Where is Our Agreement to be Each Other’s Arch-Rivals?


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The web celebrity, Chen Suyang, transmigrated into a film adaptation he’d just finished rolling the death scene. Now he has to play the villain—the Evil Sect’s young master, Su Yang.

To return to his own world, he faithfully acted according to the script and solemnly recited his lines—waiting for the day he’d die under the protagonist’s sword.

But… why were the scenes getting farther and farther from the script?

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Did We Agree To Be Rivals?
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The Modified Script is Killing Me
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Danmei I've read part 1
  2. Danmei: historical/xianxia/wuxia
  3. Interested, not read
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144 Reviews sorted by

Frannie rated it
March 16, 2022
Status: Completed
This is a gem! It was fluffy but with enough drama and plot twists. I loveee it! Been a silent reader for years now and I was looking for a novel that will satisfy my masochistic tendencies like how MDZS and HOB did hahaha. This was a small snack that eased my appetite. Now I'm off looking for a new novel to read! Aaand I finally gave my very 1st review! O (≧▽≦) o
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mysticfuji rated it
March 6, 2022
Status: Completed
I am absolutely blown-away! You know, usually I skim through comments under novels and if I see a bad comment, like a scared cat, I turn away! I decided to stop doing that and I’m so glad I made the decision to read this book ꜀ (ˊ̠˂˃ˋ̠) ꜆

Let me tell you, this beautifully-crafted novel consumed my waking hours! And if you’re wondering, it has a happy ending ⸂⸂⸜ (രᴗര๑) ⸝⸃⸃! Many thanks to the translator for doing a fabulous job, and also if you’re wondering, I suggest reading on... more>> Purpley as your original translated website cause the first translator drops it between Chapters 30-71. However, many thanks to the original translator for their great comments!

As for those of you wondering about the content but don’t want spoilers, there is not a lot of tragedy, and anything really angsty, definitely gets resolved! Other than that, it’s very cute and fluffy at times when the action isn’t taking place! Have a go at this novel and fall in love like I did (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)

P. S: Su Yang and Gu Feidi are so adorable! &Lt;3 <<less
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nonononhia rated it
February 25, 2022
Status: --
s*upid, unreasonable & obstinate are the best way to describe MC. 50+ chapters, and he still yapping about the plot- yet he still ain't making any effort to understand the whole pictures from the moment the plot went astray. He "felt" bad about the death or whatever might happen to some characters, but stuck the believe the plot must happen when it was proven so many times the plot ain't gonna happen.

The ML is also 2D meh character, nothing special.
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February 9, 2022
Status: Completed
A pretty good read, Enough Dog blood but not too much & just the right amount of fluff as their relationship develops. Fluff overdose near the end. Overall A good End for all the main characters and left me with a feel-good mood after it was over..... However, I keep thinking bout the EluoJun guy (The Mothers brother of the body MC transmigrated into)

feel honestly bad for him one of the few villains literally created only to be less than even cannon fodder cuz there are many times when cannon fodder actually survives. From what I read I'm guessing he had ur usual lonely villain type childhood with no familial love, so he ended up growing up with a warped persona & got attached to the first person to show him a lil bit of kindness even if it was superficial kindness, based off the moms foretold personality traits & the deeds she's done to people... she sounds like the very definition of a green tea b*tch. I honestly doubt she truly cared for her brother... Poor guy was so love deprived.... not even just that more like deprived of the basic humanity shown to others to the point he turned yandere & his "love" or should I say obsession for his sister got warped into something in*estuous. Characters with potential that could be expanded on but never get an arc or extra for themselves make me sad... A character that didn't get an appearance until nearing the end of the story but has a deep background & a personal story that is never explained even in an extra.

(Edit:) Oops I forgot to rate but I gave this novel a 4/5
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Staringatastar rated it
January 10, 2022
Status: Completed
This was a pretty fun novel, though it didn't have any great moral. The main character was a bit annoying at first, but he eventually develops well. There are quite a few couples, many of which I really enjoyed imagining. The translation was done pretty well (especially considering the genre). Overall, this was a fun story about a guy who learns to live in a story, under constant pampering.
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Zemmiaphobia rated it
December 21, 2021
Status: Completed
I enjoyed reading this novel. The characters are all really well fleshed out and none of them feel like a throwaway. I especially liked that the author had plenty of other relationships, both BG and BL (possibly even a hint of FL?), and none of them seemed any less real than the main couple.

The only complaint I have is that the actual villain of the novel doesn't get much screen time but there are some really good mystery plots. I was making wild guesses the whole way through.
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Evesneon rated it
November 23, 2021
Status: Completed
First of all, so happy to read finish this novel and thank you translators for the different variations I can choose to read from ❤️

Now, down to the novel. Do I love it? Hmm... It’s okay. Good for those who want to see a relationship bud and then blossom.

