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Yan Qi Feng is my husband.

He became violent and eccentric after losing his sight, always trying to harm himself and refusing to eat, attempting to end his life.

So I told him:

“The Zhang family’s dowry is all prepared, once you die, they will take me over.”

He was so angry that his teeth chattered, and he roared: “Even if I die, I’ll make sure you’re buried with me.”

But the next day, the food that had remained untouched every day was all eaten up.

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8 Reviews sorted by

Furrina rated it
June 4, 2024
Status: Completed
Simple and sweet. ML is a blind suicidal scion, MC was "bought" by his family as a bride/caretaker for him. There is no drama. In-laws genuinely want to include him in business decisions and important family functions.

ML cleans up his act and eventually starts opening up after learning that his childhood rival proposed to marry his "widower".

The best part about this story was that ML wasnt magically cured of his blindness. He is blind when starts taking an interest in the business again, still blind when he takes over as... more>> the Head of the company. He is still blind (with almost no chance of recovery) when he finally starts pursuing the MC for real. It was a breath of fresh amidst all the magical cure-all happy endings. <<less
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SheTurnedMeIntoANewt rated it
May 1, 2024
Status: --
Super soft and cute.

it’s a bunch of vignettes following two people learning to have hope for their own futures together by first having hope for each other.

short sweet and totally worth a small diversion, but don’t expect anything ultra deep lol.
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Staringatastar rated it
May 11, 2024
Status: Completed
I agree with the author, this short story was like a warm sip of soup on a winter day. So comforting and heartening. I especially needed this after reading a longer, more nonsense story (rebirth to marry a disabled fiance). They were so similar in premise, but this one was more realistic, with more sympathetic characters and a better execution overall.
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Fisukisuki rated it
May 5, 2024
Status: Completed
Agreed with the translator, I love them so much.

It's truly a Healing story. It's also story of Healing and Learning.

For MC, he had to learn new things and see more. For ML, he's recovering and keep going with goal and then a reason to live, but in a very Healthy way.

Truly Heartwarming story and Emotionally touching. I'm Absolutely LOVING IT!!!
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Michelle-08 rated it
July 19, 2024
Status: Completed
It's a short, sweet and pleasant read, but nothig special.

If you want something to pass time or just wanting to take a short break after reading too angsty stories, then this is for you.

Although I like the story but this is not something I would reread again. Recommended if you like something short and no angst.
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HiddenHermit rated it
May 2, 2024
Status: Completed
Okay novel. It was surface sweet... lacked depth. Still, since it's a short story it's okay if you're looking for a bite sized story with a low angst level.


MC married ML cause ML's family paid him 80 million. ML was blind and had given up on life. Due to some coincidences with MC, ML started to accept his disability and started to work in the family business again.

Later, ML divorced MC and helped him to join the orchestra. Then ML pursued MC and they became a real couple.

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CieloPA rated it
July 27, 2024
Status: Completed
It's a short story but it's very sweet, I felt it like the summary of a long story with a happy ending. MC and ML are sure of what they feel after separation and love blossoms, I loved.
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mxii rated it
July 1, 2024
Status: Completed
I cannot fathom this story being given a rating lower than 5. It's short, but caught me in the feels and did everything right in the time frame it had. It's well written and had me cheering for a very beautiful love story.

If you need a bed time story, or can't go to sleep without reading something to feel fulfilled, then I highly recommend this even more.
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