Arceus’ Pirate Journey


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In the Great Pirate Era, countless people rushed to the sea.

The person who obtained Arceus’ power arrived in this world as the new Arceus and got in touch with the Lunarian race.

Based on the reality that everything can be Mythical Zoan, the current him can also be called Mythical Zoan user.

Whether it is One Piece or Pirate King, it has nothing to do with him, all he wants to do is to retrieve the lost plates first.

During this process, he formed an alliance with Beasts Pirates, a famous pirate crew in the New World, and Mr. Kaido got his coveted Mythical Zoan Army.

When Pteranodon becomes Aerodactyl, when Brachiosaurus becomes Tropius, the combination of Pokémon and devil fruit powers will bring a whole new change to the world….

Lunarian’s glory will surely reappear.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
Pokémon Court (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Absolutely Decent
  2. Moine

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/20/23 DM Translations c129
05/19/23 DM Translations c128
05/18/23 DM Translations c127
05/17/23 DM Translations c126
05/16/23 DM Translations c125
05/15/23 DM Translations c124
05/14/23 DM Translations c123
05/13/23 DM Translations c122
05/12/23 DM Translations c121
05/11/23 DM Translations c120
05/10/23 DM Translations c119
05/09/23 DM Translations c118
05/08/23 DM Translations c117
05/06/23 DM Translations c116
05/05/23 DM Translations c115
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3 Reviews sorted by

Victor56 rated it
November 14, 2022
Status: c495
Caught up on the MTL, the novel itself is pretty slow paced in regards to plot progression. The MC takes a pretty large supporting role, as he creates Pokémon and then spreads over the world (but mainly Wano right now, he’s tied up with Kaido). Decent fun romp through the One Piece world, but it’s hard to see where the story will go, it seems the MC only really wants to collect his slates but no real concrete goal beyond that. Writing itself is pretty decent for fan fiction standards,... more>> and it’s fun to see how different events and characters play out because of the MC’d intervention. <<less
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Zongetsu_Ma rated it
April 14, 2024
Status: c11
Title: A Disappointing Voyage: Arceus Pirate Journey Review

Rating: ★★☆☆☆

Arceus Pirate Journey sets sail with a promising premise: introducing the revered Pokémon deity Arceus into a pirate-themed adventure akin to One Piece. The allure of having such a godly character in the mix is undeniable, promising a narrative rich with mythos and intrigue. However, what could have been an exhilarating journey through uncharted waters ends up feeling like a missed opportunity, leaving readers adrift in a sea of disappointment.

The central issue plaguing Arceus Pirate Journey lies in its failure to capitalize... more>> on its most captivating character. Arceus, the supposed linchpin of the story, is relegated to the sidelines, akin to a multi-billionaire philanthropist overshadowed by the janitor mopping the floors behind him. While the idea of incorporating a deity like Arceus into a tale of swashbuckling adventure is enticing, the execution falls flat, leaving readers yearning for more depth and exploration of the titular character.

It's evident that the author's intent was to draw readers in with the promise of Arceus's involvement, akin to bait in a sea teeming with Pokémon enthusiasts hungry for new adventures. However, once ensnared, readers quickly realize that the narrative fails to deliver on its initial promise. Instead of delving into the complexities of Arceus's character and the impact of its presence on the world, the story meanders aimlessly, leaving the divine Pokémon feeling like a mere afterthought.

The parallels to One Piece are unmistakable, yet where Eiichiro Oda masterfully weaves a tapestry of diverse characters and intricate plotlines, Arceus Pirate Journey flounders in comparison. It's as if the author sought to emulate the success of Oda's masterpiece without fully understanding what made it resonate with audiences. The result is a lackluster imitation that fails to capture the essence of what makes pirate adventures so compelling in the first place.

In conclusion, while Arceus Pirate Journey may initially hook readers with the promise of divine intervention in a pirate's tale, it ultimately fails to deliver on its potential. Despite the allure of having a godlike Pokémon at the helm, the story's lack of focus on Arceus leaves much to be desired, resulting in a narrative that feels shallow and uninspired. Those hoping for a captivating blend of Pokémon mythology and high-seas adventure may find themselves sorely disappointed by what lies beyond the horizon. <<less
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makenai89 rated it
November 1, 2023
Status: c293
An exciting crossover of One Piece x Pokemon. One of the best One Piece fanfics so far (up to c1295), but it is still ongoing, so let's see~

A modern person was reborn as Arceus egg in One Piece world. He got deified by Lunarian tribe, and rewarded them with the ability to control fire when the tribe was in a crisis. However, the World Government hunted the Lunarian tribe to near extinction.

When he cracked the egg shell, there was only two Lunarian kids in the same lab and Kaido. He... more>> joined Kaido and developed Hundred Beasts pirates in order to collect his missing slates all over the world, take revenge on the World Government, and revive the Lunarian tribe. Meanwhile, he used his power to create lots of Pokemon, and strengthen Hundred Beasts members,

He and Kaido actually had various differences, but all of it turned into complementary rather than conflicts. While Kaido was careless and 100% battle maniac, Arceus loved orders and peaceful developments. Both managed to reach certain balance which established a better and more peaceful environments than the canon version of Hundred Beasts pirates.

I liked the pace of the story. I also liked the way the author developed new saga over canon events, without subverting original characters. There were a few normal plot holes, but everything was still enjoyable up to the latest chapter.

I hope the author and translator keep it up. <<less
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