Cannon Fodder Cheat System


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At first, when he learned that he was forced to go to many different routine worlds and be reborn into all kinds of cannon fodder, he was against it.

Because while villains usually all only have a moment of satisfaction, the endings of cannon fodder are also frequently quite miserable.

But the man who gave him the system told him that this system not only has all types of powerful functions, but he can also break the routine lives of the cannon fodder. If he achieves this satisfactorily for each world, he can even become a god.

He’s already experienced over a thousand reincarnations, but hasn’t yet been a god. Since it sounds pretty great, why not just try it out.

From that moment on, he began the irreversible path of tyrannically oppressing people, while conveniently tearing open those white moonlights and so-called righteous people’s hypocritical masks.

His goal: wearing the villain’s role to walk other people’s righteous paths, leaving them no path to follow.

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Hệ thống gian lận của pháo hôi
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  5. Qt prose parades!

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136 Reviews sorted by

Magz84 rated it
July 30, 2023
Status: Completed
Lots of negative comments about this novel. I disagree. It was a good read, though I admit it was kinda repetitive. I enjoyed most of the arcs but I feel most of them didn't change or affect plot in anyway. In fact you could directly skip a few. Wish the MC was a bit more independent at times.

It was an OK read but it kinda finished abruptly. An extra would be great to finish it off neatly.
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July 9, 2023
Status: --
I took a chance despite all the negative reviews and I wasn't disappointed.

It's not necessarily the best QT out there. I sometimes got frustrated because the MC was oftentimes in situations where he was alone and could very easily accept the memories he was supposed to, but didn't do so immediately.

Though it didn't necessarily affect anything, it was torture.
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April 9, 2023
Status: c224 part2
As others have said, it isn't a bad book but it's also not great. IMO the author wrote too many worlds and it just became a "he hopped into this world, did this thing and all was well. The end."

A world hopping book should be mini stories within a big story. This had a bunch of ideas but failed at making each world more than a summary.

It was an OK read, did its job as a time waster... But definitely not reread worthy.
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Soleane rated it
March 15, 2023
Status: Completed
I don't regret reading this, because it served its purpose of passing time; but the process was somewhat disappointing.

