Forty Millenniums of Cultivation


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“Even if this universe is truly nothing more than a brutal bloody shadowy forest, we Cultivators will burn all that we have just to give off a single weak flickering spark in the darkness!

“No matter how weak each spark is, how short-lived, how small… As long as the sparks flow unabated, then one day one of those sparks will light some tinder, and that tinder shall light some fallen branches, and those branches shall set ablaze each and every last tree of the forest!

“In the end, even the smallest sparks will eventually set the shadowy forest ablaze, and illuminate the whole world!”

In a world teeming with cultivators, Li Yao, who makes his living collecting scrap metal, encounters the soul of a titan powerhouse from forty thousand years in the past.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cuarenta milenios de cultivación
Forty Thousand Years Of Cultivation
Pertapaan 40 Milenium
Xiuzhen Si Wan Nian
Xiu Zhen Si Wan Nian
Xiu Zhen Siwan Nian
Xiū Zhēn Sì Wàn Nián
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Good(No Harem)
  2. ALLCN+
  3. My little corner
  4. My Gem Collection
  5. Wow there's a manhua version (ML)

Latest Release

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121 Reviews sorted by

Deicide rated it
June 21, 2022
Status: c362
Why do people review with barely a hundred chapters read? Or less? A strong start means very little. Even at the chapter I'm at I am not too comfortable evaluating the actual story.

What I can say is the overall writing style felt sporadic and the reasoning for things was a bit far-fetched for the type of novel it seems to be advertising. I didn't see anything that was particularly engaging nor extremely detracting.

I stopped reading because of the lack of engagement.
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sunspottedlizard rated it
December 11, 2021
Status: c887
While Forty Millenniums is one of my first and "favorites", I really must acknowledge it's just not the greatest.

Li Yao, our MC, gets the knowledge of an ancient genius master pro. That's it, that's the MC's shtick. The knowledge he gained is not an easy mode, our MC very much has his struggles. The knowledge he gained serves mostly as a supportive passive, with a few ancient techniques to boost him up and make him, well, special.

The first bit of the story, in his home city, was one of the... more>> most memorable parts of the story so far. I say this not because it was written amazingly or because it was fun to read, I say this because from the point he left his home city, the novel became an absolute blur. It was just progression for the sake of progression, events for the sake of having events occur. While a lot of mechanics and gear and events are creative, I just feel it lacks any real story. It seems to just be problem, solution, problem solution, repeat.

The characters are quite alright, though they could use a little bit more spirit.

As for romance? Li Yao has a wife, and yet there is no romance, at all.

Honestly, I've skipped at least a hundred chapters just due to lack of interest in an arc (or two, or more) that lasted longer than it should've.

Overall would recommend, just know it's thousands of chapters of just stuff happening. <<less
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Alex Woods
Alex Woods
November 16, 2021
Status: --
Read artfulfool reviews on the first page, he perfectly describes it.

After 100 chapters, it is far away fro. Wuxia s*upid characters and the face slapping

First 100 chapters, of the novel is tr*sh. Takes 100 to 550 chapters as 550 chapters as tradutional cultivation novel but better than any er gen stuff things actually make sense. After 550 chapters things gets better and better with deep philosophical thoughts. I mean real deep, not good is good, bad is bad. Villiains don't kill cause they want to kill or because of... more>> power. They have their own quests what they think will be better for the mankind. I never trusted a author like this in my life ever.

Don't rush through 550 chapters, they are good in thier own way. Even if some mature readers find them a bit s*upid just read on treating it like an cultivation. Novel of course it had no face slapping stuff and s*upid characters.

Female MC is just wow. <<less
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alominus rated it
November 8, 2021
Status: --
I couldn't get past the start. The cliche rich vs poor plot, the typical bullying, the glossed-over magical "disassembling" and "assembling" the MC does, the constant need to remind the reader how dirt poor the MC is, and the use of the mock "examination" to info-dump a bunch of meaningless sh*t on the reader.

