Against the Gods


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Mythical Abode Mountain, Cloud’s End Cliff, the most dangerous of Azure Cloud Continent’s four deadly areas. Cloud’s End Cliff’s base is known as the Grim Reaper’s Cemetery.

Over countless years, the number of people that have fallen off this cliff is too high to count. None of them, even three stronger than god masters, whose power could pierce the heavens, have been able to return alive. However, a boy that’s being chased by various people because he alone holds a priceless treasure jumps off the cliff, but instead of dying he wakes up in the body of a boy with the same name in another world!

This is the story of a boy wielding the Sky Poison Pearl, cultivating the strength to oppose heaven and earth, a lord overlooking the world!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Evil God
Heaven-Defying Evil God
Ni Tian Xie Shen
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416 Reviews sorted by

mkdrive2 rated it
July 3, 2019
Status: v3c264
To be honest, I really dislike the MC and his way of life. He is very reckless. He makes mortal and powerful enemies everywhere he goes just because of his petty pride. (If I was one of the characters in the story that the MC meets, I would probably be one of his enemies, too.) It would be only right for him to die in a very short amount of time. The fact that he does not die makes the story very unrealistic. Also, I don't like that he goes... more>> after an innumerable number of women, not being satisfied at all with just one woman. Of course, every beautiful girl in the story falls in love with him and all of them are, of course, single.

I started of with "Tales of Demons and Gods" which I liked a lot. And just like it this novel has strength levels from elementary to godlike. And also something that is alike is that the characters reincarnate in a younger body making them more experienced in combat and also stronger techniques so that they can beat stronger opponents.

Just because the story is interesting I give it 2 stars. But that might already be too high a rating, because the story is kind of toxic with no shred of wisdom. It is best that only people who are confident not to be influenced by toxic stories to read it. <<less
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Kami Sama
Kami Sama rated it
April 13, 2019
Status: c1390
Honestly, the plot and story go to sh*t after a while. It's the same old, same old, repetitive cycle of events which one can predict from a mile away. If you'r here for a proper plot like Renegade Immortal, leave. If you like comedy and drama and random revelations and just general cringey shit, ATG is actually a pretty good read. It's like one of those serials which has basically the same plot repeated over each episode, but you keep watching because it's dumb entertainment for your lizard brain. Of... more>> course there are still plenty of good moments here and there, but at this point, I'm only staying because of how attached I've gotten to the series. You will find out that the power of repetitiveness can be quite addicting. <<less
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r0sen4y rated it
February 16, 2019
Status: c700
This dumpster fire has too high of rating so captain obvious to the rescue.

This novel has two main characteristics. The first one is sensless brutality. For me that is its highest asset and kept me going to that point, but for someone else it might be a downer.

Second characterictic and the reason I dropped this sh*t is the harem on steroids. I get one love interest, a second one I can tolerate, a third one I can ignore since the carnage is so good, but everything after the fourth one,... more>> and a kid no less (the fire/phoenix/whatever princess) I can stand no more. This guy must have his revenge and he must repay his master, but after he humps everything that moves.

This abomination is repulsive to me. Proceed with caution. <<less
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Bull3thole rated it
December 2, 2018
Status: c1089
I would rate this a 2.5/5. Rounded up because some arcs were really good.


  1. Some tournaments were good.
  2. His family reunion arc was good.
  3. Battles are simple
My cons will be almost the same as the others so mine will be short and quick.