I feel like it started good, like a lot of QT novels. But this one, as the arcs kept going, just kept becoming more and more uninteresting. Although it had worlds I liked and even reread a few, by the end the only impression I had was that the last several arcs were just incredibly lacking and I was left disappointed by the general direction this novel took. I'm not sure what... more>> happened, if the author got bored or decided to rush or something else, or if they just weren't too inspired. QT novels can suffer a lot from being repetitive, but I usually don't mind. In this one I kind of did. <<less
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cherryb379 rated it
February 14, 2023
Status: Completed
I LOVED IT!!! I loved the stories and I love world hopping novels which are long and entertaining.... this novel checked both of them... sometimes u will feel irritated by the fact whether the people are so dumb to do those cruel things just because they are jealous and stuff... but yeah... turn off the logical part of ur brain during those parts and the rest is fine.. I love face slapping and revenge and a smart MC and an op ML (this have all of them)... thanking the author... more>> and the translator for bringing us this piece of gem 💎 🙏 <<less
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Staringatastar rated it
February 11, 2023
Status: Completed
This novel is to my taste and I'm enjoying it, but I feel like it comes with some caveats that I've thought quite hard about. 1. Is being rich and handsome and successful really that great? Does it mean others who strive for it are wrong? No and no. This book loves to focus on stories where the lucky from birth get this luck wrongfully stolen and die in regret. Maybe this could happen sometimes, but so many legitimately squander it. Don't go feeling sorry for rich people, they don't... more>> care either way, and many of them don't deserve it. I guess a more positive take away could be, rather than envying others, think of ways to pull yourself up. 2. Is public opinion king? The controlling of it? The direction of it? The golden chalice of life in these stories seem to be being able to casually conduct public opinion. The good guy can do this, but the bad guy can't. But public opinion is just public opinion. One conglomerate voice on a topic that is usually less informed and nuanced and introspective or inspective than the opinion of an informed individual. I always wondered why even democracies are lead by representatives, and I only need look at this monstrousity called "public opinion" 3. People seem pretty awful don't they? Maybe. Especially at a macro level. I think these stories' rhythmic descent into wronged death, rise to counterattack (based on the power of the system to "fix" the original), and landing at the ultimate happy ending (where everyone is returned to their proper positions) brainwashes readers into thinking the world is even more unfair and pessimistic than reality. Except for a magically enhanced superhero, no one can serve justice. But people in reality are also pretty inspiring. And I don't mean the kind of inspiring fueled by some system boosted crack. I mean the kind fuelled by real effort, or kindness, or sincerity. When someone paints for hours, so that they can create ephemeral graffiti in places people might never see, that's pretty cool. When someone who sees an accident stops and delays their day to make sure an unrelated human is OK, that's pretty cool. There's a lot of bad in the world, but there's also lots of pockets of wonder. 4. Is love at first sight really so magical? You know what love at first sight is? It's superficial love. All the loves in this story are superficial, and yes, I mean even the MC and ml's love. It's based on some instinctive chemistry upon looking at each other and kissing. They are rarely challenged by the same downs the "evil", benefits-based couple are challenged with, and so they survive to the end. That's the only difference. That's why in the original versions of the qt story, the "evil" couple usually also had a perfect ending. What's wrong with dating others to learn more about your needs in a significant other, or to learn more about how truly compatible someone who you had no instant "love" might be for you? 5. Can quality be ranked and assessed so perfectly? I think you can rank what most people would think are "top", "middle", or "bottom", but within each category, there's tons of person - by - person variation (for most things). Most people who get first or second could easily get their rankings altered based on luck and circumstances. Things like who is judging or what their role is could affect the ranking; so if ranking is so variable, how can people's skills be quantifiable or objective? 6. Isn't the MC so op? I almost wish he was. It's more satisfying (even if unrealistic) when a magically op MC who has accumulated all these skills from all these lives go and show others who's boss. But it's not nearly as satisfying when an MC who has lived all these lives and apparently not acquired anything remarkable from them starts magically increasing their skill to then go impress others. It's not the MC that's impressive, it's the magic. So he's not really the boss, the magic is. I was especially disappointed in one arc where the author got so close to letting the MC use his own piano skills to win a competition, but the MC still decides to artificially enhance it to ensure proper face slapping. And the ML is attracted by the skill sometimes, so is he actually attracted to the MC or his magic? All these caveats said, I found most of the stories entertaining. I love how strong and strong willed the MC is. And the translator (s) were pretty good. <<less
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dlover627 rated it
February 10, 2023
Status: Completed
It's not truely 5 stars, but right before this I read Quickly Wear The Face of Te Devil and and this story is as good as.

Its worthy reading.
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kirtil rated it
February 8, 2023
Status: c68
Besides the first 2 worlds/reincarnations, the MC did not have cannon fodder vibes, or the villains did not have major character vibes. It was just.. Lackluster. And with each reincarnation it turned more repetitive. It was boring to continue.

Also I really did not like the relationship between MC and ml. I usually do not go for yaoi genre because these things are presented as normal but here, in most if not all reincarnations, ML acted like a s*xual predator. Harassment, g*ooming and SA.. All the time.

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January 8, 2023
Status: Completed
The storyline itself is a little bland. There are no comedic elements whatsoever. It is just like reading a textbook and seeing how events proceed. There are some discrepancies here and there.

  1. Why did not his father kill the mermaid with the same blade that he used to cut his stomach open, but just heavily poisoned him and let him die? I think this is s*upidity. You already did so much like sacrificing your comrades and you for your son's happiness, then why not die together with the mermaid to end the problems once and for all?
  2. In the latter arcs, the MC started depending on the system more and more and likewise it started becoming more boring. I remember that in arc named 'Anyang Saga', he literally did not do anything himself but just used system to do this and that and he successfully counterattacked.
Well, the ending was quite good.
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KeraShr rated it
September 25, 2022
Status: Completed
Rating: 5 Stars

It was Awesome! Amazing storyline on all arcs! Worthy to Bing read on weekends!
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September 11, 2022
Status: c38
This is a novel full of reversals! It’s not about the characters (the MC is a Gary Stue with a golden finger that enables him to be good at practically anything and the ML is always OP in all the different arcs I read) nor the romance (which is pretty fast-paced and not all that interesting). It’s about face-slapping. In each arc, the MC plays the role of an undermined character—a canon fodder, basically. Usually this canon fodder is pretty useless, so the MC ups the stats of said canon... more>> fodder so that he can defeat the counterpart that has oppressed him.

