What Happens When the Second Male Lead Powers Up


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I was transported into the romantic fantasy novel my younger sister was reading, not as the male lead but as the second male lead. If I remember correctly, this punk is fated to go into war in the future and die in the male lead’s place.

Okay, I’ve made up my mind. Let’s not go anywhere near the main characters and stay healthy until I can go home.

Associated Names
One entry per line
What Happens When the Sub Male Lead Goes on Strike
When the Third Wheel Strikes Back
서브 남주가 파업하면 생기는 일
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. fantasy
  2. Historical Setting
  3. comfort reads
  4. the holy trinity and...
  5. Gonna read(one dayT-T)

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62 Reviews sorted by

yukinoluna rated it
June 27, 2022
Status: c70
I think it's nice, truly. A lot of people here are criticising Jesse here as he is not a "strong" MC that novels have nowadays, but I think that his personality makes him quite refreshing. I personality think that strength doesn't necessarily mean that he has to have some schemes or raw power; there is strength in a mature and grounded personality. Jesse is just that sort of character, which I personally like as I feel that he is more realistic than MCs living in the 21th century who automatically... more>> have 999 schemes in their heads after transmigrating and treating the lives of people as weeds. I initially thought that he was a doormat character who bows down to a**holes after seeing all the scathing reviews but he honestly isn't one, he's just nice to people who are nice to him (only exception is prolly the crown prince but eh whatever). I think he's just a great MC with a compassionate heart. That's it. I understand the criticism if this was a story with political intrigue but since this is more like a slice of life, it fits perfectly.

I think the biggest flaws so far in this story is just that there are small inconsistencies and unexplained stuff surrounding the foundation of the story, and how the plot doesn't seem to have anything much going for it. In the first place, why did the MC automatically think that someone "regressed" the plot? Won't his first thought be that he transmigration *before* the death happened? Also, the author should have delved more into his emotions of transmigration given that his main priority is to go home.

Overall, I personally like MC's personality as it is refreshing to see a more compassionate and mature protagonist that doesn't cross into being a virg*n-mary. He gets angry and forgives when needed. I feel that his character is very mentally healthy as someone living in the 21th century and as someone with a close bond with his family members. Overall, it's a good slice of life, but I would personally be more interested in the story if the author spiced up the plot. <<less
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StarOfGemini rated it
January 3, 2023
Status: c114
What I understand from the MC so far:

Our MC is a kind and wholesome person, he have a good sense of justice. He is a bit dense on people's relationship as he does not realize about his servant's relationship until they finally reveal it to him. He is great with small animals and children, at the same time they are his weakness. I repeat, he is WEAK with CHILDREN and ANIMALS.

... more>>

This is why when the 13 year old twins try to kill him, he didn't let the children be torture or killed as they are too young. This is reasonable because those children might have been growing learning that way instead of enjoying their childhood.


He isn't a foolish person or too-naive. What he did wasn't to "save" or to "forgive", he take the situation in their perspective and did his best to help the innocents that was involve. He did what a kind person should do and what a 21st century person would do. He gave another solution that can help him from getting nightmares and feeling burden from the blood that could have been on his hands if he choose to ignore it.


If he didn't choose to save that sick and innocent child, he would be consider as the killer because he have the choice to save but didn't. Not only that, if you consider the Prince, someone who would die at a very young age because of the 'curse'. The child would remind him of the Prince, and he might felt guilty about it.


This is what I got so far, in a sense he is a kind MC. You might see this as annoying but if you read this novel in a different mindset and analyze the situation more, you might see it in a different way. <<less
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unfvcktheworld rated it
October 22, 2022
Status: c98
I like this story, and as of chapter 98, I'm absolutely loving the translation of the story. However, I did read chapter 350+ spoilers and

... more>>

somewhere around there, it gets harder and harder to stay invested in the story. I don't like webnovels that are 500+ chapters with no ending in sight because they start to lose track of their main themes and whatnot. I feel like this webnovel suffers from the same directionless syndrome. I don't know where the author is going with the story. But these are only spoilers I read from a secondhand story, so maybe it is better in actual execution.


As for the pace of the story: yes, it is slow. I like the slow pace, it is a matter of preference. <<less
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Ed Elric
Ed Elric rated it
March 6, 2022
Status: c282
MC is kind, sometimes it's annoying, sometimes it feels unreal. He felt bad for the person who was shaking while being interrogated

wanting to save the missing child he saw on the missing persons leaflet. Well this fantasy novel is possible MC nature like this exist. The story is quite slow but ok.

just skip a few chapters because sometimes it's boring. MC is really a babysitter, he is almost always a nanny for sacred animals.

