After Transmigrating Into the Cultivation World, the School Topper Was Reborn


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A rebellious girl transmigrated to the world of cultivation. Then she was reborn again in her world!

Having passed the rebellious period of youth, she decided to turn around and reinvent herself! She studied hard, and improved every day, struggling to succeed!

Campus Forum: Surprise! That Sha Ma Te entered the top ten in school!

That Sha Ma Te crushed Straight-A students!

That Sha Ma Te became a scholar!

That Sha Ma Te came first!

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Punk Takes First Place Again
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104 Reviews sorted by

Kemori rated it
April 9, 2021
Status: Completed
What the **** is this novel.

The MC doesn't leave school for 400 chapters. The author repeats things, in fact several chapters are just reworded copies of the last chapter. At around chapter 450-460 the author just says 'f*ck it' and then for the next little bit, everything is condensed down into a "A Valiant Life' style series of time skips with a bullsh*t ending.

I somehow read the entire thing, honestly I don't know why. I'm genuinely questioning my taste.

... more>>

The ending was confusing as f*ck and made no sense to me. My general understanding is that the MC waited for her husband to die of old age, then she stopped suppressing her ascension to become an immortal, then spent a thousand years meditating on a mountain top until her husband was reborn, then somehow the baby was related to monks who understood immortals and so gave her the baby without fighting her and that was it. Apparently she had a daughter that she just abandoned and I'm genuinely confused though because why didn't she just help her husband become immortal too? So confused. I don't know if this is a bad ending or a good ending. I actually think the ending for all characters seems pretty sad. One dude gets literally turned gay by his family, which is full as total c*nts, another girl is jealous of her sister and gets so much facial surgery he face collapses, there's an old couple who die full of regrets that they don't get a grandson, I just, can't even. What the f*ck is this novel.


This was the one time I completely skipped reading any reviews to read a novel. I really regret it. Another review here by Dayside says it all. Dayside is 100% accurate in his review. I can't believe I just somehow wasted my time reading this. Like three days of time. I wonder if the author is a witch or something, how is the author suckering people into reading this whole thing? And then at the end of it, leaving them wondering how they could keep reading it? <<less
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wleung.xo rated it
February 3, 2021
Status: Completed
I love it so much. It's not super dramatic and full of face-slapping like I expected tbh but it's still an amazing novel. It's really nice, light and heartwarming.

I didn't really know what to expect for the romance at the start but it's just so perfect. Personally, from reading so many web novels I've gotten sick of the stereotypical cold and lofty Male Leads who barely have a personality except for being amazing, far out of reach and overbearing (and pretty much a dickhead) towards others but only caring for... more>> the Female Lead.

Our Male Lead, Cheng Kangyao, thoughhhhhhhh, I love him so muchhhh. Imma be real, I didn't expect him to be the male lead at the start. I thought it'd go through the cliche route and have the MC meet and impress a more mature man with her cultivation powers. It's hard for me to describe their romance, but THEY'RE SO f*ckING CUTE. At the start, Cheng Kangyao was kinda immature and arrogant (in a good way) but throughout the entire novel, we see him grow up together with our MC.

I really like this novel because it's a really nice mixture of fantasy and realism. Unlike a lot of female leads, Su Xingchen is genuinely mature and basically never does anything petty out of revenge. Despite being wronged she took the high ground and just simply distanced herself from toxic people which I really respect. We also get to see a lot of characters grow up after being positively influenced by Su Xingchen. <<less
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Pipinkj rated it
September 7, 2020
Status: Completed
The only thing that kept me going was Cheng kangyao. The ML was literally the best part. He was such a refreshing character that's just so lovable. Like, for once the ML who's a teenager is actually written to be like a teenager! He was such a good character that I when ahead and MTLed the rest of the chapter and binged most of it within like 3 days.

... more>>

However, later on, the last few chapters felt more like a chore to read than anything else. It wasn't a satisfying ending and in my opinion very rushed. And most importantly, the Cheng Kangyao was barely there.


Other than him, none of the other character weren't that entertaining. The FL was pretty okay until the later chapters when she became super bland.

