Would You Like to Have a Drink


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The Third Prince, Zong Luo, and the King of Beining, Yu Beizhou, have been at odds with each other.

Water and fire were never compatible. Their tit-for-tat confrontation was exhaustible.

Unfortunately, things went awry. After an imperial edict came, Zong Luo laughed facing the heavens. His ink hair was scattered, and he closed his eyes and committed su*cide under the city gate.

However, he woke up again.

Following that, he became entwined with Yu Beizhou once more, till death eventually came upon him.

His enemy’s face was stunning, flamboyant, and sinful. Only after staring at him did he only notice a little bit of light floating within his unfathomable eyes.

“Senior martial brother,” Yu Beizhou said in a low voice, grasped his sword in hand, and touched his eyebrows intimately, “We meet again.”


That night, Zong Luo had a dream.

He dreamed that after his death, the man sewed up his uncollected body, and kept it in an ice coffin for nine years.

Glory, wealth, and world domination that will last for thousands of generations- Zong Luo didn’t want it, but Yu Beizhou got it all.

However, no one knows that after going to court every day, after the tyrant dismissed the palace servants, he would walk into the cold bed chamber alone.

“Senior martial brother, it’s already nine years.” Yet it’s still so cold no matter how warm it is.

“I hate you so much.” He held the body in his arms and muttered to himself.

-Hate is the strongest form of love-

Associated Names
One entry per line
Can Drink A Cup of Nothing
Can You Drink A Cup With Me?
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19 Reviews

New Liliaa
May 14, 2024
Status: Completed
I think this was alright. I read it like a few weeks ago so my memory isn't that clear, but this was pretty interesting. I like the setting a lot, MC is an unfavored third prince who was reborn. ML is his biggest opp so to say, they banter and fight a lot, untangling their complicated feelings towards eachother in the process. MC goes on to solve the mystery as to why he was reborn, why he received an imperial decree in his last life ordering him to commit su*cide,... more>> and so on..

Moving on, I think Yu Beizhou (ML) is a beautifully tragic character. I feel myself somewhat relating to his feelings and thoughts. Zong Luo (MC) is also a great character. He's not invincible, calm and seemingly aloof but still has human emotions and thoughts. I like them both a lot.

Side characters were great aswell. The plot twist in the end had me flabbergasted, and crying. For some it might've been predictable but honestly I wasn't expecting it AT ALL.

My favourite character was probably the Emperor. I won't put this in a spoiler so I'll be vague, but he isn't exactly what he seems to be. Reasonable and human, he's a well written character.

As a side note this author seems to name a lot of his main characters Zong, which I think is a cool detail.. Since I've only read Thriller Trainee and this I can't say much but Zong Jiu and Zong Luo are pretty similar personality-wise, smart, calculating and not impulsive.

I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers, and this one didn't disappoint. A tragic yet somehow sweet novel, especially towards the ending. If that's your cup of tea, then I recommend this. If you aren't into it, I wouldn't read this if I were you, since they spend most of the novel as 'enemies'.. <<less
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New pagandog
May 12, 2024
Status: Completed
What made this novel stand out for me is that the MC transmigrates into a novel, but he is not omnipotent. He gets reborn, but he is not a mind reader. He is smart, but even smart people can't calculate everything. He is a modern person, but does not magically know how to recreate modern technology - the extent of his modern influence was pickles and some easy to carry food for his troops. He has all the normal feelings and thoughts of a human and thinks within the bounds... more>> of his own experiences, unlike many protagonists who transmigrate and suddenly wear the "protagonist thinking cap", detached from who they are. People make assumptions based on their experiences and thoughts all the time, constantly stuck inside their heads for their own benefit. That's an undebatable human trait. The protagonist doesn't shed his identity as a human just because he's a protagonist.

In his second life, he is too trusting and makes many assumptions because he's a modern person with modern sensibilities living in a peaceful era coming into this with only theoretical knowledge - and pays for that. He is also understandably averse the ML because no one would want to get close to someone who will likely kill them. In his third life, he is traumatized by his second life. Like a normal person, his thoughts automatically go there whenever he considers something, within that same box of his experiences. He gets paranoid, can't trust anyone, and makes clever but narrow sighted plans because, like a normal human, he can't detach himself from what he thinks he knows and his own trauma.

What kept my interest the entire time was how the plot gradually untangles from the MC's thought box when more and more details the MC wasn't aware of come to light, and the entanglement with the cruel multi layered emperor was beautifully done.

