Ambiguous Relationship


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He is handsome, arrogant and is of the elite class. Being straightforward and brave, she shamelessly pursued him, sending him gifts, flowers and tried to get close to him. She was humiliated when his staff gossiped about her and retreated. Then he rejected her and told her they could only be friends. She avoided him but no matter how much she tried, they frequently cross paths.

Suddenly one day he told her. “I want to be your boyfriend.”

What a mess! ! !

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69 Reviews

Dec 17, 2018
Status: Completed
The author (and the translator) did an amazing job. I really loved how the story never gets boring even though it's just a romance book (though I love romance in books I tend to get bored when there's no actual storyline) and the main characters have actual character development. The MC is simply awesome, especially how much stronger she gets later on, and I love how her brain works and the comments she makes. She's so much fun to read about, if the book only focused on her I would... more>> have loved to have many more chapters.

Unfortunately, I just couldn't warm up to the ML. Don't get me wrong, he was written very well by the author, his character is consistent and makes a bit of progress as well in the course of the story, but he's just not my kind of male lead.

He is poison-tongued, arrogant, selfish and one of the most unromantic male leads ever. He does a couple nice things here and there, but he never really puts himself out there, if you know what I mean. He's always in control of the relationship (except for one short instance) while the MC often and easily gets hurt by him, his words and his actions, and then he's too prideful to make it up to her. He also never pursued her - something which I really wanted to see because, after all, she got previously rejected by him. Another point that really annoyed me was how many times it was stressed how much the ML used to love his ex while he never told MC whether he loved her (except for in the epilogue which doesn't count in my book). He was obviously amused and entertained by her and flattered because of her enduring love for him, but I never really felt that he actually loved or treasured her as a special person in his life.


So yeah, the novel is entertaining - though I was glad it wasn't longer. I loved loved the MC, but personally, I was unsatisfied with the ML. <<less
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Jun 14, 2020
Status: Completed
I really tried to understand this novel but all I got is "poisonous tongued ML" and "timid MC".

The first half I skimmed through the chapter- trying to quickly get through chapter 40 to see this character development- because honestly, the vibe I get from this couple is a toxic one. MC may be shameless, and well, s*upid, but ... more>>

ML is even worse, what poisoned tongued ML, just say he's a bit*h and go. He shames MC and I dont really think that its necessary to shame her??


And while there really is a character development, ML barely got one. I just, cannot for the life of me, warm up to this kind of ML. MC is okay, she's trying her best. But ML is

really ordering her around, and MC is 'scared' of him. Like, ok lol. The way he eats vinegar is? Like I get the fact that he's 'black-bellied' but his tone is really bad, he's always angry.


His POV is particularly hard to read.

Throughout the whole novel except the epilogue, there was not even one mention that he loves her. Someone above also said this. He likes her because she likes him. 'Like' is too strong of a word, he's interested, curious, it was as if she was some kind of rare animal in a zoo, and his curiosity made him act v bad towards her, he bullies her, shame her. He acts in a condescending manner like he wants to be above her. And I find that very bad.


Ok, so while my review is full of negativity, this is what I think of the novel. Obviously there are also some sweet parts, so. ?‍♀️ <<less
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Nov 06, 2018
Status: Completed
"You made yourself feel embarrassed."

For me, this is the most memorable quote from this novel. Anyways, there are a lot of amazing dialogues in here. Their banters, oh gawd! I so loved them!!!

It's been a while since I've binge-read a novel. There are no boring moments! It's a mixed of comedy and romance. While reading this, most of the time, I found myself smiling or just LOL-ing unconsciously and feeling warm inside. It's a shame that I've dungeon-ed this on my reading list for a very long time cause this... more>> one is a GEM. But still, it's better late than never noh? ;) For me, the characters are very relatable and of course, I so love the couple! &Lt;3 This one is a very much recommended. Go read this guys! And thank you for the translator ah. Arigatou. Kisses. <<less
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Sep 22, 2018
Status: c85
This is a jewel, it is a romcom novel with light plot. I love how MC is not portray as uber beautiful or uber smartsmart yet she is sass in her own way.