Like, at least in the beginning she still had some cute parts to her that really made you connect to her, but later on, she becomes so op it kinda just dehumanizes her. She's so indifferent and unfeeling it's like a wake up call that she is quite literally just a figment of imagination created by a string of words

The Family is a lost cause and the only one worth saving is Su xingyang. People may say that at least Father Su is trying but in my opinion, he's not. He's trying to make it up to her to clear out the guilt in his heart for his own benefits. So that he'll feel comfortable and the weight is lifted off of his shoulders. Throughout the whole novel, there were so many chances where he could have change and actual tried to understand his daughter but no.


Don't get me wrong, it's totally fine to get frustrated at you're daughter when they don't give you respect, but after ten years of her refusing to come back home and the complete independence from the family he might stop and think, hmm maybe he should stop brushing off the reason why she left and blame her for being stubborn. He should think that maybe, what they did back then was a really messed up thing to do to your daughter that you've already been neglecting for the past 16 year. And I know it wasn't really his fault in the first place but he legit did nothing when she had been verbally and emotionally abused by his wife and mother for 4 years. And even then when he finally started to feel guilty, he kept being passive. It especially pizzed be off whenever he would scold her for doing something and then when it becomes successful he becomes super proud because she his "daughter" that only connected through blood. Yeah, this chapter really annoyed me, but don't worry, he wasn't that bad


in conclusion, good read to waste some time, don't get to attached because it won't be as satisfying as you think, Cheng Kangyao is best boy and I'll fight anyone who disagrees. 3.5/5.0 <<less
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raveindaeyo rated it
August 26, 2020
Status: c210
MTL-ed. (Some spoilers)

It was a good read but not that satisfying. There were a some chapters that were like added only to increase the chapters (scenes on New Year on her house) but then her own development was rushed, for example, suddenly the reason she's so smart is bcos she had photographic memory.

If with only good memorization skills you can excell so much in Mathematics, then I believe there'll be a lot of math geniuses. I just think Math is more than just good memory. But more of analytical... more>> thinking.

Though the term "photographic memory" wasn't mentioned, she did say "she never forgets what she reads" and her roommates even tested her. It was like she's so excellent that she's still the top in everything though she can even come to class for filming advertis**ents and movies. So the author just had to throw things like SXC having photographic memory to justify her intelligence. And with her being good at sports, martial arts, mathematics, but choosing medicine in the end while also being a popular actress, it felt like the story is all over the place.

To be honest, I also like cold characters... but those who are cold and still knows how to fight back with words after slapping them with accomplishments. SXC just never fought back. The only thing she did was answered in short sentences when dealing with her family then hungs up the phone and that's it.

Her grandmother, mother, and sister is a loss cause. But I just hoped she appreciated her dad and brother a bit more. Su Xing Yang was always good to her but she ignored him most of the time though he continued to reach out to her. She could've been a little more cordial to him. Maybe he wouldn't end up like how he did? Though I support❤

And her dad.. actually he was wrong on a looot of things. But he was good to her to some extent. A lot of times, he said a lot of rude words was bcos of Xingchen's attitude. If I was on his shoes and I'm a father exerting effort to make up for my child but still get disrespected time and time again, I'd also be mad to death, let alone say harsh words to vent. I think that's human nature when you're hurt.

Su Xingchen is a good lead. But could be better. For the character I like the most, I'd say, CHENG KANGYAO. His growth and devotion for SXC is just so nice to read. He has done a lot more in their relationship than SXC ever did. They said in the novel that Su Xingchen deserves better, but I believe it was Cheng Kangyao who deserves better, not in terms of life accomplishments (sxc is unbeatable in that area), but in terms of affections for him.

Also there's Zhao Moqin. I kinda wanted to see a story where SXC chose him. He might be rude to SXC before the transmigration happened but that's understandable, given how SXC chased him. Also understandable how he started to notice and admire her after suddenly she became excellent.

Overall, I enjoyed it but also got frustrated and bored on some parts. I finished it bacause I hoped it'd get better. But it remained just passable. Family grudges were never resolved. I expected at least some regret from her family. After all, she became so outstanding. But they still had negative things to say about her even after all that. It was actually tiring and frustrating to see that. Ugh.