Now onto the negatives:

I would have liked more screen time and development for some interesting side characters who were built up but not fully explored or concluded (or got an abrupt unsatisfying conclusion).

It also has some tropes I dislike once their relationship develops, but that's a matter of taste, and many people seem to like those tropes so I won't get into that. <<less
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Sep 26, 2022
Status: Completed
It's a really good story that developed in a way that I really didn't expect, both in the general plot or the plot twists themselves. The summary might have you thinking it's one of those typical yandere stories, and it is (sorta) ; but it slowly becomes more of a father-son story with almost a majority of the plot devoted to our MC, the third prince Zong Luo, and his father, the emperor. Zong Luo is honestly pretty nice, he doesn't thirst for power or the throne, instead he yearns... more>> for familial affection and the approval of the emperor. It's surprisingly heartwarming to see how the relationship between the two develops as misunderstanding from the first life get resolved. As for the romance, it's honestly mostly a subplot for about the first 110 chapters and then dragged into becoming the main plot in the last 59. The romance is honestly a true "Enemies to Lovers" plot, because they really did hate each other at first, and for those who hate back and forth/dancing around the issue type romances I would honestly warn against this. I personally ended up loving the pair, but still take note.

As for the bad, mostly I think the author was in over their head with how many people they had in the cast. I could name at least two or three side characters that were supposed to be important but just ended up either fading off at the end or had really weak resolutions. One of them especially had a lot of build up in the beginning and seemed really important only to end up having a really weak ending that was basically a couple sentences. There's also a couple of times where Zong Luo acts very tired and done with the back and forth nature of the love hate relationship with YBH and dramatically acts like he's giving up on them but it never actually amounts to anything and is backtracked in a few chapters (ex: ZL acts like he's giving up on them and then like a chapter later he's chasing after YBH whose leaving the capital). Zong Luo also ruminates a couple times on how he's the prince, he can't be in a gay relationship (for heir reasons), but it's really a nonissue that just gets forgotten/brushed aside and is never really talked about again.

Lastly this never bothered me but might ended up a problem with some; without spoiling anything the emperor basically favors Zong Luo over all his other sons, he has favorites. I know modern day thinking is "you should love your children equally" but you gotta remember he's also picking the heir to the throne, which is something everyone single one of them wants (except Zong Luo) but instead of bettering themselves and working for the throne they scheme to take out the competition or just act incredibly spoiled thinking the throne is going to be theirs in the end. In that sort of situation and the fate of an entire empire at stake, I don't think its unfair to have preferences.

Overall I really enjoyed this story, the characterization was pretty solid and I honestly loved how it was more family focused than what it seems like in the summary. If you're not into court politics or family drama, you might want to save this one for another day because I'm not lying when I say the romance is honestly a subplot/background event until like the last 50 chapters. Stuff happens here and there but the story gives the most focus on the emperor and Zong Luo's misunderstandings and getting answers for questions in the past life. <<less
28 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 30, 2022
Status: --
I like this novel. Can't wait this fully translated. Also, thanks for the translator to chose this beautiful novel. I really love when ML is crazy dog. This novel's ML is very alike "I rely on my beauty to build country" novel's ML to me. So if you like crazy dogs then read it. Kk also. This novels background world building is deep but not that deep. So its just my cup of tea.

... more>>

its our protagonist's third life. And ML is his junior brother. Crazy dogxClean cold MC I guess. If you love this type. Read it


Sorry for my English. Im kinda bad at English so... Hope someone review this more nice than me. <<less
12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 19, 2022
Status: Completed
Hmmm I have very mixed feelings for this novel. The starting of the novel is realllyyyy slow and verbose. We can't go a few paragraphs without the MC repeating himself about his past life or transmigration or a description of how beautiful the MC and ML is. It's very unnecessary and I had to skip so many of these parts because it's too repetitive.

The middle of the novel is where that plot picks up and we start getting plot twists. Unfortunately, more than half of them are easily predictable, so... more>> it wasn't really that engaging for me.

Oh boy, the last part of the novel, though, sure hits hard. The romance finally picks up and the plot twists are finally something unexpected. Certain scenes were powerfully written and tugged at my heartstrings. Family love is a theme that is highly emphasised here and is portrayed extremely well

Characters aren't one dimensional, but I can't say they are extremely well-written as well. Certain side characters get build up but weren't utilised well. The MC and ML are unnecessarily obstinate, all for the dramatic 'enemy to lovers' characterization. If you're looking at the enemies to lovers trope, the writer's other work 'Thriller Trainer' definitely did a better job in my opinion.

