A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me


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Since childhood, Gu Wuji regularly encountered ghosts. One day, he was dragged into an infinite world of terror. But as a result….

I treat you guys as evil spirits, but all of you want to hug my thigh?

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66 Reviews sorted by

Sara801 rated it
October 30, 2020
Status: c57
I am in love! Love! LOVE! With this work!

Started an account just to praise this lovely work, I don't know how to write a review but I must say, the humor and the horror blend together so well *chef kisses*.

MC is OP but I can still feel the horror instead of just reading about MC going on crushing everything with his OP-ness which could kill the horror... but I felt it! THE TENSION! I also love how good natured he is...I love him.

The humor, it made me paused for a... more>> while before laughing out loud, like literally!

Anyway, AMAZING work! Totally recommended! <<less
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Aria rated it
July 5, 2020
Status: c48 part1
Mmmh, things are too convinient for the MC, I would give it 5 stars if there's no deus ex machina appearing on every chapter

I guess it's 3.5/5 rounded up cause of yaoi-lense bias :<
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YellowNoodle rated it
June 23, 2020
Status: Completed
2 words: Brain Hole.

Hoh boy, this story sure was a rollercoaster ride except you slightly expected what was going to happen but still enjoyed the experience.

As for the first statement, everyone in this story thinks too much, even Gu Wuji. Their imaginations are too rich.

... more>> Concerning the Mc's character, Gu Wuji is nice but not a holy mother. He'll take the initiative to save others but if they don't listen, he won't care for them. So to say, he's kind but apathetic towards others to a certain point.

As for the male lead... there's nothing to say. He's a background character. Literally. (Do you like my joke?) And Gu Wuji spends time completing the copy and running away so all you see is a bland and crazy obsessive



Next, the horror copies are certainly wonderful and the interactions between characters is certainly funny but there was a certain point that it just felt repetitive.

Yes, there's 200 some chapters but each chapter is loooong. Like, way long.

And the ending. It was extremely rushed, especially when, throughout the novel, Gu Wuji was confused over why all the bosses had "gay guy affections" for him, a self proclaimed straight guy lmao.

(Pretty sure no straight guy could kiss another guy, even if he was a ghost)


And they only shared ONE REAL KISS

(3 in total if you think about it. But can it be called a kiss? These pecks after that real one? Nah, Namjoon says NO!)


I mean it is shounen ai but come on, there wasn't enough romance development or s*xual tension because Gu Wuji was trying to save everyone.

I mean, if you've read "The world Is Online" then that story gives you enough to keep you full but still wanting more. But in this story, romance is lackluster. It's more of the ghosts wanting Gu Wuji to stay with them in the copy.

Which is why, the ending is too rushed.

The reason I didn't give this a 4 star?

The horror copies were great and the plots within them is well done. Certainly not original in a few aspects but the way the author connected it with

the real world is indeed interesting. Especially those crazy evil god worshippers who did that ceremony.


Last thing to add,

Things get real OP towards the end. But I guess if Auston can create an irl identity as a ghost, then then the purified ghost king/evil god/ghost Boss can too.


All in all, good story but you won't miss out on anything (except for my favorite arc, The Vampire Banquet) if you choose not to read.

Mtl is readable too.

Enjoi and Adieu!

P.s. Meng Meng is my favorite character pfft. That arc was the best. <<less
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holizshit rated it
June 22, 2020
Status: c47 part2
This novel is a breath of fresh air.

Tired of seeing timid MC who needs to be saved by ML? Then this story is perfect for you! Damn, I sound like a commercial, but it's true. Gu Wu Ji is the epitome of bravery and goodwill. Ghosts? He's not scared of them, he befriends them.

This story is gold. The comedy- I can't. Everyone always seems to misunderstand Gu Wu Ji, in a funny way. Everyone's reaction to him interacting and the ghosts never fail to crack me up. There are some... more>> gory parts, however, it's not as scary with the comedic elements. A perfect blend of horror and comedy. <<less
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ylial rated it
March 15, 2020
Status: Completed
Similar to FoD, I keep wishing that the story will never end. Every copy is honestly good in a way that it will make u laugh, think and sometimes cry/feel sad.

