Black Moonlight Holds the BE Script


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The rebel army leader swung his sword to my neck on the city tower, as I faced a dead end. Then, with a huge grin, he said to Tantai Jin, “Between your wife and Miss Ye, only one can live. Who are you going to pick?”

The system cautiously looked at Ye Bingshang, who was crying, and said, “Master, he’ll pick you.”

“Let Ye Bingshang go,” Tantai Jin ordered without hesitation.

“Uh oh,” said the system.

“Uh oh,” I said.

“Tantai Jin must know that your family is large and owns a lot of property,” the system remarked, reassuringly. “As a result, he must think that the secret guards will save you.”

Tantai Jin thought similarly. So, on that day, in front of 300 thousand men, I smiled at him and jumped off the city tower, beneath his shattered gaze.

I didn’t even leave a complete body behind for him.

So, this is the ‘BE’ ending that I have chosen for Tantai Jin.

As the new emperor, Tantai Jin’s hair turned white overnight in the first year of Jinghe. Then he turned into an insane devil that slaughtered the city, even beheading Ye Bingshang.

And after Nirvana, I, who had already seen through these few years of hopeless love, returned to the immortal cultivation realm. Being a little fairy makes me happy too.

Many years later, I’m claimed to be the white moonlight of a fallen divinity throughout the immortal cultivation realm.

Tantai Jin had never sobbed in his entire life. No one had ever witnessed his frail state, even if his eye was gouged out and his meridian veins were cut.

That was the day that everyone will remember for the rest of their lives. With blood and tears streaming down his cheeks like beads, he pleaded for mercy.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Hei yue guang wen na be ju ben
Till the End of the Moon (drama)
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Adapted to Drama
  2. Because of drama
  3. in the cultivation world
  4. Novels actually worth reading and (gasp) re-readin...
  5. ML so red that they're green

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34 Reviews sorted by

7starkiller99 rated it
August 25, 2021
Status: Completed
Warning: Novel is not true enemies to lovers, more of a Saving the Tragic Evil ML. At no point does the MC treat the ML bluntly as an enemy. She waffles too fast. Novel is not bad ending, and has absolutely no pretense that it will end bad. Novel only has tragic backstory, with happy ending for Mc/ML couple. The Romance is Moronic, Nonexistent, and all sorts of Offensive (and also starts near the end). You should have 0 Sympathy for either of the main characters if you at any... more>> time use your brain to question their actions!

Above All The Novel is NOT Recommended for any sane person to read!!! You probably will enjoy it though if you're on an evil protagonist roll (MC is mainly faking acting good).

Massive Disclaimer: The ML is an Evil disgusting weirdo rapist who enjoys torturing the MC the whole way. The MC is a hypocritical weirdo sand sculpture Mary Sue s*x figure.

TLDR Spoilers:

So, the MC is this perfect beautiful magical girl sent back in time after being pampered in her sect to kill the demon king. She proceeds to not do that, be okay with the demon king acting incredibly devilish and killing all sorts of people and having them r*ped etc, and then be all super sympathetic for poor demon baby guy (because she's a total psychopath herself). Anyway things get complicated with MC oh so comedically trying to hypocritically and not really stop ML as he mu*ders tons of innocent women and men and do all sorts of atrocities for power. (Author loves to play up that ML isn't bad it's just his nature haha so it's fine to mu*der people and do evil stuff especially since he has tragic backstory.) MC fakes her death teehee and then ML kills tons of people. ML before r*ped MC and had tons of fun torturing but boohoo he feels sad after he has MC killed. Anyway later MC comes back and says I love you but I don't love you and they both romantically die together then get happy endings. Forget all the suffering of the other people involved because we do not care about non-protagonists. This is disgusting


The novel is incredibly disgusting.