I'm not good at reviewing but this is a fantasy novel, many things are the same and... more>> not the same as the real world. <<less
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vchrono rated it
February 17, 2022
Status: --
The most boring slice of life i've ever read recently

And also, I dont know if it is a 'lost in translation' case, but the writing is so bad, I feel like it is written by 13 y.o, and idk why but the MC's white lotus personality is just pissing me off
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Taffy91 rated it
February 15, 2022
Status: c58
It's... ok. It's good, and will keep you reading, but it has nothing that makes me want to come back after I've caught up.

It's missing those beautiful "oh shit" moments, where you put down your phone, swing your legs, and scream like a little girl. It's intriguing, but pretty flat.

... more>> Oh also, the author has this habit of covering up plot holes by having the MC say something like "I It must be because this is how the author wrote it" which got annoying really fast.

speaking of the MC, he's a bit of a jerk, with no set personality and character traits that vary wildly depending on the situation. One minute he can be riding on the back of a giant monster and eating with the crown princes "son", while the next he can be super rude to some old lady who is in hysterics thinking she betrayed her country and pissing his pants trying to not get involved in the plot.

He's nice to some people, rude to others, brave about something's and uselessly cowardly about others, it makes his character seem very fake, He feels like a cowardly oppertunist disguised as a holy man, which is ironically exactly what he is. Doesn't make for a great MC tho.

Also, he's a Mary Sue. (So far at least)

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PeachBlossomBee rated it
January 15, 2024
Status: c117
Long review because I'm upset. I started to get a stuffy feeling in my chest around chapter 98, and I finally decided to not finish this. I didn't mind his default character setting being a kind person, but the way he acts... he's nearly in his 30s. There's something extremely frustrating about his behavior while reading the entire story, and I first I thought that the comments simply didn't understand the appeal of having a softer male lead, but it's the way that he does not effectively assert boundaries... more>> or leverage what he has in order to support healthy dynamics with others. (And SN it makes it way less plausible that he's an older sibling.)

First off,

when dealing with Sadie as a regular child, he never refuses or sets limits on ether absorption despite making all that fuss about proper education. A child attacks you with a knife and you don't get upset or even assert boundaries? Nothing about "I will help you, but if you continue to do XYZ I will behave ABC"? Anything? Even after when he finds out that prince Cedric is "Sadie", and the prince deliberately depletes his ether and uses his child appearance to force Jesse's hand out of pity, he doesn't even half-heal him in order to stand on principle and get a proper apology. You KNOW that's Cedric, and you know what he's up to, but you don't stand on it for some forced and half-assed he's so nice 🥺 reason! He gives in every time.


That's not kind with a soft spot, it's a lack of backbone. As a matter of fact, he's like this with Christelle and the rest as well. He forgives and gives in too easily, so half the story is him being taken advantage of by others until some external factor forces them to reflect on their actions which are forgiven anyway. It's so annoying. It feels like everything is just happening to him, which I would be sympathetic to if it felt like he still took a stance and stuck to it despite getting beat up by life. He's always getting pushed around by the MC and the ML, despite being older or of comparative age. The MC as well is fully aware of how she should be acting, but is unnaturally immature—same with the ML who does not get enough pushback. (Jesse if your little sister has let you know he has a sh*t personality, you've seen his personality, why are you not standing your ground as much as possible to try and change at least how he treats you. You literally have what he needs, and you're the adult here. And why hadn't the Cardinal at least tried to rein him in or teach him proper communication or SOMETHING.) But again!! Initially the premise of someone not immediately knowing the information or skills and thus having to blindly fumble around to figure out what's going on was really original. But it just started to really get to me with how his resourcefulness and information gathering steeply dropped off.

I don't know how to list everything that's happened up until now, and the situation with

Sir Geens' hostage situation

is like oh that's tragic whatever, I get it. For some reason he's saving an enemy again, but okay he's a kind guy. (SN: no one has a real qualitative conversation that really addresses grievances with lasting change. Where is the character development. It's apologize, status quo, rinse repeat for over a hundred chapters, and according to other reviews here there's hundreds more to go through).