I do recommend this one since the love story between the MC and boss copy/ML does not feel out of place unlike "heartthrob in a horror movie", since Gu Wuji isn't afraid from any ghost/monsters in the first place. Hence, the flow of story is smooth without the comedy/love story part being out place

Probably the downfall are some of the... more>> scenerio/chara that are left behind, eg.

half brother of Cheng Jia, Ning family etc. I don't know what happened to them

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sleepismypower rated it
December 2, 2019
Status: c45
First rating: 5 stars

Last rating: 3 stars

I actually loved this until the story became a bit repetitive and tiring to read. There were moments when I laughed in disbelief because of the MC's constant craziness in the oddest of times but I stopped and dropped it because I just got tired.
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Oceanskyice rated it
July 25, 2019
Status: c22
This is the kind of novel I’ve been needing without knowing it. I find it incredibly amusing to read about the reactions of others as he shakes hands with ghosts and hugs them. I love this intelligent MC who is way stronger than he actually looks, and his kindness. To where I’ve read, the ML hasn’t appeared yet, but he seems sweet, if not overbearing (definitely not human though). The translation is rather stiff and rough in the beginning, but gets much more flexible as it goes on,... more>> so please give this novel a chance! <<less
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Adriana28 rated it
July 7, 2023
Status: Completed
I am a great fan of this novel dnd I really loved this novel so much.

I am not in the mood right now to write a detailed review as I am feeling so lazy right now, but it was really good.

I enjoyed reading it very much. And loved all the arcs and the characters of the story be it the MC Or ML or side characters.

It's a good story, but the ending was a bit lacking to me, I would love to read more chapters about them.

I would highly recommend it to you all.

Thanku author for ur hard work.
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Qwex rated it
June 15, 2022
Status: c96
I feel like quality dropped over time.

In the beginning it was an enjoyable novel with interesting MC that has a unique personality. Not an ideal novel, there were some plotholes, but I was having fun so I closed eyes on them.

Some of the plotholes in the earlier chapters:

... more>>

MC buys skill that cannot be upgraded over time. After some time this skill was upgraded.

A big family lives in their ancestral haunted house because, if they leave, after some days they will suffer from horrible nightmares. After some time it is mentioned that a lot of members of this family only come to this house once every couple of months.


You know, small stuff that does not influence the plot in big ways.

What I liked the most was the plot and MC.

I can't say that I've real a lot of infinite flow novels, but this plot structure is novel to me. Basically there are mostly self contained stories within instances and an overarching plot IRL. The plot IRL even has it's own plot arcs (the first one ended with a cool boss battle). Plots of instances are connected to each other and to some point to RL.

MC is someone who is quick to help others (human and ghosts), but he is not s*upid. He is also not a Holy Father and will not blindly help people who want to harm him. He is proactive in every instance and works very hard to learn the truth. He is super OP, but as time goes on the dificulty of every instance rises and he has to work very hard not to die.

Well, all of this was in the beginning. The seventh instance (The Vampire Banquet, starting from the 80th chapter) throws all of this out of the window. Detailes under the spoiler, but as a quick note - if you think that an instance with name like The Vampire Banquet will have a banquet - then you will be very disappointed. The only thing the author described was that the food was delicious. Not even what kind of food, just that it was delicious. For so called vampires those people were lacking in blood drinking. I quess they are vampires and not just some dudes so that Boss would have a reason to be interested in MC.


One of the things that help MC to solve mysteries is his intuition. It was not (very) often used in the past, but it was very helpful. This time it felt like MC of this novel is Peter Parker. Seriously, his "intuition" this time is more like spider sense directly from comic books. Whe worst offender was when MC was given a task to find who of a villagers is a werewolf. Suspects were gathered in front of him, and he just poins to one of the no-name NPCs, like, it is her!

If in previous worlds he actually got along with other NPCs, learned about them, investigated the situation, this time his "intuition" solved the mistery.

What happened next made me face palm (I did it alot while reading this novel from this arc to where I dropped it). MC started to pull reasons as to why it is this girl from his ass: this girl was in love with the person whose role MC took (Because of reasons this time he looks like a girl, whatever). Ang guess what? He was right! None of that was mentioned previously, he was just blindly guessing. But this is not all! After that this girl turned into a werewolf and attacked a female player, who hated MC. MC saved this player, and she fell in love with MC. Jokes about how this world is full of lesbians will get old really fast.

BTW, this is the second person in this instance when a player immediatelly started following MC after he saved him. But not the last. In earlier worlds it would've made sence, but it was supposed to be an intermediate level world, and, from how low lever worlds were, players with skills like this have no chanse at all to live longer than a couple of levels max.

But ok, what about when they actually were in the castle? Maybe then MC started unraveling what is going on? Nope! Well, they did, but most of exploration were in one sentence: they explored the first floor and helped other playes. All the info MC found was from the journal that female player gave him and from the journal in the library.