Once you manage to get to the gym and the first actual "fight", it's the cringiest thing ever. MC uses his peripheral vision to avoid a strike and then acts like he's amazing because of it. I... more>> don't even care if it gets better; just like an English novel, if your introduction is shit, the novel is shit. The introduction is the most important part of the entire series because its job is to hook the reader into wanting to read the rest and this web novel's first chapters are a slog to get through. Not surprising that this one fell into obscurity while other sh*t novels that properly hooked readers in out-shine it. <<less
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Alexei00 rated it
October 16, 2021
Status: c2246
This started well enough and it's story was interesting but only enough allow one to ignore the blatant nationalistic propaganda that's suspiciously similar to the current political scene in that region irl. But in the later chapters this just becomes too much. Maybe this was the intended theme of the novel, in any case, I have had to drop it.
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October 16, 2021
Status: c2711
I have been reading CL since the start of Coiling Dragon about 4-5 years ago. After many many novels, I can confidently say that Forty Millenniums of Cultivation is one of the best if not the best. Most if not 90% of these Chinese novels are very badly written or just copy and paste with 2D main protagonists and 1D antagonists and side characters. Very few novels have 3D protagonists and even fewer have 3D antagonists and side characters. FMC has some flaws but many positive aspects. FMC has characters... more>> development, world building, plot, twisting plots, overarching plot, philosophy. I actually learned a few things from this novel that can be applicable to real life. Give it a try. <<less
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Easy.Mello rated it
July 10, 2020
Status: c2200
Non Spoiler Review

*To describe the novel in its own description, its a story that 'involves itself on its reality'.

Forty Milleniums of Cultivation focuses on its universe. It unravels itself to bring questions of why, how and what is happening. Its world building follows a style that the author would like to portray over multiple chapters as each arch goes. Its world building connects the presented world to a series that the MC is required to explore and get through. Most of what is happening would be described as what isnt... more>> as it appear to be. The fun part is the direction on how things goes is very much coherent.

This may come as a textbook for others, and thats the thing of it, its not a spoon feeding session where a reader wont have to think.

Character development isnt very cliche of having one direction of train-then-defeat-the-enemy cycle. MC goes on his own pace to explore his Dao albeit realist telling him he's naive. Arguably the idea of what the MC pursues for his character development is childish but it is what the novel makes it to be, pushing his idea that seems childish on a dark forest where everything and everyone is at each others throat is his challenge.

Cultivation tiers is contained on an acceptable level. The limits of how a character's capability, power or abilities is distributed is well defined. Power level of the novel make things in order to avoid the convuluted description of a punch that can make gods and demons weep Or the immeasurable tide of power that can pick the stars. (I really appreciate this)

Fights doesnt come as often, it happens when it is needed to be.

Side characters does plays a role, With the style on how the MC may get the 'I versus the world' scenarios, vital Side Characters may be left alone on an acceptable description, they may not always be with MC, but they still grow and can connect with the MC and the story and will be back for the plot when they are needed.

Romance of the novel? It aint harem, and MC's choice of partner isnt damsel in distress either. Their interaction isnt 2D, theyre on each path of their Dao.

My personal opinion? Its a very good read. It makes the reader think, its just that there are parts that can be dragging to read. It doesnt affect the story, but it can be left alone. The scientific approach of explaining things may not be enough, but the idea of letting how things work for the readers by explaining is a good way to avoid ass pulls

We can say that on the world of writing wuxia novels, its a refreshing cup of tea that can be enjoyed by sipping, or a liter of iced tea for cool refreshment. Because of this non tea drinkers may not like it.

I can guarantee that this novel isnt for everyone. Specially for those who like orthodox world building based on cultivation, its not everyones favorite soda, its an acquired taste of letting the readers see the story for itself as he reads the novel. <<less
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Kuzero rated it
April 4, 2020
Status: c50
I'm about chapter 50 now which in all fairness isn't enough to make a good review but still.

Someone said the beginning was bad but actually the first 20 chapters were great. Refreshing, believable, well detailed, the characters felt alive... Then it started to go wrong.

First, the plot armor is getting thicker by the chapter. By plot armor I don't mean "he randomly found incredible treasure" but more like "things are really going on a very convenient way for the protagonist". Too many very convenient things just happen for the sake... more>> of helping the MC. I would never complain about how unbelievable is the initial cheat, but when after that the world keep on moving to help the MC do stuff... Yeah. It's not very believable.

Second, too many things happening I guess? Too many info dumps and things are happening so quickly that we're losing track of some plot point already. I don't doubt the author will hopefully get back to them later, but right now everything is kinda a mess. A lot of wasted potential in character development.

Third... Why speak about losing plot point when we can lose the MC altogether...A few times since chapter 30 I saw things which seemed like betrayal of the mc's character that was built up previously, such as (I keep it as spoiler-free as possible) :


Even though he is supposed to be careful, merciless, and greedy about money, he becomes arrogant, careless, don't care about winning more money, and almost lose everything he worked so hard for just to show off and be the super op arrogant guy around. I wish I was exgarrating.

