T*ash of the Count’s Family


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When I opened my eyes, I was inside a novel.

[The Birth of a Hero].

[The Birth of a Hero] was a novel focused on the adventures of the main character, Choi Han, a high school boy who was transported to a different dimension from Earth, along with the birth of the numerous heroes of the continent.

I became a part of that novel as the tr*sh of the Count’s family, the family that oversaw the territory where the first village that Choi Han visits is located.

The problem is that Choi Han becomes twisted after that village, and everyone in it, is destroyed by assassins.

The bigger problem is the fact that this s*upid tr*sh who I’ve become doesn’t know about what happened in the village and messes with Choi Han, only to get beaten to a pulp.

“…This is going to be a headache.”

I feel like something serious has happened to me.

But it was worth trying to make this my new life.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Lout of Count's Family (Official)
قمامة عائلة الكونت
백작가의 망나니가 되었다
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591 Reviews sorted by

riida rated it
January 30, 2020
Status: c188
The writing feels so wrong. I can't even find the right words to describe it, but it's a bit weird, a bit unrealistic in terms of characters' behavior, a bit superficial and a bit too childish. Overall there's no way I can immerse myself in this story because it just feels so off.

And then there's another issue that I can only describe this way:

it's a problem-nim in the translation-nim that almost every character-nim has a -nim attached to the name when most of the time it's used it destroys the... more>> tone-nim, especially when -nim is the only korean suffix they use to have more of the korean originality-nim

See what I mean? The story is so-so and I'd read on when bored if the quality of translation was better, but this is making me puke. <<less
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clowred rated it
September 18, 2019
Status: c324
In a way this story is the wet dream of every disappointed fan of shounen anime. Instead of having a hyperactive protagonist with an almost never working brain focused on achieving either success or going on a never ending adventure we have a protagonist that simply wishes to get rid of conflicts to slack around. To do this he is not putting himself on the front lines just to get pummeled time after time to slowly get stronger, rather he uses those that are a lot stronger before creating the... more>> best lineup of strong individuals.

The most interesting factor of this novel comes from the nations conflicts and the secrets that make all individuals weak to some from of aggression. Manipulation, lies, investment and reckless spending creates an unique story line extremely enjoyable.

The characters are well defined and realistically described at least to a point. Characters act according to their age and position and depending on the situation evolve becoming better or worse. The villains are all following their desires but they never self destruct, instead it slowly becomes harder and harder to deal with certain enemies. Lastly the supporting characters don't become the lifeline of the protagonist as they are just following the normal course of their lives, a good example being the protagonist's family.

From a certain point of view you can see a lot of flaws, like misunderstandings being used as plot anchors while information being acquired in dubious coincidences. Even so, we can't simply expect to see a story where everything is believable. This is a novel that progresses chapter by chapter and it requires a lot more excitement to keep the fan base steady and growing.

In conclusion I think I can only sing praise for this novel as its both extremely entertaining and also capable of surprising for its plot depth. My rating is 4.5 stars because of a certain golden individual that almost became a form of plot armor. Even so I highly recommend it for everyone who wants a good read. <<less
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Hannah622 rated it
July 18, 2023
Status: --
(Illogical) Low reviews means either of these:

  • Read only 1-200 chapters then conclude everything already. Like, the main villain hasn't even known there yet, why so impatient?
  • Too focus on the grammar, word repetitions and not the plot and interactions itself. Yes, sometimes, repetition is kind of annoying. But it is honestly easy to ignore if you don't focus on it too much and enjoy the series.
  • No patience. This novel has like, 700 + chapters and you're already judging everything from the beginning?
  • They don't know about the best quote that concludes this story "There is no coincidences, things are there for a reason." -World Tree.
  • Compare this to the over-hype novels that full of battles. Like, guys, not all story needs to have 10 chapters for just one battle.
  • The MC is contradicting himself, so unrealistically oblivious and smart, they say. Guys. As I said, there's a reason. Almost everything there has a reason.
Here are the review I want to contradict as someone who finish the story.