  1. Fillers. Crowd underestimating MC in tournaments. Lots of tournaments. Useless dialogues with antagonists. Fights scenes drag.
  2. Harem. R*pe to save them and power-ups from them, no development, repetitive. Waste chapters describing the beautiful girls and how their face looks like jade.
  3. Hypocrite MC. Kill clans (everyone) because of upper-level people.
  4. s*upid MC. Thinks before reacting. All about his wee-wee for jade faces.
  5. Plot armor because of MC's s*upidity. Someone saves him or unexpected powerups.
  6. His Reincarnated life useless.
  7. Gets so many abilities/powers.
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zouave rated it
November 28, 2018
Status: c1250
Rating: 2.5 :P [Doesn't seem fair to other novels I rated if I gave this 3 as I usually look at consistency, plot character development etc. To rate novels]

This is literally the only novel so far that harem hasn't been messed up badly [in CN novel's that I have read]. The actions are great too, even though you know the MC will win or get past the struggle for sure, it is interesting because of the way the author has portrayed it. Although, I do wish the harem wasn't of... more>> so many woman lool even quarter or half of current harem would have been great as the author then could have spend more time on these characters :P [Note: Wish the females weren't just there for s*x and to be all over MC for w.e reason given isn't good enough, it doesn't matter who, they will end up wanting to f*ck MC, that's in a nutshell the harem that's in this novel. Even the purest maiden = that]

This is one of those novels where you either hate it or love it :P For me 2.5 star rating is really good and the main reason this novel got that is for the immersion/action/sex/action s*x. This is probably one of those novels where you would be using your heart and d*ck *cough* to read :)

Oh, forgot, the plot is pretty good too but too many stuff going on so it will take long time to get back to them :p with that said, plot armor, well let's just say the plot doesn't exist without the plot armor, it's two sides of the same coin.

Lastly, the annoying ying-yang cultivation or healing others by raping, I just find that annoying like in most CN novels, that is here too <<less
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Shtirliz rated it
July 26, 2018
Status: c110
Pretty bad novel for me. MC is supposed to live second life but still s*upid beyong redemption and doesn't have any battle skills or expirience to really behave as person which "living his second life". All problems except initial are happen because of his s*upid actions. And how would all these problems be solved? Do anyone think that MC will solve them? No way! All problems in novel ether solved by luck or by illogical armorplot. MC there cannot solve anything and can only enlarge problems. The last thing that... more>> made me drop this novel is a situation where

MC with girl were flying away with pirsuit on their back and MC instead of thinking what to do was trying to hit on girl. And of course that went as expected - pursiut caugh up and used weapon to shut them down. The thing there is that MC also had same kind of weapon but he didn't have any time or mind to use it - he was hitting on girl.

It was not just ret*rded, it was advanced ret*rded. <<less
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Linley babe
Linley babe rated it
June 14, 2018
Status: c600
The story are great but there are so many loopshole the MC is a great man and clever he have a high IQ and EQ the loopshole are very unfair and unjust for me and feel sorry for the girl because the MC have ability to open all the meridian of any person but Lan xueruo the MC wife and first girl didn't open all the meridian of her but the other who not related to her with intimate relationship not her wife, girlfriend, nor his one night stand... more>> with but he open them all their meridian for me who values my family and friends it's very BIG loopshole.

The big mistake of the author if he make the MC values his love ones

So its very merciful to give the story of two star and not one star <<less
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zukA rated it
May 6, 2018
Status: c1097
The quality is dropping so fast it's amazes me how this novel is still continuing...

This last chapter was the worst and it tiped the balance to the point of dropping the novel altogether.

- Plot is repeated every 200 chapters or so. You can predict what's going to happen 40 chapters later, it's that obvious!

... more>> - MC is s*upid as f*ck!

- Side characters are nothing amazing just as the MC is as well.

- Not to mention the authors lolicon projections onto the MC.. It leaves me speechless...

And many more, I just can't be bothered to write them. <<less
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March 22, 2018
Status: --
This book is in itself garbage. Why do so many people enjoy this darn book? That is still a mystery....

I have read about 200 chapters of this on wattpad and I admit, I enjoy the adventure and action, it's absolutely AMAZING!!