Also, on the last chapter I read, it becomes evidently clear the MC is going to join the body cultivation school, which is basically anti-artifact anti-refiner school, even though the mc's dream is to be a refiner and the refiner school wants him. Actually, the chapter 10 - 50 have been almost exclusively body cultivation even though the mc's dream is to become a refiner. It was somewhat acceptable because of necessity, but why go to a body cultivation school... when the refiner school wants you...

Overall, it feels like a big betrayal of the beginning of the novel. MC personality changed, his goal "didn't change" but it seems like he won't be doing much refining.


At this point, novel is getting more and more generic by the chapter. <<less
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Mangikop rated it
April 19, 2018
Status: c346

I've never seen the MC win a fight using technique or brute strength, which I expect to see after reading a couple of chapters depicting his maniacal training routine.

His training is clearly abnormal compared to his peers and I think that even instructors said that he's a genius, and few people, if not none, could complete those trainings.

In refining, he has the memory of a senior skilled in the field. Also, he was trained by yet another senior when he was very young, even that master claimed that he was a rarely seen genius in refining after seeing his hand.

The MC also learned mecha piloting. It was said that the the participants in that training camp pilot in 30% sensitivity or something, which boost their combat abitility by a limited amount. Meanwhile, MC was piloting the mecha (crystal suit) in hardcore mode known as X mode/xcode/xfactor/ x whatsoever (I forgot the actual name). If remember right, this X thing should be a 100% sensitivity which enhance the cultivator by more than 100%. Basically, this thing is for professionals and is super difficult for newbies, but MC took just a day to get use to it, proving that he's a genius.

In addition to this, MC undergoes another hardcore training in that mode, which trained his speed, control and basically all his stats.

And here's the thing, when facing a random genius from nowhere, the MC somehow dump all those trainings in the back of his mind and rely instead on traps and scheming. He was never really ahead of his peers despite all that he has done. Those 'geniuses' never trained the way he has, and the MC is also a genius, and despite being of the same age and same cultivation the MC still couldn't gain an advantage over them. Even the X mode thing has never been mentioned again or considered in a mecha battle.

In the end, MC will just resort to dirty tricks. That's how all his battle had gone so far. Whether he trained harder than others or not, it makes no difference at all since all since all of it was to be able to execute his traps with better efficiency.
Whether be it battle or refining or piloting.

I've also noticed that when fighting an opponent, all his traps simply consist of explosives, explosives, explosives. As a refiner, he should be more creative than this, and the only unique modification he made on the crystal suit is adding a detonator in it.

Considering the fact that he's been trained by several master and had many frutous encounter as well, and even became a punching bag for a super expert in the past, and those crazy trainings and all that he's learned so far, it is really strange that he could not beat some random kid who does mundane stuff straightforwardly. Maybe it has become a habit for him?

In conclusion, just ignore all the trainings he had undergone, no matter how cool they sound, the author won't show the result.

I really wish that the MC had at least 5% of Ernesti's creativity. Instead of trying to costumize his mecha into a kamikaze unit, he should think of making it fly or something.

By the way, all his battles have been risky, and if it were not for the plot armor; his near prophetic vision and 100% percent accurate mind reading ability which is known as 'planning'- he would have lost. He would have been wise if his plans depended fully on his capability and available facts, but from what I have seen, his plans largely depends on luck: If some variable did not act according to plan, then he's screwed. That's why all his fights were close fights. A single mistake could result to his defeat.

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jojmist rated it
March 29, 2018
Status: c135
I really like this novel quite a bit. It has a well fleshed-out, believable, and driven main character and amazing world-building. One thing that really bugs me about this novel, however, is that more than half of this novel is pure info-dump and explanation (which is nice for world-building, but to an extent). I can skip a couple of chapters which are decent in length and still literally be in the same scene and miss nothing once I go back and re-read those chapters. Don't get me wrong, this is... more>> a great novel. But does the author really need an entire chapter or two to explain what a building looks like that you will literally never read about again/is not important?? For example, it is taking him 60+ chapters for the MC just to get to his freakin' university after the entrance exam. And then literally 15+ chapters for him just to get to the facility where he will be studying once he finally gets to the university. It is also taking an additional 10 chapters for the incoming freshman to the university to explain why their department is bad. It is seriously ridiculous how much word-wasting this author uses, it gets worse over time, and it is starting to become exhausting to read this novel. Don't get me wrong, I still somewhat enjoy this novel and will continue for now, but I will end up dropping it if the plot doesn't move forward and it keeps feeling like I'm doing my homework when reading it. As a last example, I thought that Ze Tian Ji was average in pace. This novel takes the cake in slowness and info dump that seems like it exists only for the author to hit a word count. <<less
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tmc1989 rated it
July 16, 2017
Status: c145
Perfect. Just perfect. Love the world and the characters. Funny, light, and not completely crazy. My only wish is for someone to take this away from the current translator. This isn't given the respect it deserves.
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hojpoj rated it
July 3, 2017
Status: c138
Simply phenomenal.