Is it worth my 5 stars? Hm... it’s a strong 3.5 at the very least. I did read it to the end, so that’s still a plus point.
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Ninjagal rated it
November 8, 2021
Status: Completed
People who have given low ratings didn't read until the end. It was quite a cute story. Comedic, a dash of angst, lots of crab crossing the river unfortunately 😅 but overall an enjoyable read. The ML and the MC are a match made in heaven and I like how they're a foil to a previous generation of what-if we trusted each other more. They have quite a fun relationship and would love to read more about this CP

... more>>

I wish there's more extras when they both went to the real world


It's a nice and light read. Don't expect life learnings. Sit back and enjoy the interactions and read through the story. The main CP doesn't go through unnecessary dogblood drama and everything is so coincidental and lined up that you know it's pretty much fate. Just accept that they're destined for each other because the author wants them to have a happy ending.

Also... Lots of good foreshadowing. I was pretty much able to guess a lot of the ending text but that didn't take away the enjoyable read. I was kinda hoping


ML becomes a celebrity singer who will sing the revised song about living their lives together from the earlier chapters and that's how MC will be able to find him but oh well... Lost opportunity there

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November 3, 2021
Status: c91
It's cute! A solid 8/10 for me. I'm almost at the end though.


I liked how it's a historical novel but I myself love plot driven stories more. This novel is more on the romance side of things. First half is about their youth when they were studying, and the second half picks up on the "novel's" pacing. It really focused on the romance and a lot of things were glossed over. But if you really like sweet and soft scenes, dog food is served in the second half of the... more>> novel. The pacing is okay, but I'm not really inclined with too much lovey dovey scenes so it was just okay. The plot was 4/5 for me. It lacked a little bit of depth and just so people know, the second half of the novel is just totally about

the two of them giving dog food while trying to heal the MC


The world building was okay. Lots of descriptive text but I would have liked it if it were explained in a way that would actually connect to the story and not just there for exposition.


Su Yang, the MC, is actually really naïve and innocent. I understand why he always felt detached from the world since he thought it was just a novel, but his lack of understanding with the character he portrayed (because the novel was adapted into a drama and he's the actor for the villain, Su Yang) was frustrating. Did he not do any prior research at all before playing the character? Cri.

Gu Feidi, the ML, is righteous and a soft boy. He's no tsuntsun and he's actually very transparent with the MC. He'll help in any way possible. Not much to say about him except he's the typical gentleman with a touch of tease when he's with the MC.

Side characters didn't actually show up much after the first half of the story. So, it was a shame. They ended up feeling ultimately 2D for me. I wished the author put more thought into integrating them to the story because they only showed up when the MC and ML needed them or whatnot.

Overall: 8/10

I liked it and considering how far I've gotten into it despite not being a fan of romance filled stories with some plot mixed in, I'd say this is good if you'd like some light reading and whatnot. It's not angsty too. The couple bickers a lot but they're cute to read. Don't dive in here if you're looking for plot-heavy stories because this one is a romance with plot and not plot with romance. <<less
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Mairu Tarj
Mairu Tarj rated it
October 31, 2021
Status: Completed
Haven't read such a lovely novel for a while. It was interesting and sweet. MC and ML are made for each other.
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Tuzi rated it
October 29, 2021
Status: Completed
I started reading keeping in mind that the MC is dumb. But didn't knew that ML is dumb too.

Well, if you don't mind the dumb characters it's an okay read.
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Hplssra rated it
October 26, 2021
Status: Completed
I loved this story! At first, I was drawn to how funny it is and laughed a lot of times that I didn’t anticipate the angst and cried many times. The author certainly knows how to throw your emotions around when you least expect it. And it will just make you flip the novel to it’s very end.

Contrary to some reviews, I don’t think that MC’s actions are s*upid or illogical at all. Given his prior environment, it is exactly how I expect a person (sheltered by the peaceful modern... more>> times) would practically react when thrown into a world so different and unfamiliar to one.

For one, MC wasn’t given any golden finger or even the smallest clue as to what to do. His only clue is the short part of the script he had read before he transmigrated. He had to relearn everything about the body he was occupying, he didn’t even have the memory of the body at all. Second, his acting skills isn’t that even reliable, since he only got the role due to his dancing. It’s extremely funny and endearing watching him scramble his ways to enact the script the way he thought how it should be.

There’s especially a scene where I cried so much for the MC.

It was when he was celebrating the new year alone drinking wine. He was inexplicably trying to separate himself from the other characters to prevent himself from getting attached. He danced and cried his out heart alone and I felt how much loneliness he must have endure.

I felt so sorry that I just wanted to comfort him. Thankfully, he found happiness with ML.

