Crossing to the Primitive


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At first, Lu Yu was dumbfounded.

Crossing to a primitive era, and the gold finger given to him is a game panel?!

Even if the game panel can retrieve the beast’s information and get the items dropped by them, which looks very practical.

But he is a weak chicken ah ah ah ah!!

Can he beat the beasts or the beasts will beat him ah! Very deceiving!!

Finally, Chef Lu Yu, who is about to live in the perilous jungle, meets the tiger-like Matai that eats nothing but raw meat.

Lu Yu wanted to be friends with the King of Matai only to find out his eyes full of blood staring at himself.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Crossing to the Primitive Society with a Game Panel
Related Series
Silly Spring Attack (4)
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Stone Age Husband Raising Journal (3)
Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe (2)
Travel to a Primitive World to Build Infrastructure (2)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Summery seems interesting
  2. My Cup of Tea~
  3. Infrastructure development
  4. Cooking/Food Novels
  5. Short list for under 100

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/02/24 GalaxyTL c36
05/02/24 GalaxyTL c35
05/02/24 GalaxyTL c34
05/02/24 GalaxyTL c33
05/02/24 GalaxyTL c32
05/02/24 GalaxyTL c31
05/02/24 GalaxyTL c30
05/02/24 GalaxyTL c29
05/02/24 GalaxyTL c28
05/02/24 GalaxyTL c27
05/02/24 GalaxyTL c26
05/02/24 GalaxyTL c25
04/30/24 GalaxyTL c24
04/30/24 GalaxyTL c23
04/26/24 GalaxyTL c22
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28 Reviews sorted by

Jwel rated it
September 1, 2020
Status: Completed
The story is nice. MC and ML's relation is so cute. ML's tribe mates are also funny.

I just felt that the ending was rushed.

I hope there is more.
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Logophile rated it
July 26, 2020
Status: Completed
It was indeed rushed but the story was amazing. It was a messy mtl, like I only had a rough understanding and the last parts were indeed not nice cause they were rushed to the point of me wanting more, it's four stars for the story but I rated this five stars because I hope the translators won't drop it.

I'm still looking forward to understanding it more clearly and detailed. It's really a tough life not learning the language of these novels.
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Regra rated it
July 5, 2020
Status: ct
Its really good. The ending was rushed and was a but confusing specially the last 4 to 5 chapters.

The idea is interesting and the MC is moderately OP. The side characters are cute too and their personality is diverse but almost all villains are have the same base personalities also I dont understant anything about the Last Boss. I mean the poor biss was killed so hurriedly and I dont know how.. It happened too quickly.

The story makes you read it and scream next! Next!
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Freyalily rated it
June 25, 2020
Status: Completed
The plot are interesting BUT

it was rushed end, there are many more things that make us question, like what about the development of side character love story, or their clan development.


The ending end with the the big boss died and MC want to get back their clan after the war to get marry with ML.


The story and character all on point, the concept are interesting too, MC are OP but not too OP (which is good for me), only downside is the rushed ending.
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ike_00000 rated it
May 29, 2020
Status: c17
V cute so far! Classic transmigration into primitive super strong tribe story, where the MC ends up in a cook / doctor / leader role. There are additional game and minecraft vibes as well. The story seems interesting and the characters seem cool. Not to say there's no plotholes, but there's nothing ridiculously incredulous at the moment. His golden finger is pretty shiny but as of the moment it's not too bad.

I'm excited to read more. Optimistically high rating as a show of support!

Thanks to the translating team for their... more>> efforts! <<less
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puffiness123 rated it
April 26, 2020
Status: Completed

Good story... I liked the idea of his golden finger system but the ending seemed abrupt. I would've liked it to be more expanded. The story reminds me of the game civilization.

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housyspecial rated it
April 18, 2020
Status: Completed
A very nice slice of life, romantic fluffy novel.

I love mc's cute interactions with supposed black bully tribe leader, Tai Li. I cheered for him the whole time.

Tribe life is very nice, especially the tribesmen.

Relaxing, slightly action-packed, and short but nice story. The romance is worth the read.
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TheLadyWhoLikesBoyLove rated it
April 17, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel is a primitive novel with a little bit of fantasy setting (cuz some people are super strong, some has fast regeneration etc) the flow of the story is very easygoing, there's also conflict in the relationship within the MC and mk which I like because it shows a more realistic approach in their relationship.

... more>>

So the MC has a game like panel where every death of animals has a item drop depending on the level of the animal or it's strength and rarity. After meeting the ml's people, the story shows that he can build a village which can be upgrade as the story progress where they only need to accumulate some wood, grass, etc. And the game panel would build the houses for them.


I like how chill the story is despite being in a primitive one, and that not all people are effin s*upid. <<less
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