World of Cultivation


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An unknown disciple from a small sect battling against the strongest in the cultivation world! The long journey working at cultivation, the realization of destiny, and the chance to reach the apex of the world.

Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. Zuo Mo is a zombie faced low level cultivator in a minor sect of a little world. Ever since he was picked up by the sect leader two years ago, he has no memories of his earlier life except a recurring nightmare. Navigating the rigid class structure and intricacies of the cultivation world, as one of the lowest possible of the lowest class, Zuo Mo’s dream is to earn money, and lots of it, through being a spiritual plant farmer. A chance occurrence reveals that someone powerful had changed Zuo’s features and erased his mind. The money grubbing zombie decides to set out on a journey of cultivation to find out answers. Fate colludes with chance, the drums of war are beating, the ghost of his past is coming…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tu Chân Thế Giới
Xiuzhen Shijie
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Cultivation Novel Recommendations
  2. ALLCN+
  3. NO Romance
  4. My next 5 out of 5 !!!
  5. Wow there's a manhua version (ML)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/22/16 Dreams of Jianghu c406
10/21/16 Dreams of Jianghu c405
10/20/16 Dreams of Jianghu c404
10/19/16 Dreams of Jianghu c403
10/18/16 Dreams of Jianghu c402
10/17/16 Dreams of Jianghu c401
10/16/16 Dreams of Jianghu c400
10/15/16 Dreams of Jianghu c399
10/14/16 Dreams of Jianghu c398
10/13/16 Dreams of Jianghu c397
10/12/16 Dreams of Jianghu c396
10/11/16 Dreams of Jianghu c395
10/10/16 Dreams of Jianghu c394
10/09/16 Dreams of Jianghu c393
10/08/16 Dreams of Jianghu c392
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241 Reviews sorted by

SinsI rated it
August 8, 2018
Status: c636
First two books of this novel, where the MC was cultivating or settling a new island, were absolutely brilliant.

But after that the story just crumbles down, both from world consistency POV (with one measly Jindan bullying tens of thousands of Ningmai) and from story style POV - army building is really not what was attractive in this novel. The worst part began when MC became separated from his army - victories of his subordinates are just not interesting, and the more new characters it introduced, the less screen time each... more>> one gets and the less important they become. <<less
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Jass rated it
January 23, 2018
Status: --
Never have I ever read a novel that isn't gay yet has a majority of the male supporting characters explicitly stating they'll devote their whole lives to a single man.

Jokes aside, the world building is interesting, and they manage to give a lot of a lot of characters depth and expansion. They actually make certain characters rather likeable, as well as making the protagonist grow stronger without it nagging it at you in the head.

Sometimes it gets a little confusing though, such as pulling a random character that appeared 100... more>> or so chapters ago. By then I've completely forgotten who they f*ck they were and I'd just read on, confused but going with the flow.

Other than that, it's a good read. <<less
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ysers rated it
January 19, 2018
Status: Completed
Plot: +1 - Good plot with a variety of twists. Many path of cultivation (Yao, Mo, Sword, Shen) and battle techniques (Individual / Battle General) to develop.

Narration: 0 - A ton of fillers. Stories surrounding Battle Generals/Battalions, Little Ones, city development, forging, item descriptions, were terribly boring. The problem with these is that they involved only one character, with little relations to others, making them narrowed, too focused, and therefore uninteresting, ie. "Who cares about these stuffs? We have similar contents already. There's no need to repeat the same thing... more>> for the rest 80% of the book."

Loose ends. Main character was supposed to have 1 day without power for making a gravestone oath, but this weakness never happened. Bie Han's battalion was supposed to get replenished wasn't discussed. Shen-replenishing stones in Hundred Jie/territory was supposed to be captured by Bie Han, but also not discussed. Translation was confusing with the use of Chinese terms. Plenty of typos.

Challenge: 0 - Main character had it easy. He was accompanied by two grand masters (Wei/Pu) who gave him 10 thousand years of knowledge for free. With this "unfair" advantage, he was able to recruit others easily and developed into the theme of the rich gets richer. In searching ruins, he always ended up with everything and no one else got anything. In fights, he had more equipment (talismans (tons) / pets (5+) / helpers (10+) / techniques) than others who have only 2-3 tricks max, so the outcome is easily predictable, ie. He never lost a single fight.