You must try this to fully experience the emotions. It will make you laugh and tug at your heart. <<less
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October 22, 2021
Status: Completed
- a cute and funny story int the beginning, slightly dumb MC but in a endearing way

Once it started to get more in depth with the plot, I thought it was pretty interesting and the romance was good. The side characters were fun to read about as well

I really liked the extras at the end
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StarPhia rated it
October 17, 2021
Status: Completed
Wow the story is completed. I started this novel around last yearish when it only had 20 chapters translated and have essentially been following the updates since then. I can't believe the story is built in a way that you don't completely forget the stuff from the beginning. This story just kind of works because it has a lot of stuff happen but it is all so distinct and memorable. I genuinely love the main characters, especially the MC, he is so cute. The story is also really interesting and... more>> I do find it kind of funny that the MC is very lost due to his lack of knowledge. No one has an omniscient view throughout the plot, not even the MC who knows the drama adaptation. And I can sort of appreciate that he doesn't have all the cheats and he is also learning new things every step of the way.

I feel that the MC is very realistic, he acts very naturally to everything in the story. He views himself as a 3rd party and isn't very attached to the world he is in. He also has no real reason to suspect the true parameters of the story by going off the drama (no spoilers sorry). And in addition he is just a simple person, he isn't excessively intelligent nor is he a perfect actor. Although he can fool people, he can't disguise the kindness in his heart since he truly isn't a bad person. He also reacts very naturally to dead bodies. However the funniest thing is him getting into the House of Spirited Jade (I forget the exact name). I won't explain but it is very funny to me.

The ML is also great, I love how committed he is to Su Yang. He doesn't love Su Yang at first site either and I can appreciate that. There isn't a lot of dog blood in this story but the sad stuff more comes from the MC's sacrifices to protect the ML. Their dynamic is so cute tho haha.

Story, its great, what else can I say. A lot of distinct events happen. Although it may not seem like much but at least 7 important events happen and the story surrounds them. I can appreciate this. I'm not exactly sure why I like the plot so much, but every event seems to pull the MC and ML closer together. :) Anyways great story, 10/10 would recommend. It is simple, sad but not too sad, and cute! I has the interesting story, fun and realistic characters so its great! <<less
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wenee rated it
August 20, 2021
Status: c69
I love this story so far!! As a few other reviewers have pointed out, this does have a few plotholes. I was very confused as to why the MC thought he couldn't act differently. There was nothing forcing him to act as the villain in situations. I'm pretty sure he though if he fulfilled his role and got to the end of the story, he would be able to go back to his original world and go on with life.

The main CP is very cute, and you can tell that... more>> the ML cares about the MC before they get together officially.

While this story is nothing amazing with an intricate plot like MDZS or 2HA, it is still a very interesting read. Atleast for me😅. <<less
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Fanbinbin rated it
June 25, 2021
Status: --
Hey hey hey!!! This is exactly the plotline that I wanted to read! So happy to stumble upon it. Its so sweeet and fluffy making you blush inside. Hehehe im so happy
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shouahang58 rated it
June 16, 2021
Status: c63
the beginning is okay, like it very much and the MC is cute.

However the "comedy" disappointing. There is little to no comedy. So I don't understand why this novel has the comedy in the genre.

Anyways, I lost interest in the novel after MC and ML got together. So imma stop here.
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Ikkuzaoshi rated it
May 24, 2021
Status: Completed
I love this so much! Definitely my rereading material! The MC and ML relationahip is soo good. They always hold hands, its so cute! And, I love their personalities so much, especially the ML. Hes definitely one of the best ML ever!

ML -

... more>>

unlike many other OP, overbearing ML, he is honest, righteous, and he is strong for his age, but not OP. He doesnt let love blinded him from his responsibilty, but also not so weak that he'll let go of his love for that. And I love that he faced his elders seriously and honestly. I also love that he cries... A LOT, for MC. (cuz MC is sick)


MC -


instead of being wishy washy about his feelings toward the ML, I feel like he doesnt take a long time to realize that the plot is unsalvageable, so he accepts ML feeling quite early imo. He's strong, but hes definitely not OP. Hes strong because he worked hard for it, since he wants to survive in that world.


+++ theres no bit*h nor love rival and long s*upid misunderstandings.

+++perfect amount of angst, I crieddd

+++lotsa sweet moments... I love the relationship btw the couple so so much 🥰🥰🥰 <<less
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Rednightlights rated it
February 8, 2021
Status: c24
At this point, I have only read to chapter 24.

I really enjoy the characters! The story seems to be a fun one, though, I don't know exactly if there is a big conflict coming later. I like that even though this novel is BL, it doesn't make the female characters annoying or weird!

I really like that the MC had to ... more>>

train his body/mind to actually use his powers as he should have.

It gives the novel a really nice feel.


At this point, I'm guessing that the story will follow MC learning how to do things and the ML falling in love. Later, we will probably learn about the tattoo that MC has. (My guess is Sect Leader was gonna use him for ritual or something).


Really great start, would rec. <<less
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aubruh rated it
January 13, 2021
Status: c21
this is one of my favorite novels!! The MC is so funny and kind of embarrassment himself a lot in the beginning but the character development is immaculate so far lol. 11/10 would recommend so if your debating whether or not you should, the answer is yEs.
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