TLDR; All in all, I would say it's okay for a leisure read but don't get your expectations too high up. Premise of the story is extremely interesting, but the execution is lacking. It's a case of having to wade through murky waters to reach gold <<less
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Grand Sophy
Grand Sophy
Apr 10, 2024
Status: c58

I couldn't continue the story. I felt bad for ye linghan so much I was crying while reading the chapters but when he kneeled to the MC I stopped reading. He end up as a side character while going through worst then both the MC and ml. He was sexually abused humiliated abandon by his family left alone and he was trying to go back to his home. He was raised as Crown prince imagine the pain the humiliation when the MC pitied him and helped him off the road

The MC from his high step has the audacity to judge Ye Linghan who we know from his POV was only a lonely figure who was trying to survive in harsh world BY HIMSELF

I hate the MC for that I know from what read (50s ch) that everything that happened to MC was miscommunication and not true misfortune like Ye Linghan

I can't focus on the main plot anymore.
I can't continue reading—— so I dropped it even though it was good.

I know my Ye Linghan will be treated as side character with no justice for him.. Oh he may become lackey for the MC like all other side characters 👍

(yes! I created this account to write this review💁🏻‍♀️)

6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 31, 2024
Status: c10 part2
Review from my rec list: 5/5 for a mysterious rebirth of a kuudere MC + beauty attack + hate-love relationship where they were enemies and ML literally brought MC back to life because his life was empty without his rival.

This novel nails one of my favorite enemies to lovers tropes - the "I thought I hated you but now that you're dead, I realize you were the only thing that gave my life meaning" scenario. Double regression with MC reborn earlier and ML reborn a little later but with intuition.... more>> Another one of my favorite tropes - manly MC and pretty (but psycho) ML. <<less
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Aug 22, 2022
Status: --
I have read it to the end and this is one of the books that I highly recommend (for consideration, I am a picky person and get bored quickly when reading books but I managed to finish this one). This book is well written. Well-written characters, and a PLOST TWIST AT THE END!! I was shocked and had to digest it all and finally it made sense from the start. You will be forced to hate someone, but end up regretting it because he deserves the best. While I was... more>> reading it I felt mc's life was too much like a joke and I was also angry with fate cuz fate really played with them. From beginning to end, you will be treated to plottwist, plottwist, and plotwist until you feel is this really the book I read at the beginning? This book is a hidden diamond that I got at jjwxc. Highly recommended! <<less
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Mar 24, 2024
Status: c170
I hate this story. Well well, nothing wrong with the story it's good but—i never feel so disappointed with the writer choice. Hmm, if you want to read this I tell you, that's up to you. But before that there's something you should know;

Okay, the male lead is so ann0ying. Nah, he's so real for that lmao imagine you're a Transmigrator and get blamed for everything lol. I thought the male lead would at least feel a little regret for his actions. But you know what? He just acting like... more>> a child lmao blame everything on our MC I cry so hard I just can't. Everyone that give 5 star maybe doesn't know BUT I KNOW VERY WELL. ML never regret his actions ohh he just 💀de4d and that's it. This story doesn't make sense. I don't know anymore, if you want good story with good revenge, not this one☺save your time thankyou. <<less
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Jun 18, 2023
Status: c46.2
It is the second novel that I read that deserves the tag 'enemies become lovers' after "This Damned Thirst for Survival". Rare find. Most of the time it is just 'rivals to lovers' with some s*upid misunderstanding and after they resolve it they become all lovey-dovey. I can't see it happening here. Honestly I can't see them getting together at all at this point, especially from MC's side.

MC and ML are actively trying to kill each other and their every single interaction ends up in fights to the death with... more>> killing intent.

I really like MC. He is mature and steady, but also not without faults (can blow up, prideful, rebellious). Honestly I feel bad for him, his death was really too pitiful.

ML is simply nuts. He kept MC's body in ice coffin for nine years. (It is in synopsis, so not a Spoiler)
In "The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System" Luo Binghe did the same thing but I didn't have as much of a feeling that 'huh, this dude is really f*cking abnormal'.

This story has a good ratio of politics, family drama, action and whatever the heck it is that MC and ML has. Love- hate entanglement? I wasn't bored when I read at least. There were many twists and turns and MC didn't have everything smooth and easy. I have read from comments above that the end will have more major twists, kinda scared. Side characters are not one dimensional, thank God. But I can't say that I am that curious about them. Only Emperor.

