Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles


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A protagonist reborn in another world.

Apparently he transmigrated into an abandoned child.

Before his eyes were abandoned children like him.

In order to survive, he led them into farming.

Little by little, orphans gathered, and upon hearing rumors of a village, others began to migrate.

The group that had been nothing but children had become a village before anyone realized.

And then various countries in the surroundings started to have an eye on it…

This is the epic tale of the man who would later be known as the Divine Emperor.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Different World Foundation
Isekai Kenkokuki
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. I'd like to buy these if they were licensed.
  2. Leidos
  3. Light Translated Novels
  4. Personal List with Special Tags : My King
  5. Para leer.

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/01/18 Isekai Shousetsu c99
03/25/18 Isekai Shousetsu c98
03/18/18 Isekai Shousetsu c97
03/11/18 Isekai Shousetsu c96
03/04/18 Isekai Shousetsu c95.5
03/04/18 Isekai Shousetsu c95
02/25/18 Isekai Shousetsu c94
02/18/18 Isekai Shousetsu c93
02/11/18 Isekai Shousetsu c92
02/04/18 Isekai Shousetsu c91
01/28/18 Isekai Shousetsu c90
01/21/18 Isekai Shousetsu c89
01/11/18 Isekai Shousetsu c88
01/04/18 Isekai Shousetsu c87
01/04/18 Isekai Shousetsu c86.5
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35 Reviews sorted by

meganovelreader rated it
October 8, 2017
Status: c61
Read this in a matter of 2 days.

Really enjoyed the earlier bits about building a village.

As the village bit is done, the author moves into managing a larger estate for the MC.

It is interesting, as the author introduces gunpowder to an ancient world. The author clearly draws inspiration from history, but has a hard time distinguishing it from reality with fantasy. I see a early China, Persia, and Greek states with different names.
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keriv136 rated it
July 11, 2017
Status: v1c35
I have decided to take this up since the last translation was quite a while ago. I have enjoyed this story for a long time now and was sad that the translation had stopped. I really enjoy the story a lot. The author's writing style is very simplistic and not very sophisticated, but the world he is building is very interesting. I also enjoy the characters and I love political/nation building type stories. There really aren't enough of these types being translated which is unfortunate.
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RAGA rated it
July 26, 2019
Status: --
Like the manga-version better than the novel. The sub-par romance in the manga is minimal and only touched upon when plot requires it to be and the characterization of everyone is better portrayed.

The premise is good and it starts off well-enough but some of the love interest interactions were just so badly done that I wondered why bother to even put that much effort into describing them (should've kept away from the romance all together, really).

I like the kingdom-building (even with the cheats) and when the focus is on that... more>> aspect, it's a great story (some things are a tad-bit too convenient though). Just the romance plot brought it down for me. <<less
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fabio1079 rated it
January 30, 2019
Status: v1c35
It's a downhill experience. It starts really good and different from other isekai novels, BUT, as the chapters progress you start to see more and more of it's problems and that shine from the beginning slowly fades away.
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Flores520 rated it
January 28, 2019
Status: v1c2
One of the better novels here, the begining is kind of annoying, the MC does some pretty annoying stuff, but still character are more 3dimensional than usual. Enemeies are quite crafty, and so are allies. Better than any kingdom building novel out there, I think.
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Ophious rated it
November 29, 2018
Status: --
To be honest, the first time I read the summary, I was excited! The first chapter was ok, a little boring but I was fine with that, but as I kept reading it slowly became unbearable. The time skips kept on killing the mood for me, the romance kinda.... just happened, no build-up, just happened popped up all of a sudden, I mean everyone knew it was gonna happen but still, it's like when your wife is giving birth to a baby and you know the baby will grow up... more>> into an adult but when you enter the room with your wife and kid in it, your kid is already a full-grown working adult. I stopped reading right after the MC went to a kingdom to discuss a treaty or something after becoming the head of the village, the reason was that the author forcefully shoved some drama where it was unnecessary and then gave it to us like it was some sort of masterpiece. Another thing was how this was supposed to be a country built by the orphans with their own strength but somewhere along the lines, the surrounding countries took over the job for the kids. It was 5 star worthy for me at first and then proceeded to rapidly drop. <<less
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KlausVonWunderbeard rated it
July 14, 2018
Status: c108
this novel may not be the best but it is entertaining and bring new interesting ideas to the isekai genre as it doesn’t use the typical medieval like world but instead explores a world similar to Ancient Greece. It also introduces a different type of magic system than the usual stuff.