Anyway, 3 stars. ✨ <<less
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Ilovebts rated it
August 10, 2020
Status: Completed
This story reminds me of my past 4 years in my life, this novel is realistic with a touch of supernatural element, as a girl born in a Asian Family I can relate to the MC very much, even though I wasn't neglected or anything but beating or scolding wasn't avoided in my house, as an a eldest daughter plus my parents without being a son raised me like a boy and high hopes for me but when I didn't wanted to do what they wanted then began my painful... more>> 4 years of rebellious period so I can relate with her on a spiritual level a little bit

Okay let's talk about the story

    1. I really liked the MC because she is realistic if something like that happened to me I would've lost my mind, but she still persisted and became successful is what inspires me.
    1. One thing that I'm unsatisfied is she didn't told Kang Yao about her experience fully, because let's face it when we bottle up our emotions and some memories it becomes your inner demon and can lead to depression, I would've liked that she opened up to him fully but oh well it's on her.
    1. I like her motto of repaying a favor with double and how even though if we count her overall age as 50 she has emotions and is not a cold iceberg
    1. ML : he is my favourite ML so far
    1. I love how he even though is arrogant, rebellious and has that childishness of a 17 year which he should have he still grows up little by little and improves himself
    1. And the major reason that I love his character is because he isn't like the ML from other stories who are scum but like MC when she changes, no he liked her from the start and was with her from the beginning and worked his ass of to catch up with the MC
    1. At first he seems like a scumbag because of his arrogance but as you get to know him, you can see his feelings for the MC through his actions and come to know some part of Xingchen and Kang Yao prior her transmigration through his monologue or when he is remembering the past
    1. He himself acknowledges that he somewhat or did neglected the MC at the beginning in their relationship or in the 2 years of their relationship and acknowledges that when he started becoming a better boyfriend it was too late and they broke up
The side character are fleshed out they don't feel too 2 dimensional but I would've liked if the author did gave them some screentime but oh well

I like their friendship as even though the MC and ML were getting away from them by becoming a good student they still supported them and at the end being influenced by them also started learning hard

Her family is tr*sh, T. R. A. S. H

If I was her I would've gone crazy and on a killing spree

Her brother did tried to reedem himself but it was too late

I would've liked the sister to get a tragic ending but the actual ending is alright for her as how she hated the patriarchal idea in her family and how she turned out to be just like them

[Cultivation world ][/from the ending of the novel I'm guessing that

Xingchen didn't died in the cultivation world but her soul travelled to the modern world because she wouldn't have passed the tribulation because of her heart demon

And I guess Cheng Kang Yao and Su Xing Chen will meet again from the ending that I got

] <<less
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Chiaroscuro rated it
June 25, 2020
Status: Completed
The actual chapters are chopped so if you wanna mtl then you should divide them by 2 or 3. Ex: ch 84 is ch 36 iirc

This reads like a slightly good qidian novels. You know, those types like overlord love me tender MC but slightly better written.
The MC is not a mary sue but she's mary sue ish. At first I was glad that her rapid change was gradual but in the end it's exaggerated. Like she needs to always be number 1 in everything lol. I for once, hoped for an MC who turned over a new leaf, is still not the absolute best but still works hard (but author just deus ex machina it) so there's that. It's such a disappointment because I feel like I was presented with a story that's (trying to be) down to earth and relatable but it's not. At some point I was bored and quick reading it lol.

The side characters are very caricature-ish and used to highlight mc's awesomeness. I won't comment about mc's family cuz that sh*t actually happened in real life. And still prevalent in some chinese families.

The saving grace for this to me is actually ML. He turned over a new leaf but it's a gradual process. He's THE MC I want. He learned, he ranked, he matured, and still not the absolute best but still tried to match the one he loves. Honestly, I lost interest fast with this book, but what makes me keep reading it is the ML lol.
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Decarabia rated it
February 2, 2022
Status: c191
I feel like those super low or super high ratings are underserved. From the start this novel can be identified as typical face slap junk and there's nothing much to look at. There's no great expectation. It's short term satisfaction, many parts can be skimmed through without any damage on understanding.