This is the best novel by far on this website. It does take a bit of knowledge of other cultivation novels to pick up some of the themes and it doesn't become unique and interesting until a little bit after chapter 100, but this novel is far more intelligently written, far more fun, and far more of a delight than all of the others on this site. If you love yourself, read this novel.
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March 28, 2017
Status: c88

I've read a lot of Xianxia and while I have no doubt that Qidian International's translating abilities are a notch above most others, I'm impressed by the characterization of the secondary and side characters. The story is engrossing and isn't too slow paced nor does the MC slaughter every one of his enemies the second they show up. The setting is also fairly interesting: a semi futuristic one rather than the usual Xianxia set in something resembling the middle ages. The only gripe I have is that the antagonists' plots... more>> seem to be a little too straightforward. A little more tension would certainly add to the story. <<less
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EchoSmith rated it
August 18, 2023
Status: c2000
You should give this novel a try. Beginning might be a little bit slow, but it's necessary for present/future character and world development.

This novel is an absolutely amazing way to do modern based cultivation. The typical stereotypes like the "arrogant young master" is downplayed a lot and even if there are stereotypes, the author dives into explanation mode to make sense of it. Speaking of explanation, the novel explains EVERYTHING. It might be a turn off to some, but I deeply appreciate it.

Because of the explanations, this novel just makes... more>> sense. It has a sense of congruency. The characters, world, and concepts are living, breathing and feel alive. Every single person has their own objectives and reason for the things they do. There's a reason for every action. There is also an underlying great mystery present, and I love how the novel explores it. It makes me feel involved in the process. There is a lot of twists in the novel that doesn't make things immediately predictable. What you see in one moment might not be true down the line and what you see down the line, might not be true further in the future. It's fun to see how the characters solve issues without just relying on simple BS plot armor. <<less
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xomott rated it
July 17, 2023
Status: c813
  • One word to describe novel - terrible. About writing:

    Writing style is so terrible that I can't bring myself to read more. I can't distinguish not a single good feature about author writing.

    The more story progressing, the more ridiculous became dialogues. Literary every fight with bad guy with be followed with tons of bullsh*t fillers. The common dialog structure for such cases:

    Mc: "Before I die tell me all your plans"

    BadGuy: "Ha. Haha. HAHAHA. Sure. <5 chapters of filler>"

    Mc: "I'm understood all but one thing"

    BadGuy: "HAHAH. Sure I can explan <5 more chapters of filler>"

    Mc: "Ok. Now I know more about world history, your childhood, your parents story, your gang story, you philosophy, description of different technical devices (yes, why not?). Now it's my time <chapter in "naruto" style about frendship, patriotism, e.t.c. Sometimes MC so immersed in his righteous speech that he speaks of protecting his parents, although he himself is an orphan>"

    To make sure, that bad guy saying not total boolsh*t, after 1-3 paragraphs of bad guy speech, there will be MC thoughts like: "It's make sense", "from start, I was in disbelief, but after thinking it's make sense", "it's true". After each of such "thought" follow several paragraphs of useless rhetorical text, which often filled with tons of loopholes. Add to all of this author love for metaphors, comparisons, examples... All his characters from kids to old - poets. They just can't make small talks. Every dialog thay have will be filled with metaphors and comparisons. Do you think, that after half chapter description you understand something? Autor don't think so - here example on another half chapter.

    Also there's plenty examples of classical bullsh*ting extending method - when someone tell you something, no matter what even if it's easy understandable thing, ask again like idi*t ("It's a cat." "A cat?"). Autor need to write phrase "more the 100.000"? Ok, let's write it like "more then 10, 100, 1000, 10.000... even 100.000!!!" A lot of repetition is also present in almost every chapter.

    About story:

    Overall story seems ok, but autor often introduces so many new things, that he forgetting to develop.

    For example, the author presents and describes for a long time some kind of skill, artifact, method of training. The protagonist describes that he can do this and that with the help of this thing. And that's all. This thing disappears from history as if it never existed.