What's really the last straw is

the way he treated Elise. Clearly she loves him and cares for him, and he knows this, and we hear sooo much about how he can't do anything to make things difficult for the real Jesse, but he avoids her and sides against her for MC+ML way too obviously, and clearly hurts her feelings. It cannot be that difficult to say a quick "after I was attacked on the border, I hurt my head lost many of my memories and I can't really recall everything. They've treated me well here so please don't worry. I know you care about me and I worry about the situation back home, what is going on?" etc! You can't make something up? He's not s*upid, so???


The decline from awww to AW COME ON is jarring. It's really frustrating to watch him just be so dumb on purpose and have that be hand-waved under "he's being kind", there's a limit to kindness before it becomes enablement and the author refuses to make that acknowledgment! There's no balance between frustrating moments and cathartic moments in TWSB. I'm not even going into the microscopic detail that I could be. I'm just tired and I'm out. Whoever compared him to Kim Dokja or Cale Henituse is off the mark because while superficially they're all kind people, KDJ and Cale at least have a back bone. They're dense, but not s*upid, they have a goal they're working towards, and they don't let themselves be used without gaining something from it. But! They are still kind. Imagine that. 3/5, WNR. <<less
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OuRyed rated it
May 30, 2022
Status: c146
The MC is kindhearted overly benevolent character. Who tried to be considered of others he's your typical holly man, (So annoyingly holly and forgiving sometimes that's why no one take his refusal and disagreement seriously) the thing is that his helpless about his circumstances where he have to comply with the royal command and wishes this is the only way for him to live. Actually you can't complain about him not having a plan about his future since he haven't read the novel, it was just something his sister... more>> told him about, nor actually been a Prince to manage so quickly to act like one, I still have to complain though about how forcefully he had to untangle with the plot despite not wanting to, he tried his best but the two main leads just do what they want without wondering what he wanted and that pisses me off actually quite a lot. Especially Cedric. <<less
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chibigamer rated it
April 5, 2022
Status: c34
Don't know what to say, the story is kinda interesting, but...

Chapter 1 - I will stay alive and figure out a way to get back, I will close off as much as possible to not get tied up with the main characters
Chapter 34 - Hopelessly tied up with the main characters and the royal family.

Been a while since I've seen a MC think of doing one thing and act totally different.

Maybe it is has a plot twist in the future where he and the old prince fused or have multiple personalities, because otherwise it made no sense at all.
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Gaprionder rated it
January 31, 2022
Status: C57
Hey! Are you crazy??

{Spoiler }

<February 9, 2022>

... more>> I checked this novel again because I was curious about the number of chapters that I don't remember.

I put this modification to the top It's for one reason only.


It can be unpleasant because he has lived and enjoyed his new life as a holy man.

This story is annoying for the impatient and those who like to live in reality. Ah, also..... people who hate Jesse's personality..... people who hate overly benevolent character.

I understand that. But you should know that during his brief respite. He worked very hard to make up for the lack of information about the new world after living his old life with his family.

He was in a state of helplessness by the initial situation.

So many things happened, among them were 2 events involving children.

Anyone who reads it carefully knows that Jesse loves children very much.

So the first event haunted him a lot.

I don't know exactly but that's how I feel

He wondered a lot because he almost died.

He knows that. Jesse knows he shouldn't forgive the two kids who nearly killed him.

He was deeply saddened that two children had killed the real child while on his way to the palace to serve Jesse. He is powerless. Really, no one is to blame. The one in the back is the one who should be punished by the forest instead of the children who have been forged to this extent. He simply felt sorry for the children and felt guilty.

In the 2nd event, the prince was 'back to his childhood' status due to lack of ether and sneaked in to steal Jesse's ether. He was discovered when he was seen by Jesse. (Ah, I don't exactly understand the situation so I think I'll say that.) Our little prince launched a dagger at our prince Jesse. His intention from the start was the 'urgent and demanding' rope behind Jesse so Jesse was unscathed. My reading feeling at that time was very surprising and also found that guy to be rude. (hmm. too can't remember exactly because I was reading another novel....)

All in all, this is what I can say and Jesse is not as motherly as the comments below say. He has a clear purpose.... HM is quite similar to Cale in TCF. But these two are completely different. Like some and different from the rest. (I like both, you will feel the same as me if you have enjoyed it)

Finally here is the updated revision. I use a translation app so I'm not sure it's completely accurate. But I hope you understand...