First off, both the MC and ML are psychopaths. The ML is at least an open evil monster but the MC acts like a hypocrite the whole novel. All she had to do was restrain the ML but no she tends to enjoy being useless damsel in distress or messing around. It's incomprehensible what she does and even more so given her goal. Side characters have very little anything to them other than Mc's mom and her cultivator brother whose past lives appear early on. Anyway countless atrocities later, MC is still unwilling to talk to anyone in the past about the dangers of everything and is super useless. Luckily ML provides MC with easy motivations and stuff to do so she just dies. The biggest issue of the novel is how the MC is a initiativeless character driven by others who not only acts out of character immediately after saying she shouldn't but also is shielded by the author from any sort of consequence ever. Tr*sh. Beyond this, at no point is any action done by the MC to warn anyone about the ML, nor does the MC explain any of the Ml's actions. As for ML he can't communicate or be honest to save his life. Both MC and ML are very much spoiled in terms of their identities and in the way they act even though the ML was a demon baby who killed his mom after being born lol; during which nobody acted to save her. There is a sheer cliff of s*upidity you encounter here that cannot be climbed no matter what.


Good Stuff:


The author is good at creating locations for people to travel to. Both Main Characters are true scum who seem like they would easily love each other so they truly have good compatibility. Novel has an actual ending.


Do not trust anyone who thinks the main characters here are justified in any way, shape, or form. The Male Lead is in no way a yandere, being more of a generic evil guy.

People who like these kinds of novel are genuinely disturbing.

Novel is an interesting window into the writing of a crazy demented author. Somewhat similar to wish fulfillment except hopefully the author hasn't mu*dered tons of people after their own tragic backstory.

Sincerely not recommended: -40Hextillion/10.

Sidenote: Novel brought to you by the we love evil company!

A classic Chinese novel where evil people get happy endings for being evil [TM].

Remember that in these edgy Chinese novel worlds all you have to do is be a mass mu*derer terrorizing and killing people and then some Mary Sue most beautiful woman will be airdropped in and soon be forced to fall in love and have vivid s*x with you! Turns out breaking the world gives you a super sexy reward! Sure she will complain sometimes but your tragic backstory will do wonders on her and she'll be drooling over your body! Oh and she'll develop all sorts of creepy s*x kinks too to boot! She's super submissive to your craaazy requests except now and then she'll try and harass you or tell you to stop being evil out of nowhere during your happy mu*der spree. Better yet she'll be extremely underage compared to you! Join the insanity! Oh and there are 0 (Zero!) consequences for anything except another sexy tragic backstory! Just get reborn and poof all good. (PS if you want something to read like this read: I Became the Villain's Pendant. Not quite as drastic but the female MC is your perfect blend of submissive and accepting!)

Bonus (If you actually managed to get this far) : novel is somewhat weak on emotions since it's all based on you liking the Mary Sue MC and Super Evil ML and wanting her to "change" him into a handsome love crazed blob. <<less
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FrostyDragon rated it
April 30, 2023
Status: Completed
Warning: do not read this novel if you want a romance fantasy novel where the romantic parts are idealized and the main couple are only nice to each other. If you can't stand main characters who do actual evil stuff and are unapologetic about it, or you can't tolerate s*x scenes with dubious consent, then you should skip this novel.

I would attribute most of the low ratings to the fact that some people ignore the tags and TWs and then read a novel that is clearly not meant for them.

Now,... more>> is this novel perfect? No, some parts are kind of weak, like the author didn't completely plan every part of the plot, or forgot to tie certain plot elements together to make the story coherent. I would say that's the biggest flaw of this novel, and a fair rating would probably lean more towards 4 than 5 stars. But I was hooked throughout the story, and the chemistry between the FL and ML are worth 5 stars alone.

This is a good novel for those who love morally grey characters, or rather, enjoy unapologetically evil and ruthless MLs. I became a Tantai Jin apologist pretty early in the story and firmly rooted for him until the end. Is he evil? Yes. Psychotic? Yes, for a big part of the story. As another reviewer pointed out, that's the root of his problem and one of the reasons the reader and the MC/FL should feel sympathy towards him, because he is a sick person and the evil bone and his tragic upbringing are the reasons why he's not a normal person. Can he be held responsible for his actions? That's of course a big question, and I don't think the novel fully explores that theme, but I would say he had little chance of becoming anything other than a nutcase and his quest for power - as a method to prevent from being hurt since most of the abuse he suffers comes from being completely powerless - is understandable in context.

Some readers here complain about the way Tantain Jin abuses Li Susu (the FL/MC), but I would say those complaints come largely from a bias - many readers subconsciously always side with the MC in a story, and have more empathy towards women who are being abused than men who suffer abuse.