This is about plot. About MC. His intelligence also suffered: now he is a Holy Father who just stands with a smile while other people try to kill him. (The one doing the killing is the most cheap cannon fodder in existence. MC was actually trying to save him (and other players) at that time).

How MC learned about the history behind current events? It was shown him in flashbacks at the end of this arc. FLASHBACK! This is how low this novel has fallen. (There was actually a scene where MC, like some kind of knock off Poirot, pointed out to the Boss that he knows why he does that. No, it was never mentioned in the novel, you do not deserve to make this deduction).

And finally, why Boss was so interested in MC so he started a fight over him? Because MC has delicious blood. That's it. Reasons why Bosses from other worlds were interested in MC are... sketchy, but this is simply insulting.


After this arc I was going to read another one, just in case it was an exception and after this the quality will be like in the earlier chapters, but I quit even before the next arc started. I was sitting there and muttering between my teeth "one more time, say that you think something is a bad idea because you have intuition and not facts one more time" and he did. Also, the author seriously nerfed his IQ for laughs:


He, who grew up with ghosts cannot see that the door did not stuck but was closed by a ghost? Whut?


So my unique MC turned into another OP protagonist who is hell bent on helping others, but does not see further than his nose.

About romantic relationship.


MC is a so called "straight steel man", but he is equally oblivious when women flirt with him. (Not that it happened more than once. (See spoilers about the seventh instance)), but still. Not anoying like if he was some kind of wannabe Casanova.

About his relationships with titular "evil spirits". Fot the most part they are not present in arcs until very end. They observe MC's actions and find him interesting so they want him. In other words, 96 chapters in, and at most we have some chemistry between characters who are together for a couple of minutes.


In conclusion: Even with earlier chapters, not everyone will like this novel. After some time the quality dropped so hard and so sudden, that I couldn't force myself to continue. Do I regret reading it? No. Do I recommend it to others? Also no.

Also, I hope there are some very detailed spoilers for this novel. The plot got me hooked and I simply NEED to know what is actually going on and how it ends. <<less
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CyanKing2020 rated it
May 20, 2022
Status: Completed
Why is there a yaoi tag. It's only shounen ai because there is no mention of s*x. Pretty good plot but I don't like how clueless the MC is sometimes.

it felt like after the MC reincarnated he lost some portion of his soul.

not very engaging because I can already figure out how each arc would go in the romance department. The title gave me lots of anticipation for gradual developing romance but I didn't get any because the ML just falls for the MC on instinct.
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I Build Ships for Living
I Build Ships for Living rated it
March 13, 2022
Status: --
This novel is one of my favorite horror-com novel if you want something like this I can recommend you reading Kaleidoscope of Death and Earth is Online.

This novel is really great it's always full of comedic moments and it's also fun to read the reaction of other players about our MC's (Gu Wuji) action.

I definitely recommend this novel it is so fun and enjoyable that I was able to binged it it one night.🥰
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Elena Ravenwood
Elena Ravenwood rated it
October 25, 2021
Status: c86
OmG. This is so good. Now I cant be satisfied with just mediocre story because of this novel. Sad life. I hope Ill come back to reality soon and be satisfied with whatever available on the internet.
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Nahira rated it
July 25, 2021
Status: c52
the tags say horror but it's pure comedy
MC is OP and every game is a literal game for him lol, but even if it's not hard for him he's not arrogant or anything, I think he could be described more as a gentleman and doesn't get too well social interactions since he has been living more with ghosts than people. The ML... I'm still a little confused about who is the ML tbh
If you want to laugh I think this novel is for you, it doesn't have puzzles until now, nor any kind of stress. At least thats what I feel from it

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SnowMoon rated it
November 11, 2020
Status: c50
This story is hilarious!!! At first, I was wary because of the horror tag (I'm a scaredy-cat) but I'm glad I decided to give it a go. The horror wasn't too much and the funny scenes distract me from my fear.

The MC is the best!!!!
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venos rated it
September 5, 2019
Status: c154
I MTL it till 154 but still can't guess who is Ml! MC is so slow in relationship and romance but he's one of sweetes MC that I see, his character wasn't like any MC that I read till now.

first I was doubtful to read a horror story but it absolutely don't give you any scary feeling its more funny than scary and with some gore! In this novel author make you sympathy with so many devil ghost and prize MC for his big heart.

I recommend this story to any... more>> body that want to try something new. <<less
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LIght Novel San
LIght Novel San rated it
August 11, 2019
Status: --

YES, it's really scary but with the addition of Gu Wu Jin, everything turns out to be a total fluff.