I actually put it at the beginning for a reason

I'm a person who likes slow-paced storylines and has a general perspective on their own lives. That is very very wonderful, it will make you feel relaxed without being overwhelmed Binding by anything else!!!!! I don't know what your preferences are but please!!!! Read all the chapters or read the last chapter and then rate!! It would be a wise choice Much wiser than you are now!!!

In my opinion, this plot is amazing!!! It's the first time I read an MC who has a happy family and wants to return home so much!!! That's the best thing!! The detailed scenes here are made let me relax so much!!! Jung Jesse/ Jesse Venetian is really, really cool, hahahaha.

Please read and feel all of this novel!

Tell the truth!

TWSB, TCF, ORV (When The Third Wheels Strikes Back, tr*sh Of The Count's Family, Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)

All are great!!! Read it all and enjoy!!! I haven't finished reading the ORV because it's too heartbreaking and has quite a few heart attack events but I will read it in the future!

Bye! Thanks you if you finished read this comment! <<less
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Risa707 rated it
December 13, 2021
Status: c50
I was too invested in the story and started to read the MTL amd it's worth it. MC is the silly sweet kind of guy who's kind of succeeding in his goal of living a quiet life (but not quite). Cedric fits in the sort of typical korean ML in romance fantasy stories but it's extremely fun seeing things from his perspective (especially when it comes to the identity of Sadie lol). Elisabeth (friend of Cedric) and Christelle (OG! MC) mesh so well together that you almost forget that Christelle... more>> is a transmigrator.

Please try to minimize the comparisons of TCF to this story!! Both are absolutely wonderful with similar outlines but are completely different stories!! Given that there's only 49 properly translated chapters out, give the story a chance.

Other than that, here are some personal notes about the characters w/spoilers.

Jung Eunse:


Jung Eunse is the typical MC who tried to minimize his presence in the OG storu but fails. He's hardly read the OG story so half of the time he's going off of info that his sister shared with him. He's extremely kind almost to the point of a Saint. He's fine with being a political hostage since he has some value as a preist in the kingdom so if he dies then it'll be a headache for the royal family to clean up and gives the Holy Kingdom a reason to start a war with them. He gets along well with everyone, especially the servants and common people since he's a confessional priest. Not the brightest bulb of the batch but he has his positives with an affinity with holy powers and people.




The OG ML we never asked for but definitely deserve. TWSB is unique with the fact that they give you a PoV of Cedric when half the time it's always on the MC. Cedric is a hard nut to crack but takes his position as a crown prince seriously. He's the decisive character of sorts. His condition is guarded pretty well and led to a hilarious misunderstanding between him and Eunse.




I like how Christelle takes control over her life. The Christelle in TWSB is clearly different to the Christelle in the OG novel. She's a real 31 year old office woman but has the energy of a woman in her 20s. She likes helping people and can be very extreme about it at some times when it's necessary. Her talent as a Holy Knight is amazing it's almost a waste that she didn't become one in the OG novel. She's the type of character that gets into trouble and needs Eunse to take her out of it lol. In the end, she's perfectly capable of taking care of herself. She takes risky moves when she knows that Cedric and Eunse will be there for her.




Though a side character, you see her quite a bit. A Royal Knight Vice Captain and Cedric's Best Friend. A talented knight and entertaining friend. She's mostly the main cause of the misunderstanding between Cedric and Eunse. She lets herself be free in front of the main group but can turn serious when it comes to her job. Half the time she goes to Eunse when she wants a break from work haha.


Benjamin and Ganeel


These two are loyal to Eunse but also friends with him. They may be servants, but Eunse treats them as colleugues as he often invites them to eat at the same table as him. Benjamin and Ganeel are strong believers of the God so that contributes to their trust to Eunse. Benjamin gives an "elder grandfather" vibe while Ganeel is a naive but hardworking type.




All of the characters mesh together so well. If I were to put them into stereotypes, Eunse would be the "adult/nanny", Cedric the closeted chuunibyo, and Christelle as the kid always high on sugar. I can't get enough of them and their funny interactions. And while the combat scenes are very limited, fron the few snippets I've read, they have pretty good team work.