But considering how the MC treats the ML for most of the story, especially in the mortal arc, I can't help but think that the ML just gave her back in kind. What he did was bad, but as far as he knew, she abused him to a horrifying extent:


Tantain Jin doesn't know that Li Susu took over Ye Xiwu's body. So as far as he knows, his wife in the beginning tortures and humiliates him. Sure, it gets somewhat better after LSS takes over, and he does notice that she starts helping him and becomes somewhat nicer to him. But she makes it clear she doesn't actually care for him and still treats him either as an enemy or as a tool. He thinks she saves him because she needs him alive to help her with the aphrodisiac poison, since that's the only reason the Ye family let them get married in the first place.

The ori!YXW is evil. She plans to give her older sister (who never did anything to her) the aphrodisiac poison which is extremely cruel, which would force Ye Bingchang to have s*x with a man she doesn't care about, not just once, but repeatedly, otherwise she would die. She does this only out of jealously and one-sided love for a man who doesn't love he. The ML prevents this and uses her scheme to save himself, punishing her with the poison while doing so. I think ori!YXW deserves this, her method of getting rid of a love rival (her own sister) is too awful.

After TTJ and ori!YXW get married, she treats him like a s*ave, tortures him and humiliates him on and regular basis. He has every reason to hate and despise her. After LSS takes over the body and starts saving him, she still only does the bare minimum. She doesn't treat him like a person. She saves him from the worst humiliation from the prince, but lets him sleep in a cold shed and doesn't even let his hand (that got crushed during the prince's bullying/torture) get basic medical treatment.

So until LSS stabs the needles into his heart, one could argue that most of the stuff he puts her through is not really the equivalent of what she did to him.


As for the things he does to her that really makes her hate him and could be called the worst abuse:


Tricking her into mu*dering Xiao Lin is obviously the worst, but LSS does realize that 'all's fair in war' and that TTJ took the easy way in trying to win the war. It's traumatizing to her, and he does have sinister motives (wanting to force her to come back to him because he's subconsciously fallen in love with her but don't know the right way to win her heart), but he didn't have a reason to let sympathy for her win over his war strategy.


Personally I think both ML and MC did bad stuff, but both were kind of justified to some extent, but I have a harder time forgiving the FL for how she treated the ML in the beginning.

About the tags 's*xual abuse' and 'rape', which probably is what put off a lot of people reading this novel:


Calling what happens between TTJ and LSS in the mortal arc 'rape' is a stretch. He was responsible for giving the aphrodisiac to ori!YXW, but it was a way to save himself and Ye Bingchang (who no matter what did at this point not deserve to have her life ruined in such a cruel way). He didn't take advantage of the effects until LSS lost her protection against the poison and was about to die from it. So him sleeping with her is of course a sort of punishment for her, but he could also have let her die, and she herself was aware that she would do anything to survive, even have s*x with him. He didn't destroy her antidote, she put herself in a situation where it got destroyed.

So it was an issue of 'f*ck or die' for LSS, and they both wanted her to survive.

Also at this point she had tried to kill him - after he saved her life (and she was the one who put herself in danger). The nails that she stabbed him causes him an enormous amount of pain that goes on for the rest of his life. He doesn't know why she did it, only that after he fell in love with her, she tried to kill him. I think it's normal to be vindictive after something like this happens.

Him putting her in a prison cell and later on not getting her medical treatment mirrors how she treated him in the beginning - it's cruel, but not worse that what she did to him. It's the mentality of 'as long as the person is alive, she doesn't need to be comfortable or healthy' - this was exactly her attitude towards him.


So if readers blame the ML for treating the MC inhumanely, they should also blame her, because she did the same to him.

There is one other scene were the ML takes advantage of the FL and is on the verge of raping her, but he never goes that far. At this point he is still affected by the evil bone and have no understanding of right vs wrong. He acts like a child, although of course it's still uncomfortable for the FL.

I actually think it was worse when she did it, since she should have known to have compassion for all human beings - I understand why she didn't (she grew up thinking of him as evil incarnate who mu*dered a lot of her sect members and even her beloved senior sect brother), but she treated him as a thing, not as a person, when he hadn't done anything to deserve it.

The ML never learned how to treat other people as human beings, he was sick because of the evil bone and traumatized on top of that because of his upbringing, and the MC never explained why she did what she did or tried to help him when she had the chance.