The setting and world building is not the TCF's strongest suite, it is bland, tasteless. Author doesn't focus much on the presentation of the world so a lot of information like the magic & power system, geopolitical situation, history, landscape, the world's laws as well as technical details and such are barely touched on. Although setting and backdrop is kinda cliche stuff, author could have put in more effort to give it flavor and make it more interesting.

  • I disagree with this saying that world building isn't TCF's strongest suite. It IS what made many people hook here. Like, History? Ha! This story became like this because of some piece of sh*t messing things up 1, 000++ years ago. And, Power system? They world's Law? They already been doing that since earlier chapter.
TCF has quite a number of side characters however I feel that they lack a soul. They seem unique and cool on the surface but at the core they are basically copy pasted stories, the companions are lost kittens picked up by the MC and the antagonist are the archetypal villians. Author neglected creating interesting backstories, circumstances, attitudes and personalities, motives and agendas for each of them.

  • Did you skip something since the first chapter? Like, their circumstance are clear, as well as the personality. Like, you can't expect something like either being fully good, or fully evil in this one. And their motivation is to have home. And the one who gave them home is the MC. So their next motive? PROTECTING that home.
Consequently character development also suffers, it is too simplified and theres no variety with each character following the same development template. Although they maintain reasonable presence throughout the novel, limelight is still primarily on the MC. In addition their interactions and relationships feel very corny and cringe, also their personalities lack synergy. I believe this was an attempt at comedy and invoking emotion but I feel it misses its mark. Cringy dialogue and character motivations really, really deterred me from enjoying the novel, furthermore its a recurring theme in the novel, I just can't stomach it. Author should practice moderation, like how Overlord does it.

  • Wow. It is not cringe, it's awkward. Do you expect them to get along so well when they only interact for some time? For the character development, yes, sometimes, it is not shown clearly how they develop, but still, they did. From Ron calling Cale a son of a bit*h to him becoming loyal enough to the MC. Not everything should have been told, as they say, it suppose to show. And why Overlord of all things? All I can see is that vampire Oversimping to the MC for 'reason'.
Main character is special, he is like a tsundere character. He pretends to be uncaring, apathetic, only believing in using people but is actually the classic shounen protaganist who cares for his companions (more like pets), has outstanding morales, responsible, righteous, you get the idea. Pretty disappointing cos its one of the most boring and dull character types in novels.

  • Gosh, you miss something very important. If he didn't act like that after experiencing his past, then that'll be the most unrealistic things I've ever seen. And, sorry but he does not have an 'outstanding morals'. He himself admit it. He use people as well as his companions. But (Because of his PAST) has his reason doing the most sacrificial thing just to protect them.
He is not overpowered in the beginning but gets powerful later on as he steals fortuitous encounters from other characters (novel reasons that these powers are useless to the original owners. Righhhtttt...). Oh, and he is technically supposed to be a side character in the novel he was transported in to but ends up stealing the fame and opportunities of major characters and also the protagonist.

  • Gosh. Only 2 or 3 of his ancient power has owners! Not even haft of what he has now. And he didn't steal the fame for Choi Han. Cause if yes, Choi Han will gladly give it. And, you don't know what happened if he didn't do anything. (It's a huge spoiler)
I won't say he is the intelligent and cunning type either as most of the credit is due to him knowing the future from the novel he reads. Even later on when events go beyond that novel, he is basically reliant on good luck and fate rather than meticulous analyzing, calculated plans and intelligent decisions, i.e plot armor.

  • Heh. Are you sure about that? Luck? Hah! Luck wasn't even on his side. Fate? They're against him! I can know now that this reader is in the chapter between 100-300.
Also MC's goal is to lead a peaceful slacker life but he keeps getting dragged into thick plots because he is a nosy, busybody. Its been hinted many times that he can lead a slacker life if he just stopped putting his d*ck into everything. Dude transmigrated into a rich family far away from conflicts.

  • He will eventually if that villain actually stop making and creating the plot for the MC to solve because if not, then all of them will die in the end.
The plot itself isn't anything amazing. So far it fails to differentiate itself from other novels, its predictable, is not engaging enough nor intriguing. Don't expect any brilliant plotlines, events are uninspiring and feel like they are missing the impact factor. The narrative feels monotonous and narrow. Theres some nice foreshadowing but it does not have solid storytelling to back it up or follow up with. Overall its not bad however its not good either.