    In general, there is a feeling that the author has come up with some kind of general (and offen not bad) plot for the arc, some new technologies that make the world come alive, but when he starts writing, it just turns into a bunch of description that has nothing to do with the story. Then there is some action at the end of the arc. And it all comes down to the standard bad guy-protagonist dialogue, where the whole arc plot is thrown at the reader in the form of dialogue.
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December 28, 2022
Status: Completed
Start off with interesting premise of cultivation and sci-fi. Plot was engaging and always with a twist at the end. Some minor actions in earlier volumes ends up as part of set up for later volumes. Not a harem story and good to note that female lead does not become a flower vase as is common in many other novels.

Male lead was relatable in first volume. As the volumes progress, the character becomes more and more annoying until the last volume. Author is probably trying to inject comedy to the... more>> character but somehow misses the mark.

Storytelling-wise, after the first volume get ready for a lot of philosophical discussion. Had to skip most of these chapters as it was too boring. Ending is very anti-climatic.

Some translation mistakes and inconsistencies, especially after chapter 2700+. He\She is mixed up a lot, sometimes both are used to describe the same person in the same sentence. The faction names get changed all the time in different paragraphs of the same chapter. Translator likes the Star Glory Federation a lot since that faction name comes up most often even when describing war between the different factions. Something like Star Glory Federation is at war with Star Glory Federation while Star Glory Federation is waiting to reap the benefit. Translator probably did not proofread before uploading. <<less
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BLOODYRAIN10001 rated it
December 10, 2022
Status: c1258
Forty Millenniums of Cultivation reels you in with a Xianxia Sci-Fi novel with a very interesting setting. It sticks to this for the first volume, and I'd say most of the second, but from then on it gets far more focused on complex scheming and turnarounds. While this does make everything feel like it's at an uncomfortably high level of tension with not enough time for the main character to simply develop and rest, I'm not necessarily against it. While stressful, these constant battles of wits can be entertaining and... more>> I appreciate not being able to see everything coming.

What I hate is a trend that really kicks into full gear from the 3rd volume onward. Monologues. You already get hints of them earlier on, but it really becomes excessive from here on. Most of the volume will not spent reading about the main character training or scheming. Most of it will spent hearing about every single character's philosophy on life in dense, dense infodumps. While I feel that "show, don't tell" can be overemphasized sometimes in Western fiction circles, this author REALLY needed to be told it. He will tell, tell, tell you about every single character's point of view, what they want to happen in the future, why the main character opposes this, and their argument back and forth in its entirety, on and on and on.

I made it through volume 3. I'm in the 4th Volume now. There was a bit of action. It was interrupted by a 30+ chapter monologue. The main character has been sitting in a room this entire time. My body and brain are tired, and I am no longer willing to read through all of this to get to the actual story. I understand that you can't quite unravel one for the other

If you like monologues and your Xianxia novels suddenly turning into a never-ending treatise on varying philosophical viewpoints for spacefaring civilizations, then I guess this is the novel for you. I don't like that. The novelty is gone now. My brain is just tired. I'm gonna go read the vending machine isekai or something. <<less
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PoSunBanYi rated it
July 22, 2022
Status: c62
If there is one thing that I can take on as fast as possible; that is pretentious writing.

When I started reading this, it was like this: "WOOOOOOOOW! So many numbers, such big words, so incredibly detailed!"

For what?

Is it... sci-fi? Indeed, it seems so! A pity that it is being sold to you as a main Xuanhuan novel when it's been 60+ chapters and most chapters is about people talking, and talking and talking, and that just makes me dizzy from how cringy it can get. It is also a novel... more>> that uses someone's speech to describe MC's every move; unnecessarily. Always.

A main Xuanhuan genre novel that is in truth just a bunch of big words and sci-fi based novel; now this, I would've liked to see the real 'it'. Because this novel, with the fake, pretense (from pretentious) of being a cultivation novel when in truth is just a sci-fi using the Xuanhuan notorious genre for its sake of attracting readers; hm.

And, at some point, he even clearly described that he goes around 8-10k words per day, with 12k if inspired. Okay but, who asked that when the reason you wrote a note was because people kept advising you of talking it out with your readers on your end notes; and ultimately denying them that saying that that would ruin their immersion should they be engrossed, when all of the talking of characters is pretty much reheated filler after having just closed the oven?

As I said before, so many numbers and big words; that's not sci-fi even, that's lame. Unnecessary.

Then comes the types of cultivators; which is basically 4 of them are the same but explained differently, slightly.

