Where Love and Hate Go


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The teenage boy, who didn’t have a good relationship with his family other than his younger sister, often caused trouble. One day, he unexpectedly stumbled upon his girlfriend engaged in questionable activities with another man. Fueled by anger, the boy punched the man until his face was unrecognizable and kicked him with all his might, although the root of the problem remained intact. The man testified that he was suddenly attacked while interacting normally with the girl. The girl affirmed his words.

With his history of mischief, the boy ended up in a juvenile detention center after this incident…

After completing his sentence, the boy was finally released. Waiting for him was his older sister, wearing a somewhat displeased expression, possibly because she lost in rock-paper-scissors or for some other reason.

However you look at it, this seems like an intense drama or a Tuesday Suspense Theater.

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moosemax rated it
January 23, 2024
Status: c5
The story is a bit vague but I enjoyed it for what it is, a tragedy.

I usually don't care how real to our world some parts of a story is but I find it funny that


a person in a relationship consults others about their problems and ending up cheating with the person they relied on

shown in this story unfortunately happens way too often in reality.

Edit: the Chapter 5 was unnecessary and made the story worse.
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