Only very late does the MC realize that she was prejudiced.

The plot overall is good, and dynamic between the ML and MC is very interesting. I liked how they had a sort of 'bickering couple' dynamic in the beginning and being a weird monster-slaying duo that work very well together despite their mutual animosity. It's also refreshing with a FL who's strong and kind of badass and who can (and will) beat up the ML when he doesn't behave.

Also TTJ's kink is hilarious - I kind of wish the author had


added a scene or two of how their married life played out, because the ML really liked being beaten up by his wife a little too much lol


The side characters are good, although I found the first dream arc with Ming Ye and Sang Jiu was a little too detached from the rest of the story and the characters not that compelling. Also Ye Bingchang became too much of a


stereotypical evil SFL - she had no real depth to her character, only there to cause trouble, make the FL jealous and cause misunderstandings


About the romance: The way TTJ develops feelings is quite well-written. He's like a child who doesn't understand anything and doesn't know how to behave, so he repeatedly does the wrong things.

LSS's feelings were not so well-developed. I think the author simply forgot to write when LSS falls for TTJ, because it's heavily implied many times in the last arc that LSS fell in love


during the mortal arc, and the turning point was when TTJ embroided the bridal veil for her. This is also seen by the fact that her biggest grudge against him is that he seemingly chose Ye Bingchang over her, and she clearly has jealousy towards YBC when she's back in the immortal realm, even though she completed her mission and logically shouldn't care about YBC and TTJ. But she obviously was upset that he chose someone else over her, even though she should not expect someone she tried to kill to have any compassion for her. On the other hand she seems to not have much problem with having slept with him in the mortal arc even though that should logically be more traumatizing for her if she didn't care about him at all.


The problem is that it's not really shown how LSS falls for TTJ until long after it happened - the author doesn't really show how, or show how LSS actually had some internal struggle when it came to killing him. But it can be argued that the MC was in denial about her feelings until


after the last dream arc where she realizes how much TTJ cares for her and also how much she and everyone else were prejudiced against him and never helped him


But generally the story is good, and there are a few tear-jerking moments.

About the ending - there are two versions (sort of) :


A tragic 'BE'/bad ending where TTJ sacrifices himself for the world and dies, (mistakenly) coming to terms with the fact that he will never be loved, but learning to love others. LSS finally realizes how lonely and tragic his life was. But the BE ending is immediately by a happy ending. LSS is forced to endure what TTJ endured for her sake (minus the nail torture - she really doesn't suffer even a fraction of what he suffers) - seeing her lover die and leaving her to grieve, spending centuries looking for his soul. Ironically it's their daughter that finally finds him.


Personally I thought the ending was really good and made up for some of the shortcomings of the novel. It ends very sweet and while I wished there had been more extras with their married life, it was still satisfying.

It's not a novel for the faint at heart, but it's still a good story if you like romance xianxia with strong and morally flawed characters, demonic vs righteous CP, enemies to lovers and an overall good plot and good writing. There are even some cute side characters to make up for all the angst (the tiger demon was my favorite along with Ah Mi). <<less
38 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
November 15, 2021
Status: c79

Have you ever read quick transmigrations with somewhat tragic BEs for the a$$hole/villainous ML? Eg. "Show Off Once in Every World", "Transmigrated Canon Fodder, Please Calm Down!", "Ex-GF Blackens Every Day".

This story is like one of those mini story arcs, cept the ML is woobified & gets a happy ending. Oh, & apparently, readers sympathize more for the abusive megalomaniac narcissist than the FL.

That's not to say the FL doesn't have her own flaws. But it's paradoxical to see many reviewers/readers chastising her for being both too sympathetic (not unaliving... more>> or completely restraining him) while also saying she should have been nicer to him.

On that note of sympathy & "hypocrisy"...


- she does not kill him initially when he's weak because if she doesn't disable part of his power first, he'll just revive into a stronger version of himself. This is said Multiple Times.

- her goal is to kill him as he is the future Demon Lord — this title meaning less of the cutesy storybook archetype or the woobified fanfic Bad Boy, but a genocidal, cruel, sadistic mu*derer. The author covered how cold/inhumane he was pretty extensively with how he enjoys torturing & killing those who offend him & how he fails to understand human compassion/morality from a young age

- she sees his tragic past & sad childhood, & actively tries not to sympathize with him, as this will mess up her ability to carry out her mission & kill him for everyone's good


So it's not that she doesn't understand her mission or that she doesn't see his pain. There're some conflicts here that are pretty well covered (repeatedly) by the author, in-text.