And MC's mother because this elusive woman haven't appeared at all yet. I sense conspiracy.


I just realised that there are no women in the story. Not important roles at least. Only in background as servants I think? A bit weird.

Family feels is also important here. I cried a bit when I read Emperor's pov and I read a lot of drama and tragedy, so it isn't that easy to make me cry. Father- son relationship is interestingly described here.

Still this story has some shortcomings. From time to time author will repeat the same sentence multiple times. Like 'that prince is afraid of His Majesty'. It was already stated 3 times. I thought that maybe it is some fancy literature move to make readers pay attention to this and later it will be important. But I don't see how it can become relevant when that prince is just one of many side characters and not the important ones. I haven't read till the end, so maybe there is something to it?

The second - at one point I have to come back here and check for the 'harem' tag.

Because for a moment it felt like I read those Korean comfort novels where MC is cared and loved by everyone they meet for no rhyme or reason. Old nemesis, friends and enemies. I can't say there wasn't exactly any reason for their behaviour in this story, still kinda... Weird feeling of powerful general MC suddenly becoming shojo manga princess


I can't say more about anything because I am still at the beginning, but I certainly recommend to read it. Translation is good, they did a good job.
To the point that I think whether I should till they translate everything or just read mtl. <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 03, 2024
Status: Completed
"A MUST READ tag "To be exact this is best (enemy to lovers trope) one. Hate was the base of their love.

The plot and charector development was on another level

MC and ML their charector are stark opposite to each other. Mainly each one always points swords to their throat

I cried a lot during the plot development was heart wrenching and and best wholesome development one could have

Overall a better story with good charectors and and good development.
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 19, 2024
Status: Completed
A wonderful novel.

One of the few novels deserving the tag “Enemies Become Lovers”, it’s frustrating how many novels have this tag but once you read the story, you become disappointed in the ordinary/dangerous romance that doesn’t exactly contain “Enemies Become Lovers”.

So far, the only novels I have read which really live up to the tag “Enemies Become Lovers” are:

... more>>
  1. Thriller Trainee (Which is also the novel that introduced me to the novelty of “Enemies Become Lovers”)
  2. This Damned Thirst for Survival
  3. Would You Like to Have a Drink (Now this novel is added to the list)
I would also like to thank @YoriMei for their review which was actually the one that encouraged me to give this novel a try.

Also, most importantly, a wonderful translation. It even included explanations for many Chinese proverbs and terminologies.

As mentioned in other reviews, the plot twists were also really fun to read!

Unfortunately, love scenes are written very vaguely which is a little frustrating.

An overview of the novel (I won’t spoil a lot) :



MC is a genius professor who happened to come across a novel and read many comments before deciding to read the first 3 chapters and going to sleep.

When he woke up, he possessed the character, the 3rd prince of the Yuan (?) empire who was to as a hostage to an enemy nation at a young age.

In the original, the 3rd prince:


He was in love with ML but many years later, he was poisoned by ML in order to start a war


At the time MC possessed the 3rd prince, he and ML were 7 years old.

MC went alone to learn under a hidden sect (?) in order to get stronger and avoid ML.

Unfortunately, a year later, ML also entered the hidden sect and that is when their enmity started and MC started hating ML more and more.

More things happened after they grew up and MC was emotionally hurt by ML revealing a hidden truth to MC which hurt him so much that his black hair turned white overnight and he came to hate ML more than anything in the world (especially since around that time he was developing some romantic feelings for ML but because of what ML did, MC was hurt more and more.)

MC eventually realized that ML doesn’t know how to love and it’s impossible for him to learn that which made MC really give up on him. Unfortunately, ML got in an accident and almost died. MC ended up giving ML another chance




He is the young master of the family that took care of MC in the enemy nation.

He eventually destroys his own family and becomes an outstanding general in MC’s empire.

He really has a pitiful childhood that forced him to become crazy/psychopath/masochist.

He has many reasons to hate MC, unfortunately, because of his childhood, he never noticed that he was actually in love with MC.

He turned pain into pleasure so he wouldn’t be afraid of pain any more.

Likewise, he turned all emotions into what he was the most familiar with, HATE.

So, till the end, he never knew how to love, only knew how to hurt MC more and more and wanted MC to hate him more and more.

When MC FINALLY came to hate him more than anything in the world, ML didn’t know why he was afraid or why he felt like he screwed up.