But... Ugh, I absolutely hate the romance. Personally, the romance ruined the whole book for me. Now belive it of not, but I'm a pretty patient person when it comes to garbage romance in books I like, but 'Against the gods' made me want to take therapy after reading 200... more>> chapters of it. I hate every each of the MC'S Wifes/Garbage, except that cold one, the one that first becomes MC's wife forcefully. And the wife/garbage I hate the most is that s*upid Aunt of the MC. Y'all don't know how much I wished that she would die and never ever come back, but sadly, kamisama hates me. -_-

I love the plot of the book, it's just the disgusting romance that threw me of the hill and made me want to hang myself. Don't hate me if you know I enjoyed the book, the romance is just the cancer of that book. If anyone hated the romance in this possibly amazing book, then there's only one book I can recommend: KING OF GODS!! (it's basically king of martial arts books~) The romance is a tad bit bland but it's still good!! Check it out! It gets amazingly good in chapter 100-200-300!! <<less
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Nsmnkn rated it
March 17, 2018
Status: c1068
I love this novel as much as I hate it. For me ATG is one of the best novel I've ever read. Yun Che (our MC) is a f*cking super badass That! I can't prevent myself from getting thrilled while reading his adventures. He's also a sweet talker and a passionate man (to the point that he will sacrifice his life for his loved ones) With these two traits combined, He can make those tsunderes, lolis, noble ladies, cold hearted beauties join his harem easily. And adding his shrewdness and... more>> funny personality, He's very likeable

World Building is great. The strength and power hierarchy of clans, sects, sacred grounds, races and upper realm are also well explained. Although Cultivation levels are not well detailed;the strength comparisons between those levels are very easy to understand. Fight scenes are also well written and very exciting to read.

Romance is very good. The Interaction between Yun che and the girls (Caiyi best girl) is the reason I love this novel so much. Harem members have their own unique personality and

own background stories.

MC is awesome, Great world building, Romance is very good and Awesome Action Scenes. So... Why do I hate it? These are the reasons:

1. Super Lucky- Like other MC, Yun Che wears the Most powerful defensive item Yes! The 'PLOT ARMOR'. When he's about to enter a competition, about to face powerful enemies and also when he's about to die. Not only He will be saved, He also gets powerups (It happens every time)

2. Super Unlucky - Trouble always find him. Everywhere he goes there will always be people trying to kill him. And there's a lot of times that he almost died.

3. Dumb decisions - MC is supposed to be smart but there are times that he makes s*upid decision that leads to a lot of danger. He also risk his life too much! Not thinking about the overall situation

4. Repetitive- Well that is only around c1-489. Back then I also almost drop it. But the story suddenly turns great and we are also able to glimpse to the main plot which is about the 'Gods'.


P.S There's a lot of reviews saying Yun Che does not care about his child. No. He searched for them that's why he knows they're not in their country. He also hired the most influential network to search for them. He wants to heal jasmine so much because she is the only person that can find them.

The ways to ascend to upper realms is you either must have a culvation at Divine Origin or You must have a cultivator from upper realms to guide you. That's why he concluded that they are dead.


English is not my first language. So sorry lols <<less
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Dyshana rated it
December 27, 2017
Status: --
I don't know about those guys who hate's this series but for me, this novel is perfect for my taste. Such a novel could only be seen as a treasure (well in my eyes anyway).

This novel is so satisfying. The build up, the conspiracies, the events, the foreshadowing, most importantly (for me anyways) the harem.

The Writing is also awesome. It's easier to read and the details of story is easier to understand. Making the whole ups and downs of the story enter your imagination totally gets you into the story.

Well... more>> in short this Novel is so awesome that you will get so immersed in reading that the flow of time never enters your mind. <<less
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Amaury1514 rated it
November 25, 2017
Status: --
Atg. Atg. Atg. It’s hard rating this tbh. I really like some aspects and can’t stand others.


the constant time skips where everyone thinks the MC is dead for years at a time. Happens like 3 times. It’s just cringy and poor writing.

... more>> The tr*sh villains with no personality or any redeeming characteristics. Literally copy paste villains through the whole novel. They are boring, annoying, and super Skipable.

The fact that all the best harem members barely get any time or just disappear for years at a time. Like little fairy, looks like we’re not finding anything about her forever. Or the first wife.