I'm also baffled by how much readers sympathize with him, while failing to sympathize with her. She (both ex-Xiwu & Susu) undoubtedly abused her power & privileges over him from the beginning of their marriage, making his bitterness understandable. Readers see that. But somehow they fail to also understand her hatred & desire to not submit to him/not be with him romantically... ?

Like??? This man kills (present tense) people indiscriminately. He also takes every chance available to humiliate & entrap her — obviously she's not going to be fond of him?

Even completely ignoring their history before Susu became Ye Xiwu (eg, his abusive childhood & her war torn future), they both do terrible things. Actually, she's trying to keep him alive (so she can kill him after disabling his Revive Button), so it just reads like he's constantly abusing her after she rescues or heals him. Eg. The attempted wasp mu*der, the dream mu*der attempt, the drowning in mud/swamp attempt, the jumping off the boat attempt, the thing with putting her in a cage. Etc.

At some pt, I was only reading so I could get to the part from the summary where he'd regret treating her so poorly. Unfortunately, that pay off was... not enough. :/ <<less
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fujisaku rated it
May 11, 2022
Status: Completed
  1. This should be tagged "wife chasing crematorium". I don't think this is yandere, because ML was not sweet enough.
  2. Not sure why people are complaining about the ML being a psychopath, because that's the point of the story.
Now, the reason why there is so much sympathy for the ML is exactly because he was a psycho. This is not an insult. He was really ill. There are a lot of debates about whether or not a psychopath should be held accountable for their action. Even when ML tried to do right,... more>> he was simply too clumsy. Even though he tried hard, from the FL's pov, he kept letting her down due to his special condition.


Later on, she discovered, she was the one who failed him.


You don't call a wolf evil for eating a sheep to survive. However, it's not entirely impossible to tame a wolf. The thing is normal people just don't keep a wolf as a pet.

The abuse of ML can make readers sympathize with him. However, the more I dig into it, the more I understand, that it's not just there as an excuse for the bad things the ML did. ML was not a psycho because he was abused. He was abused because he was psycho. He didn't give the "correct" response when he was hurt, so the bad guys around him take it as a license to mistreat him. The people in that universe realized ML was not a normal human, therefore they felt there was no need to treat him as such. This included the FL. ML didn't have a fair starting point and was never given a chance to be anything other than a demon.


When 2nd ML turned into a demon due to some drugs, everyone tried to save him. However, when ML started to turn into a demon because he tried to save FL and others. Everyone immediately tried to kill him even though he hadn't hurt anyone in that verse.


If there's a criticism, it is because it wasn't entirely clear how these two fell in love, because ML was a psycho. He was not supposed to fall in love, but he did. Perhaps because she was always there to save his sorry ass. It's not entirely clear how FL developed her feeling for ML either.


I'd even say that FL only fell for him at the end of the book!!!


ML's love was so deep and unconditional, albeit clumsy. By the end of the BE, FL regretted she didn't love him enough.

The final ending actually mirrored the ending of the first half, but the position was switched.



The one who taught ML about love was not FL, but his shizun in the latter half of the novel.

FL didn't have enough patience to guide him. She believed he was a lost cause. Whenever she had her hope up, he dashed it thanks to his low EQ.

Shizun knew he had a learning disability and guided him accordingly.

Imo, ML's understanding of love remained at the kindergarten level. He simply mimicked what shizun let him experience during his time as a disciple. The way he expressed it might be quite crazy, but his love was pure and childlike. After all, he only knew what he was taught and he was taught only the noblest kind of love. It gave you the feeling of receiving a gift from a special needs child.


The writing is a bit convoluted and the author didn't describe the characters' feelings well, so it's a bit hard to follow and sympathize with the characters. There were also several characters that appeared in the early state and were then forgotten. Their existence was unnecessary. However, the story itself is not bad. Perhaps, it's best to have someone interpret it rather than to read the whole text. There are many people being moved to tears by a video explanation of this novel but hate the novel itself. This can be perfect for the drama version. Oftentimes, the text is so rich that the drama cannot capture the beauty of the novel, but that doesn't seem to be the case with this novel. It requires a lot of cleanup from unnecessary fillers and the drama team to fill up the holes with their interpretation. Listening to the radio drama can also be an alternative. It is available with subtitles. <<less
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Smilingly rated it
September 5, 2021
Status: Completed
This is another gem!