And I love how the character progressed. Especially how blunt ML was hahahaha. They complete each other.

Trully recomended
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Feb 11, 2020
Status: Completed
If this novel is ever published in my country, I will gladly purchase it. Even now I have already read it thrice.

The story has no dull moments and is very well writen. Just like other reviewers note, the battle of wits between MC and ML is very funny. However, what draws me the most is the way the novel explores character's personalities. As the story goes, I come to understand who they are, what have they gone through, and why did they do certain actions. I can see why their... more>> relationship works and how it brings development to their characters too.

In short, I am very satisfied reading this. My only complain is, I want to have longer chapter from ML pov. If I have to nitpick, then I wish the parent issues to be concluded in clearer way, especially the relationship between father and daughter in law. But then again, even in real life, such kind of problems may go on for a lifetime. So I think what the story has now is enough as it is. <<less
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Oct 26, 2021
Status: --
The ML is a piece of shit, I hate this kind of character the most, he is simply a bully. At first I had a some complicated thought about him but then I understood that I cant read this anymore! The FL is quite bold as she first started to approach the ML but I liked that she had self respect for herself and that's the main reason I like her character but at last I hate the ml, the fl's parents are also a little hateful
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Sep 05, 2019
Status: Complete
Rating: 4/5

In the beginning, I was seriously stressed out because of FL's personality, but I guess, that is why her character development was also satisfying.

If you are planning to read this, but felt like FL is very very frustrating, hold on until Chapter 40, it gets better afterwards, slowly.

I decided to rate this high because so far, this is the least cheesy CNovel I've read. It really is, a slice of life. ML was not romantic but he's dependable, and real. He was overbearing, he was moody, even petty. Both... more>> Leads have shortcomings of their own and their love story was not as sweet as other love stories, but it has the touch of most of everyone's reality.

There are no super villains, or super twists. The problems they faced are mostly their own inhibitions, their own insecurities, and it's really fresh for me.


Plus their first night together was really well written, I was pleasantly surprised!!!

It was very hot. Even that scene was realistically written, I can't help but blush, tbh.



The family problem was seriously so relatable!!! Westerners might not realize this, but most Asian families are really, really a huge part to consider in marriage. It's not just marriage between two people, for us Asians, but marriage of two families, so social status is indeed something to consider. FLs insecurities about her family was something I can super relate as Asian.

And also her strive for independence is something I can relate!

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Oct 12, 2020
Status: c83
FIRST, read the translation by ScribbleHub (its better). I love it!! I passed this so many times because of reviews but DONT LET THEM DISCOURAGE YOU!! It's a really good, fluffy story :)) Realistic one as well. I feel like I've known/experienced this kind of love before hahahah. Love it!!
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Sep 22, 2018
Status: --
It's an ok and cute story. Personally I really like the beginning part the they were flirting more than the second part after they became a couple. You could literally taste the vinegar Meng Gu was forced to down which was great. Chen Rou Yu was just adorable with her verbal vomit. Lol I can relate to her "Elder Parental Phobia." XD

Also props to the Translator they did a great job.
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Jun 02, 2021
Status: Completed
So I just finish reading it in one day and it's totally worth the read !

For the good points :

    • The MC is really likeable, she has a lot of defaults and shortcomings but overall a really realistic character
    • I like the fact that the job of the MC is pretty relatable, she sells insurance and cond*ms as a side job which compared to many other level is pretty realistic for an average woman without any big dream : she just wants to make money to live comfortably
    • Maybe I just didn't notice, but the author almost never mention the physical appearance of the MC : she's not ugly but not especially pretty either which I found refreshing and accentuate the fact that the ML likes her not for her looks
    • The ML looks like a real person, I mean he has the typical "ML characteristics" of this type of story (handsome, good job, a bit authoritative etc) but you get to know him and to realise all his defaults which make he seems like someone you could meet in real life
    • There is no love at first sight : the MC first pursued him but not because she liked him but just because she considered him as a suitable bachelor and it's only afterward that they get to know each other and after some time they begin to have some feelings for each other
    • Very good chemistry between the two mains characters with some pretty funny dialogue
What I didn't like :