  • I pity readers who don't continue this story just because they already think they know everything on the iceberg without diving the ocean. I'll say, almost all the random things that is said there either has an impact or reveal something in the story.
Despite the high ratings, its definitely over exaggerated. Am definitely not impressed but rather TCF is only average within its genre. TCF does NOT go above and beyond to differentiate itself from its peers. Moreover the overused cringe characters and interactions in addition to cringe comedy, further pulls down the score. Granted if this novel was released a decade ago then I feel it'll be a worthy pioneer in its genre. But in the current trending, its very mediocre.

  • Hm... I really hope this reader actually continues the story without judging first. I've also done that to one story and when I continued, I was amaze by everything. Of course you won't know why things happen. It will never be a good story if you know all at once.
By the way 3 times rereading this story and still amazed how I missed many things that is essential to the story.
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Alice1503 rated it
December 28, 2022
Status: v2c8
I’ve been reading this type of novel for years now and I got so into it that I can probably name close to a hundred or even more of them. Ttcf was one of the first and even with that, it has remained at the top of my list. I just love it too much. I even started to learn English to read the updates because I couldn’t wait weeks for them to be translated into Spanish. If I could give it ten stars I would.
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Exuria rated it
December 23, 2020
Status: c687
The world building is seriously good and all the characters MC befriends are so loyal to him 👍👍 Thank god there's no dumb harem or romance to ruin it.

EDIT: The only down side is that the author really loves to drag things on. Like literally they sometimes repeat the same thing in the next paragraph or they keep describing things when literally they could have cut down the words without repeating it over and over again.
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Pranefuji rated it
June 29, 2019
Status: c268
This novel isn't tr*sh. I like the the main character's perspectives on the fantasy genre of writing and the fantasy world the character has found themselves in. I think there is a lack of depth to the characters however, and the growth of the characters we see in the story goes from 2 dimensional to 2 dimensional + understands the concept of friendship.

I enjoy the setting, the nations and people. But wish there was a villainous perspective that challenged the protagonist, beyond the chapters describing the thoughts of minor villains... more>> being shocked.

I'm a bit tired of the story. I think the author has written themselves into a place where I no longer care to read it.

There is a lot of chapters where weight is given to a scene as though it is a profound revelation for all parties to the scene and it's just exhausting to read. I no longer care about the characters being moved.

The author and main character treats the world and it's characters with enough disdain that it's hard to find any of it compelling c268 into the story. What flavor of cute catchphrase will we encounter in the next chapter.

I'm thankfully not dropping the story for unnecessary gross stuff, I'm just a bit tired of the formula and writing. It's a fine time killer until it isn't, and I'm a big believer that you don't need to finish a story to appreciate it. <<less
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Matorizu rated it
February 19, 2023
Status: v2c103
Tra*sh of the Count's Family has completely changed my standard for good stories. There are still some negative aspects in this novel, but some of them are positive aspects for me. It's already have 900+ chapters right now and the amount of chapters might intimidate you, but if you have the time for it, I really recommend you to give it a go.

These are some points why I love this novel so much.

    1. The MC - Cale Henituse Cale is a great strategist, leader, teacher, and father for his people. Cale is also doing a good amount of scamming, but what I like about Cale is, he never take money/advantage from innocent people. He only scam people who deserve it (or at least I think they do). Actually, his ultimate goal is just to be a slacker. But he's doing everything to protect his family and his home, so people are often misunderstood his action from his actual intention. He's doing all good stuffs, but he just hate to take credits for it.
    1. The Henituse Family "There is no reason to be recorded in history. Live for peace and happiness."

      That's the motto of Henituse Family. I really like it, it's different than most of stories I've read, so I think it's really fresh to... more>> have this kind of motto. I think this is why Cale adjust well with this new family. Cale was orphaned, so he's still awkward towards his new family.

