A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts


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Three years after graduating from Hogwarts, Felix entered the school again, only this time as a professor!
What kind of sparks will come from the combination of Muggle wisdom and magic?

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Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor Of Hogwarts
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Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures (1)
Hogwarts on the Tip of the Tongue (1)
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12 Reviews sorted by

walang16 rated it
April 20, 2024
Status: Completed
Holy guacomole this MTL is bad BAD.

See, the thing is there is already a proper translation for this. Completed. Translation. But under a slightly different name, "Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts".

I repeat, Completed Translation has already been done!!!

So I don't why this one is here and not the completed translated work... actually I do have 3 as to why

... more>>

It's by webnovel. It's that advent of pay the "translator (s) " even if it's the lowest of the low effort given and then uploaded to us. Third, the one I mentioned never got here OR reported so it can be deleted here (idk how it works here I'm just guessing) and give way to this group as the sole provider of this novel


I guess I am very late to have found this here because I've read it already, then found this thinking it was something different. Nope. I already have, and it's just a worse version of what I've read.

Properly Translated - 4.5 (the one I've read, and not this version here, it could be rounded up to 5)

this MTL version - 1 (sadly, there is no 0 stars option on this site, 1 is the lowest I can possibly give) <<less
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Eskinos rated it
May 17, 2023
Status: Completed
Fully agree with Mr SAM20. This novel is really good.

    • It isn't trivial because of the OP MC. He develops his magic and more importantly his character.
    • No system
    • The unnecessary retelling of the story is skipped, mostly focusing on the more novel sides of the story
    • The magic system is so much better developed than the source material - it explains the inner workings of e.g. Magical paintings and all kinds memory magic, what makes a powerful wizard actually powerful (in the original it is simply stated that Dumbledore is powerful, but how, in which way? Never said)
    • The time-turner plot-hole is filled in an interesting, but quite logical way
    • Some scenarios are altered for the better, but without changing the story too much
In short: the world created by Rowling is a lot more fleshed out.
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2lazy4name rated it
February 8, 2024
Status: c205
I'm quite farther along the MTL version of the book but I'm at chapter 205 of Hollywood's translation. The book itself is pretty good, but there are some glaring issues with the translation that just aren't there in the MTL version.

There are so many pronoun mixups where various characters will be referred to as "he/him" and then "she/her" in the same sentence, if not a couple sentences later. It's a little confusing and I honestly would not mind if it weren't for the next error.

The translation just can't get names... more>> right. For example, Neville Longbottom might be called Norton Lanbutton or something else that sounds similar to the pinyin, Filius Flitwick might sometimes be called Felix Harp, the Paris arc where one of the characters is called Celeste in one chapter, Sylvester in another, or Celestina, Seamus Finnigan is called Symo, Charity Burbage is sometimes called Carridy Bubbagee. Remus Lupin (and Alastor Moody I believe) are just namedropped out of nowhere in the middle of the 2nd school year with no context to suggest that their names would be appropriate in that situation. The list just goes on. It makes the story somewhat difficult to follow. So far, the only names that are constantly correct seem to be the trio, Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape. I imagine that it would be hard for the reader to get into this story if they had not already read the original books since they would be confused about the character names. The machine translation seems to be better with the names, but it reads a little more awkward in terms of phrasing. I may have gotten some of the above examples wrong, but it doesn't detract much from my complaint about this issue.

I don't have much to complain about the book's quality, but the translation is going to drive off any readers who may not be familiar with the original books. I have never posted reviews before on this site, but I had to write this one since I only saw one review on this site pointing out the names issue but without any specific examples. The translator needs to get an editor FAST. <<less
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SAM20 rated it
March 8, 2023
Status: Completed
One of the best renditions of the Harry Potter world I have ever read. It makes me want this world to be canon. It is that good. Felix Hap is a great protag although at first he appears a bit detached and cold. This novel is a very fun ride for anyone who is bored of the usual cliche of sticking to Harry Potter and friends in fanfics. Here, the MC is the one leading the golden trio to greatness, giving a different perspective on the story that I love... more>> so dearly.

Highly recommend this <<less
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Fort de Knox
Fort de Knox rated it
August 31, 2023
Status: c725
So I read it until the end, saves from the pairing that's out in the extra chapter.

This is definitely higher end of fanfic, the author definitely read the original book, every plot is rigorous to the original and even modified things to improve the plot.

What I'm glad of is this novel doesn't shy away at modifying plot, plenty of plot is modified yet remain coherent. The story shy away the focus from the original character, making it not a copy of the original plot. Not to mention the introduction of... more>> rune magic is very unique, and is object of intrigue.

It's a good take of the new Harry Potter if I may say, compared to the reboot and retakes that puts nothing new, this kind of new focus is complete welcome.

