A Thousand Thoughts


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In the first half, teacher and student relationship.
Tough professor with a soft heart Gong x Paranoid with psychological problems Shou

I’ll join with black despair against my soul. And to myself become an enemy. —Richard III Translation Act 2, Scene 2, Shakespeare.

Tang Xu met a boy seven years ago with ragged clothes and scars all over his body.
He was not a kind and compassionate man, but he still held the boy’s hand when he left.

I love you, it couldn’t be a purer paranoia.

Author’s notes:
1. Not cute, but dark direction

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4 Reviews

Mar 20, 2023
Status: Completed
I read until chapter 13 then I MTLed. The writing style is good, very lyrical, and atmospheric. Basically uses a lot of metaphors, and a bunch of hints of "show, don't tell". You really get to enjoy the pace and characters, sometimes the vibe is too strong and you get a bit confused with what the characters are feeling but that's another thing.

The Shou is 23 and the Gong is 29 at the start of the novel, but they met earlier, as the shou was adopted by the gong in... more>> an impulsive decision, and the shou's environment was very bad. The timeline is a huge problem because they describe the Shou as a small child, but later they say the Shou was 11-12, while the Gong meet him when he was in college so he should be around 19-22. So trying to understand their ages is a bit messy.

If you want to understand where the paranoia thing comes from:


The paranoia is because the Shou is possessive towards the gong, but because of his age, this sense of wanting to have him as his because he liked him was misconstrued as a character problem, so the Shou began to see himself as a bad child/person, which makes him have a very mild temperament when he's an adult. The Gong is of course appalled because he liked the Shou being nosy and what-not, he got a cultural shock, then realized he had some fault in making the Shou what he is now. So the story began with the Gong taking care/doting on the Shou so he can live his best version of a bossy and spoiled bottom.


The story begins with ab*se to the readers, (I freaking teared up, then cried, then screamed), it's a huge rollercoaster. TW: Abusive parents, su*cide mentions, psychological problems, trauma, age gap, imbalance of power.

It's not very thorough on the psychological frame, and the trauma plot is a bit simplistic. The novel touches upon poverty, self-esteem, personal image, identity, and past s*xual trauma (this one gets dismissed which made me almost mad, as I know it has a particular impact on people but whatever) from a parental figure, su*cide mentions, and distortion of self. The author could've done a better job at research but this is a web novel, and I'm sure they're not getting paid enough for it, so whatever, take whatever happens here bit a grain of salt (especially the bit of the doctor disclosing the patient's info, this one was so f up).

Overall, it has two major problems: one, the unrealistic portrayal of sexual, mental, and physical trauma, and a psychologist and client relationship, and two, unclear age gap and a blurry line between love and pity (from the Gong, I mean the Shou was adopted by him but this is never a problem but instead was taken as a green flag?). They touch upon the second problem quite a lot of times but there's never a clear-cut answer, which rather suits the flow of the novel.

It's enjoyable because of the angst, the slow burn and their mysterious past, and later even more for the doting and comforting, cozy relationship between the main ones. But it's frustrating in the sense that it used trauma as a plot tool and was never truly understood or resolved but glossed over. <<less
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May 15, 2023
Status: c1
I misclicked. Should've been 3 stars.

The child ab*se pissed me off so much because of how the impact was glossed over like that. I feel like with topics that dark & heavy, if the writing can't support it, then don't use it as a prop to make the character's backstory more pitiful. It wasn't necessary at all to add the s*xual ab*se in there. I thought that the author was going to explore the trauma that that brings but in the end, the only trauma the MC had to unpack... more>> and seek counseling for was the one brought by the ML's abandonment. It simply just didn't make sense. There's also the part about the psychologist disclosing the MC's issues to the ML without the MC's knowledge and consent. Just icky.

I don't really nitpick when it comes to short stories, but like, if you want to write about falling in love with angst, it's completely possible to do it without using heavy topics as crutches and not giving them the proper treatment they deserve. Don't just chuck them in the plot as mere plot tools. <<less
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Jun 04, 2023
Status: --
The story is about a healing process. However unfortunately the writer didn't write the process smoothly.

The change from pains to healing turns so abruptly. It glossed up so easily that it seems like an insult to MC traumas.

Worse is, there's no clean cut explanation from ML side when his feeling of 'taking care of a child' changed to 'romance', so the whole sweet at the ends feels like a 'pitying act / guilt redemption act' to MC, imo.
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 25, 2023
Status: Completed
This is a healing story.

The story starts with a reunion between MC & ML.

MC (the shou) is someone whom ML saved from his abusive parents and thus, become his only light in life. But something happened that makes ML decides to left MC to a new adoptive parents. And MC suffers because of it, feeling like ML abandoned him.

... more>> After their reunion, ML starts to realize one by one, MC's abnormalities, his suffering during their years of separation, and also, MC feelings towards him.

And thus, begin the story of how ML slowly heals MC and dotes on him.

It starts a little bittersweet, especially during the reminiscence part, but then turns coyingly sweet & fluffy when ML starts to heal MC. <<less
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