That said, I observe that many people feel strongly about MC's dad and her past as a cultivator.

Let's talk about her transmigration. Just because she lived 30 years there, doesn't mean she is wise. In fact, it's stated that most... more>> of her time was spent pursuing cultivation. It's not learning the dao and achieving enlightenment, it's the typical xianxia-esque cultivation in which cultivation=power, used to pursue wordly interests. So the only experience that actually matters here is that of killing beasts and dabbling into alchemy, learning to not depend on others and closing her heart. She was forced to forget about her past, she never dealt with the problems she came with, and at the time she transmigrated to xianxia she was merely a troubled young adult with superficial knowledge and skills. This template is taken up again when she transmigrates back, with few adaptations. It's unreasonable to expect her to "act mature" or have many skills that are valued in the normal world. She's only superficially okay, coming back from the other world she's more abnormal than before.

Now, about the dad. The whole Su family is dysfunctional, it's clear that all characters there were made to be hated. The father can evoke some pity, people may have the illusion that he's trying to make up for their broken relationship. The opinion will be either "too late" or "give him a chance". The only reason he cares a little about MC is because she's his biological daughter, but not once did he consider her point of view on matters. It's always that she's on her rebellious stage or that she has a huge temper and should accommodate for her elders. However, she has accommodated the Su family in the past, for a few years, until she couldn't stand it. If she was other person, maybe, but she was initially a person with a big temper who tried her hardest to be obedient, she would crumble for sure. She did chores every day while being scolded and beaten by her mother and grandmother for literally any reason you could find, basically ignored by her brother, father and grandfather, and absolutely despised and shamed by her sister. Even if father Su gave her the whole world on her palm, the only thing she could reasonably feel was that she should pay this debt one day. She stopped caring about him, that's already good enough considering she used to hate him.

Most of his concerns for not giving her as much as he does to his other children are due to her past actions, which is reasonable; however, never once did he question why she turned out like that. This is a man who gave his daughter away to be raised and focused on work, because he wasn't in a condition to take care of her, but the family that took her in was in an even worse situation. To be more exact, they wanted a boy, thus she had to be sent away - it wasn't out of necessity. They wouldn't take her back until she was 10 years old, they kept delaying it. In the story, she's already 16, and where are their parents all day? Work. They own so many shops already and are still cutting corners by washing cars themselves, it's already clear where lies the father's priorities.

All of that explained, everything else is typical. Writing is bland, characters are mostly 2D, there's the typical chinese depiction of foreigners (like saying foreigners think martial arts is s*upid... Lol what), some braindead moments, romance is meh, dog blood in the family... Like I said at the beginning, a typical face slap junk. I skimmed through most of it and it's ok, 3 stars is what I give because I already knew what type of plot it would be. Otherwise it would be a 2. If we compare between other such novels, it can garner 4 stars maybe, and it's not really fair to compare it to anything else. <<less
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kaio98 rated it
December 21, 2021
Status: Completed
Lots of things to say. I also want to refute the reviewer who gave a bad review and sh*t on the MC.

First of all, this story won't be liked by everyone. A big portion of this story - I would say like 65-70% of the story - is about her studying for exams and the math Olympiad etc etc. You might really get bored reading it. Cultivation doesn't really play a big part of this. In fact it's ALMOST negligible. So if you don't want to read about high school... more>> studying and such, you won't like this. If you want a cultivation story, this is also not for you because cultivation is not the main point here.

This story is about a girl who had a bad first life (almost 100% due to her shitty family) and died in Uni, transmigrated to a cultivation world and lived there for 30 years, and then transmigrated back to when she was 15 or 16 years old in her first year of high school. It's not mentioned how she died in the cultivation world or at least I don't recall. She decides to continue the path of cultivation on Earth but the aura of Qi is weak and she needs resources, therefore she needs money. She decides to work hard in high school and get into a good uni etc etc and inadvertently finds herself becoming a star (she signs a contract for 3 years only) and this is basically her journey of being a student and a star. The last act of the book is when she gets into uni, withdraws from entertainment circle, graduates from uni and her following achievements in pharmaceuticals using knowledge from the cultivation world.