There's a scene where their teacher punishes them for destroying a lounge room while a Countess was interviewing Eunse so she brings them to the mountains to fight off some demonic beasts. This is their first proper fight as a team and it moves perfectly. Eunse used his brain to create a trap, Christelle using her ability to create it, and Christelle and Cedric working together to manipulate and kill the beasts in the trap. Out of all of them, Cedric arguably has the most experience. The fact that he can adjust himself or the other capable of adjusting themselves with his abilities is amazing.

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enkiros rated it
November 29, 2021
Status: c14
Interesting twist on the transmigration trope but very weird execution. The protagonist is transformed into the second coming of Jesus Christ as the chapters go on; he throws all caution and moderation out of the window to appear selfless, like a martyr, but it just makes him look very s*upid, especially considering his whole purpose is to avoid being killed by the plot. Kinda interesting how he willingly puts himself in danger for no reason other than contrived plot.

Also weird queerbaiting. I hesistate to even call it that because there's... more>> not much even there. This novel is tagged as shounen, but this is clearly targeted at female readers. Structurally, our protagonist has the same role, same character archetype as a mary sue female protagonist in a romantic novel. I imagine the author is used to writing that sort of stories, that's why I felt some cognitive dissonance from this one. Most korean webnovels for boys in this setting depict the MC as hypermasculine, cold, and cunning. tbh, either just write an unapologetic BL story and put a tag on it or just don't include it. Feels fetishistic, just like how many yuri novels are targeted at straight males <<less
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October 7, 2021
Status: c41
Maybe I was expecting too much after fan-girling over TCF, but I’m so bored of the MC!

A lot of text to get through just to emphasize how saintly the MC is.

The monologue-like descriptions are so long-winded and if you’re into emotional intensity, there is nothing satisfying for the first 40 chapters.

... more>> Overall it was a very monochrome emotional experience despite most of the writing being super personal. Most of it just made me feel awkward and cringy.

It might be that the author is trying and failing at creating a realistic male character. It feels like they just stuffed a typical saintly female MC’s monologues into a male character’s inner dialogue.

Would love to see more plot development soon and less monologues. <<less
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June 10, 2021
Status: --
Romance novel with no romance, it's weird like that. Not to mention MC always ended his sentence with "please" and "thank you." Ah, he's a prince btw, but act like a corporate s*ave toward his boss to every single person he face, including servants. Huft... It's weird no witch hunter come knocking and burn him alive lmao.
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September 10, 2023
Status: c20
I tried. I really did. But this guy is the typical MC protected by god of all novels. He's that kind of righteous do gooder that you'd like to slap with your shoes to wake them up. I get he's a nice big brother and lived in a modern world. But, I'm sorry, if someone tried to kill me and will potentially kill/hurt the people I care about, I don't care if you're sick or if your a kid, I demand the punishment from hell to be delivered. Not to... more>> mention he's a prince, holding a political position. Hostage or not, his words and actions will have an impact to everyone whether he likes it or not. But he's frustratingly unaware of this. To the point I wonder how the hell did he managed to survive this far?! And why does everybody likes this guy who has no wits about him? Besides the obvious plot armor. It's a good read if you just like to past time and let your mind rest because you know no matter what happens he'll be just fine. But if you want an MC that is aware of his position and actually do something about it, look for another novel. <<less
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February 10, 2023
Status: c45

This reads like one of those Japanese shoujo isekai-ish stories where the MC ends up in a book/otome game and decides to avoid red flags and change her fate. Except with a male MC.

I actually quite like this MC, I enjoy him being easy-going and kind. It's honestly a nice break from all of the scheming or monster-crushing heroes and heroines of many similar stories. It's just that the story makes him obviously intelligent while the plot makes him have some amazingly horrible moments of poor reasoning in order to... more>> have him end up getting tied up with the drama he is supposed to be cleverly avoiding. Like I said, this has Japanese isekai writing rather than the often more rigorous reasoning I expect to find in K-novels. (For example, initially he is very active in avoiding any meetings with key characters, but as the chapters progress and he starts to have more encounters he seems to hardly be able to even think of an excuse to refuse, let alone do anything stronger. He barely even seems that distressed by it.)

It's therefore a very light and lightweight read, which will suit some people in terms of taste or mood.

Unfortunately, I've decided to drop this because it's also getting bogged down with explaining details and showing tedious conversations rather than interesting and plot-progressing events and actions. <<less
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January 23, 2022
Status: c55

okay I get why people are kind of mad that this gets compared to the kinds of orv/tcof but honestly I think either novels have their own charm.

orv is too packed, tcof is even way too action packed (especially in the latest chapters, it’s def good but left no room for breathing..), and this time for twsb, it has a good flow for slice of life, rearing type of novel with 40% of action.