      I also really like Deruth's (Cale's father) mindset. Here's my favorite quote from Deruth Henituse :


      "I do not like meaningless sacrifices. And... I do not like meaningful sacrifices that much either." (Ch. 672)

      I should say, Deruth Henituse is the best webtoon/webnovel daddy.

        1. The Side Characters All the side characters in TCF are remarkable. I found it easy to get attached to all the characters. Even some of the villains are leaving a deep impression for me. Some might say Cale is an overpowered MC, but he didn't overshadowing the side characters. They are all just equally important in my eyes. The author is really great at making loveable characters, not only just the MC.
        1. Wholesome platonic relationships TCF is lacking romance. That's true.

          But for me, it's one of the major reasons why I love TCF. The characters' interactions are so wholesome, and I don't think they need romance in their relationship to make a good story. I really respect Author Yu Ryeo Han who can write a 900+ chapters novel without romance but it's still fun and interesting. I do think this novel is totally enjoyable even without romance. At this point, I think it'll be really awkward to add romance in the story, so I hope it'll keep this way, super duper wholesome.
        1. The misunderstandings There are a lot of misunderstandings in this novel too, but most of the misunderstanding are can't be said they're wrong. It's just hard to understand Cale's intention, so everyone just misunderstood Cale's intention. They're not wrong, but it's just different with Cale's intention. It's fun to see Cale digging his grave deeper by making people misunderstood him and make his slacker dream drift further away from him. LMAO.
      In the end, TCF is like a safe haven for me. It still do have some angst, but overall, this is a great read that totally pamper the readers. I think TCF will be my forever comfort read. TCF's universe felt like home to me.

      As for the 2nd part (The Laws of Hunting), I already read it up to 103 chapters (summary on Adar Terra), and here's my opinion :


      I thought I won't like this 2nd part as much as the first part, because the contents are mostly Cale travelling across dimensions. But I was wrong! I love it!

      I found the murim world is kinda hard to understand because I haven't read any murim stories before, but when I finally get a grasp on it, it's actually really fun, and I still read it immediately after the chapter release, and even now, I can't wait to read the next chapter. It's a blessing that we have 3 chapters every week. Bless Author-nim.


      I'm trying so hard to write it briefly, because if I didn't held back, the Caleism inside me will just ended up making a whole essay about worshipping Cale. I might go back here to add more on this review, but for now, this is all! <<less
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deathcoy rated it
September 19, 2020
Status: --
tr*sh of the Count's Family (TCF) is the typical shounen "nakama" novel. Its riddled with overused cliche troupes but this will appeal to some readers. Personally I find it hard to immerse myself into the story and struggle to maintain interest further in.

In TCF the protagonist is transmigrated into the novel he was reading thus has knowledge about future events. Unfortunately TCF did a poor job with the butterfly effect. What changes MC did to the timeline only results in simple deviations in the future, most famous being future events... more>> get pushed earlier than intended time. Its disappointing but than again theres hardly any novel that properly capitalize the butterfly effect.

The setting and world building is not the TCF's strongest suite, it is bland, tasteless. Author doesn't focus much on the presentation of the world so a lot of information like the magic & power system, geopolitical situation, history, landscape, the world's laws as well as technical details and such are barely touched on. Although setting and backdrop is kinda cliche stuff, author could have put in more effort to give it flavor and make it more interesting.

TCF has quite a number of side characters however I feel that they lack a soul. They seem unique and cool on the surface but at the core they are basically copy pasted stories, the companions are lost kittens picked up by the MC and the antagonist are the archetypal villians. Author neglected creating interesting backstories, circumstances, attitudes and personalities, motives and agendas for each of them. Consequently character development also suffers, it is too simplified and theres no variety with each character following the same development template. Although they maintain reasonable presence throughout the novel, limelight is still primarily on the MC. In addition their interactions and relationships feel very corny and cringe, also their personalities lack synergy. I believe this was an attempt at comedy and invoking emotion but I feel it misses its mark. Cringy dialogue and character motivations really, really deterred me from enjoying the novel, furthermore its a recurring theme in the novel, I just can't stomach it. Author should practice moderation, like how Overlord does it.

