Wu Dong Qian Kun


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The Great Yan Empire exists in a world where respect can only be earned through strength. Within this Great Yan Empire, the four great clans have always stood above the rest. Among them, a particular incident in the Lin Clan resulted in the banishment of a certain individual who went on to start his own family, in hopes of one day being recognized again by the Lin Clan, and rejoining them…

Hailing from a banished family of the Great Lin Clan, when Lin Dong was very young, he watched, powerless, as his talented father was easily crushed and crippled by the overwhelming genius of the great Lin Clan, Lin Langtian.

With a despairing father, a heartbroken grandfather, and a suffering family, ever since that fateful day, Lin Dong has been driven by a deep purpose; to take revenge on the man who had taken everything and more from his family.

Armed with nothing but willpower and determination, join Lin Dong as he unknowingly discovers a destiny greater than he could ever hope to imagine when he stumbles upon a mysterious stone talisman…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Earth-Shattering Martial Arts
Martial Movement Upheaval
Martial Universe
Vũ Động Càn Khôn
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113 Reviews

May 11, 2016
Status: c314
"Buzz Buzz! " This is a review as of chapter 314. The series starts out with some usual tropes, boy finds treasure that imparts special skills to get stronger. "Bang Bang!"

There is emotions, there is some character development, and then there are spirit stones and resources. Nothing new, but readable.

"Everybody is shocked! Who is everybody? No one knows, just some random shock reaction scene, move along!'

... more>> Then the story becomes shitty because literally 90% of this series is fight scenes and this author sucks ass at writing a compelling fight scene.

"Take this secret move, Moon Phoenix Mystery Dark Fist of the Sun!"


Reading this review is pretty much like reading the novel. Some words in between a bunch of SFX. Boring and dropped from my main reading list. "Swoosh!"

"Your secret move amounts to only so! Take this, a secret move that I, Ling Dong, discovered and perfected, Bloody Sacred Saber Divine Sword Darker Fist Shadow Step Big Power Super Kick Golden Platform!"

"What did he say?! What an arrogant fellow!"

It gets 2/5 stars because I can't even care about the MC anymore. All he does is go around wrecking havoc and acting like a spoiled brat.

"Run!" <<less
251 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Demonic Reader lv 451F
Demonic Read
Jun 05, 2016
Status: c355
Recommend IF you finish ALL other good CN ones and waiting for the new chapter. It's early work of the famous writer. Plot is straight. MC is straight. Every characters are straight. Dialogue is straight. Everything is straight. No twist, no cliff, no unexpected. Highly predictable.

Fighting is darn straight! I stand still, waiting for you hit me, then you wait for my returned strike. Every fights begin with EXACTLY three babbling noises from surrounding lackey, confirm that MC will be defeated misery. ALL his enemies will boast one or two... more>> sentences before concludes that MC will definitely die. After that.. Boom! Dong!! Kaboom!!.. "IMPOSSIBLE!" exclaim!!! Every characters please stand still while we change the scene. Thank for your cooperation. <<less
87 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 17, 2016
Status: c298
I wish I could say that the novel is good. I had such high hopes for this novel but sadly...

This novel suffers from the same problem as that of author's other popular novel (Battle through the Heavens).

MC's luck is just too good. I know novels of such categories have main characters bathing in luck but in this series (and BTTH) the MC is literally diving in ocean full of luck. MC would find heaven defying opportunities even in the worst situation.

Fight scenes are hyped for nothing. Epic names... more>> for fighting techniques but zero substance. No creativity.

Author would repeatedly say that MC's luck was good for once but he shouldn't be c*cky as that was once a lifetime opportunity... Well, I have read around 300 chapters and the s*upid luck is raining on MC regularly.

Also, there is no personality in MC. The spirit in his OP treasure is much more interesting than the MC. Honestly MC is totally boring.

There is also a scene similar to r*pe in the series. (MC is kind of drugged/controlled). Author uses that to establish a relationship between MC and the girl. To be honest that forced s*x wasn't necessary. Chinese authors use such dumb ideas when they fail to think of ways to establish relationship between MC and a potential love interest.