This is actually not a bad premise. I’ve seen many Quick Transmigrations use this kind of development. But, well. I always feel that some of those “oppressors” are —well, not the oppressors themselves but their situation is—pitiful. If only because the MC doesn’t work for anything (like he really doesn’t, he’s just good at everything because of the golden finger). Meanwhile those oppressors actually put work on their skills and even spend their whole lives on leveling up. So, it’s a bit unsatisfying?? Like, yeah they’re pretty horrible. And the MC’s hosts are usually pitiful too. But it isn’t satisfying at all when the MC just succeeds without any hard work! Even just using tricks would have been fine! But nope. This all about beating down people with skills given by the golden finger. So... aghhh..

Anyway! I digress. I dropped the novel for that reason. It’s not bad, I think the unique settings of the different arcs is worth a look. Other that that though? Not really interested. Oh, btw, I didn’t rate the novel cause I didn’t get very far. So I can be sure if the quality gets better the further you go. <<less
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CocoShirley rated it
July 19, 2022
Status: c185
The story is interesting enough, but the ML is a r*apist. In the beginning it was not that bad, but in the last arcs, he takes what he wants. Like in some arcs, for the first time, MC was sleeping, or drunk, or actually considered as an enemy and interrogated, then taken by force. Other times can also be by force, when the MC didn't want to have interc**rse too. Being drugged to be forced for example. As I like (d) the story, I continued thinking it was only once,... more>> then twice. Then it was ok because MC likes the ML. But it happened too often, and often BEFORE the MC and ML get together. I am against r*pe, but I usually can put it behind me if It's once and not too much. But in the actual arc, it's litteraly r*pe after r*pe after r*pe. So I stop here. I will probably start reading this story again in the next arc, crossing my fingers the writer stop this aweful idea that r*pe is okay. <<less
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OuRyed rated it
February 4, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel is amazing, it very good, I liked each and every arc it was very entertaining, the system is too OP it's quite obvious that it was giving by the ML.

It was also disturbing how.: The MC is getting more sleepier, lazier in the later arcs letting the ML doing everything while his sleeping, eating, walking around, or lying down. And the MC & ML Being s*x addict. Even so it was still a good story to read. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
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December 3, 2021
Status: c127
There’s something about this story that makes me so uncomfortable. Especially when it was hinted that the antagonist might be the same person in all of the worlds. Maybe because it’s so tiring to see just face slapping? MC being too driven by revenge and antagonist being too brain dead is getting too overused.
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vralis rated it
November 10, 2021
Status: Completed
MTLed till the end.

I quite liked the stories, I don't ever want to see the suffering before the slapping, just slap-slap-slap!

But the ML is really... How to put it. The further in the story the more he seems like rapist and abuser. The main couple was together for a long time, but he does not remember it to somehow justify that behaviour. Nor does the MC for that matter.

... more>>

As for the repeatability of the story, well, it goes over and over to repeat the "real world" story of the main pair and the slag shou, who is ALSO transmigrating, and you could learn it before it is confirmed in the text - which is cool. I really despise slag shou and his mother and his aunt, and I am really glad ML found a way to help the MC. I guess the whole story was a very good way for them to relight the fire, 'cause they are freaking GODS and were together like FOREVER.

Add. I started re-reading it and it's really fun how the first world basically spoil the "real world" story, once you know where to look.


