Yes, My Class Is “Lumberjack”, So What?


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Tendou Aoi was a normal girl who liked playing games. She was playing VRMMO『Genesis Frontier』when she found a quest to cut down a giant tree. The tree was too big for a person to cut. It took her about a year to clear the quest. The quest that no one thought could be cleared (even the game administrator). The enormous amount of Exp and Titles was granted to her as a reward. In one night, she suddenly got the same power as the top players in the game. But she was really confused, didn’t know what to do. Because until now, she had only been focused on cutting the tree down for one year. Thus she forgot how to play the game normally

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shokugyou 『kikori』desuga, nanika? ~bassaishita kyoboku wa keikenchi no katamari deshita~
職業『木こり』ですが、何か? ~伐採した巨木は経験値の塊でした~
Related Series
Itai no wa Iya nanode Bōgyo-Ryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu (1)
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  1. Female MC (japanese) first part
  2. Read Novels
  3. Gay meets Gaming ~ A collection
  4. One Yuri Please (JP)
  5. Novels I personally like (1)

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sjmcc13 rated it
July 31, 2020
Status: c25
I sarted reading this, and it does feel a lot like "Itai no wa Iya nanode Bōgyo-Ryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu" (BOFURI), and I think if you like that you will probably like (at least the set up for) this. Though in this case it is not the MC stumbling on to ever more boken combo's the developers missed, but them placing joke/troll quests that are meant to be impossible with OP rewards assuming no one would ever complete them so it was fine...

The MC is very stubborn and... more>> determined, spending a year on one of those quest to the exclusion of any other activities, but the quest rewards massive EXP a title with special skills and an end game level weapon. Now with the rewards she is off to find other ways of enjoying the game, she has not been keeping up with developments, just focusing on the one quest. Returning to the starter town on the 1 year anniversary. Her next target as of ch 10 is a boss in the anniversary event that is supposedly level scaling and offers a title for beating it (small boost to gold drops IIRC, good but not necessary).

MC spends a week dying and re-fighting the boss and eventually wins, unlocking an alternate title no one else knows about, and a set of (I assume) lv 99 armor


One thing I do like about the MC is even if she has better stats then everyone else, she knows she is lacking in skills and actual ability playing the game, and wants to develop both. <<less
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1Sami rated it
October 19, 2020
Status: c43
This looked really good and it did start out good but the MCs personality is really bad. She´s constantly acting as if she can´t do anything by herself and when her friends try to comfort her and/or help her think of a way to get better, she always refuses because she´s ´a loner´. Then, not even two chapters later she´ll be mad that she doesn´t have any friends to hang out with and is forced to be a loner. It´s just not a good book anymore.
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Fluffums rated it
September 5, 2020
Status: c39
The main character is a little too much of a downer on herself... all of a sudden, too. I'm sure it would be resolved within a few chapters of where I stopped reading, but it made me stop and take a good look at the story up to that point and wonder why she was even playing. If someone drags you out to have fun, and at the end of it tells you she had fun... It's easy to wonder if she was really having fun or just being nice,... more>> but would you suddenly get depressed and ask if you have the right to have fun because of that? There's a past trauma tag, but I'd think she would hesitate more before agreeing to play with the friend if it was going to impact her that much after a mostly positive experience. Especially, the "fearless protagonist" tag doesn't match with "I'm afraid to get close to people" type of angst.

Other than the forced angst, it's OK. Nothing special, but OK. <<less
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cavler rated it
February 18, 2022
Status: c81
This story basically answers: what happens if you give a maxed account to an absolute beginner.

Most of the time the MC doesn't have an end goal, like becomming stronger, overcomming hardship, etc. The best motivation she has is to actually play the game "normally".

The ending is also just a cut off. I respect the authors decision, but it doesn't improve the story. I think the story would improve if 1 major arc was finished though.
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Welsonada rated it
August 30, 2020
Status: c37
Personally, I still want to wait a bit longer to write a review because it's too few chapters but I just keep going. This novel is good, honestly, and still like to continue for read. I just wonder how far the MC past trauma will affected her in the game and her relationship with her friend and other character in the game. Aside from that, I hope that this novel can bring some character development and more interesting plot.
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RecMap7 rated it
February 11, 2023
Status: c81
This novel have as many upside as its downside. The MC is a loner and don't have friend and at the end she overcome and have friend. And that is a point of this whole novel. Now you don't need to read it anymore.
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