The antagonists aren't interesting as well. They are the standard s*upid villains who underestimate MC and when MC kicks their ass they would use the usual line: "How dare you harm me after I tried to kill you?! My clan/sect will kill you." Seriously? Most of the antagonists are like this.

Then there is the antagonist MC wants to defeat in order to gain revenge for his father. I thought he would be interesting and different from the other s*upid antagonists of the series. So far he's same as the rest.

Characterization of main antagonist matters the most as he is MC's main goal so far. Would you give a damn for 300+ chapters if you realize that MC is doing everything he has done so far to defeat another s*upid guy?! <<less
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Dream Seeker
May 18, 2016
Status: c237
Simply boring, it's started out okay, but so do most Chinese novels. There's nothing to savage this novel past 200 as it's nothing but typical poor writing famous for the genre.
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Mar 21, 2018
Status: c1074
For every woman the MC interacts with, the author makes sure to tell us 10 times or more how she is a beauty that can make entire countries droll. And ofc, they all fall in love with him.

Should I also say that for a few good hunreds of chapters there was no harem tag? Nope, the shitstains translating this garbage made sure of that.

What else is there to say? This novel is the definition of average crappy chinese novel

... more>> - arrogant masters everywhere

- godly artefacts that just land in MC's hands

- ultimate class beast companions - you know, because why not

- lots of tournaments with prizes wherever the MC goes - and ofc, the MC becomes the final champion of them all

- bullsh*t luck after bullsh*t luck.

- harem as well, because it just had to have the entire package of cancer <<less
33 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 17, 2016
Status: c323
Please read for a detailed review!

I'm planning to split this review into two parts: pros & cons.

Opinionistic Pros: The book is different from the typical Xianxia. Think of 'Battle Through the Heavens' but more fast paced. The World building isn't the best, and at times - most of the time - it's up to your imagination to decipher what the geography around the fight is, but I think the reason it may be justified is because the protagonist doesn't really go too places that require much description. As long as... more>> this isn't your first LN then your mind should be able to quite easily cope.

The protagonist has the typical backstory (Bullied, becomes OP, bullies now revere him, steps on to the world stage). After you get past the first few chapters that goes through through that backstory, that's when it becomes much more interesting.

The protagonist knows when to run and fight. He's harsh/rude but cunning.
He's prideful and will always keep his head up regardless, but also knows when to be respectful.

My own personal pro is that there's no random/pointless romance or harem. Well... kinda

He had s*x with a girl when she was in a weakened state (both parties being non-consensual) and has vowed to become stronger so that she can recognise his strength.


That was completely random and seemed as if the author remembered that he forgot a cliché.

The antagonists are much smarter (though that's not saying much in the long run) and instead of trying to let him stay alive to come back for revenge when they slight him, they actually realise he has potential and treat him as a threat.

Last pro for me personally, is that we don't have to go through the boring and gruelling training period through a demonic forest/beast mountain. He does train in one, but we're not forced to watch/read him kill one pointless monster after monster... after monster. The author just does a simple time skip (half a month, half a year).

World building sucks.

Character development sucks. He's got a mutated demonic beast who's got the potential to be super OP, but unfortunately, it's always captured. Along with the fact that we've never seen them bond. It's more of just "Here you go... this is pet.... love it." Hard to make any emotional connection to it.

The antagonists usually have a really crappy reason for wanting to pick on him, though I guess it can be justified that he usually looks weaker than them and poorer, therefore it kinda does make sense.

Sometimes it feels as if you're stuck in a useless arc... though those arcs usually show something that you realise was necessary for the story.

I recommend picking up this novel if you like: ATG (but no harem), TMW and/or MGA. I suggest picking up this novel once it reaches around 400-450 chapters since he is nearing an arc that has been promised for quite a while and if you're like me and would rather read it in one go, I'll suggest that wait. Oh, but the translators do a typical 10 chapters a week + any sponsored chapters, which can be 12-14+per week. So yeah. Really great translation speed.