Overall enjoyable experience. <<less
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abyssalwitch rated it
November 9, 2021
Status: Completed
i actually like this novel a lot (I already read the whole thing). It's not that great but it's good. The way it was written was average but at the same time, have it's own taste. The way it was written was not boring at all. It's actually pretty fun.

the plot of the arcs r all repetitive but it doesnt make u feel bored at all. Well ig it depends on ur taste. And the settings of each arc is rlly good and unique like fr fr. Most of... more>> em r not ur standard qt plots

sometimes tho the ML makes me feel repulsive of him. He loves the MC to the point of obsession alright and that's good tbh but sometimes he uhm forces himself to the MC and welp whatever. Most mls r like that ig.

anyway to sum it up, it's pretty good. It doesn't make u feel things and it's pretty comfy to read. It won't make u sad or angsty nor will it make u feel happy and stuff. The only thing that this novel can make u feel is prolly the satisfaction after the face-slapping cuz the all original owners' destined end was pretty tragic and unfair so yeah

if u want a casual read without feeling heavy emotions then u can try this one. It's nothing complicated and it's good. <<less
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flowwa rated it
October 8, 2021
Status: Completed
ah, it is not that bad. I enjoyed the premise of each arc, every world was a little interesting. the problem was... that the main character was never a cannon fodder. in every single arc, the main character had the same identity that that's of a reborn protagonist. a protagonist who was wronged but is the legitimate child who was schemed against and then raises to power because, after all, he is, despite everything, still the protagonist. the main character is always more beautiful than the supposed son of heaven... more>> in each arc; he is always richer, has the better family, or is the legitimate child of the first wife. all of this makes sense at the end, but when reading the novel it feels... well, it feels that the main character is not a cannon fodder at all.

the main character is overpowered, which is nice. I like overpowered characters: the protagonist is always slapping faces and destroying evil. because! because the cannon fodder he supposedly is, is always an innocent person. (not very cannon fodder-y of him, of you ask me.)

the main character is vicious and cruel with his enemies... he is vengeful and really callous at times. he is always hugging the male lead's thighs in every world, so there isn't much conflict where the main character has to suffer or work hard. he has a cheat system that works for him and can literally control his body so that he can play the piano perfectly, or be an incredible martial artist; and he also has a lover who is always more powerful than him and lives just to spoil him and to tell him to leave everything to him so that the main character only has to open his legs and be beautiful. I would have liked for the romance to be more developed, because it was almost null and that was disappointing. the male lead always fell in love at first sight with the main character and then they were already in bed...

the male lead is... ah. he is the cold, overbearing type, who only thinks with his m**t stick. he r*ped the main character several times, and there is even an arc where he literally poisoned the main character so that he would be aroused against his wishes so that the male lead could have his way with him. (this was a ger world. the main character doesn't want to get pregnant, but does the male lead care? of course not. the main character must have the male lead's children.)

but it wasn't that bad. it could have been worse, you just have to ignore what you don't like. you can still read without spitting too much blood. at the end, many things make sense. sometimes, arcs are rather similar, different just in that they take place in other worlds, other times, other dimensions...; so reading this can be rather repetitive.

the antagonist is s*upid. so s*upid. the antagonist is a spoiled child who can't do anything but act pretty and scream when things don't go the way he wants them to. I was so tired of him. he was jealous all the time, but at the end he would repent... he would say: if I can live again, I will not act like this anymore. HOWEVER! however, once the antagonist went back to his original world, with all of his memories intact, he still didn't change. he was still the same. so that was that.

the three main characters (protagonist, love interest and antagonist) aren't well defined, and there's not development in their characterization.

all in all, this is a novel to read to pass the time while your brain is offline. not good, but legible. rather trite and bland. <<less
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August 22, 2021
Status: c128
I generally like QT stories, and while it's true that the MC and ML are pretty bland, I actually felt like the stories themselves were interesting enough to make up for it? To make it a 3-star rather than a 1- or 2-star novel.

But even though it's 1vs1, the ML is predatory af. Like, okay, technically they've gone through the romance several lifetimes, but the ML doesn't actually remember it, and after a few arcs, as soon as he meets the MC, he's very selfish and disrespectful, immediately taking advantage.... more>> Like, I know the MC is more or less into it, or making excuses because they're lovers, but in the context of the arc... you two literally just met, the MC hasn't given a green-light, and the ML is just thinking with his dick. If not for the nature of the 1vs1 QT setting, he'd just be a scumbag since otherwise there'd be no guarantee he'd take responsibility - especially with his identity always being incredibly powerful and the MC's identity always being powerless and in distress at the time of transmigration.

