Young Military Rarities


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Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own!

Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low…

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Quân thiếu trong tay bảo
Treasure of the Young Military Master
军少掌中宝 【完结全本】
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Chinese Bl
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14 Reviews

May 07, 2020
Status: c50
The story starts out good. MC goes back to the past, tries to protect his family. The problem is he is too arrogant about it. Which almost caused his

... more>>

sister's death


He seems so OP but that's only because he was facing low level zombies. I don't really like how he's adamant in facing

unexpected high level zombies while his fragile fam is still with him and then, ends up being hurt and crying about the fact that he was too weak.


He doesn't really think much. He just does whatever he wants. Also, maybe it's the translation but his interactions with the ML is just too awkward and unrealistic. It's also weird how at first he's like "can't trust others" but literally on the next chapter, he's all


MC: "hey watch over my sister then you can stay."

He literally entrusted his sick sister to a stranger he had just met. Unbelievable.


Also, no matter his slip ups and strange actions and words, ML just seems to accept it. Just like that. I don't mind the powers, zombies, strange fighting skills, too op characters but at least, make the characters relatable. Everything is just too unrealistic that it's hard to connect with the characters. Again, maybe it's the translation. I do hope to see character developments in the future tho. Maybe MC would learn how to more cautious, too. <<less
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Nov 03, 2019
Status: 26
The rhythm of the story is very fast, I was worried that this rhythm would be maintained because I was reborn and suddenly I had already found a special space without explaining much, but it turns out that it was because the chapters were cut, that gave me a bad impression and almost the I leave because it really was an unrealistic rhythm, but fortunately I compared it in MTL and noticed discrepancies with the translation and the original story, I don't know if it is because the translation is... more>> bad or the story was found incomplete like that, but the one that won't investigate anymore leaves a bad impression, I still don't have an impression of the story, but it is in a better way once you read it full, I can't rate it because I expect a lot from it, but the translation is poor at the moment if you didn't notice what I said.

I recommend reading it in MTL because some chapters are incomplete in this translation, I only read until 4 with them, but there were too many gaps from chapter 2, which practically leaves you blind with the story because even when the pace is fast, it gains consistency by reading everything, I feel the story clearer by reading directly in MTL because they practically have half chapters, I leave the link if you interest

chap. 12

The MC is too imprudent, I guess the author wanted to start the apocalypse fast because it speeds up the pace a lot, which makes the story very charming for my taste, everything is very convenient, I don't want to leave a note of one-dimensional characters, I hope it improves.

chap. 26

I really like the apocalyptic genre, but the story leaves no room for the development of anyone in the story, if the MC comes from the future, if he wants to save his family, but from there on the outside everything is very simple, one-dimensional, I hope it is the MTL, but I do not feel like continuing with the story, I hope someone else can complete it and comment impartially to know if I should persist or not worth it, because I like the genre and it would be a shame that more than 400 chapters They are not worth it. <<less
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Dec 08, 2021
Status: c418
The three stars are because I liked it in the beginning, but I had to drop it eventually. I love revenge stories and I don't mind the arrogance the MC shows. So I turned a blind eye to the fact that humans wouldn't have been able to survive this apocalypse without the MC (as anything grown without his pocket dimension isn't edible). And could basically ignore the fact that there was that random cultivation aspect as it didn't really contribute much outside of growing food and being a special storage... more>> space.

Now for the reason, it's three and not four. There's not really one reason it multiple reasons that eventually broke me down:

  • The cultivation parts slowly take over the story until the zombie apocalypse is just in the background occasionally mentioned as the team slaughters their way through them. I came for a zombie apocalypse, I have many others to read if I want something about cultivation.
  • The revenge was basically completed and all that was left was where ever the cultivation parts were going to lead. The revenge being a large portion of my interest, I cared a whole lot less once it was completed.
  • This is the biggest one. I couldn't handle the misogyny anymore. I ignored it at first but once I noticed it, I noticed how frequent it was too. I got through it wondering why the author hated women so much but eventually, I got too annoyed couldn't handle it anymore.
    • When showing or talking about the characters' relationship there is a LOT of statements repeatedly telling us the characters are men. It's all "They were men they wouldn't act like women", "Because they were men...", "He/they were not women..." you get the point. I can ignore those sentences in small batches but this got to the point where I was like "Oh there it is again".
    • any woman in the team or in a positive relationship with them is a "queen" but all the other women (even some they are friendly with) are shown as b*tchy, catty, whinny, hysterical, etc. Constantly fighting for male attention to get higher up the social ladder, trying to drag/push others down into the dirt. Even those called queens aren't really treated that way. They are somehow limited because they are female.
    • It is mentioned that the majority of the female population died in the beginning because they were weak and refused to give up high heels (yeah. high heels. It made me laugh at the time because I know very few people who wear them daily and those that do can kick ass in their heels.)
    • When the MC was pregnant he was treated as invalid even by women who had given birth. They should know better!
    • Once a fujoshi is introduced who can't stop herself suddenly everyone (including the ones in the team) can't stop themselves from actively shipping the men in front of them. They ask personal questions like who's on top to their faces, take pictures without permission and share them with each other, and are in general a nuisance. For obvious reasons the gay men start avoiding and running from these women and it affects their daily lives. (Can we all agree that shipping living people is weird or at least shipping them to their face is extremely rude.)
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Aug 02, 2019
Status: c1
Damn this novel is so good, too much face slapping. Overpowered Protagonis. Cute child care. Family and friends were united. Beast is so cute just like a friend in a naughty way.. So far waiting for all chapters to be translated.. Must add in your list
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May 23, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a review from someone who had read a lot of zombie apocalypse themes. If your starting to just delve into this genre then go for it because this is a great novel to start with. If you are veteran then continue reading the review:

Theme: 70% Zombie apocalypse meets 30% martial arts cultivation

I have a mix of feelings about this. The earlier chapters (1-70) are just a bit bland and cliche to me that I was so bored. I will give it 3 stars. But I continue reading it... more>> because maybe it will get better (side rant: but Against the gods didn't and I read 500+ chapters of that garbage) and it did. The story started to get more interesting though there is still some BL zombie apocalypse cliche. It was presented in a way that it doesn't feel like it. I also realize that the earlier chapters are just for world-building rather than being the juicy elements of the story.

The love story is a bit fast-paced but there is a reason for that which you will know if you read it. The character's response to some situation particularly revenge is a bit weird/extreme but I don't really care. Anyways, the ending for me is satisfactory. <<less
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May 26, 2022
Status: prologue
I'm actually quite surprised that's only few people have rated/read this story and the ratings are also very low too.

Because the story itself is actually pretty good.

Different from some other apocalyptic novels, this story doesn't just focus about how MC lives his life by gardening, making group etc... This story tells all aspects from the apocalyptic period like the politics, personal interests, famine, plague, fighting, cultivation etc... ... more>>

Gardening was not the main plot because this story was not only about slice of life, and in fact gardening was the last thing's that getting focus in this story... and this is was the reason why this novel was built different from other apocalyptic novel, because as we know almost all apocalyptic novels make gardening as the main point of their story...


So yeah it surprises me how underated this story here (Novel Update)...

The plot of this story itself is good, although it gets a bit chaotic as it approaches the last 100-150 chapters but it's still acceptable...

MC started to become a little careless and entered a lot of people into her secret space without thinking... although this still make sense, remember the space will get wider as more people enter, but the way the author describes just seems a bit rushed.


But back again, maybe because there are only a few chapters translated in NU was the reason that's only a few readers who read here... I personally have read this story until the end because there is a website that translates this story completely in my language (Not English). <<less
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Apr 23, 2022
Status: c220
Story is very inconsistent and the narration gets ridiculously immature in a bad way. Also poor world building. Maybe it's the translation, but if not, it's clear that the author doesn't remember the previous chapters sometimes, and has also never taken a writing class.

Don't get me started on the villains/antagonists that aren't the zombies, cuz apparently they're all idiots who can't do their canon jobs right or antagonist roles right. And everyone loves the MC or his nephew.

If you told me that all the MC's enemies are team rocket's (jessie,... more>> james, meowth) deciples, I'd believe it.

Example of inconsistency:


MC's party faces against a hoard of zombies up to lvl 4, the next chapter the MC or narration says that everyone's thankful that the highest lvl zombies were lvl 3... where did the lvl 4 zombies in the hoard go wtf


Example of immature writing/narration:


Narration often bluntly says cringy things about how cool MC's team is, or how people who didn't like the MC's nephew were idiots.