Main character is special, he is like a tsundere character. He pretends to be uncaring, apathetic, only believing in using people but is actually the classic shounen protaganist who cares for his companions (more like pets), has outstanding morales, responsible, righteous, you get the idea. Pretty disappointing cos its one of the most boring and dull character types in novels. He is not overpowered in the beginning but gets powerful later on as he steals fortuitous encounters from other characters (novel reasons that these powers are useless to the original owners. Righhhtttt...). Oh, and he is technically supposed to be a side character in the novel he was transported in to but ends up stealing the fame and opportunities of major characters and also the protagonist. I won't say he is the intelligent and cunning type either as most of the credit is due to him knowing the future from the novel he reads. Even later on when events go beyond that novel, he is basically reliant on good luck and fate rather than meticulous analyzing, calculated plans and intelligent decisions, i.e plot armor. Also MC's goal is to lead a peaceful slacker life but he keeps getting dragged into thick plots because he is a nosy, busybody. Its been hinted many times that he can lead a slacker life if he just stopped putting his d*ck into everything. Dude transmigrated into a rich family far away from conflicts.

The plot itself isn't anything amazing. So far it fails to differentiate itself from other novels, its predictable, is not engaging enough nor intriguing. Don't expect any brilliant plotlines, events are uninspiring and feel like they are missing the impact factor. The narrative feels monotonous and narrow. Theres some nice foreshadowing but it does not have solid storytelling to back it up or follow up with. Overall its not bad however its not good either.

Despite the high ratings, its definitely over exaggerated. Am definitely not impressed but rather TCF is only average within its genre. TCF does NOT go above and beyond to differentiate itself from its peers. Moreover the overused cringe characters and interactions in addition to cringe comedy, further pulls down the score. Granted if this novel was released a decade ago then I feel it'll be a worthy pioneer in its genre. But in the current trending, its very mediocre. <<less
14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
December 17, 2020
Status: c639
I'm really recommend this novel!!! No harem, no weak personally, no someone who didn't know their place (want to help without power but still charge forward n end up being a burden resulting for other trouble!! I'm sorry if I'm too cruel with my word for someone sincerely want to help) mmm n others!!

I'm really shocked when this novel stopped being translated. I know the reason but I'm just sad I can't read anymore... 😭 (I can't read Korean damn!!!)

I'm happy that someone picked it up but then I... more>> feel bad 😟

If only there is official English translation (with decent work of course, cuz sometime the official translation just turn out very terrible, it's not like I not thankful, it just my opinion ok, n that make me less want to continue reading) n if that is possible I prefer hardcopy than ebook 🥰 <<less
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Heyitsmeyaboi rated it
December 12, 2020
Status: c637
One of the best novels ever.