And yeah adding to the other reviewer, the pairing at the end is unnecessary, yet it doesn't dampen the story since it only appears on extras. In fact if the author did not say it, I wouldn't have noticed. Regardless, this is worth 5 stars. <<less
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Qib rated it
August 30, 2023
Status: --
The romance is the creepiest thing in this novel, and I am just happy that it's not front and centre for the majority of the story. No idea who's thought process, my assistant can eventually be a partner one day. Besides that it's one of the best HP fanfics I think in the Chinese genre. A major complaint with HP world building, a lot of things are not explained and the reason for this is due to it having a relatively soft magic system but also has some hard magic... more>> system rules which adds a bit of confusion. Thus, the author has a lot of liberty to add a lot of things to the world that makes it feels full and alive, and I am always a sucker for teaching characters, so this story is great on that aspect since he genuinely cares

Edit: I didn't mean for it to be one star I thought I put at 4. So my bad on that end <<less
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ImmortalMaou_sama rated it
May 20, 2023
Status: Completed
Best MTL translation, I have ever read.

Best fanfic, I have ever read.

This is the Story of Felix Hap not Harry Potter. Most of the HP fanfic, just insert their characters in HP and then show Harry's story from the SI's perspective with some changes. But here Harry's journey is secondary. Although, we still get to see the Trio's school life a lot, but everything has changed greatly and we still see more then what we hope for.

The best aspect of this is the characters. They feel more real. I really... more>> really would like to see this fanfic as a movie. There is many things the Author added in the World but he doesn't change anything that is already established in the movies. Just adds onto it. The magic and the power level were the best surprise, the Wizards are much more versatile and way more stronger especially someone on the level of Voldemort and Dumbledore.

I really won't mind if the story went on for dozens more chapters. I feel the story ended abruptly, although all storylines are finished and it even stopped at a good time. But there is so much more the author can show. He has build an expansive world which can keep going even without the Main Character still being the part of the story.

I truly have no regrets with this. I usually don't say something like this is the best novel/fanfic I have ever read, because that sounds like a very big claim to me. But for this I can confidently say that "This is the Best Fanfic I have ever read." <<less
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SayMrrp rated it
June 2, 2024
Status: c50
Tried reading it (it's fully translated and free to read on Webnovel btw), but I slowly realized it was too much like a generic and simple CN novel with a male main character that goes around and powers up. Stallion novel minus the harem (so far?) with a Harry Potter setting.

Like, it was somewhat interesting, but I couldn't feel any depth despite its quality not being too bad. There were some interesting details, but the characters just didn't feel alive to me. That's subjective (and I know other reviews disagree),... more>> but that's how I personally felt when reading. You can try it out and find out if you agree or disagree with me XD

The MC wasn't too bad, but he didn't interest me. I had a decent time reading 50 chapters, but I don't think I'd want to read 700+ chapters of this.

I will say that people complain too much about the MC's lack of HP knowledge. Bro didn't really interact with HP before transmigrating, so it's pretty realistic how he doesn't know much. Like, if I got transmigrated to Game of Thrones (please no) which is also super popular, I'd have no clue. It's not bad that bro just knows the basics of the OG books/movies, and I appreciate it when the author writes him as making mistakes due to just not knowing the HP plot. <<less
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
February 17, 2023
Status: c175
It feels refreshing to have a fanfic where MC barely knows the outline, and important parts of the story. Adide from that it's still an OP MC seemingly breezing by HP world with Mc's school years being skipped.
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Iwo rated it
May 10, 2024
Status: Completed
I loved this FanFic! I think it's the best FanFic I've ever read, including the non-HP ones.

Felix Haip is a great protagonist, he is already an adult so we do not see immature things, it does not mean that everything has a rigorous atmosphere, it is entertaining to immerse ourselves in the magic together with him. Feliz plays an important role not only in the lives of the golden trio but also in the world outside of Hogwarts.

My favorite part is what came after Voldemort's defeat since... ... more>>

I had never read about how they faced the problem of the magical world being completely exposed, I loved every step they took to avoid a war that would have thousands of deaths.


About the romance...

I saw several complaining that when Felix met Hermione and saw her talent for the study of magic he thought of her as a future "partner", some interpreted it as a future "wife", but I firmly believe that She referred to "co-worker" for the study of ancient runes.

Personally, I didn't mind FL's choice as I always thought highly of her, and there was never any really bad attitude from either of them when Herminone was a student.


Anyway, I loved this novel, I 100% recommend it. <<less
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afis rated it
October 11, 2023
Status: c132
Some of the translation names/pronouns are flawed, but great story if can get past that. Nice that he actually innovates on and properly tries to be a good professor instead of only using it as an excuse to pursue power or chase grudges from books.
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haanhaan rated it
November 9, 2023
Status: c185
3 stars for now...

Cause there is something bothering me.....

He is from modern Earth right? a transmigrator of sort..

... more>> MC should have at least watch some of HP movies (cause the movies aired pretty often in some tv channels, unless MC living in a cave or a place with no access to any tv channel and only listening to local radio in local small village), then he should have some understanding of HP world, but nope, author kinda make him amnesiac patient where he only "have vauge feeling, some flashing images, etc".

AND why does his memory of Harry Potter story almost blank? He is a high level mage, and a potion master, surely he can recall even his memory when he just birthed with some memory spell or potion.

Not that this novel story not good, but it really bothers me, as MC previous life looks like a regular man living in a regular city, watching tv is the norm and many tv channels aired the HP movies during family holiday season, also even if MC not watch or read the book, he should have some recollection of HP general story from his friends or family when HP released and everyone talking about it, or maybe in his previous life working place, people would talk about how its fun to watch or something, so it really makes no sense to me that MC won't know anything about HP general story. <<less
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