    • Spoiler

      I know it's not the same culture but the relation of the MC and her family really bothered me, it really looks to me like some sort of abuse : pressuring her constantly to get married, to return to her hometown and to send money home just for the sake of having face in front of their relatives seems really fyck up to me. Until the end of the novel, I didn't notice any real parent love toward her, only pressure and blame. The MC didn't always behave appropriately either (she lied to them about her job and didn't give any news for some time but when she called again and told them she was in the hospital they didn't even bother to ask if she's fine) but she never really protest against them either, cutting any ties with her family would maybe have been better.

    • It's just my personal opinion but sometimes there was some sexism that annoy me a little even if it wasn't too apparent either (for example when they try to give relationship advice and act like women and men are two totally different species who have two totally different points of view about romantic relations or one time I think the ML said a woman shouldn't be too smart for her own good which pissed me off)
    • Spoiler

      During their first time together, they didn't have any cond*ms and so the ML decided to just continue without asking the MC if it was okay which is borderline r*pe and the MC (who had been angry against the ML before for far smaller things) didn't find any problem with that even when it's clearly mentioned that it was painful for her !

-> I'm sorry if I make some errors, English is not my first language :)
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Oct 06, 2020
Status: c80
To be honest I was very scared to pick up this novel after reading some of the reviews. I usually cannot stand a headless FL who just embarrasses herself over and over again trying to pursue the usual arrogant, stubborn headed mule MLs, even though all of them talked about major development of the female lead after chapter 40, I did not have high hopes. So I expected a really dumb, flimsy, no personality FL but was pleasantly surprised as I read on.

Chen Rou Yu is actually a breath of fresh air to me. She has no especially striking capabilities, and is as normal as most of us are. She knows her drawbacks, is very practical and realistic. She doesn't actually embarrass herself over pursuing the ML much. She learns fast, and moves on faster. The circumstances in which she further embarrasses herself infront of the ML is actually what makes it a fun read. To be honest, she is the one of the most RELATABLE protagonists I've ever read about.

The whole premise is very normal, but the interaction between the ML and FL is just pure gold. But it does lack in places. The misunderstanding, although not major doesn't get a proper closure

For me, this book really is important because it's so different from the usual tropes of the ML and FL being each other's first love, or reuniting or some other normal cliches. Both the leads are experienced in love, have failed and still continue to actively pursue other people rather then forever crying over the 'one who got away'.

I did sometimes feel that the ML may actually be really much still in love with the first love of his, however the more you read, you realise that the depiction of past relationships here is very realistic. It was a very important part of his life. But honestly even I feel angst over his description of broken relationships.

For some reason, their relationship just remains superficial to me towards the end. The depth which was present in the beginning especially vanishes after you read the ML's POV. He keeps on saying how the FL is not at all like his first love who he had such deep feelings for. Leaves the most bitter taste in my mouth. I really liked the FL alot. The ML, however, I just cannot like.
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Mar 01, 2019
Status: c25
I am reading this on Webnovel and only 25 chapters have been released so far. I like the characters. They seem real in their struggles and reactions. The FL has to deal with a lot of issues that accompany someone who moves to a different city to work. She is expected to be a filial daughter, work in a particular industry, get promoted to a manager and find a decent husband. She tries to hide certain truths and escape from some issues but stands up for herself whenever she can.... more>> Not much has been revealed of the ML so I reserve my comments for now. Hoping to read more chapters soon. <<less
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Nov 16, 2018
Status: Completed
I love the story from beginning to end.