Main Character: 0 - He was heroic, cunning, smart, but he destroyed others easily almost without moral values. He destroyed factions/countries (ex. Hundred Flower Alliance) just because his followers created troubles and the factions wanted revenge. When others stood up against his arrogance saying he should respect them, he killed them instead (ex. Vs. Yao Elders in Mo territory). When he interrogated defeated/surrendered enemies, instead of letting them go after he got his information, he killed them to cover his tracks. This made him cruel and heartless, but the story treated these behaviors as heroic, strong, and worthy of respect.

Romance: 0 - No romance. There were introductions of a few female characters, but there was no romance involved. The almost expected romance between the main character and the "little paper crane" girl at the beginning didn't get revisited until 800 chapters later. Turned out, it was a cold reunion with no romance whatsoever.

Emotion: +0.5 - Too few. Stories around A Gui, how the main character discovered his past, how he sacrificed himself (vs. Tian Huan Elder), and his initial sect's outcome were touching.

Comedy: 0 - There were occasional humors here and there, but too few.

Overall: 1.5/6 <<less
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DarkD rated it
August 12, 2017
Status: c850
This novel is by no means bad. And if we're just talking about the first 60 chapters, I would give it a perfect 5/5. But apparently the author wanted to end the series really badly and started taking shortcuts to the end.

This novel suffers from the author getting lazy as the series goes on. I read up to chapter 850 this morning and went back and reread chapter 1... HOLY S*** the difference in detail is like night and day. It's like a restaurant that starts off using high... more>> quality ingredients and large portions than every day, skimping a little bit more until they're the same as all the other restaurants.

The author also stops developing several ideas as the story goes on. This story could have easily been a 2000 chapter behemoth, but the author got lazier and lazier and started cutting short ideas he'd had and rapidly starts developing the end of the series. He had all these detailed abilities he developed and almost all of them get cut short as we go to the end. Detailed abilities turn into a bland power level.

The first deterioration in quality happens around chapter 60. I've been rereading the earlier chapters and noticed I'm not seeing the excellent detail I used to see. The detailed training saga's where Zuo Mo makes small steps forward through stubborn determination drop a notch.

This gets significantly worse somewhere around chapter 600 I believe. The author builds up an upcoming confrontation with one of the major sects and when it actually happens, he summarizes the entire thing in a few sentences. No grand battle scene. No detailed fights. Literally, just a summary of the result. The author starts doing this regularly and it pisses me off so much.

They also completely abandon pretty much everything fun about the series as it goes on. In fact, the most interesting portions of the story are all things that the author abandons. By 850 where I am, the series is just desperately cutting it's flesh off in hopes of ending the series a little bit earlier.

One of the greatest parts of the series was watching the details of batallion warfare. The author would get really into it and have all these batallion tactics. Completely gone. All battles are now summarised by describing how well trained they are and weather they are winning or losing.

Comedy also used to be a massive part of the series. The author stopped trying and now all comedy is basically characters performing their trademark one-liners. <<less
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Kerbasi rated it
May 24, 2017
Status: c618
Binge read everything in less than a week! You can tell how much I was hooked.

However, the beginning chaps were quite slow, and I had to push myself to keep reading. It only got interesting from chap 60 and beyond for me, and I was Glad I didn't stop! The character, world building etc are outstanding! It starts off as just a small little sect, with little fights... and the further you read, the further the world opens up, making you realise just how big the world is, and how... more>> unfathomable Zuo Mo's background really is.

And now I will be stuck at cliffhangers Everyday for a year until the novel is finished being translated. But for a great novel such as this one, I wouldn't mind!

now I know why people give this novel such a great rating.

Read it now! I'm Glad I waited to binge read all these 600chaps! <<less
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palabasa rated it
April 24, 2017
Status: c223
I really liked the beginning of this LN. The MC is interesting and greedy in a funny way. The character development is well written including the side characters which seems to be multi-dimensional compared to other xianxia novels.. The cultivation part is very acceptable. It is abit slow and mostly about slice of life and not battles, which somehow turned out to be a plus factor since the author presented it well.

Somehow though after the desolate reef arc, I find myself falling asleep after reading every few chapters. I normally... more>> can not put a story down if I love what I am reading..