This is my opinion, but forcefully telling me what I should think instead of winning me over with compelling storytelling is terrible writing. I get mad when a 3rd perspective narrative voice bluntly needs to tell me that I should think to convey the feeling the author wants me to have. <<less
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Nov 17, 2019
Status: с29
I don't recommend starting this novel right now - the chapters are very short and it will probably be hard to tell how good this novel is until chapter 40-60

It has the potential to be interesting. I like that MC has his family to take care of. Most MCs in these kinds of novels start as lone wolves and even if they get a child or child-like creature, it's usually either a super-smart low-maintenance baby, or a baby that can tear zombies apart with it's bare hands. I hope this... more>> novel won't be like that and will explore the hardships of having an extremely squishy helpless creature in the zombie-ridden world. <<less
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Sep 21, 2022
Status: --
The pacing of the story is quite fine for my taste. The characters are also good for me but what I don't like is the love interest (not the ML) of MC, the story is already fine, really, I was enjoying it, MC and ML moments but when the love interest of MC appeared I think it was in the middle part of the story it was fine at first but later on it kinda feel like the author's favorite character in this novel was this love interest because there... more>> are parts that the ML just disappears and this love interest guy keep on appearing, he is either doing something with the MC or doing some mission really it's very annoying, I even skipped some chapters because of this character and I also think MC character became dumb because of this side character. Anyway, I finished this novel and it was good if you will remove the annoying love interest from the equation. <<less
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Apr 13, 2022
Status: c99
(Update: 12/03/2022) I gave it an honest second try, but stilll nope! The MC is too contrary, one second he thinks something then he does another. And this happens alllll the time. He's also inherently unlikeable, add that to the fact that the characters and development are so unrealistic (so fast-paced it's crazy -- like barely a couple of weeks into the apocalypse and people are ready to go hard and die), I just can't make myself care about the plot. That is, if you don't care about the... more>> characters, what's the point in reading the rest of the story? DX anyway, since my second reread failed even after forcing myself to read for almost 100 chapters (really hoped it would get better - I only read chapters before), I'm putting this on my "NOPE" list and just not reading it again. As for whether you should try it or not. It depends on your patience, really. If you don't care about character development and such. You just want action and all that, you might end up liking this story more than me. Anyway, the MTL is 70% readable if plugged into Google Translate. So it's up to you!

OLD REVIEW: Honestly, I thought it showed promise at first. But there's so many inconsistencies T.T and the characters are also all over the place. You have an OP Gary Stue MC too. I kept thinking that it would be better the further I went. And I think that may be true after a while (there's a lot of interesting world elements) ??? But even thinking that, I had to stop reading. Djdkdkdk I'll try to reread it at least once more in the future to test if my opinions stays the same. But yeh, it's a lot clumsier than I expected. Especially for such a long work. <<less
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May 01, 2021
Status: Completed
Generally, this is an entertaining read. The plot was okay. Just a bit draggy towards the end. But that might just be my problem. Lately, I have the attention span of a squirrel so I tend to stop reading stories in the middle to start reading another story. Thanks to that, I have a lot of open tabs on both my phone and tablet. But I digress.

The plot was fine, as I already said. It was a mix between apocalypse and xianxia/xuanhuan. While I did not particularly care for the... more>> xianxia/xuanhuan part, others might appreciate it more.

There were a lot of characters and a lot of side couples. Sometimes I forgot who was who because, let's face it, China has too many people with the same surnames. So having to read about a Jiang Shan or a Jiang Shang, it's easy to mix things up, especially with all the other characters you have to remember. And I should have a slight advantage since I am used to Chinese names by now unlike new Western readers. But then again, when I switched to MTL some names changed, too. Like Yun Cheng suddenly became Yun Yu or Yun Tong. MTL is unreliable like that.

Aside from that, there were two small things that bothered me. One, being that there were too many (yes, three is too many) obnoxiously silly side characters that served as comedic relief, but just made me annoyed and exhausted instead. At times I felt like punching them or throwing them into a horde of zombies. I'm not violent, I swear!