Didn't really get the full picture of the ending because the translation was really at its worst then. (Btw the translation isn't great but it's not terrible but it does get worse as it goes on, especially the last 50-100 chapters and the last chapter 495 seemed to be the least understandable). Don't really understand the part where she


rose in cultivation level after CKY died? Did she spend 1000 years rising all those levels continuously?? Why are there suddenly monks involved??

Also, don't understand the last last part about her being from city C and winning 4 Nobel prizes and the 2 of them creating the Star group. Was that referring to when he was still alive or 1000 years later after meeting the newborn baby and naming him KY??? Seriously confused.


Now, time to rant. A reviewer basically called MC a selfish brat for not forgiving her father and not being thankful for him making a room for her?? Are you referring to the tiny balcony????? By the time he got a new villa and left an ACTUAL room for her, she already had her own house for how long and had been financially independent already.

This reviewer clearly has no empathy. Put yourself in her shoes. Would you be willing to go back to the "home" where your grandma is constantly nagging and scolding / insulting you all the day long?? And your elder sister acts like you're a dirty thief?? And your mothers hits you for being disobedient and basically all 3 women treat you like tr*sh? This reviewer, if you would be willing to live in such an environment then I can only respect you for having unlimited patience.

This is subjective but I wholeheartedly agree with her decision to break off from her family and become independent. Her family, including her father, wanted to use money (for tuition fees etc) as a leash to control her and make her come back begging for help. That's disgusting. PUI! (That's me spitting in disgust)

The father and brother are the only ones who realised that she's been treated really badly by them ever since she came to live with them and they're the only ones who feel anything about it. The father tries to make up for it but by this time, is it just too little too late??? That's the question and it's up to individual interpretation.

The 3 women in the family - grandma, mom, sister - are really shitty people. It really sucks to be born into that kind of family. Even the brother

in the end is revealed to be gay and his aversion to women was largely due to the s*upid terrible 3 women in his family.


My only dislike about the story is she didn't get CKY to cultivate with her, why is that?? And the translation at the end wasn't very good so I didn't really understand it either.

TLDR; Interesting story but can be dry at times, especially about the studying. Not as entertaining as some other stories. Alright to read but nothing fantastic. Still enjoyed it though. Oh yeah the romance is good. Good ML who treats her right. <<less
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amikyun rated it
November 5, 2021
Status: Completed
It's a good stuff, if u like face slapping this one is good, the romance maybe not so obvious

... more>>

bcs she didn't say she love the ml


For me, while read this, I suddenly want to study and do my homework (but I didn't LOL)


here u will see many academic achievement MC had that's mybe trigger urself 🤣🤣


This my third time read this novel, and I still like it but...


MC brother will become gay, I feel sad bcs their parent scolded him, make him cut their ties and the reason is bcs he feel traumatized with his older sister, mother, grandmother that think so patriarchal, I feel discomfort when I think abut it, bcs it's makes me feel this was ''retribution'' for the mc's family

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Blueraven rated it
August 11, 2021
Status: Completed
This was a... *sigh* it was an uncomfortable read.

The novel itself did a good job in making the family extremely dislikable in regards to it being extremely misogynistic, selfish, inconsiderate, and hypocritical. Whether it be the witch of a grandma or the father/brother that only start realizing their tr*shiness after everything is said and done but never actual do anything to change. Seriously, no one in the family is worthy of being forgiven.

However, the MC herself and her influence onto her friends leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. The... more>> MC was an emo scene kid before she first transmigrated and then immediately threw it away after returning. It basically feels like being emo itself was part of the reason lf why she was unsuccessful. I intially found it fine to change her style after returning because she had already lived a lifetime and no longer considered it part of her identity but it became different when her friends started to become part of this change. She kinda no longer actively interacted with her fellow emo peers until they themselves started to change in order to follow her and "coincidently" started to become more successful in regards to grades as they kinda veered away from the emo scene; the best example of this is ML himself as by the end he has made significant improvement while also no longer styling or coloring his hair.