It maybe because the MC started to become like a side character, all he does is just formations which personally I am still hoping he will continue to cultivate or learn more about the sword. Up to this point, the plot seems to be going nowhere and there is a feeling of hopelessness since the yaomo are so powerful and yet he is still a ningmai, and aside from the fact that there are 2 powerful entities residing on his body just waiting to take over it and he wont be able to do anything about it.

Another downside for me is there is no romance on this LN. MC is just not a zombie facially but also emotionally (at least to girls). Even the side characters does not have relationships except Lou Li and Hao Min which did not end well. It is weird that the words husband or wife or lover were never mentioned on it. Weirder still, words like son or daughter or father and mother, normal words used to give identity to characters, are almost nonexistent. Bottom line, somehow the author does give weigh to normal relationships between man and woman.. <<less
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Thelocator rated it
March 1, 2017
Status: c535
The writer makes sure the characters have realistic through processes. They know caution, when to back down, and when to take revenge. The author doesn't force all antagonists to keep pursuing revenge until they die. The MC is well written, he's not over powered and has realistic goals and things that drive his train of thought. This story may be a little slow for some people, but I like it. I appreciate the translator's rambling, the only issue I have is the translator sometimes adds in comments about what will... more>> happen. It's not a big deal though because you can avoid reading it. I like that the translate analysis the piece. All in all the analysis' tips the scale and makes those comments worth reading.

It's too bad this piece requires some unnecessary elements that other Xianxia use to progress the MC's strengths. If only there was other ways to provide the MC with information without basically giving him an guide. <<less
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hangry rated it
December 28, 2016
Status: c471
If you drop this before the hundred something mark (when he is sent away from sect), then you won't see why so many readers treasure this novel. This is what light novels should be like. The first hundred chapters or so focuses mainly on the MC (slow pace), which was still quite enjoyable. However, the story becomes a different beast and is MUCH more exciting once the MC ventures out to start his own army/group. ISSTH was my favorite novel when I picked up WoC, but this novel has become... more>> my favorite because the story gets better and better (I still read ISSTH).

Also for those that can't get enough of WoC and are waiting for new translated chapters like me, I recommend reading undefeated god of war (the cheesy title stopped me from reading it for a long time). This is by the same author and has the same slow pace beginning of about a hundred chapters like WoC, but then gets into group building/money making just like WoC. It's slightly less enjoyable than WoC, but that means it is still very good (you just got to get past the slow beginning that this author seems to always create then the fun starts). As a bonus, there are blood modification and mechanic warfare =D. <<less
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Katsono rated it
September 2, 2016
Status: --
Xiuzhen Shijie is an unusual tale of a man without a care at all about power and only wishing to be rich as a poor sect farmer, seeking a life of comfort. But how could a Xianxia novel be about a man without any fighting kills and no desire to acquire them ? That's what makes it great.

What I would like to call the prologue part, which is about two hundred chapters, is extremely slow without anything major happening and only the transition of our protagonist being a farmer to... more>> a full fledged combatant. It's actually misleading as to how the novel really turns out to be, but nonetheless a good introduction to the life of our poor farmer and how he climbs the stairs to become a cultivator. Many events still happen although mostly unimportant and the story is a mix of comedy and cultivation. That part is different from most stories as there's only a few fights with more focus on other things such as farming and trading, but even with only these two hundred chapters I consider this among the best xianxias I've read for its protagonist is unique. Zuo Mo is by far the best main character of any xianxia novel, with as strong a personality as you can get, and a confused mix of ruthlessness and empathy in a mere weak human. Atypically of his age, he acts on a whim and is egoistical, but as the story progresses he evolves into a better human, a smart leader and a strong willed warrior.

However, what makes this novel ranks even higher is when the story really picks up. At first, I wondered how the author would ever manage to solve all the plot's mysteries in only nine hundred chapters, but the pace suddenly changes and the novel takes a different turn. This is where the author really shows its talent. Unlike previously, the secondary characters start having real impact and are getting even more exposition than the protagonist himself. The latter also changes, focusing more on war and battles than making money and the novel isn't about a lone cultivator but a group of people fighting for their lives.