The MC is very interesting and entertaining. He isn't perfect. There is a lot of foreshadowing, and it just has something to it that makes you want to read more. Just like the other reviews, the writing is repetitive and it's not the most perfect novel ever. It has flaws, and plot holes, and some repetitive parts, and plot armor. The story is well thought of and there is no romance in it which I like! The worldbuilding is very interesting. There are just friendships,... more>> and the MC is very cunning and smart. He is physically weak, but people still respect and follow him in which I like as well. Even though the MC thinks he's a bad person and scams people, he still makes sure his allies don't get hurt and he lies to himself quite a lot which makes you kinda confused. He's not overly good but he's not bad either. The villain is your typical villain who wants to take over the world/wants to be God. But is also very cunning and cruel. Maybe it's boring in the first few chapters but it gets better and the writing gets better as well (still kinda repetitive) ! Someone said that the side characters don't get much time that you don't have time to be interested in them. They will have loads of time, later on, the story is a bit slow at first but I told you the writing gets better! I like this novel. I absolutely recommend it. Everyone has a lot of personalities. It's kinda 'show not tell' like others said that's why you have to imagine it. Which is fine for me. You should read it, and see for yourself. The story is really great! The writing has a lot of flaws but not everything can be perfect. (My English is not perfect either, sorry) but I really love this novel so much that am writing a reviewed it and recommended it to people I know in which I've never done before. :D <<less
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Quinn Witchita
Quinn Witchita rated it
November 25, 2020
Status: c633
Okay, I'm giving my first review to this ineffable novel. Seriously, this is really good. It's like I'm reading different novels just by reading this one. How the MC was portrayed from weak-to-strong and him gathering his allies/families... Actually he isn't that OP but that what makes it sooooo much better. He uses his brain (idc to ppl out there saying that he spoils whatnot bruh) and scheming? Cunning? I like how he overcomes troubles with his allies. It's so wholesome! To ppl out there who isn't reading this due... more>> to BL fanarts (saying that it's BL, shipping, etc.) you are missing alot. There's no BL themes lol. It's just the BL lenses that rotten fans have *coughs* Anyway, this is very wholesome. Altho, there are prolly scenes that may not seem super macho for you or find cringey that also makes up the story. So, read and find out. It's that good and so friggin worth it. Unless, it isn't your cup of tea then okay. <<less
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Rootworm rated it
March 29, 2023
Status: --
Eh... My stance is kind of funny. Like it's not bad, but definitely over-hyped? Like the characters are fun and good. The environment is okay. The writing can be iffy at times but it's not bad. It's pretty average? And I'm not sure why it's popular aside from the fact it's a no romance web novel with a male protagonist that's (allegedly) was a normal guy who was transmigrated. I'm aware it's not exactly that, don't worry, but still... It's slow but not in a good way? Like not quite... more>> 'slow' but it feels meaningless as it meanders at times? I agree that some of the characters are fun! (Some.) and The world building is definitely There!

No, yeah that's it. It's what I would define a... time-waster webnovel? If I'm to be honest? Like all the interesting and meaningful stuff... doesn't supply enough motivation beforehand to reach it? It's honestly tiring to read at times and some parts of it escapes me. Not because it's difficult... just purely because I have to wonder... Does it matter? Not a bad novel though, so if you really want a novel with stereotypical quirky side characters that these types of characters usually have, go for it. Just... expect it to fall a little flat. I wish there was also... more real feeling of something at stake? Like sure the whole thing is this guy who wants peace in his life, and honestly I think that's fantastic! If you Look Into that after reading! But at times it's just kind of... doesn't work...? And the 'misunderstandings' kind of stop being funny and quirky after a while.

Not bad in all... Just feel like there are definitely better stuff that do this exact concept out there... Sorry Cale sir... Maybe me reading slowly is giving you the break you wanted...? <<less
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MiRel rated it
March 5, 2022
Status: c757
The world building, foreshadowing, eerything are *chef kiss* I have never felt so excited to see

an MC stabbing himself as I do now.


I realllyyy really want to reread this now even though jt might feel cumbersome but I feel like I would discover other things I havent noticed before. I love you so much Yoo Ryeo Han-nim pls let me kiss your hand.
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_Sleepylish_ rated it
November 1, 2021
Status: c722
This is my first time writing a review, and English is not my native language, so please forgive me if there are minor or even major errors in my review.

At first I didn't think that I will really enjoy reading this because this kind of plot line is common nowadays, but after reading a few chapters I somehow began to be immersed more and more with the flow of the story.

Now I will say this, this review is from my point of view and everyone have their one taste of... more>> stories, so don't blame me if it's not to your liking because every person have their likes and dislikes and also how come I know what your preference is, it's your own choice on reading it so please don't blame me or others or even the Author/Translator okay? :D

Now let's continue...

1. At the start with how the MC know how the future will became–because he has reading the novel which is the novel about the world he got transmigrated in–at first it may lack of fighting scene (for the mc) and it may seem boring, but as each event goes on, it is bound for the MC to not know about what will happend in the future anymore, because the MC is not yet to finish the novel that he's been reading, he need to overcome every events that will come in the future, and he able to do that because he is, indeed, an intelligent character, and he able to do every scenario thanks to his big brain and scammer mind.