When he finally found out he was in love with MC, he was in denial but eventually accepted but also realized that he screwed up because he now didn’t want MC to hate him but MC really hated him.

After almost dying, he became more clingy toward MC and more pe*verted.


I really advise you to give this novel a try (though, the beginning was a little frustrating because it was slow) <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 18, 2024
Status: c131 part2
Not bad, but too convoluted for my taste. I like a good enemies to lovers trope but their dynamic is a little bland? I cried my eyes out for the situation the MC happened to be in but I can't really emotionally connect with characters. I don't see the "nice" tension between MC and ML more like anxiety tension. The main cp say they don't know when their feelings changed for eachother well I am also freaking confused about that??? It's like it didn't happened at all or there was... more>> a switch? (I mean as a reader I should feel a difference in story flow, or in their intentions) and one moment it was only tiny hint and bam very graphic description that author later give weird explanation for?. I don't think that their emotional bond was enhanced correctly through the story.

The MC is also very indecisive or more like he makes a conviction and a chapter later he goes back on his decision, that happens at least 3-4 times in regards to ML, author broke the MC character quite a few times in order for the story to progres at all.

I always thought that using the ML injury/being in danger to change MC opinion is one of the laziest and cheapest moves the author can do. <<less
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 02, 2024
Status: c110
This novel is amazing, it gets you trying to read faster so that you can find out what happens next.

I like everything in this novel except the fact the author uses this one trope so many times in the story in order to make the side-characters know what happen in MC’s past life. It gets kind of cliche but it’s still good.
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 26, 2024
Status: Completed
Another novel added to my favs with great enemies to lovers trope that has good plot. Loved the plot, the conflicts and esp the ending so much. I'll talk first about the CP then family, the turn of events and my fav characs (in spoiler tab). Also it was such a great experience of not reading the whole synopsis & tags ngl (bcz it ruined my read before and to add more spice)

It felt slow at the start with repetitive infos but I got intrigued when ZL's plan started... more>> to really move plus the slowly but surely reveals of truth. Idk to others but the amount of plot twists was great for me. The war was also interesting. The CP tho, it was really a big slowburn but paid it off to the final arc, tho NEED MORE EXTRA. What I like about ZL and YB was it really started with real hatred. Others may have not seen ZL YB chemistry but for me, how they showed affection to each other is so them and I like it with more hatred and biting, the tension. (Ngl, they reminded me a bit of Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen from MDZS)

I like how they did it in all corners of the Ghost Valley lol and the Tai'A and Qixing Longyuan scabbard usage LOL. I also love how YB saw ZL in modern world tho witnessed his isekai car accident..

I'll compare a bit with author's other work but the hate trope in WYLHD was more fleshed out and with big reason and YB got more personality than TLTN's. (Tho ofc I love TLTN, the ML & jiu ge and the plots mostly).

ZL YB as CP, they welcomed each other's wounds and secrets through actions than words and I like how both doesnt back down to each other (just like my other fav CPs), YB got his flaws and weaknesses too even showed his vulnerability despite being a possessive ml. And ZL

HE AINT COWARD, he let go of his guilt being the crown prince and a wandering soul and be a simple human that loves YB, really pursued YB after realizing his feelings and confessed in his own way but still got that pride yet caring at the same time. 👏👏👏 YB being jelly to PQ tho lmao. YB's death got my eyes a bit watery when he wanted ZL to forgive him and doesnt know whats love and hate. ZL really colored YB's world and always give him a push.

And I can see that even before they became official CP, these 2 cared for each other (even if they're in denial at that time)

While the CP's relationship was great, how author wrote family was what stood out to me the most.

Emperor Yuan (my fav 😭😭) the way the hints are dropped slowly that he is caring but still havent revealed the real reason of the imperial decree to ZL got my heart aching. The 1st interaction of current time of EY and ZL, felt pain too when EY revealed that he's hurted that ZL didnt gift his carving for his bday, the heart to heart talk between father and son and EY says he love ZL got me bawling. Lastly, the reveal where EY actually still love ZL even if he's not his own blood yet too late since ZL committed su*cide and willing to revert time in exchange of his life span got me really crying. Idk but all EY scenes are my fav. Rare case where a father charac is my fav.