... more>> so in the end it depends on what your taste is.

i don’t get why people are so mad for MC being too naive and wanted a peaceful life when the tags clearly said slice of life... I mean what do you expect... if he fought too much it wouldn’t be a slice of life then... and when the situation does calls for it he did fight.

he even protected cedric and christelle at the competition when they fainted!!!!! What are you saying here!!!

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Anhye rated it
August 31, 2023
Status: c560
I think that the author has a grand plan laid out, with all the ambitious setting of God, religion, faith and so on, but perhaps because they're new to writing... there are too many problems to actually do that ambitious plan justice.

The novel started out quite well, and I especially like how the foreshadowing elements were made. It really showed that the author has actually planned their plot instead of impromptu writing. Too bad there were too many unnecessary elements in the process. Yes, the food scenes, the idle talks,... more>> the random monologues that don't serve any purpose. And I know that both the MC (Yeseo/Jesse) and the original FL (Ga-in/Christelle) were Earth residents and Koreans, but the excessive mentions of memes, movie references, and shows really, terribly kill the immersion. Like, even for a modern fantasy novel it'd have been excessive, let alone this Western-style setting. It didn't even serve a purpose like showing the characters' past or so on; it was just for 'comedy' purposes.

I really can't stand the random monologues either. Those monologues exist even during serious fight scenes, and there is practically no use for it. For that reason alone, whenever I read a chapter of this book, I'd feel like reading just half the actual word count— because you can literally omit half the chapter and the whole content would still be understood.

I enjoyed the characters a lot in the earlier half of the book, but now I really can't see their appeal anymore. Yeseo/Jesse was always kind like an angel and I loved that of him, but now he is just like a flower-headed MC with too much naivety even during something as serious as a war setting. The villains also feel like plot device meant to drag on the plot for some dramatic effect, and the actual characterization isn't there at all. <<less
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flighty01 rated it
June 9, 2022
Status: c75
The story is actually good so far. I jumped into the story knowing that the main character is not the usual OP MC everyone seems to love nowadays.

It also feels relaxing to read because the MC decided to keep to himself, since he doesn't know a lot about the world he transmigrated into aside from the limited information he gained from his sister and from the books and news he read in the kingdom. Despite being oblivious and having a lot of misunderstandings, he seems wise and intelligent, knowing when... more>> to act and how to speak in certain situations.

I managed to reach the latest update in one day. It's how good it is. <<less
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April 19, 2022
Status: c67
Overall I'd say this is a decent read

The negative aspects in the low ratings do exist however I believe this is a solid 3 stars plus or minus one depending on your preference, personally I enjoy this novel it's quite charming

I don't think this novel is comparable to tcf or ovr as this is much more simple and sometimes seems slightly lacking especially in the early chapters. However you need to consider the genre when comparing as this is a slice of life

Regarding the MC and Cedric's relationship I do... more>> believe that at times it does feel a little odd? However most of the time it's kinda funny and cute

Personally I wish the MC would feel a little more emotional about being away from his original home especially his little sister as they seem quite close

I also wish the MC would put a little more effort into finding out more about this Jesse prince, however you do have to take into account he is a diplomatic hostage and doesn't have much freedom, and doing so may arouse suspicion

I don't mind the MCs personality, however yes I do wish sometimes he would not act as innocent but at the same time it's also charming

One thing I find weird;


how in the recent chapters at this point he's still pushing away christelle when they've already gotten kinda close I understand the distancing but sometimes it feels a bit like christelle is getting the short end of the stick when it comes to bonding time with Jesse in comparison to Cedric. I want more interactions between the two I quite like christelles character she's so cute


However there's one thing that comes up often in the low rating reviews that I'd like to address;


the child assasins that tried to kill him, I believe he only felt sympathy for the children who were killed and who's identies were stolen and used by the assassins. I just see a lot of people getting angry at this when, yes he should've taken it way more seriously, it was kinda understandable.


I do have to say at the point I'm at, the past 20 or so chapters have been quite interesting, if you don't really like the start I'd say just wait it out and read up till chapter 65 and see if you still like it

Also semi spoilers but empress can step on me she's such a tease I love her and she's hot. <<less
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