The tr*sh audience perspective during fights. It’s always the same BS “there no way that tr*sh can beat (insert tr*sh side character) ”. It happens over and over again.

Like: the MC smooth Che. He has too much game lmao.

The harem

thats about it. I wouldn’t say this is a great or even good novel but it definitely is fun to read if you don’t care about plot too much. <<less
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seanba rated it
September 16, 2017
Status: c948
This novel has it's ups and downs.

Awe inspiring moments. Pe*verted alpha MC. Can be repetitive at times. There are also cringe-worthy moments, however it does have good entertainment value if you looking for a novel that has an MC who's good at kicking ass and picking up beauties while still having a good story and lore behind it.
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SayMrrp rated it
July 26, 2017
Status: c848
It may be generic, but it's good. Yay for OP MCs!

The hype at certain parts was really awesome. Almost too much hype.

... more>>

My favorite arc is the one when he reunites with his parents and saves everybody there.


I just love certain characters. Also, there are some slightly funny moments. Lots of angsty parts though. The MC gets chased and nearly killed a lot. It's not unbearable, but still. Cliche. The tournament was cool!!!

The thing that stands out the most to me is the MC's interactions with women. Yes, the harem. It's a decent harem, in my opinion. The girls aren't obnoxious; a lot of them are really cool. There might be an issue with how the MC almost always gets every valuable girl, but at least he treats his harem members decently. He might be slightly pe*verted, but it's not super noticeable.


As in he took the opportunity to ogle and lightly touch some random virg*ns when helping them.


MC's master is interesting. I'm wondering how they'll continue to interact. <<less
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July 25, 2017
Status: c800
A story you cannot enjoy if you do not suspend your disbelief.

As with most xianxia's, character interactions is its flaw. In ATG, we are introduced to an already unrelatable guy who lived through 2 lives, or really, half (maybe a quarter) of a mortals life. Nonetheless, the novel wants to play it out like he is mature and extremely intelligent (medical saints disciple yada yada yada). But immediately the opposite is shown to us, the MC turns out to be an idiotic, immature, playboy with a bunch of plot armor.... more>> MC is provoking people left and right that can show up to where his family lives, kill them, and just f*ck off. But, never does he seem to be concerned, which is such a f*cking waste because it could be a great motivation for the MC to level up. But no, he has to get involved in some shitty politics and another tournament of arrogant young masters antagonizing innocent people (get used to that, anyone against the MC likes to kick kittens for fun). It is this sort of f*cked up MC that has me always wondering what the purpose of the first life was, he is wholly unconcerned about his true "lover", instead getting it on with countless jade beats or whatever, and he hasn't even cared to look for his master, or any one he may have forged important connections to in his past life. The truth of the matter is, it is a lazy backstory used to supplement the MC with a reason to act irrationably unruly under the guise of intelligence, with the protection of over powered skills and items. <<less
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PFN rated it
June 25, 2017
Status: c829
Am still looking for something like this to read on my spare time, but could not find it. Now, let's start this review talking about the negative reviews:

They are a bull of crap.

Alright, with this out of the way, let's talk about to whom this novel is adressed:

... more>> To males tired of thinking to much and in dire need of fullfiment of fantasies.

Now, the starting of the novel is pretty different, because it is dense. It is not as dense as a art masterpiece and does not have gravitas as a cinematic of the highest caliber, but helps to set the mood and making a transition from "reality" to "fantasy" later on. Our protagonist is f*cked up, so the world depicted is more detailed and realistic. Aftewards it becomes a power trip where girls are saved one after the other, friendships established and enemies are smashed.

Some people dislike harem. They are wimps and do not become to this novel. That said, the girls are different between themselves, and some of them display high emotional intelligence (Feng Xue'er). That is welcome as it makes you feel that your harem not only have numbers, but variety.

