lot of polishing. A lot.

Also, despite what the summary makes it seem, there is no humour. Just gore.
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Nov 28, 2021
Status: Completed
I'm not saying I don't get why this has low rating, but I'm going to say this novel still deserve at least rated 4 and not lower.

This is really Combination of Horror Gore with Romance but in Unique way.

The Mysteries that pilled up but also slowly revealed in every arcs. About the world and the relationship between MC and ML.

I really Enjoy how the novel written. So Happy that MC barely in Trouble in every world because ML would ALWAYS Protect him! If you want to read MC in Intense... more>> Situation, then it's NOT for you! But if you want to Enjoy a bit Rare Things in Horror Gore story where MC get special treatment and protection because ML would always there for him and won't let him get hurt Emotionally or Physically, with the Love and Intimacy between them is Always ALWAYS Loving Good, then it's For You!

MC is Lovable and Enjoyable character. His Weak or Strongness is all depend on every new arc.

It's nice sometimes reading Horror Gore novel where I don't have to be worried about MC. This is what I Want and LOVE and this Novel EXIST!!!


I'll pray for the rest of the story to be as Good and Satisfying!

Finished at 12 November 2023:

Finally the translation completed. Immediately rushed to read it. And I'm satisfied with the ending!

I won't call it Perfect, but it was so much better than I could even imagine.

I don't have any disappoinment and well satisfied. ❤️ <<less
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Apr 29, 2021
Status: c79
Please be aware that *The novel was dropped due to the translator having a busy schedule but they might pick it up again later.*

Note this stories arcs take place in different worlds. I though that it would take place in only one setting but there's different settings for each arc.

It's not bad but it does tend to get kind of repetitive. But it's not unbearable since I kept reading it but I did skip through some parts and arcs. It's good enough to pass the time but I... more>> have read similar books that I enjoyed far more than this one. Regardless it's not a bad story so far, if you like these kinds of stories and haven't read too many of them then I would give it a try.

If you read lots of stories with similar story lines to this you might not find it too interesting since you've essentially read this story dozen of times but if you're really fond of these plots nd don't mind essentially following the same ol' plot then, you'll probably enjoy it.

As far as the characters development goes- well I haven't seen much but it's still pretty early into the book and we haven't gotten to the main plot points in the arcs yet. We have some semblance of why they seem to be stuck in this never ending loop in their life but we don't know very much yet. <<less
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Mar 31, 2021
Status: --
This novel is not really my cup of tea. If I have to say...

• translation is good since it is chrysanthemum

• this novel is NOT focusing on character development of MC, it is more like MC is a observer or act as a third party of the story.

• usual horror BL novels with arches: story will move along with the MC as the lead. But this story: MC moves along with the story with cannon fodders as the leads (which means cannon fodders the ones that make the plot... more>> lines move on)

• If u want to read something like how MC gets stronger or how MC handles the mystery n stuffs. This is not for u.

• However, if u just want horrors. Then, this is okey. Good to past time too.

• Tho I dont mind weak MC, tho I dont mind yandere or ML with extreme possessiveness, I still feel not satisfied with passive MC (not adventurous enough for me) 😂 lol

• most parts of the 2nd arc whenever mentioned MC is when he is flirting with ML lol.. tho I dont mind eating some dog foods uwu.

• the transition between arc to arc is confusing. It's too abrupt

pardon my English 😅 <<less
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