The battles and operations of Zuo Mo and his companions are really interesting and great, often being extremely low and slow paced but not boring at all and way more well thought than any other novels. Instead of focusing on individuals fights, most combats are solved through tactics just like the main character's solo battles at the beginning, but now with more characters, each of them being interesting in their own ways.

So far, this novel is the most enjoyable and satisfying I've ever read. Following the adventures of Zuo Mo's and his fellows has been a long trip I wouldn't forget and I would only wish to read more. Sadly, the novel is only nine hundred chapters long and we're already halfway through. As much as I would like it to be a longer travel even if it were meaningless, the author seems to not want to drag it at all unlike his fellows writers, and also unexpectedly contrary to his slow paced writing. <<less
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Aentoril rated it
June 14, 2016
Status: --
No beating around the bush. It's amazing novel. No need to say more - it doesn't follow beaten up path of other novels, it has actually funny content and protagonist is extremely interesting. Start might seem a bit slow, but anyone who lasts till 40~ chapter will already greatly appreciate the story and should they reach 120~ they will definitely find it as a precious jewel among novels (tournament where MC manages to piss of all his seniors with his talent is simply brilliant).
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Asf rated it
December 31, 2015
Status: --
Definitely a 5/5

The money hungry MC is certainly interesting and unique. Lol
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Metazone rated it
October 5, 2015
Status: --
This is rapidly becoming one of the novels I most look forward to seeing in my reading list as having a new chapter! Give it a try, I doubt your will regret it.
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KirbyReviews44 rated it
November 10, 2023
Status: c500
I would give this novel a 90/100. 100/100 for world building and a 'meh' for everything else.

Some of the criticism in other reviews is very valid. There is a holy hell amount of plot armor. Things just 'happen'. If the MC is facing a difficult opponent, he will magically reach a breakthrough and win. If his team is facing a powerful army, they will get help from the author and always win.

Also, there are too many characters and older characters never get the resolution they deserve. This is true, some... more>> character arcs just get dropped. They are not developed well. Again, things just 'happen' as needed for the author to move the plot forward.

And as always, the finale is a meme. Its like all Chinese authors suck at writing finales. There is a chinese idiom "hu tou she wei", meaning lion's head and snake's tail, or strong beginning, weak end. It is what it is.

However, all of that said, this novel does great at world building. It makes the world of cultivation feel alive. It lives up to the name. When you read it, you feel like you are in a cultivation world. It is hard to describe. The mysterious spiritual powers, cultivating sword, five elements, yin and yang, cultivators, monsters and demons, talismans, pills, formations, vast lands, secret realms, it is endless. You feel passionate, you feel like you want to be in this fascinating, fantastical world that is completely different from western fantasy.

I recommend this novel to everyone. New readers of xianxia and old. I have read countless xianxia before reading this and consider myself quite jaded. But I was still pulled into the world of cultivation. Just for the world alone. <<less
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StoopidAddict rated it
September 12, 2023
Status: --
This is far too high rated for what it turns into. It's a great read... at the start. When you get to the middle it becomes meh. If you haven't dropped it, towards the end it just becomes ridiculous.

... more>>

Power levels don't match, math is wrong for jingshi/mobei/cost of things. The logical flaws piss me off too, like the golden sand desert. It's mentioned as 5th grade material, every single grain very valuable. The amount they end up collecting is glossed over, yet simultaneously it's mentioned that golden sand is great material to use for space rings? Why not make some rings and store all the sand? Worse as the story progresses issues that aren't issues arise, like lacking money. We have an entire 50+ chapters about s*upid ways they are working to earn money, what happened to the sand? Sell some? Finally later on in the story, space rings/storage bags are apparently forgotten??? The 'transport' of goods becomes central component of why various side plots. Why can't they put boxes of stuff in one ring? It just becomes s*upid.



Ancient power that everyone wants, super rare but then author just makes it pop up everywhere. Worse everyone magically comprehended some easy method to cultivating it super quickly.


The novel falls apart, how is this almost 4.5 stars.


Entire 40 chapters or so built around this pseudo Shen armor. MC can't keep it? Hot potato? Yet stumbled onto better one just literally in hole in the ground. Finally he sells it to his weaker friend? Wtf? Reasonably the logic why he couldn't keep it for himself is he's not strong enough, too many people know about it/want it. Yet now someone weaker isn't afraid of being mu*dered buying it?

