Underworld Restaurant


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“I was given a building as an inheritance?”

From a nobody who does all kinds of odd jobs and lived a hard life, he was given a chance to become a landlord right in the middle of Gangnam!

But, the condition for this inheritance is to ‘operate a restaurant for 5 years.’

‘Moreover, I can sense a chill down my spine thanks to the weird customers that came in for today’s store opening……Do I really just need to prepare food?’

“So then…all the guests who came in yesterday…”

“They were ghosts.”

Every night starting from 11 o’ clock until 1 o’clock, we will now be open!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Afterlife Diner
Restaurant in the After Life
Related Series
Goblin Library (Web Novel)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Aleatrio
  2. KR Male Protagonist No Harem
  3. Um Actually, I Read the Manhwa
  4. Isekai w slow life no harem tags
  5. Read and chill

Latest Release

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1 Review

Jan 16, 2024
Status: c41
If you like the novel Those Days I owned a Zoo, you'll definitely like this novel.

Same situation but this MC got a restaurant, at first I kinda dislike him since it took him so long to realize he will be serving food for the dead and just how the restaurant works.

But after the MC understand what the restaurant do he really put his hard work into it.
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