Overall, the book is quite an exceptional read. Debatable if it's top-tier, but definitely worth your time regardless. If you like MGA/Chu Feng in particular you'll definitely like this.
(A ruthless MC who values relationships, doesn't care about anyone, gets into fights left, right and centre, is always underestimated due to difference in cultivation base.) <<less
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May 17, 2017
Status: c501
Overly descriptive language accompanying every single move in a battle, making everything being told to you. Its like studying for 5 hours when you read for 5 hours of this stuff. It gets tedious like social sciences. No elaboration on the martial techniques- 'he quickly took a step forward while his footsteps suddenly became peculiar. Evidently, this was a rather powerful martial art.' This is a side character that would get killed in the next 5 or 10 chapters showcasing his powerfulness. WTF? How is it powerful? What did his... more>> feet peculiarly do? Dance like a ballerina? Supersaiyan? Its basically tell, not show in this novel. I won't blame the translators, they are giving a good quality translation, but I would like to peculiarly punch the author to show how powerful my frustration and anger is. A few nuclear bombs dropping on his head might improve his brain, make him smarter than he already is.

P.S. Lots of eye actions in fight and just basically most scenes- eyes rolling, eyes becoming icy cold, eyes becoming stone cold, eyes becoming cold and indifferent. Basically lots of cold sh*t happening to various body parts.

Also, crappy banter- weak, boring and useless, illogical banter that degrades the fight scenes, ultimately leading to nothing, if the antagonist for 5 chapters dies, and another one pops up like a c*ckroach. <<less
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Aug 06, 2016
Status: c519
I’ve got really mixed feelings about this series.

In short, the story – despite having potential – is f*cking annoying. NOTHING ever goes smoothly, to the point where it starts to get really infuriating.

Whenever Lin Dong finds a treasure, he doesn’t snatch it. Instead he stands around gawking at it like an idiot until people show up and try to seize it from him. It makes you rage. A normal MC would just dump it into their quankun pouch or interspacial ring straight away, but nope, not Lin Dong.

And every f*cking... more>> time Lin Dong is about to finish someone off, another enemy comes to the rescue. They save the first enemy so that enemy can come back to be a nuisance later. I can’t even begin to describe how irritating this is. If it happens once or twice? Cool. But over and over again? F*ck that. I was tempted to go back and count the number of times it’s happened. As of chapter 500, it has to have happened (no joke) over 10 times. I don’t know what the author must have been smoking to think this was a good idea.

Then there are the fights. Again, no joke, at least 60% of the story is meaningless fights. Reading this story is like watching a Pokémon trainer walking through tall grass... except whenever he’s about to catch a s*upidly tanky Pokémon he’s beaten, another Pokémon shows up to slap the ball away.

This series gets a grudging 3 stars. 4 stars for the *underlying* plot, which is solid, minus one star for all the annoying sh*t the author constantly pulls. <<less
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Feb 23, 2018
Status: c800
The start is really awesome, but after awhile, you realize that you are just wasting your time reading this.

entire chapters are used to describe one move in a fight and fights are so slow and after the first few hundred episodes, you'll just skip them.

the MC always fails to kill his enemies because either he's too weak or too scared, so he'll let them beat his dog, kick his parents, burn his house and whack his horse for a few years while he trains then come back and kills them.... more>> it's fine if it happens once or twice, but this happens almost every arc.

the bad guy, doesn't die. he does not die. they spend 50 chapters fighting, then when he's about to die, they'll stop. or he'll die then revive....80% of the novel is the MC just fighting the same guy over and over again with him going to new towns, pissing off the mayor and fighting, running away, watching his horse get beat up, come back kill him, meet bad guy. fight. restart. <<less
16 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 07, 2016
Status: c338
This story is one of the most boring and formulaic story that I've ever read. There are no surprises in the plot and it gets old really fast. The protagonist is pretty dumb and only manages to pull through because of plot armor. Even the overarching revenge plot gets dragged until it becomes completely pointless.
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Sep 20, 2016
Status: c600

Updated review down from 2.7!

