An Ordinary Beta


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I am an ordinary Beta.

Though I pretended to be the boyfriend of a talented Alpha, when asked about it in a street interview, I still quickly denied:

We’re just friends.


“Even if we’ve secretly been intimate, you still insist on your stance, honey?”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
Beta is Being Chased by the Tyrant Alpha! (1)
My Former Significant Others Were All Alphas (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. The best once I ever read . 2

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/10/24 Crimson Translations part6
05/10/24 Crimson Translations part5
05/10/24 Crimson Translations part4
05/10/24 Crimson Translations part3
05/10/24 Crimson Translations part2
05/10/24 Crimson Translations part1
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ICY_You rated it
May 13, 2024
Status: Completed
This is actually so good for being a short story. The ML's pretty manipulative and possessive, as described in the story a "lunatic" but he has limits too. He doesn't hurt the MC at all although he

did plan their "fateful" encounters and acted pitiful to get MC's sympathy and attention


Even after this i'd say their relationship is rather healthy, a bit sad that the process of ML bringing down his scum father wasn't really described but overall I love the story!
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Fisukisuki rated it
May 12, 2024
Status: Completed
Honestly was afraid it would turned into dark direction.

I'm glad it's not...

Also I feel like I can relate to MC In sense.

... more>>

He's Oblivious in a way at some moments he didn't realise ML's feelings and possessiveness. But he's also not s*upid when he's faced by some new information.

He also love ML, but his pov don't try to show it because he's probably in some denial or thinking he wasn't that worthy? Since he's a beta. But he's not insecure whatsoever.

He's also not pushover. Even when he's 'caught' by ML, he didn't act scared. He just demand the truth.

And with the final truth, that's how he can be together and accept ML flaws and all.

What I said by why I can relate to him; he doesn't need to be actually secretly cunning guy or hidden smart.

He's Ordinary, but he can accept the one who love him the most with all his flaws because ML himself never cross (his) line even with the chaining part. ML never hurt him nor actually try to manipulate him. Sure there was lies, but I wont call ML being manipulative.

All MC's feeling toward ML wasn't based on lies. He feels what he feel.


Anyway I truly LOVE and Appreciate how it done. The author did Great for short novel. And gosh how I wish there's more!!!

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raflow rated it
May 11, 2024
Status: Completed
i honestly enjoyed a lot. since it's short, the story has no great development, but it's good. the ML ain't too "yandere" (my thoughts) though he's still a little.... well, manic, maybe? 🙃

if we're talking about a fast good read, I do recommend that. btw, thanks for the translation! it was pretty good too :)
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