So, I can't continue reading it, that's just my personal feelings about it. Low star rating is actually due to the lackluster characters, since the arc plotlines are actually more interesting than the characters. <<less
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plainbreadstick rated it
August 3, 2021
Status: c133
Repetitive but good enough to satisfy my boredom (so not god awful).

Starting off with good points first. I find that the romance between the ML and MC is very sweet. I also quite like the settings of the worlds in a couple of them. The face slapping is somewhat satisfying. The ML and MC are decent enough people so there’s not much to say.

Bad points, the characters (although the ML would personality would differ slightly it’s not worth mentioning) are basically the same every arc. The romance between the MC... more>> and ML have no spice. Sure, it’s sweet as f*ck and I adore a lovely romance without any complications but it goes the same boring way.


The MC or ML stare into each other’s eyes and find out that the other is their beloved (the ML just falls in love at first sight in this situation since he can’t remember the past lives) and immediately make out. Great, I love a good occasional make out session but every arc follows the same f*cking pattern. Stare into each other’s eyes, figure out you love each other, make out and then f*ck over the enemies with the ML’s godly status (although the MC isn’t weak the ML’s status sure helps a f*ckton).


Where’s the slowburn? The dumbassery? I wished we got actual new ways they fell in love. I don’t oppose the whole, “I fell in love with you at first sight” but write it well. Complaint about the MC though, I don’t like him that much. He’s kind of bags it all on his system (doing amazing things ex. Raising a skill stat, changing your appearance, etc, just overall op) and isn’t as impressive as I would’ve thought. Sure, smart enough for the schemes (maybe it’s more that the villains are idiots?) but god is this sh*t bland. The antagonists as well are the same. They’re dumb, irrational, a white lotus and such. They follow this pattern (once again) and it isn’t satisfying since the antagonist is such a dumbass. Sometimes I kind of feel bad for them but their ending I felt was well deserved enough.

Overall, a decent story to read. Not awful but not that great. Recommended to read if you’re bored and want to read a world hopping novel as this novel clearly is missing some parts. Is however bland but qts are always enjoyable. <<less
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timma rated it
June 7, 2021
Status: c181
Feels a bit like it's following a QT template. Instant love and early encounters on all arcs. Oh and ML is somehow always rich and powerful. All arcs are excessive with revenge to the point where I'm surprised he doesn't run over the poor cannon fodders dog. Like often the cannon fodders parents disown them, they get disfigured, or throw in jail. Sometimes all of those..


... more>>

Some of the notes in spoilers may be off, on ones I read a while back, I remember enough to know I don't want to reread, but may be off on specific details


Arc 1: Gourmet Food Heir


A bit of a bore on reread. A solid part of this is the dragged out process of getting vengeance on father and half brother. He could have solved this one in a single chapter if he didn't want to drag it out.. the rest is just a very bland food slice of life.


Arc 2: Unstable Chinese Republic


weird setting/ kickoff thankfully short.


Arc 3: Interstellar Internet Celebrity Live Broadcast Competition


got crazy, quickly...


Arc 4: Prince of Piano


probably most cliche mxm qt type arc so far.


Arc 5: Survival Games


typical but was good on first read


Arc 6: Legend of the Holy Light


I typically hate this type of setting. I still do.


Arc 7: Supermodel Competition


poor entry point, dragged too long


Arc 8: War of Mechanic


Another super early ML golden finger. Like I'd like him to solve stuff without the ML being an essential part of plan..


Arc 9: True or False Mermaid


another super early get together with worst power balance. Pretty much pointless.


Arc 10: Artistic Life


not huge on relationship here. Very dramatic backstory. Three different translators for this arc probably didn't help flow.


Arc 11: Game Developers


starts off sane but gets out of control quickly. Lots of physical violence in this one that seems OOC AF. Nothing really unique.


Arc 12: Life of Music


super disliked setting here.


Arc 13: Story of Anyang


Arc 14: Rebirth in the Apocalypse


Arc 15: Immortal Dao

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