Look, it's The Itchy & Scratchy Show in xianxia land! Don't expect anything else than standard and cliched xianxia fare though, read it to waste time while shutting of your brain, literally. They fight, fight, fight and fight, it's the Wu Dong Qian Kun novel. Fight, train, level up, find some treasure, go back to start and repeat when a new and powerful enemy shows up a few chapters after the MC beats the previous enemy. The sub par writing, the poor world-building, the terrible... more>> characters, the lack of any sort of normal females who isn't a nihilistic cold blooded mu*deress, an gold digger or a simpering idiot, the even more horrible cliched and vastly op MC, plus the super powerful pets/treasures he has, are not why you read this novel, you read it for the same reason you eat fast food. It's simple, easy, and doesn't require any work whatsoever and it fills your belly when you cant be bothered to cook some real food. I read this novel for the same reason as the fastfood example above, I read it when I'm out of any sort of interesting novel to read. The only part that isn't cliched, is the fact that antagonist X, whom of course spits out standard bullsh*t lines like - die tr*sh, my family will annihilate yours etc and so forth, and then promptly tries to kill MC (just to fail ofc). Unlike most other novels in the genre, the MC in this one instead beats them up and lets them go for some reason. I mean, in every other way this waste of time follows every single xinxia cliche there is in the whole genre, except for letting his opponents who just tried to mu*der him go. And this happens time and time and time again, causing no small amount of problems for the moronic MC along the way. <<less
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Apr 22, 2017
Status: c699
Okay I'm going to write the few complaints I have about this story..

1. World Building is poorly done.

The changes between realms cannot be simplified to become; "and there are another 1xxxxx empires as large as yours and there are other realms even larger and larger and larger!" any sense of immersion and realism are lost immediately. For one, if there were x number of inheritances within an empire... why are we sprinting through an empire to fall into the most radical and magical inheritance through happenstance? Even if we compared to World defying dan god for realism, at least that novel maintains the established world.


2. The ego on the MC is absolutely ridiculous.

His partner or supposed closer than kin companion constantly reminds him that he is without talent and those around him are much more powerful and able to be much more powerful, not due to magic resources but through constitution and other methods. Meanwhile MC constantly belittles everyone. Even the supposed love interest is belittled as something that can be surpassed in a heartbeat. - forget the struggles they themselves had to go through, now we learn that all his enemies were fed with a golden spoon and never had to bitterly struggle through anything? Can no suffering can stand equal to the crybaby suffering? How can he not empathize or even see the people around him. It's the return of Sevens MC, I'm powerful, EVERYONE needs my protection!


3. The heavenly opportunities are available for everyone?

This one was something I was truly exited about. Similar to "History's strongest senior brother" where these opportunities for advancement are truly available to anyone with the talent or luck to find them and harvest them. Then we discover that the opportunities were simply not able to measure up to the opportunities that our MC uses even though he has never truly cultivated them. (truly cultivating? Coiling dragon ring training montage, Dragonball Z training montage, or even BTTH training montages to the max! After the first training period I can count the number of training sessions on one hand, unless such events have been turned into the equivalent of toilet breaks.)


4. Lack of character growth..

Every other character adapts and changes to suit the situation, meanwhile our hearty MC becomes more and more of a self righteous ass hat. Seriously, even the random bystanders show more human development than our MC, and yes I'm basing that over 500 chapters. Behavior will sometimes change but his character has not shown signs of maturity even after being a psychopath for quite some time.


What was well done?

1. The MC uses a consistent logic to approach his goals.
Earnest behavior and a sense of excitement are the most constant states of mind for our MC to attain his goals within this story.

While being intelligent and understanding the larger picture during the majority of his experiences, the only negative thing about such behavior is his tendency to forget how it was to be weak.


2. A larger number of cultivation techniques.

Each enemy and sect has their own inheritances and our MC is no different. While he picks and chooses his techniques that can be attributed to his philosophy; jack of all trades master of none. He purposely attempts to only burden himself with a small number of elite techniques to make up for his lack of training time.


3. Engaging story telling.
Great xanxian trope, lots of predictable events, yet it's enjoyable to spend a couple days reading and I'll continue to keep up with the translation; which by the way is very well done.

