After Being Reborn, I Became Explosively Popular Across the Entire Internet


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Note: YanYan is born without feeling pain; even if he is injured, he can’t feel it.

In his previous life, Lin Qingyan was deceived by scumbags, framed by white lotus, abused by netizens, shouted at, beaten, and finally died miserably in a dilapidated house.

After being reborn, he decided to stay away from the scumbag and the white lotus and concentrate on his career, only to find that the man who took care of him in his previous life before he died turned out to be a famous business tycoon – Gu Fei.

In Nancheng, the Gu family is a well-known wealthy family, and it is rumoured that the head of the Gu family is Gu Fei. Gu Ye is cold-hearted, and he never gets close to others.

Until one day he picked up a homeless little pitiful one from the road and brought the little pitiful one home.The little pitiful one, who is very well-behaved and soft, does not resist when he is bullied; he just lowers his eyes and blushes. His slender eyelashes tremble lightly, and he whispers in embarrassment.

The little one is so obedient; master Gu can only spoil and indulge, holding him in the palm of his hand for fear of falling or getting hurt.

It turns out that all encounters have been planned for a long time.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Fire after rebirth,
Thousands of People Suspected of Rebirth and Became Popular on the Internet
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5 Reviews sorted by

Lianna rated it
October 29, 2023
Status: c25
The first several chapters are about YanYan's (MC's) angsty first life's experience. But thanks to ML they are bittersweet.

I was happy that it didn't take long for ML to find his "little white rabbit" YanYan. ML was cold to everyone, but very attentive and caring towards MC.

As Wolffenrir mentioned, An Yu was chatty and silly indeed. But his actions were dictated by the author's intention to set up a conflict stage. It was a plot need. So I don't blame the silly brat.

Dear translator, thank you for your hard work.
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July 12, 2023
Status: --
Can I just say the second brother An Yu is so damn annoying. The author clearly intended him to be a comic relief character but he just appears too much and completely irritates me, he's like the third wheel no one asked for who's also rude, intrusive and doesn't have a lick of self consciousness.

And on top of that, he went and told others (specifically MC's enemy in his past life) about ML meeting him and treating him to a meal for no goddamn reason! And even showed him a... more>> picture, which was taken without consent, of MC, drawing hatred towards MC while being happily clueless like some goddamn idiot with sh*t for brains. MC clearly showed that he has some trauma around having his pictures taken from his past life when he was a star and hounded by paparazzi and the general public, which of course An Yu wouldn't know, but he can tell that MC clearly shook a lot and had a very adverse reaction to his pictures being taken, right?? Right? Furthermore, ML made him delete those pictures, as he should, BUT HE DUG IT OUT OF HIS RECENTLY DELETED JUST TO SHOW THE ENEMY (who is his nominal younger brother) FOR NO GODDAMN REASON.

UGH. I wanna smack him so badly to see if his braincells and basic decency can be activated. He's such an annoying existence that I have to take a break. I HATE him. <<less
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Arrankai rated it
June 3, 2023
Status: c89
... more>>

Yea it's nice that MC found his real family but I think the novel would've had a more significant impact on me if he did acknowledge them but chose not to recognise them as his family, given how much pain 'family' has put him through. With how much he's done for them in the first life I thought MC would have doubts that maybe he isn't their child earlier, building up those doubts and gradually becoming tired and a bit numb, creating MC to be more dependent on ML.

MC has known who his bio family is for like a month, and yes MC should be unsure if they would recognise him, but when bio family is suddenly told who their real child is a few hours ago and 3 mins later MC hears that they'll accept him as family, it felt really fast paste for MC to just so willingly call them mom and dad affectionately when MC doesn't act a bit cautious or awkward, needing time to adjust or that they might be acting in the 'heat of the moment' to get MC

Also what happened to the reincarnated scum, like I don't think ML did do anything to get rid of him, so was he there to build trauma onto MC??


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July 10, 2023
Status: c102
Five stars for now, cute mutual favor~
Usually I don't leave a review if I haven't finished a novel/unless something prompted me to drop it BUT I wanted to give an alternate to the only other review here. Spoilers involved, obv:


while I'm all for MC ignoring their bio family if it was deserved, my understanding is that only ANY (dang that's an awk acronym for An Nanyi lol...) was involved in mistreating MC before. MC knew of AJ and AY but hasn't mentioned that he had issues with them before, mostly that he avoided due to association with ANY. why cut off people who haven't mistreated you without giving things a shot? I don't even remember a significant "ANY tricked bro x and y to abuse MC" situation, and in the current timeline it's already showed AJ still giving MC a chance after ANY said he was a bully and thief, and even then going against his ~precious younger bro~ when he locks MC out of their dorm overnight and makes him sick (also starting to suspect ANY in general).
Did bio family accept MC pretty fast? Yes, but considering bros 1 and 2 first considered him their new sister-in-law and got to know him from his dedication on the show, bro 1 at least was already shown to have an understanding of MC. Author also vigorously adds in ~unexplainable sense of intimacy~ with the bros and mom, AND when they get told he's their stolen kid ML is the one presenting evidence, including recordings and DNA tests that also showed that ANY was aware of it and repeatedly acted against MC. Additionally, AJ has gotten to know MC pretty well during the filming and said ML wouldn't be with someone who isn't good so while bumping up the relationship to brothers is a bit sudden he already had a good impression of him and could help things get going with the rest of the bio fam.

finally, the review is marked at chapter 89 which is literally the chapter everything comes out and when they meet up at the hospital ML had already secretly told the bio fam that while MC may say he's ok with ANY staying it's not appropriate or right given the events and they agreed, saying ANY had chilled them. When MC wakes up they cautiously meet and that's when the An fam ask if he's willing to consider them family, and then if he'd call them mom, dad, etc. so he calls them that from the hospital bed and it's meant to be a moving scene. Are they immediately happy family? No lol. MC is still insecure about it and still lives with ML while getting to know them so not 'barely knew them for a month then called them mom and dad affectionately'


sorry for the rant so far so good give the novel a try it's cute how

ML fell in love with MC when they were children but MC doesn't know and ML doesn't know that MC wanted to find him/the man who was with him when he died after being reborn

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WallEyeKnee rated it
December 26, 2023
Status: Completed
I got fed by a whole bag of fluff for over 170 chapters damn.

Cannon fodder villain is so annoying, I don't get why ML don't take care of him once and fall after so many incidents.

Over bearing CEO X tamed little sheep, ML is doing all the work, MC lay down and win and just focus on his own skills.

I just read cannon fodder fake master so there's similarities, I want a revengeful MC dude letting these villain go too easily, I would've made them suffer to no end... more>> and make them regret they ever lived.

TOO MUCH FLUFF, the drama is very little. <<less
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