He's not actually an Op-type but he's kind of hmmm.... Kind of OP type but not in the sense of f*cked up. I mean he's very reasonable and I like his character very much. His past really play A f*ckING MASSIVE role on how he became the present him. It's not like he's a cold hearted and expressionless youth that he can ignore the terrifying and horrendous face of... more>> the ghost but it's just, he got used to them.

He's also a kind hearted youth but not to the point of too much, he just don't discriminate again people and ghost, maybe he just sympthize with them? Probably.

Anyway, after reading the second arc, it daunted me why it is entitled as such, EHEM. Just read it. Worthy very worthy. <<less
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November 29, 2022
Status: c99
I won't rate it yet. I've read through the translated chapters and 1 MTL chapter before I realized I'm not that into the story to put up with MTL. When this is fully translated, I might pick it back up, but it's not what I'm looking for now.

If you want to read BL romance, don't bother with this one. I mean from the title you think there would be a bit more romance, or you know any.

If you are just in it for the horror aspect, it's not bad, but... more>> does become highly repetitive. By the 7th arc idk if the author ran out of explanations or is trying to go in a other direction, but everything becomes just based on his intuition.

The MC is OP, a little niave and a bit silly, but I really enjoyed his approach. I laughed many times with his antics and loved his interactions with the ghosts. His interactions with live people were okay, was fun to watch them flabbergasted.

ML.... dunno who that is yet haha. If I have to guess the ML is all the bosses that randomly want him to stay in the instances. Pieces of his soul or something?

What bothers me is that sometimes how the author words the gay characters and interactions, it almost comes across as homophobic. I'm honestly not sure why this author even wrote a BL story.

Translation was good, no complaints. <<less
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Blithe rated it
July 19, 2022
Status: Completed
Let’s just say I really needed this novel in my life. It made me laugh out loud so much that my family decided I’ve finally gone insane.

I love LOVE the MC. His character is so unique. If I could get a dollar every time the MC made people (and ghosts) speechless I’d be a millionaire.

Sure there’s not much romance and I really wanted more dog food from the couple but the pacing of the story really made up for the lack of romance.

I would do anything to see this as... more>> an anime or show. Loved this to bits 😍 <<less
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Sleepy_sheepy rated it
January 17, 2022
Status: c74 part2
Ch 74/245

Overall opinion: 4.5/5

A light-hearted and entertaining read. This is not meant to be horror, but more like a tongue-in-cheek parody of traditional horror/infinite flow genres. Read for the excellent humour (SUPER FUNNY) and the extremely likeable, eccentric and wholesome MC. But don't expect much depth/worldbuilding or romance.


    • An eccentric MC - kindhearted, moral, and ridiculously strong MC. He treats vicious ghosts with empathy and politeness, and in doing so, hence blitzes through horror instances
    • Funny - the way MC deals with things is so earnest and straightforward to the disbelief of others. MC is hardworking and is a natural mediator - tries to help resolve the ghost's grievances to purify them and does everything he can to help. He asks questions to ghosts despite nasty gashes and blood dripping down their faces and will hold the hands of disembodied bodies.. This leads to some hilarious situations.
    • One of my funniest parts - ch 56:


      .. Eh? Even though you're a sculpture, but you still fell in love with the woman in that portrait over there. So your feeling depressed?" When Gu Wuji's voice fell, the eerie expression on the woman's face in the portrait hanging on the wall at the side, suddenly blushed. That eerie expression suddenly became a bit gentle, just like of a young lady in love."

      > he literally became the community mediator for a bunch of mu*derous but mute sculptures by helping them speak aloud their thoughts haha

    • MC is super likeable despite being so OP
    • Easy to read, although there are grammar errors in translation
    • Overall mystery: who is ML? Also MC apparently holds a ghostly figure close to his heart that he is unaware of (probs ghost from the 1st instance?) and has a ghost mark.

    • OP MC
    • This is NOT horror, there's essentially no tension. I'd treat this more as comedy
    • Shallow world building, really quick and info dump like explanations
    • No character growth or deep development, but this is not meant to be a deep novel
    • Barely any hint of ML/romance
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IreneRoseAnastasia rated it
January 7, 2021
Status: c63
It' s hilarious and not scary. It's comedy horror and the MC is so cool and nice naturally. MC is OP because he has always been able to see ghost so he treats them like regular people and just knows how to handle himself after so many years. The ML (s) has/ have been hinted at but no sure answer yet but honestly it's been a great read so far. I love everything about it.🥰 It's very entertaining.💯
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