Overall, poor material to use such a good translation team for.
- Unless you're into a compilation of sexism, hypocrisy and impotence.
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Sep 14, 2017
Status: c866
Classic novel with the usual stuff, MC start at the weakest region in the weakest kingdom/continent and make his way to the top, along the journey, lot of people calling the MC "tr*sh, ant, ret*rd... etc" while trying to kill him, because of the usual reasons (greed, or others random reasons), and it will almost always end with "if you dare to kill me, my clan/sect/kingdom/master, will never let you off".

Of course how can we not include the "crowd" with the "oh MC is looking to die, trying to this... more>> and that", few paragraph later (mainly filled with insult toward MC), the enemy (ies) is like "impossible... blah blah", and the crowd "oh he is so strong", "how can it be possible"......."this guys is not to be trifled with".

As for the romance, it's rather complicated and kind of interesting.


So far, only one women is confirmed, with 1 or 2 more, and nothing more.


TLDR: Standard stuff from a cultivation novel, however the overall story is rather interesting, hence the 3-stars rating.

PS: if you haven't learn to skip paragraph/chapter, you may not like it. <<less
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Feb 28, 2016
Status: c1260
Yes, this novel has your typical Xianxia tropes. Maybe I am a sucker for some of the gets bullied and called tr*sh, then gets strong and get revenge tropes. Therefore, I think this novel is above average. I would rather read this novel than ISSTH, ten times out of ten. I can not wait until the MC becomes strong enough to fight against the douche (you will see later why) that hurt his father.

Update: I jumped the gun on this one, the novel should have stopped after settling his conflict... more>> with the douche. After that, there is no direction, besides random cannon fodder showing up to be killed by MC. Repetitiveness is an understatement with the cannon fodder. <<less
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Jul 07, 2016
Status: c307

MC is ret*rded. Barely kills anyone and let's just about all his enemies live over and over again.

If you want to read a novel where you like to get annoyed that the MC is so dumb and the author portrays him like he's so smart and a genius then you might like this novel. Almost every chapter it's like "can the MC really be that dumb?"

"Can every character in this novel really be that s*upid?"

Also a lot of things make absolutely no sense and at times contradictory.

"Does the author not think anything through properly and just pull random sh*t that makes no sense out of his ass?"
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 17, 2018
Status: c749
-Chapters with half of the content being randoms comments

Some minor spoilers here:

-People that just dissapears, the author forgets them. Ex: Su Rou group were 3, then just the siblings

... more>> -Obvious plot changes midway, like the black nirvana flame beads of the MC that just got forgotten later, or a misterious hot chick in the Hundred War that later becomes irrelevant

-MC lackeys that losses their names with one person representing everyone together

-The MC charm mode overrides reality. Ex: Su Rou "remembering" the kind smile of the MC in the camp at night when it was Little Marten the one that made them stay

-The MC taking advantage from the first love interest after saving her in a lake just because

This novel is bad. I started reading it up again just because I was bored. It was so bad for me that it made me realize that I could do something better with my time. It is THAT bad. <<less
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Mar 26, 2016
Status: --
Like others have said before me, it’s not worth your time to pick up this series. Thinking back, the writing may have been on the wall since the beginning of this novel. Having a family feud as the major plot point is too weak to sustain a power crawl type novel as the goal post just isn’t challenging for an MC that have the kind of luck and fortuitous encounters (*cough* plot armor) that Lin Dong has. The story has become about Lin Dong’s treasure collection adventure. Getting sidetracked all... more>> the time, he collects treasures that he sometimes never even put to use before he has already set his sights on a more powerful version of it. It’s devoid of meaning other than as fluff to hide a weak story development.

And the author has done a horrible job with the pacing and assigning power levels. As of chapter 277,


For being major powers in the Ancient Wasteland, the Ancient Sword Alliance and Ghastly Puppet Sect seem pretty damn pathetic if just a young generation practitioner can get away with toying with them the way Lin Dong has. I mean, for a region that even the four great clans doesn’t lay claim to, you’d expect the powers that have taken root here to have more domineering strength.

