Tell Me To Regret, Don’t Tempt Me


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“I’m quitting.”

Vivian, who has been in love with Louis for 9 years since the year they first met when she was 10 years old, declared that she would quit her unrequited love.

Of course, she didn’t mean it.


“Dump him?”

“Yeah. Puff up your chest arrogantly, stick out your nose, and say, ‘I won’t love you anymore!’ The prince will roll around in regret, desperately clinging to you to win back your heart.”

Vivian looked at her friend with a suspicious glance, her chin set in a defiant manner.

“What if Louis is actually happy about it? He might even laugh and say it’s a relief.”

“Oh. No way. Then you’ll have to really push him.”

“Push him? Where?”

“Off a cliff.”


Vivian, who took on the coaching of her friend’s love advice, set a goal to seduce him with a haughty and charming appearance after declaring that she would no longer love him.


“I didn’t give you permission to say you didn’t love me.”

Louis, with his breathtakingly handsome face, tore apart her plans from the beginning.

“Louis shouldn’t have reacted that way…”

Vivian wrapped her head around the plan that had gone wrong from the start.

Studying was easier than love.

The unrequited love story of the intelligent Lady Vivian.

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