I quite like angst but I need it to be reasonable. This was it! Even though I mtld most of it, the story didn't lose it's luster. It also doesn't get dragged too long.

It has quite a lot of misunderstandings, but most of it comes to this

... more>>

She really is a part of the dao immortal and that's how she grew up. Like how religious people are (no offense). Since she went back, she starts to see the truth. The ML Tantai Jin also known as the demon king at their time that wrecked havoc was bullied and all the mean stuff. His literally has a classic villainess transmigrated female lead background story. Abandoned, betrayed, weak, but can control monsters with his blood. He only saw power as the only way and FL was trying to keep her family alive who are in the future.


So this is really a love between black and white, evil and good. They are almost star crossed lovers.


Also, no she did not let him kill wantonly without excuse. She literally is the one who prevents him from doing this most of the time although sometimes she can't because she has a mission. This is also the reason why they have a love hate relationship.


I love that the supporting characters get what they deserve. These characters really made me unlike the ML and them.

The ML and FL experience multiple love stories, which really gave me some happiness.

Major spoiler


Turns out Ye Bingshang, from the start had stolen FL's stuff. Ye XiWu or Li Susu is actually the last phoenix and her father failed to protect her. He found treasures to give to her and her mother many years back but those treasures were taken by Ye Bingshang, which is why Tantai Jin had liked her with no proper reason.


Favorite moments as an angst loving person hehehe I also love sweet moments. I don't know if you'll call this sweet though...


Ye Xiwu gives one of her eye to Tantai Jin but he never finds out until the scene where she jumps of the tower (this is the one in the synopsis)


What I like about the FL the most is that she has changed her views but her DAO has become firmer. I think in this way she learnt the right way of it instead of being prejudiced.

The ML is clearly a lunatic but the pain he received was awesome!

All in all this was a pretty good read. Not five stars because at one point ML married someone else (though FL didn't like hime that much then...I think) he also chose to protect random girl most of the time and this happens quite a lot and wrongs the MC. I really do not like third parties and ml's accepting or protecting someone else, especially mc's enemy and people that hurt her using the ml. Unreasonable indeed.

Should try it out, it is a satisfying ending. <<less
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Midori rated it
August 20, 2021
Status: Completed
oh oh oh! it's this story!! I mtl-ed it all the way to the end! i, uh, I won't reveal too much, but I did complete the story! a lot of ups and downs of emotions urgh urgh...
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MMWO rated it
August 22, 2021
Status: Completed
As a big fan of enemies to lovers novels, I very very much enjoyed reading this. If you like tragedy but with a happy ending, you can give this a try.


This takes place in a world with demons, gods, mortals, and immortals. The female lead goes back to 500 years ago to try and stop the young demon god (Tantai Jin) from dominating the world.


*This novel is from the same author of Devil's Warmth (also a tearjerker novel but set in the modern times)
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incoming rated it
November 29, 2022
Status: Completed
I spent too much time on this novel, but the rave reviews made me believe in the best. First of all, I hate the heroine. I am disgusted by her actions towards and bullying the "bad guy". Even if he is "bad", bullying will not make him better or worse. So why the hell do you allow yourself to take a whip and beat another person? Mock him?

I feel sorry for the main male character. I hoped that this story was about the psychotic cure of the main male role.... more>> He wasn't originally "evil". He was an abandoned little child who had been bullied all his life. In such a situation, he did not know otherwise. It was just necessary to show him other feelings, another way. Sometimes it is worth helping a person and guiding him on the path. I'm not sticking to the role of a lifeguard, okay? I genuinely despise bastards. But the male character didn't choose to be evil. He was not shown any other feelings. Since childhood, everything he saw was cruelty towards him and hatred on a par with betrayal. All the people bullied him, and I can't believe that the female role bullied him too. I also hate how the male protagonist was too soft with the heroine, despite all her actions. Obviously because she's a "woman"? Throughout the book, during scenes of violence and bullying of the male role, there were descriptions of the beauty of the female heroine. It was so inappropriate that I felt only disgust. I think the story is an absolutely useless thing with an unpleasant heroine who actually hated and despised the male hero, tried to kill him and still counted on his mercy. It's disgusting when a person doesn't understand the consequences of their actions. In short, the whole book is about hate, and only at the end of some kind of happy ending.