I got speechless and tired at c62, and I'm probably just not gonna continue. Which is a shame because a juicy almost 3k novel, I didn't wanted to say goodbye to it, especially after getting bored with The Legend of Futian. I remember MW where that 2.2k got me engrossed into the novel the entire way, even MGA was much more of a solid novel with solid and clear implementation of ideas than this. I've read so many novels that do have an idea of what their world is and what their power-level is. And is such a shame because those novels had MC that indeed looked like MC and not like a side-supportive character of their story, like here.

But even then, I guess that if the novel is long and I'm already feeling irked by the novel and author itself so soon, I can only see that it is going to be bland on purpose; tasteless. I don't read works for money, and this one is just that. I don't like pretentious works, and I still read more than half of The World Online, and that was one hell of a pretentious written novel; yet here, I don't even want to continue. <<less
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Poireau rated it
April 11, 2022
Status: c831
The worldbuilding, plot, characters, cultivation system, ect... are quite interesting and better than most novels.

But there is a really annoying thing in this novel: it's that the author at critical moments of the plot, forces the MC either (1) to be forced to fake his death, or (2) to be forced to go to another "space sector", or (3) to recieve an hidden "issue/injury" which will trigger (1) or (2) several dozen of chapters later...

These forced shiftS in the plot are not smoothed at all, quite unwelcomed, and annoying as... more>> they appear several times. The reader is then forced to adapt to a new worldbuilding, characters, ect... just when you think the story was becoming interesting.

If you don't mind that, the novel is a solid 4.5/5, but personnaly I tried twice to go beyond 800 chapters and failed! <<less
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Arcwindz rated it
July 27, 2021
Status: c2739
I haven't finish this novel yet since the translation hasn't caught up. Usually I go the MTL route, but I find this novel to be very hard to follow with MTL. I'll update this once I finished the novel.

First and foremost, this novel got the BEST world building I've ever seen from tens of Xianxia novels I've read. The number one before was I Have A Mansion In Post Apo World and it mostly has to do with the fact that it has current Earth as its background.

FOMC on the... more>> other hand reimagined an entire universe of cultivation world in modern era. You'll see flying battleships, space battles, Iron Man suit, Laser guns, etc, and yet it is all tightly integrated with cultivation world. The novel took common concepts of cultivation in ancient background and evolve it thousands of years into the modern era. It is refreshing to see this kind of well-built world that veered off the main path of most novels.

Story wise, the MC is not that far off the usual trope, an orphan that was living in the very bottom, got a lucky push from ancient cultivator from 40k years ago (hence the title), and finally rise to the top. I think somewhere in the beginning the author was planning around this 40k years thing, but in the end, this thing has got nothing to do with the MC at all, it's just a bit of luck that helped the MC in the beginning. The title totally lost its significance by the time I write this review. There is a secret background to the MC, but with how the story progressed so far, I think it'd not be totally revealed even until the end.

The side characters though, this here is another great part of the novel. The sheer amount of information on the world also translates to the character building. The side characters are lively with their own story, they are even relevant for a long time, and the villains... The villains are the real stars of the side characters. Smart, cunning, with super awesome evil plan. This novel right here is the GOLD STANDARD on how you should make a villain. There is no s*upid big shot young master villain here, as thug yes, but not as someone major.

Alas with great world and character building, comes a wall of words, and boy... does the author now how to write. There are tons and tons of words that explained a lot of small details. It is full of fillers but somehow I can't blame the author since these fillers colors the world instead of being the offensive kind that adds nothing to the story except for being a $ filler.

This wall of words also affect the pacing a lot and was made worse with the author's tendency to drag the climax as long as possible. It was okay at the beginning but as I reached 2000+ chapters where the story kicks into a higher heat, it sucks to be cooled down continuously with these intermezzos.

The cultivation itself is also pretty underwhelming. A cultivator can be strong enough to level a city or even a continent, but it doesn't really matter in the bigger pictures where he'll face tens of thousands of warships from 100.000 KM away shooting energy cannon. The MC will be stronger and stronger, but in the end the army still holds the number 1 position.

Fortunately the author knows how to keep it exciting by putting multiple layers of plot twist as the MC is thwarting the evil plan and also writing a good battle scene. I don't really like the space battles which I think is far cry from something like HALO series, but the personnel battle is quite good.

Very good novel and definitely a must read. 4.5 stars from me, taking out half a star due to the pacing,

I'll put up 5 stars to encourage the scoring. <<less
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