  • I love their interaction, its funny, relatable, and cute.
  • I also love the ups and down of their relationship. How the girl keeps denying her feelings for the guy after being rejected. But when the guy realizes his feeling for the girl, the girl didn't immediately reject or accepts the guy.
  • I love the black belliness of the ML and the elder phobia of the girl.
Overall, it's worth the read :D
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Oct 08, 2018
Status: Completed
I enjoyed this story. Simple, direct, not so much angst, and the comedy actually had me LOL-ed literally. I wished it was longer, more into their married life? I went back and re-read some parts bc it was funny for a second laugh. The FL isn't weak, she is novel in her thinking, trying to be strong in her own ways. After many rejections, she doesn't give up on life but look at alternatives.

... more>>

I liked that the heroine had a backbone. After she was rejected and ML turned around and chased her, she asked him the qualifications for him to like her. Ingenious bc he had rejected her a few times, embarrassingly. I wished there was another POV from the ML when he knew he fell in love with her

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Oct 26, 2022
Status: Completed
This is a good novel because of the female lead. Her dialogue and thought processes are entertaining to read.

As for ml. I don't hate him but I also don't really like him. It's fine if the writer wants to create a realistic male lead character, but he's too proud and constantly mocks the female lead.
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Sep 17, 2021
Status: --
love it, probably the only novel that has the tag "dense protagonist" that I actually loved, to be fair the MC isn't really dense, ML just straight up told her he wasn't interested therefor she tried to keep her emotions in check. The way their relationship develops is very realistic too, the few cliche moments it has are done extremely well. No real angst except her mother being a complete b*tch. No love triangle / 2nd ML, she does go on a couple blind dates (forced) however each time she... more>> is in contact with ML via phone or telling him beforehand even though they are just 'friends' so there's no feelings of NTR or sudden love rivals barging in to create pointless angst, comedy is also done real well.

Dunno if I can call it a real 5/5 however it's an extremely safe novel to read if you just want to relax and laugh ocasionally. <<less
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Jan 12, 2021
Status: Completed
Perfect Romance....

There is mutual pinning...

There is jealousy....

... more>> There is bickering...

There is understanding....

This story can be easily related with because of our cute and s*upid FL... she is nice and caring but she can also be fierce... she really is your average woman with an average job coming from an average family. The way she sometimes gets the short end of the stick in her relationships and work life and the way she deals with them is very well written giving her more character.

Our ML on the other hand is someone you will end up loving or hating. He is confident and unapologetically himself. I loved his relationship with his friends. How he finds creative ways to help people. His poisonous-tongue and rougis personality is what made him hateful at the beginning but later you will find it adorable. <<less
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Nov 08, 2020
Status: Completed

FIRSTI really hated the FL at first but damn she grew on me. She knows when to stop and knows her boundaries


Still there bickerings with each other just proves that there's a thin line between hate and love.

Love how they became friends at first then boom
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Jul 17, 2020
Status: c74
Liked the conversations, between ML and MC.

... more>>

The MC 8/10 was nice for her trying to keep her dignity most of the times, and being a hard worker.

The ML was meh, honestly I wouldn't recommend such a bully, arrogant, petty guy in a relationship, but he is 5/10 barely acceptable

I dropped it at the bed scene, I mean seriously, you engage in that kind of activity while not being married, KO, dude for me this is KO, thought it would last as a serious relationship, but honestly, the story would be fully a timewaster without the conversations about life. (C74)

I recommend if you want a ML bullying the MC with words, actions or jokes with his sad*st hobby, and some conversations related to life.... P.S Haven't heard him saying I love you till this chapter 8.8

The end.


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May 11, 2020
Status: c2
  1. Actually, I already finish this novel about a long time ago.
  2. I really love CRY characteristics, she basically "living person" who been out there in the real world, like totally can relate to me.
  3. The insecurity that she feels, the problems between the family, totally can relate it.
  4. And the intersection between ML rather unique and ambiguous, not to mention, they have so much chemistry being. Together
  5. I think the character of ML rather realistic, I mean they're a lot of people like ML, - not so romantic but he know what to do?
  6. Basically, CRY was my girl crush - my most fav female lead.
  7. Re-reding, for the second time
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