The novels greatest weakness Is the weak character development. The characters barely change throughout the novel and when they do it’s mostly superficial, this makes most characters very bland.

This novel has at the moment been dropped, hopefully it’ll be picked... more>> up soon as it has a lot of potential to become great. <<less
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DaBlizz rated it
December 3, 2017
Status: c77
Overall a very good read in my opinion, especially due to the high translation quality.

Pacing is done pretty well most of the time. There are parts of the novel that seem a bit rushed, but reading through the rest of the novel, the impact of the skips in time is low, and the story still flows very well. The progression from beginning to the latest chapters seems like it would be a bit quick, but reading through all of them, that thought disappears completely.

(for those of you noticing missing... more>> chapters [such as 76], those are chapters which are mostly WOT, character backgrounds, glossaries, etc., and can still be accessed on the translator's website with the prev/next chap. Buttons in adjacent chapters [and likely the TOC as well but haven't checked that yet].) <<less
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killerpants rated it
February 16, 2017
Status: --
In my opinion I really like this series a lot. If you like a kingdom building kind of novel then this is worth it. Even among the world building novels out there i'd say this is above the rest. The MC is neither Op or has some cheat instead he does things anyone normally would do. Its realistic!
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Ichijo Riki
Ichijo Riki
June 15, 2023
Status: --
I think this novel have its own interesting nature.

I Have been readed "genjitsu shugi yuusha no oukoku saikenki" for two years. THAT is a most Awesome novel in country buildin genre.

But when compare Them.I didnt see this novel too bad.

... more>> First, It has a lot of "wildness", war, violence, bloodshed, prodigy,....... There nature were be described better than many novel of bulding country.

Second, "Main"_Almus make me association "Alexandra, The great emperor"of Macedonia. Its great to take pictures of historical figures, Like FGO.

Third, It provided me with the worldview, culture, way of life, conception,.... of the peoples of the Mediterranean and wider.

Fourth, in a ramdom way, it is easier than "genjitsu shugi yuusha no oukoku saikenki". (Repeat, In spite of "genjitsu shugi yuusha no oukoku saikenki" is better overall.).

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Mr Inanda
Mr Inanda rated it
July 16, 2021
Status: c78
I've been reading another LN from this author, the one based on pre-dark ages Rome, but with elves. Then I heard about ONFC and started reading it too. The narrative seemed much more simple, the setting also was pre-dark ages-ish in technology, and the premise was similar, except the MC wasn't born into nobility but transmigrated into a soul of an orphan (something like Ascendance of a Bookworm, the original soul dies and the reincarnated soul takes over the body).

The story's begginings are simpler and more humble, the MC finds... more>> about 30 other orphans and they start a village. It was great to read the evolution of said village thru tech and conflict, territorial takeovers and so on. But I kinda stopped in a point where I felt it was going the path of lazy writing.

It might be hypocrisy of my part, since I didn't have so much problem with magic and the "blessings", which were quite OP. But I can't stand OP villains that teleport and whisper "do this and that" into a character's ears and the character just does it. The "witch" of Rozel kingdom seems to be one such villain, it reminds me strongly of B*tch Princess in Shield Hero, I have lost the excitement I was feeling about this WN because I can't stand this kind of conflict.