Then there is the thing how in the translations the characters oftentimes call each other by just their surnames. Like calling Chu Haoling just Chu or Xing Feng just Xing. It felt unnatural reading it since I'm used to seeing people calling eachother the whole name or with a title/endearment in Chinese. Like Xiao Chu (little Chu) or Lao Xing (old Xing) for example if anything. Just using the surnames without anything felt like they were disrespecting or insulting eachother. But then again, this is just a small problem on my part. Western readers might not even notice or care for this particularity. <<less
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Feb 28, 2024
Status: --
This novel is a gem, seriously, give it a try and a chance, I really love reading it!!! From the beginning to the end I was like glue to it.

The MC died once beacause he has been betrai by is in law when he came back he change and now he is not easy to deal with it, he has not been able to save his twin brother to turn into à zombie and love and just want to protect his family, he is à good man. The ML... more>> is Hot, strong and deeply in love with the MC, he is is back up in everything the MC is doing the couple is very strong, loyal and poweful the story is very captivating and also they having childrens... so read it to know the all story.

And there is heyu he is the MC best he is so funny. <<less
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Oct 10, 2021
Status: Completed
I like Apocalypse BL (especially reborn

) themes. This novel is way too long but finally I completed (from MTL).

There is big spoiler if you don't want to known don't read anymore..........

Our MC is strong from start of course bec he is reborn and his previous life revenge must be definitely..... he has difficulty to trust people easily cause of his previous life but don't include

... more>> everyone. Some people say MC is arrogant bec he is strong but later he cause his sis fall in dangerous.

Yes. MC is strong so he arrogant but he known his limits. MC is reborn, strong start but his knowledge of previous is a little differ from what he known and he had new power and that will explained later so If you want to know more about story don't stop reading one-tenth of novel.

Our ML is strong too. MC is so OP but our ML is not vegetarian. Their romance is start early I don't remember ch but ML is first interest in MC's personality later became love.

MC has BF in previous life but later....... anyway MC known ML in first life when the two meet and do mission 2gether later ML invited MC to his gp. MC want to go but can't he has his own gp and their direction are different so they separated he had interested in ML too (MC has bf but bec of his responsible they r still 2gether but their RS can't go longer)

In previous life ML is op too and responsible, truth worthy after reborn when MC accidentally meet ML early so he decided to alliance with ML to protect his family and his gp (MC is op but he known he alone can't protect all of them)

Bec of previous life he don't trust easily but why he still choose to believe his new friends of sec life is also explained one by one when he fist meet them. (he don't trust people who betrayed him not everyone)

MC 'teammate and ML known from early MC is hidden something from them (like how he know many things such as zombies level. power use..... so on and why he so hate somepeople who are first time meeting) but they trust MC bec he save them, teach how to survive, how to improve their mentally and power and they believe MC will tell them when needed.

later ch include why MC need to too OP. Because this novel is not only modren apocalypse theme but also include (like material arts novel) earth lord (immortal) .

Yes. Our MC became earth lord and all Zombie default. later they known zombies outbreak is bec of earth lord and MC is reborn bec of he was choosen as the one who will defeat previous earth lord.

MC is immortal half way of novel and of course his family and his friends became too. And he admitted his previous life and his reborn matter to his family and friends and they helped him

I'm not good at writing. <<less
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Jun 19, 2021
Status: c39
So far so good. MC is OP but in "I'm so glad he's so Powerful" aka this Overpower is not annoying for the reader. At least for the readers who want MC have good life.

MC is OP, but with this he can protect his Family. Still there's things in life that wasn't according to his plan, which mean as much as OP he is life sometimes still make him tensed. I really Love how he really care about his Family and trying so hard to protect them all.

ML is interesting.... more>> ML had great achievement before the Apocalypse. But in the Apocalypse he's known as Weak Captain who get protected. ML is not weak though. And MC want to hug his tight within reason. MC also don't think ML is weak. He just finally know why ML has reputation as Weak Captain.

The 'romance' is fast but not rushing. Because they flirt and kiss, but the scenes itself wasn't Romantic or Cute or Fluffy. They don't have Romantic Tension yet, but the s*xual Tension is definitely there !

Hope the novel won't disappoint us. <<less
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