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blank1134 rated it
August 23, 2023
Status: Completed
I got drawn in by the synopsis of the novel and felt reading the novel. Having felt that my life is a bit disappointing I felt a connection with the MC and cheered on.

I really got hooked on reading it know wanting more information on how he got amnesia and how he tried to remember his memory and little by little recovering his life bit by bit.

I like how the supporting characters tried to help him out but still everything is still in his own strength in trying to get... more>> his freedom and memory.

I feel for the MC and felt like what is happening to him has happened to me in the past and felt like I've learned a lot from reading this novel.

I would recommend this novel for those people that has been lost and stumped at. It gives a bit motivation at least for me it inspired me still to move forward in life. <<less
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i am born for relax
i am born for relax rated it
November 10, 2022
Status: Completed
This story is not focused on single character, though the MC is still the most being well describe but the author also have stories about sidekick (another character).

This is my opinion, but I think it is the story of the world (like the title) not the story of the MC.

Try read it, it is not the best novel I have read but it is among the top.

... more>> Why you read ?

1. Stories are interesting

2. MC is weak but strong (idk how to describe)

3. There is no s*upid "thing" jumping out of nowhere stop infront of MC so to get beaten and call for dad so the dad call for family the family call for ancestor blah blah blah.

4. The bad man can be a good man

Lou Lee

and the MC is not mindless about kill here and there.


why you dont read this ?

1. You don't like long stories chapter, yes it has almost 1k/1000 chapter.

2. You are looking for SUPER POWER MC who get anything he/she wants.

3. You are looking for R18 content.

4. This is not japanese tr*sh.

5. You don't like cultivation stories. <<less
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fang-oppa rated it
October 17, 2022
Status: c326
err.. I dunno what to make of this
i wouldn't say it's overrated but it's not good either. Mediocre? Yeah maybe that.

the whole novel is in shambles.. Fights are all over the place.. Power ups are just flashy, they serve no purpose at all..
author went in a circle around the main story and made it work somehow.

overall it somewhat sucks while still keeping its creativity which might be a bit interesting.. You just need to get used to the torture of reading the first few hundreds chaps.. I suppose?

the plot isn't that bad and the characters are a little promising, that's pretty much what it has to offer.

im personally dropping it tho~
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zeshan105 rated it
July 3, 2022
Status: c15
The story, the novel, the character development and everything else might be good. I cannot comment on that because I have only read 15 chapters before dropping.

I am surprised no one else is complaining about the translation quality. Half of the novel is left with Chinese sounding words with english alphabets. I am here to read novel not f*cking learn Chinese. If it is a senior brother just call it a senior brother or sister. Dont give me that ge, shijie and shidie crap. If it is a spirit herb... more>> garden just call it so I dont understand what the f*ck ling means. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There is some sh*t for cultivator as well.

Anyway as I said the story might be good, but what good is it if it is not easily readable. <<less
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apsisodia rated it
April 27, 2022
Status: Completed

It was an average novel to begin with. But after reading that terrible rushed ending, IMO it is below average.

Tbh, story got major plotholes, and author didn't even finish what he sets out to do. I mean the core of the story is like this "MC find out in the beginning that his face is changed and his memory is erased, so his main goal is to find out his past." This was supposed to be reason for his conflict. So throughout his journey, author drop hints about his past... more>> like he might be of special bloodline, etc. Then after reading 85% percent of the story, we get disappointed. Till the ending we don't even know how his parents died, what were their name, not even about the equipment which was the source of his family's death.

As you can see my disappointment with the novel. I wouldn't recommend this

The translator and editor did a good job though! <<less
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llxamllz rated it
April 10, 2021
Status: Completed
  • Warring is the most impressive in this novel, the development of the MC's faction as well.
  • There is an inconsistent of the battling power. The power and ability of MC were described so great, but when the MC fought, the MC did not overwhelm or great as had been described.
    • The same power in the enemy hand is greater than in the MC hand.
  • It is a cut-end novel, not rush-end, cut-end.
  • The late of the novel is very lack detail.
  • The plot is good but not great.
  • The MC has many abilities but non has been developed to the extreme.
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