To be honest, I don't understand double standards when they hate men and believe that the behavior of this female heroine towards a man is normal, and his behavior, unfortunately, is very relaxed, abnormal. Since when has gender become more important and we've forgotten that we're all human? <<less
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ChNyinG rated it
December 24, 2021
Status: Completed
Just my personal opinion but I really liked this novel! So just on a small sidenote.. this novel isnt for those who expect a sweet lovestory or anything and the ML is really quite abusvie towards the FL so if this isnt your thing I dont recommend it. This novel gave me a lot of heartache and pain so I do recommend it for those who like to read those love hate relationships!

... more>>

So the ML didnt really know how to feel shame (in the first 100 or so chapters) and he didnt feel many emotion in general so that was pretty interesting to read.. and the FL didnt really "love" the ML (which is understandable since he was... uh not very nice towards her) while she was in YeXiwu´s body and neither did she know that he loved her.. so thats another thing to note. All in all the romance progresses rather slow imo. And the author must really be the MLs mother to give him such a happy ending.. yes the novel has a happy ending so rest assured!!


So if you consider reading this (which I highly recommend if youre into tragedy stuff and scum MLs) have fun reading! <<less
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mercipourleslivres rated it
November 8, 2021
Status: Completed
3.5 stars? I liked the OTP interactions (as painful as they were. Like prepare to get your heart broken/ be disappointed multiple times throughout.) But the xianxia stuff got old and confusing.

I'm super excited for the upcoming drama adaptation with Bai Lu and Luo Yunxi though! LYX is perfect to play Tantai Jin.
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hiimharu rated it
September 19, 2021
Status: Completed
I have to say, this is one of the most angsty novels I've read, lands in top 5.

If you're a fan of tragedies, buckle up because there's so much torture in this one. :) Both the female and male leads hurt.


There's two ends, the author marked BE and HE on the chapter titles, but really the HE is the real ending.

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FeliceSasha23 rated it
October 21, 2022
Status: Completed
Have been read this for many times🤩 and still cannot get enough of it...


Novel Arc:

  • Chapter 1 Li Su Su
  • Chapter 2 - Chapter 38 Ye Xi Wu
  • Chapter 39 - Chapter 45 Clam Princess
  • Chapter 46 - Chapter 78 Ye Xi Wu
  • Chapter 79 - Chapter 130 Li Su Su
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rurimiya rated it
September 22, 2022
Status: --
i wish this novel was better, the ideas are solid, the characters are interesting, and the execution is exciting but I don't think it's competently written enough to be enjoyed for all its merits. The plot just felt so frustrating, endlessly we revolved around a stagnant status quo. Nothing changes in the leads' relationships after the midpoint of the novel. And I usually love tragedy and suffering in my novels especially the ML's, but this just felt obnoxious.

i felt sympathy for him but even my well of sympathy dried after... more>> more and more chapters of dumb things happening. I hope the drama improves on this story, I like the premise but do not have the patience to read anymore. <<less
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Lykalee rated it
August 21, 2021
Status: Completed
Saw the first tled chapter and being a regret kink simp that I am, I sacrificed one whole day to read this instead of studying.

Oh boy, this couple omg. They've gone through a lot. The love and hate feelings are too strong on this novel. I can't help but feel bad for both of them.

... more>>

But most especially, Taitai jin. This boy has been unloved and abandoned all his life I just want to hug him.

And here's the thing, I know where the FL is coming from but just give him a break idk but they did hurt each other so oh well. They have a lot of misunderstandings that I just want to lock them in a room. COMMUNICATION IS KEY friends.

Atleast it's HE and they will start again. This time with a family. Omg A Mi is so cute!!

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RadBABYYYY rated it
July 5, 2023
Status: --
This novel is twisted beyond comprehension and unnecessarily.

they treat each others like sh*t, do the most cruelest things and it lasts until the end like im 10 chapters away from the ending I cannot imagine it being happy.