Do not need to worry about action scene, as he bound to change the plot line with his every action (not like he really mind about it) , some things will not happen as what the event in the original novel goes, he have to clean every mess that he has made (even though he don't like it much lol) , and so with how he will not be able to know anything about the future anymore, at that point, there will be MANY fighting scene with the MC taking parts of it, I will not tell you clearly about the specific of the word 'many' is, but the thing that you need to know is that– Even though he want a slacker life, and with the reason why he always sticking to the worrisome scene even though he doesn't want to, is because with so many things happened around him, he can't just be relaxed, he need to FULLY clean every worrisome things so that his dream about being a wealthy-slacker person without anything to disturb him will became true, but, as things goes on, we can see that his slacker life has been thrown away to the tr*sh-bin since long ago, as he always makes another baggage to be brought along. (lmao)

"His face (/his dream) has been slapped hard by fate into a broken pieces of glass plate."

(You will understand what I was talking about after reading the novel into the late chapter xD)

2. The novel is not just about some random person who suddenly got transmigrated to another world without any specific reason. On the late chapter, we will be explained about the reason as to how Cale, or as I may say, Kim Rok Soo, suddenly got transmigrated into this world, the world of a novel which he has read in the meantime.

3. The Author like to give some tiny bits of foreshadowing about the future with each sentence she makes. And I really like this part of this novel, because after I was done reading into the late chapter, and began to re-read it again, you will slowly notice that some sentence have something to do with the events that will happen/or take place in the future. You will start to became more immersed in the story than before, you will more often notice some small tiny details with each characters' words from their pov's, or with the narrative says, you will even notice the little typo the Translator have made because of you became too immersed in the story for the sake of finding every foreshadowing the Author gives to the readers xD
It will give you the pleasure in reading the novel after you noticing that small detail, really, and it happened because the Author making us realizing that tiny bits of foreshadowing that she gave to us to became fully immersed in the story. It was a really fun experience for me because it was all new to me, reading this kind of novel, well, for me at least.

4. This novel have no romance or so whatsover, so if you doesn't like this kind of genre, please leave, because as what the genre on the novel's info says 'Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, and Shounen.'
This novel did not include a romance/love interest, it's mainly contained in 'familial love' or even 'platonic relationship.' It may be a good tea for the people who like this kind of settings, but for the people who does not like this kind of settings, I will gently advise you to leave rather than to nagging on the comment section or at the community post or even on the review... Please don't use a place to give review with some bothersome things, please? :'D

5. As the story goes on, we might think about 'How can he remember clearly about everything that occurs in the novel BoAH?'. This thing, my friend, will be explained at the late chapter, too. And the Author will also explained later about the 'place' that was our MC living before he transmigrated. As the story goes, we will be explained in tiny bits about the life of Kim Rok Soo's live before, and, let me advice you, don't NEVER EVER skip that part, because it was a foreshadowing for the future chapters, don't uderestimate the explanation that the Author gaves, because like I've said before... Is that the Author like, I mean, REALLY like to give us some foreshadowing, and you may regreted on not looking at it clearly if you really want to enjoy the story, because every word the Author use, almost every sentence have it's own meaning.

6. Story and Character Development
There are someone in the review who says :

"The MC tends to spoil everything in one go, and the novel tends to put in too little effort on developing the story and characters properly, making it feel too fast. Too little content is placed in to make it feel more like a slow burn, as the author skips around with describing certain scenes. It really makes you not care about the side characters."

Well, I guess this person does not read this novel until the late chapter, and I also GUESS that this person just make a review here to make the ratings of this novel goes down, fck it. _: (´ཀ`」 ∠) :