The MC herself said that she liked her previous style but it somehow feels that she is also ashamed of it. Honestly, I'm confused on the fact on how she said she liked it but still changed and then started to shoot to be the top student. If you liked it so much, why didn't you retain the style AND aim for the top spot? It's not like being a good student and being emo are mutually exclusive. While plenty of emo students don't particularly have good grades, it's not because they're emo but because they might be depressed or even suicidal and have no mind to maintain their grades. I myself was emo but had straight A's. It pretty much felt like the author was saying that being emo prevents you from being a top tier student, worthy of being acknowledged, being seen as beautiful, and is essentially a hindrance that needs to be removed to reach true success which is quite ridiculous.

This series basically screamed "conformism is key" by the end especially when the counter attack to the family and the greatest punishment for them was the fact that the brother was gay and while somehow tying it with her emo past. It was just an unpleasant read for me and it just felt like an agenda for conformism.

*Note: this review was based off my strong opinion that I still remember after reading this novel a while back* <<less
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Silangan rated it
July 14, 2021
Status: c20
I cant believe someone recommended this over ‘Why Fall In Love if You Can Attend Tsinghua University’. It isn’t any better lmao

The writing style is completely lacking. Its either boring info dumps or repetitive dialogue scolding the MC. There’s absolutely nothing of substance. The writing screams first novel ever wattpad writer.

It gets harder to read stuff like this especially after reading better shit, written like an actual novel. This is basically a script with how bare bones it is.
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introparadox rated it
May 26, 2021
Status: c81
I like that the MC is realistic and strong, but the pace is just too slow, about half a month and the MC achieve nothing other than improve in her study, it would be ok if it wasn't not throughout 80 chapters.

And I really don't like how she threated her father. He wasn't aware of how badly she was threated. After all, the women of the house all conspired and gaslighted everyone, and she didn't help either by turning into a rebellious thug. The world doesn't turn around the MC,... more>> the father has his life and problems and responsibilities to deal with, he can't just expect that those witches antagonized their own blood for no reason, but once he was aware of her situation, he tried his best to provide whatever he can for her, and fought for her. But she threat him like ATM machine and nothing more. She escaped at night, which isn't something and adult (30 or more) is supposed to do and didn't care to at least let him know that she's safe with her friend. She refuse to meet him, and his invitations. I now she doesn't have to deal with the bullsh*t of her mother and grandmother, but at least she can put a bit of effort to keep a good relationship with her father, and younger brother, whom never harmed her, or even ignored her intentionally. If make the story really bland.

And than the ML, the usual do whatever he can for MC that add nothing to the story but a plot armor and slow down the pace of the story. At least he's not a possessive maniac. <<less
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sansukini0923 rated it
March 21, 2021
Status: Completed
Let me start by saying Cheng Kangyao is one of the most perfect male lead ever. The way he treats the MC is really good boyfriend material. He's not perfect. He's a rebellious child like her. But he is sincere and he is always there for her when she needs him the most. He is the mc's ex-boyfriend/bestfriend, turned very supportive lover. He's also rich but he never tried to buy her affections, he understands her and worked hard to make himself better in order to be on the same... more>> footing as her.

There is a sense of realism in the family problems the MC faces. Imagine living with with toxic people and those people are your family. The women in this family are really abusive and the men are passive. Sometimes the father feels guilty and tries to make it up to her, I feel like he is trying his best. But then he'll start making it seem like the verbal and sometimes physical abuse she gets from her mom and grandma is a trifling thing she should ignore. Like being told that she should have been strangled to death when she's a baby, not buying her clothes and underwear, not giving her her own space, not paying her tuition, when all the while both her other siblings are living comfortably. She has been polite to her father but she's right in not moving back to their family's house no matter how much her father pleads. It's not worth the abuse.

Sometimes I think she should have friendlier to her brother but I guess her past life is not something she easily forgets.

It's a good read except sometimes the author is so wordy when it comes to details. There are no extreme scheming and no revenge. She just wants to live her life and cultivate <<less
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ma as in horse
ma as in horse rated it
February 18, 2021
Status: Completed
So some reviews I'm seeing are basically hating on the studying aspect of the story, lol its basically the whole stories anyway I think its a light read and doesnt take too much thought to read to 5 stars for me hehe.
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January 12, 2021
Status: c495
The most boring, bland and tasteless novel I've read.