The chapters feel so loaded there’s literally NO breaks it just keeps going, fights after fights, killings tortures like?????

omg it was one hell of a ride and not in a good way for sure
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Uruchan2009 rated it
June 14, 2023
Status: Completed
I read the novel after watched the drama and the scene that impressed me the most in the novel (which not in the drama) was

... more>>

When Ye Xiwu cast a spell to make Tantai Jin uncomfortable, and Tantai Jin who was masochistic (another pitiful trait in the novel that didn't include in the drama) begging Ye Xiwu to hit him, then Ye Xiwu who hate him so much take advantage of this (she didn't know he was a M) and hit him until he was in soak in pool of blood.

She who purely hate him at this moment, and him who hate himself who enjoy she abused him. I feel this scene was so sad and pitiful for both of them. And don't get him wrong, even though he was an M. He wasn't truly enjoy getting abused, in my opinion. He just getting used of the hatred of people and since he like Ye Xiwu, he can't help but got pleasure when she abused him. Just like a mental of stockholm syndrome victim.


But, I most satisfied with the ending of the novel. Specially the extra chapter which answer everything, even the story about their past. <<less
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reia.krr rated it
February 21, 2023
Status: Completed
Don’t be scared off by the abuse! ML is someone who has no concept of feelings, he literally just copies what he see other people doing in order to try acting like a normal person. He was treated like a monster and his entire childhood was negative, so he really doesn’t understand that what he’s doing is wrong. You can take it as teaching a little kid that it’s wrong to poke bugs with a stick for fun. He knows FL doesn’t love him and she has some purpose to... more>> approach him, but he can’t help but find her unique.


It didn’t really get touched upon later but ML has masochistic tendencies and he gets excited when FL treats him roughly.


He is desperate to survive and he doesn’t care what he needs to do to live, yet he desires to stand above everyone and be the strongest. He hates that the FL is stronger than him and control his life and death at will, and wishes to show her who’s stronger. He’s like a child who wants to prank her but doesn’t understand how much is too far, and that the damage he causes is irreversible.

It’s a nice story where we see character development from both leads and learn from their past mistakes, as they try to balance their feelings with their responsibilities/desires.

If you’re into angsty enemies to lovers or hero x villain novels, you should definitely give this a try! <<less
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Peeps83 rated it
May 9, 2022
Status: c38 part2
Okay, I'm seeing that people here have read past the latest chapter and I'm completely baffled and want to know how I could read it as well. As much as I like this novel I also understand that the MC is basically someone who has her morals and limits. Since she isn't someone who will be forgiving everything. This whole thing is weird. Like the ML is clearly not the justice type of guy and is more like I will do anything to survive. You can feel bad for him... more>> because of his past and such.

But holy cow was his birth quite frightening to imagine and just off putting. You can say he would be like a shark, killing his own siblings in the womb


However, it also doesn't justify what he has done (in the end reminding me again that good and bad is just a perspective thing)

Im very hypocritical in saying this but oh well it's just a weird feeling. I physically frowned reading that the MC didn't help the ML in the beginning. Besides the upsetting feeling I want to say I understood to an extent cause with his evil bone or something he'll literally embody evil and won't be 'good'. I guess I was thinking along the lines that since he hasn't f*cked up the world yet being kind to him then won't hurt? God aren't I hypocritical.


I don't recommend this to the faint of heart...

It's a good read overall. Kinda weird how no one questioned the whole different personality thing but that's fine. Lol I spent my whole night reading it. <<less
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stella.novels rated it
January 4, 2022
Status: Completed
When I read the reviews I thought I wasn't going to like this movel but I was wrong. In some moments I cried and felt a terrible pain in my heart but the sweet moments made me smile and cry of joy. I usually hate relationship with abuse and sometimes I hoped they don't end together but I like how this novel ended. Recommended 100%.

The character's weren't 2D. Well, sometimes I thought that the female lead wasn't acting in according to her character but it was still okay. The plot... more>> was also good. Loved it. <<less
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LunaireLune rated it
March 20, 2024
Status: Completed
I didn't see the tag! Damn tragedy. I don't like tragedy but this story captivated me so, I finished it in one seating. Their love story is so tragically beautiful, I cried.

I came here expecting a regret trope.. I got it and more. What a roller-coaster emotion ride. 😭 Worth the read
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