I can say ZL is my 2nd fav

At first, idk where ZL's plan was going, in a good way (i mean I dont read synopsis that much for fun). And bcz of that fun,

YB being a reborn too and not only that, he is the reason for ZL going back. And Emperor Yuan is too. That made it hard to read their minds and predict their actions as a reader and in ZL's pov



Sad how 8th prince Ruichen believed in 4th prince. And I knew that 5th prince Yuanwu is a good bro. I love Lord Wu An's death tho despite having that chicken emperor yu, ZL giving him a good death was satisfying. Ye Linghan tho I felt his pain HE NEEDS A HUG. Shen Yixue too deserves happiness.



EY considers both as his son and proud of them, ZL and YB both got the familial love they didnt had before. EY even approved ZL YB wedding 😭 BASED EMPEROR YUAN. His say to the CP's lovers drama got me chuckle tho

Really a great great read 😭👏 Author sure do love the surname Zong lol (not sure if the kanji characs r same tho) <<less
2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 18, 2024
Status: --
What a super solid novel. Everything tied up neatly in the end. A lot of angst because of the enemis-to-lovers situation, but it was still so satisfying in the end. I love how nuanced the characters are as they tried to make sense of the entanglements between them. Some side characters were definitely 2D but those that mattered were developed very nicely like Ye Linghan and the Emperor Father.

Most importantly, I love how the writing wasn't weighed down by unnecessary narrations. Readers are given details and it's up to the... more>> readers to glean information from them. <<less
2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 10, 2024
Status: c170
i really liked this book and I think more people should read it! For me the beginning was a little hard to get through. I was interested in the story but it starts off a little slow and the ML is only in it a little bit. In the beginning you are more concerned with the world building than their relationship, which I do think actually helps and makes the future relationship more interesting. I enjoyed the palace/political drama, not super complicated but still really fun. I've also never read... more>> a rebirth book where people “remember” parts of the past life, even though in this one it’s only parts and they think they are dreams, it was still an intriguing layer to the story. The relationship is also an interesting flavor as well, I can see that it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it is one I've never seen before. I usually don’t like enemies to lovers story because they feel forced and that it makes the past struggles feel unnecessary however this story is completely different. All of the past hatred between them matters which is nice to see. Again, their relationship may not be to everyone’s taste but I think it is still worth reading <<less
1 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 06, 2024
Status: Completed
Beautiful. Stopped for a bit but read it with hunger tonight. The author knows how to dish angsssstttt, gosh.

But then she does the carrot stick method, so I still see my adorable Emperor Yuyu🤧🤧

Yu BeiZhou!!! Stinky cutie pie. Keep loving baby Jiu for us all!!!!
1 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 05, 2024
Status: Completed
It wasn't really engaging for me. The MC kept talking about past lives in every other para where it got too repetitive. I couldn't like the MC's character, even after trying to force myself. He only read 3 chapters and the comments while the novel was still ongoing, yet he didn't stop his foolish plans and assumptions, which was really annoying. There is indeed some plot twist, but I could guess most of them so it wasn't that fun. The only character I liked just... more>>

died without much explanation. I mean let the past live be the past live why bother bringing this up when they didn't do anything wrong in this life yet suffered and our MC only wanted to know why his loving father did what he did And the emperor indeed loved his switched child whom he groomed to be the next emperor but never really cared about his own son who has suffered since birth.


When you say it was enemies to lovers, I'd say the MC's (Zhou Luo) hatred for the ML doesn't make any sense. The ML has a valid reason to hate the MC but on the contrary the MC just hated him just because

he's transmigrated as a cannon fodder and will die at the very first chapter, another reason is because he liked him as a paper man, I mean who would hate a character inside the book because he liked how psycho the ML is while reading


Let me tell you, all the side characters mentioned here have their own reasons, but the author just didn't care about anyone except the main CP so even though they should have some stage, they didn't so don't like any side characters as you do in other novels lest you be disappointed.

Anyone who reads knows that if a character is twisted there has to be a backstory, but out MC here was so ignorant that he didn't think of anything else other than how he hated the ML and kept opposing him which makes no sense to me and their fighting doesn't give you that satisfaction you find on other enemies to lovers trope.

Everyone was biased towards the MC

because the protagonist revived him and gave him all his luck, and he basically lived the ML's life and fortune because they swapped them when they were kids. But even after knowing all the truth, the MC still treated him badly and repeatedly wanted to give everything back to him despite knowing that all that love he's received can not be returned. All he cared about was his father as he craved family but ignored the fact that the ML has never received love and that's the only thing he needed.


If I start, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop complaining. It was so-so for me. If you have so much free time to read, then pick this one. <<less
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