Maybe I'll keep reading it, but I hope this point doesn't become the central conflict of ONFC. <<less
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March 25, 2020
Status: c54
I read the manga... it was quite interesting and that was the reason I came here to read the novel.

the first thing I noticed is the discrepancies between the novel and manga. And I was like it is okay, I will make do with it. Slowly, I started to realize that the protagonist has no ambitions. I am like What the?..... Since he is the leader or whatever he should make decisions right? but no, he asked six months time to make a decision related to his marriage with the... more>> princess... he was like (i like her but I don't want the throne.).... plain s*upid

moreover, he has the super cool blessings of being the king and strengthening his followers. I don't understand why? why? why? he does not properly utilize it. Some of his ideas were cool, but he does not show much charisma.... I don't why I didn't get the Kingly feeling from the MC. <<less
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ishira rated it
September 15, 2017
Status: v1c40
This series suffer heavily from bad story flow. I don't know if it because TL or already like this from Author. But the story is enjoyable.

The MC is not by all means genius, I can even say he's incompetent to be a ruler (by modern standard). Bad at decision making, and too oriented to be a peaceful leader that will even lick enemy's boot (not literally) if he can keep the peace. He's too idealist, but at least he works hard.

I give this 3.5/5, but because good story i'll round... more>> it up to 4/5. <<less
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Salokin rated it
September 12, 2017
Status: v2c53
I like this story's slow paced world and its nice empire building story. As a slightly nice change of pace many of the 'villains' or rival nobles are in fact fairly smart and methodical. They are not idiots who would easily be provoked and not listen to their advisers when they try to stop them from doing something s*upid.

It starts off incredibly slowly, as is the custom lately, and can easily be mistaken as a 'slice of life' story of a group of orphan peasants. This doesn't last as the... more>> empire building becomes the main plot, even though the MC won't acknowledge he is obviously building an Empire.

I don't like the main character. He is portrayed as a very practical character, and most of the chapters involve large amounts of him hearing someone's rational opinion and then several lines of him worrying in his own head he comes out and says "As expected... we'll" do something completely unrelated to what any other character has said before.

He also seems to blatantly make decisions in accordance with modern peace-loving assumptions, only to be forced


Especially annoying was recent chapters have him discover a mine near a border with a very aggressive neighbor. If it wasn't for the neighbor being angry and forcing them to patrol for escaped serfs the MC would have had no patrols on the border. MC even said that the aggressive neighbor would not jeapordize the kingdom's security for his own ambition. We know he will, his friends know he will, the king told MC he would, but the MC is like you're all wrong. That was like 7 chapters of buildup while MC refused to accept that fief wars are a thing.



During this, the princess wants to marry him. He wants to marry her. Her father wants him to marry her. Economically speaking, at his territory's rate of development if MC isn't the next king in 5 years he'll be richer than the rest of the kingdom combined. After the king dies indications like there will be a war inevitably between the MC and the A**hole neighbor no matter who marries the princess. Did I mention polygamy is a-ok in this primitive early iron age setting and first waifu seems to be okay with it?

Why do I (the reader) know this if not as a foreshadowing for the inevitable harem? At this point each chapter is stretching out the inevitable...


It may sound like I don't like this story... but I find it an enjoyable read. I can't really put my finger on why, but it might be that it is just different enough to pass <<less
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September 12, 2017
Status: c35
The story is fun. I love world building but the author really rush the plots and such.

The pacing can be tolerable but I think he/she cannot handle characters juggling at all. Multiple POV can help with this but unfortunately this author is kinda bent on rushing on with the plot. Examples of rushing: ... more>>

The quick plot about marriage or the shitty politic between the king. The king seriously just wrote him some fancy letter without a knowing him well enough. The girl who instantly fell for him. Author never really build up that relationship just hand waved it implying through the course of handwavey meetings she fell for him.


The plot while fun is ok and the world building is also ok. It's not that great the unique down side to magic in this world is pretty fun at the same time is used so that the MC can use his previous world knowledge to supplement it.

Overall I rate it 3 stars. <<less
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