What I do not like is that the MC has shifting morals, what does indeed make himself a hipocryte. At least another character supposedly in the hero's side, besides him, also shows unlimited cruelty towards innocent children at some point in the story, and that is the novel biggest flaw in my vision, as it makes difficult to root for character's with no moral limit. So, you have to swallow it in hopes that the author does not "slip" off again.

All in all this is like an excellent epic action/adventure movie without to much pretension that you watch when you are tired of thinking, reflecting on life to much. And it should not be taken for what it is not. <<less
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xluferx rated it
May 26, 2017
Status: c809

As many people had said before, it had a good and interesting start with the usual genre of the cripple guy. And it had been going for a good direction actually with both interesting characters and world, and there was some sitautions which wer hilarious and I totally like the attitude of our MC for not being a wimpy guy when dealing with girls or apparenting to be the patethic gentleman from every mediocre anime. But that's it.

In many sotires of the same genre I had found many comments ridiculizing... more>> Yun che and mocking him and before I found the story it made me wonder why being the target of such critics and after reading, they are ONE HUNDRED PERCENT RIGGHT IN THEIR CLAIMS!

Never in my life I found myself skipping so many chapters because how boring they were (over 300 chapters skipped) or how usless for the plot, and it is actually a bad thing that after skipping chapters I could still perfectly know what was happening in the story wihout missing something important; it always drag about situation that shouldn't be extended, is beyond ridicouous to read over ten chapters revolving about a problem that could have been solved in two or three chpaters at most. And not only that but as I read, the story became too predictable, and it is always the same ****** one just can't be surprised anymore.

Traning, power up, drama, clan issues, win a Tournament, clan/sect issues, fights and more drama.

And I'm pretty sure that exactly the same thing is going to happen when it reaches the final arc.

Another thing that it became ridiculous here is that HE ALWAYS COMES AT THE LAST MOMENT!

Is okay for the thrilling sensation for the suspense but when every problem had been saved in the last minute s simply dissapointing and sad.

The story doesn't really deserve 4 stars at all. <<less
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CodeZero rated it
March 21, 2017
Status: c749
While not the most amazingly well written novel in the world, nor the most complex, Against the Gods is able to deliver on certain aspects that make it a great read, such as the action sequences, the usage of varying abilities, as well as the various and memorable characters introduced within the story. Most of all, the series is able to evoke the reader's emotions and keep them wanting more. The blood-pumping moment Yun Che destroys his enemies, the awe inspiring moment when he survives near death, or happiness and... more>> contentment when Yun Che is able to seduce the various girls and add them to his harem, this novel is most definitely a must read. Would definitely recommend. <<less
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Lord Turmoil
Lord Turmoil rated it
March 14, 2017
Status: v7c794
The story is at times repetitive, antagonists one dimensional. And yet I keep on asking for more. Not the best story in the world, but easily one of the best xianxias I've read (and I've read a lot). Really like the romance and the female characters each have a unique personality and are really fleshed out. The MC really cares for them and it's not just a number's game. Yun Che is at times too OP, but it's fun to read. The world building happens at a steady pace, giving... more>> glimpse of things to come. All in all, a very enjoyable novel. <<less
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Joses rated it
February 13, 2017
Status: c941
I really like this novel (now I don't). But what I really dont like is when

... more>>

jasmine and yun che says that he is completely no match against that specific enemy because the gap is too large (insert super long detailed explaination here why there's no way yun che could defeat him even if he sacrifice his life), but then when they faught a moment later, yun che then overpowered that enemy and was even able to kill him (insert detailed explanation here that contradicts the first explanation or an explanation that made the first one just useless 4 paragraph long words), wtf?!


  • This is a story about a maniac who only thinks with his Dk, and is super lucky to stumble upon op treasures and survive all deadly encounters.

    found a beauty, beauty in danger, MC try to save beauty, MC almost die, beauty fell inlove in MC, MC got lucky then powerup, MC survived, MC kill enemy, MC save beauty (success), MC f*ck the beauty, MC made another powerup, MC marry beauty. MC found another beauty, repeat until he became the most powerful.

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