The story is literally nothing but MC studying and doing well in tests and then people being amazed.

Ending was super super rushed and a ton of stuff was left to rot without proper closure.

Author clearly has issues with numbers, time and genders. The timeline keeps getting mixed up and so does anything with numbers including even the age of the MC,

If you have anything better to do, anything at all, do that rather than this.
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Xiu_er rated it
December 25, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel is good for what it is. It gets a bit tedious and repetitive due to the theme being the FL being a school topper, i.e. learning god which means there is a heavy emphasis on her doing well on exams and competitions. Add to that that school life in itself is already pretty repetitive and mundane, it makes it easy for the reader to get a bit bored. However, I always looked forward to seeing the exam results and the reactions of everyone who underestimated the Fl. This... more>> novel is full of face-slapping in that sense.

There are many likeable characters. This includes the Sha ma te friend group, the Fl's maternal family, etc. The story also doesn't lack antagonists either which are typically all female characters. And while they all do have their reasons for being how they are you will not feel any less disdain for them. That's good, right? They fulfilled their role of disgusting the reader very well.

But not all characters are black and white. The Fl's father for example... I won't go into details. Let's just say that he has his moments where he is okay and moments where you wanna slap some sense into him. Either way, within his toxic waste dump ground of a family, I still think Xingyang, the brother, is a little spot of light because he seems to be the only one who sees through all the bs his family does and genuinely likes the FL even if he doesn't really do anything to help because his personality was made to be weak due to his family circumstances.

Also a plus from me for him turning out being gay in the end. Honestly, having grown up surrounded by b*tches and shrews, if not gay, he would have at least turned out as*xual. Boy was traumatized.


What I liked was that the ML was consistently supportive and caring for the Fl. She was his one and only, his first and his last. It's unrealistic af, but romantic nonetheless. I mean, who of us doesn't have the wish to be loved devotedly like that by someone? The fact that the ML and FL constantly not even sprinkle but rain dog food on us readers and their fellow novel characters makes the novel a bittersweet read for us single dogs.


The end, although a bit rushed, contained a nice twist with the rebirth back into her previous life being a heart demon tribulation in her accession to immortality. What weirded me out a bit was he coming down the mountain after thousands of years and claiming a baby as her lover. I mean, sure the baby may be the reincarnation of the Ml, but that's still a baby...

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SixMagnitudeGirl rated it
December 25, 2020
Status: Completed
The overall tone: MC doing the impossible and watching people's reaction.

The Good parts:

  • Topper - it can be quite satisfying
  • Entertainment - I don't know why but I just can't stop reading.
  • The ML pampering the MC.
  • The friends and teachers - the MC's teachers and ML's friends are so supportive of them.
  • This novel didn't try to fix the family problems that was deep rooted.

The meh parts:

  • The studying - okay, I get it. It's entertaining for the MC to get everything but come on... 7+ chapters dedicated to studying (not including the results and buildup) BUT we didn't even get a proper wedding or how the characters officially got together?
  • The family - I liked how the problematic family dynamic didn't really change and I get that the MC is so "enlightened" and "disassociated" that she just don't care BUT I hated how she never properly cut ties with them.
  • The wedding (or lack thereof) - Where is it? What happened? For a quarterly quiz, the author is so detailed. We even know the whole plot of the movies MC makes but no wedding? No cameo? Where is Teacher Ke or Teacher Chen? Catching up with Curly or Chubby? Reunions? Overall, I just feel robbed.
  • The ending - This quite harder to swallow... I didn't get it. The brother who has always tried to be good, got beaten up by the family. The sister got to manage the business. Daily discounts, nobel prize, then ML dies on age 100? I feel empty afterwards.

Verdict: Can be quite funny and entertaining. Overall not a bad read especially since it's completed BUT don't expect romance.
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Bookworm_Sueweetie rated it
December 24, 2020
Status: Completed
As other reviewers said, this mostly focused on FL's high school journey. It has a good premise in the beginning... but became boring later on. I even skipped from chp259 to chp404 but it only got minor changes that I can still understood the story despite skipping many chaps. The ending is quite satisfactory tho.