The only reason the story get’s a 2/5 is because I think it’s unfair to rate it lower as I haven’t read the whole story. But from what I’ve read so far and from what little expectation I have of this author, I’m not willing to rate this series any higher. When your story becomes overly reliant on plot armor, it mean the author had been too lazy to properly brainstorm and plan out the plot. It's story writing 101. Anywats, the translators have been doing a good job as well so credit to them. <<less
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May 08, 2018
Status: Completed
If you are looking for proper review this is not it.

This novel has some major flaws and in my opinion quite generic.

  1. The enemy in this novel is just horrendous, The MC is basically fighting the same enemy except more powerful than him, then he gets a power-up to defeat his enemy and then it repeats it again and again and again.
  2. The world building is subpar for the first couple hundreds of chapters but it does get a little bit better overtime.
  3. Romance in this is okay, but I hate the fact that every single woman falls in love with him in just a really short time.
So you might be asking "Why did you give this novel a 4/5 then???"

Well it quite simply because I ENJOY this novel. Despite the constant flaws... more>> that this novel has I really love the time that I spend reading it. This is just a couple of reasons why I like it:

  1. The MC has a simple and straight objective and that is to get stronger so that he can protect the one he loves. I mean if you think about it, It isn't really anything special but compared to other Chinese novel it good enough.
  2. Author is good at making a cliffhanger. You guys are not gonna face this cause it already finish translated, But man is he good at that.
There is a lot more reasons why I love and hate this novel but I won't go in-depth with it. I've been reading this since early 2016 so it has been about 2 years and I appreciated the translator for translating this, I always enjoy my time when reading this everyday, now that it has ended I'm quite sad but hey there's still a sequel, sorta so I'm not that sad by it. The ending is alright and the final boss fight was anti-climactic but that okay since I still enjoyed it.

What separate this from other "Bad" novel that I have read is that I enjoyed it. It doesn't matter that it has big flaws as long as you enjoy that certain novel, for me it's this novel. Due note that I have quite a sh*t taste in novels.

With that said do I recommend this novel for you? It depends, I suggest you read it first and see if it's right for you. If you can bear the flaws that this novel have then you will have an enjoyable ride, or not, who knows. <<less
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May 03, 2018
Status: c906
This novel is very repetitive. The fights are fine, but the plot is highly predictable. The most irritating thing is what the characters are doing. I swear, in one of the chapters, the MC and an opponent had ice cold eyes throughout the whole fight.

Opponent: *Looks down on MC* *Ice cold eyes*

MC: *Mocking opponent* *Ice Cold eyes*

... more>> Opponent: *Angered**Ice Cold Eyes*

MC*Looks for fight**Becomes "serious"* *Ice cold eyes*

Opponent : *Realizes MC is strong* *Ice cold eyes*

They fight and MC wins. On two the next opponent. Same thing happens except this time: It's laughing.

*Laughs Mockingly* <<less
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Mar 25, 2016
Status: c276
Reviewed after 276 chapters, rated 4.

If one reads this novel’s reviews from bottom, it can be easily gleaned that Wu Dong Qian Kun is a mountain of xuanhuan/xianxia cliches. If you are looking for weakness, there’s many. But I actually liked the novel characterization and narrative.

Most of the enemies are indeed exists as jokes. And side characters are there just to prop the MC. But the MC himself, while overly focused on power ups and aiming to avenge his father’s humiliation, stays grounded. He made bad decisions (plenty of it),... more>> he was easily tempted by treasures or anything that will boost his strength, he also did not forget to check up girls’ figures although he had no intention to get them. All of it stays true to the author depiction of the MC, which other characters may perceive superficially as an ordinary youth. Yes, because ordinary youth makes mistakes, ordinary youth checks girls up but not necessarily gather a harem of beautiful ladies, and ordinary youth are ambitious. Compared to some MC whose age doesn’t match their mind prowess, Lin Dong is a rather solitary figure.

The novel narrative was not the best as it uses all the usual xuanhuan/xianxia diction. But it’s not bad either as the author can convey and mix the world construct well at the right pace. <<less
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