Su Xingchen (FL) has good and straighforward attitude but she's too OP and Mary Sue that contributed to the boringness. It feels like cheat when seeing other students who worked harder in the novel.

Her biological family... more>> is worst, but I'm glad that she didn't waste her time for revenge... she only treated them as strangers which means no evil schemes, etc. They got the result of their selfish upbringing in last tho.

The relationship between Su Xingchen and Cheng Kao Yang (ML) is really cute. The downside was there is certain unbalanceness as a couple wherein I feel that the ML is the one who only in-love in their relationship. The Shā mâ tès also added good in the plot.

I also confused on the author bc FL is like "Jack of All Trades"... wanting FL to be cultivator, martial artist, businesswoman, popular celeb, successful pharmacist, Math champion, school topper, etc. <<less
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nevelvir rated it
September 5, 2020
Status: Completed

I don't know if I should hate it or love this story..

From the tittle, you wouldn't really get the story. This is a stort about learning, bad family, youth, romance, fluff, angst. So many things, all at once.

The characters, are interesting. Mainly Father Su, and the teachers.

... more>>

The only thing that irritates me was how our Xingchen didn't open up to her aunt's family even after all this time. And it's a pity too that her father never got to be enlightened about how Xingchen really felt. Ahh.. How I wish that Su Father was slapped with the reality of how bad their Su family treated our Xingchen when all they could think was how kind they are after throwing her away and almost never remember her just for the fact that they gave her a place to live *her sister's bedroom where she couldn't touch anything other than her own folded bed*, giving her clothes *that has been used by her sister, including underwears*, and tuition for school *for only one semester*.

Damn, I'm so angry.


Let's not talk about our non-mainstream ML or I'll be squealing because of his fluffiness.

He is our MC's classmate, her ex-boyfriend, her deskmate, and Emperor Shamate. But also the very first person that give our MC the warmth she was lacking from her first live. He works so damn hard to catch up with her, spoiling her, and being so damn cute all throughout the story.


I cried, laughed and get angry as I read this story.

At first, the pace is only moderate, but close to the end, the story is too fast-paced and the ending seems rushed. And there are many repetition on useless description. So, I deduct 0.5 from it 👍🏻

Anyhow, I recommend you to give this book a try. <<less
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Evie Ren A
Evie Ren A rated it
July 4, 2023
Status: Completed
This is a Mary Sue novel. Okay, let's get that out of the way.

The MC transmigrated to the cultivation world and then went back to her original world, she set goals for herself: study hard, get in a good university, build a good reputation, manufacture and sell the medicines from the Xianxia world to get money for her cultivation. That's it. Aside from that, she really DOES NOT CARE about anything else. Not about shitty family members, societal pressure, expectations, not a thing. This is why, midway through the story... more>> it may seem that she is a pushover or a blank character without a personality for doing whatever her teachers tell her to do, but she's not and it shows more towards the ending.

Anyways, the ML is the best part of the novel. He is NOT the typical stoic, indifferent, quasi perfect, near yandere, black bellied CEO trope. He is a tsundere, teenager, devoted puppy. ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE, I CAN'T GET ENOUGH. He is definitely the more active one in the relationship, but once the MC opens up her heart to him, although she is subtle and more low key, she is determined, and she treasures him in her own way. She is definitely more of the going with the flow type, but since she is stubborn in her decisions, once she chose him as her partner, there was no going back.

The relationships in this story are not as in depth as the romance, but they are sweet and endearing enough to overshadow the shitty nuclear family members. The group of friends is great, the most important teachers too, the roommates are decent and honestly Shen Jinghong is an amazing character, I love her, the author had to drag her down a peg because she was so awesome and give way to the MC.

This is a high schooler topper, Mary Sue chinese romance novel, I don't really know what else you expected. There is patriarchy, boys over girls prejudice, discrimination, subtle (not really) xenophobia, misogyny, dysfunctional families, etc. But since I love cliches, and I was not looking for a revolutionary, life changing novel, I like it a lot in its own genre. The ML makes it all worth it imo. <<less
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