  • "The MC tends to spoil everything in one go, and the novel tends to put in too little effort on developing the story and characters properly–" : I don't know what does this person mean by 'tends to spoil everything in one go', it may be true that the MC give so many explanation to everything that happened in the novel that he's read, but it's not like that everything in the story must go with the same plot line that was in the original novel, the novel (we read) need to be grow further with each events that was happening in the later part, so with the things that was starting to appears because this is a 'world' he's living in, and not in the novel, things are bound to be more complicated and the plot started thickening.
    It's not like we can always stay with the plot in the original novel, so it's no use in dily dalying with things that are in the novel our dear MC read before. It was the Author's way in making the story goes further than before, the things started to became deep and needed to be explained, and with every foreshadowing the Author give with almost every sentence she makes, this novel/story will be a long ride for use readers, so it's not good for the Author to still be in the plot line (or arc) of the original novel... I mean like come on man, even the Author said that this 1-700+ Chapters is only the part one, with the things that was left behind and needed to be explained, how long does this novel will take us to? ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
  • "–the novel tends to put in too little effort on developing the story and characters properly, making it feel too fast. Too little content is placed in to make it feel more like a slow burn, as the author skips around with describing certain scenes. It really makes you not care about the side characters." : Like I've said before, the Author tends to give some foreshadowing on ALMOST every sentence she makes, even if it was skipped, it was not forgotten. That was why on this 1-700+ chapters, the Author had said that it was ONLY the part one, there are still more, and we just need to wait patiently, this is what make us readers anticipate for the next chapter, it was the element that the Author place in this novel so that the story will last longer and to not be boring for us readers. So the content she've placed to us is not too little, in fact, it was too much to the point that we might also cough of blood just like YMSS-nim because of all the foreshadowing in this novel................ Anyway–
Now finally, let's set aside the MC for a minute. Let's talk about the other Characters.

The character development was happened around the middle of the story, aside from the mc's pov, we can also see the other character's pov.
The Character Development for each characters happened as the story goes further, with the thing (the event) that will happen in the story, each character will have their own development.
The story progresses as each character experiences a push or some breakthrough, and there is character development. Although a bit late, but that does not hinder the story. In fact, with each event that occurs over time, each character shows a slight change, and that can be seen through each character's pov, or even our mc's pov. And the character that was in the beginning is our mc's enemies, will became our mc's allies in future, and the most big Character Development that occurs, is when it was near or in the middle of the story, so the readers really need to wait patiently.

The Author really care about the other characters, as their Caracter Development happen as some event of the story occurs, the Author is very careful with the storyline she makes, dividing the things that happen in the main story and character development is not an easy thing, and the author handles this very well, even with the once-an-enemy character. Kudos to the Author~♡ ^^

7. Plot
I really, REALLY, too immersed in the novel that I even forgot to learn for my exam, dammit, but it's not like I'm regretting it :')....... Ahem–

As the stories goes on, as I say before, the plot will be thickening, and the list of our mc's ‘What-To-Do’ things are becoming soooo looooong, the Author began to writing on what she was skipping before for the sake of the long story, and the things that was happened, and after she does that.... Something need to be explained further again, because HOW CAN SHE MAKE A PLOT TWIST WITH ANOTHER PLOT TWIST YET THERE IS STILL ANOTHER PLOT TWIST THAT EVEN WE OURSELVES MIGHT BE NOT KNOW ABOUT??!! She really keep her foreshadowing on track, it always scares me whenever I re-read the novel and finding every foreshadowing she makes along the way to this point, if it was me, I would have been forgetting things since long, and it was hard to keep things on track with the foreshadowing that you've made before, making a foreshadowing is not really that easy, you need to make things the same as the foreshadowing you've left behind when you were started to thinking about whenever the story you make is good enough or not, sometime a writer will have some breakthrough when they are in the middle of writing their stories, and it can be a blessing or even a curse, because you really need to make a change that will not effect the story you've made too much.

So what I really want to say is that, the Author is really talented at making a story/Novel like this, and oh, some novel can't be keep long as good as before because of the lack of love interest, but this, this novel, is in an entirely different level, the Author managed on growing the story without the disturbance with the lack of love interest for the main character, she really does not put any love interest for our dear MC, and only putting some of 'familial love' or even 'platonic relationship' to the story, reading this kind of story is new to me, so it feels really refreshing. TwT

Once again, kudos to the Author!! And also the Translator Team, too!!! Thank you so much for providing us this awesome novel~!! I really like this novel so much and I hope that more and more people will know about this amazing novel. o (╥﹏╥) o

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February 21, 2021
Status: c654
Honestly if you patiently read the story till the last updates you will realize that this has a character developement

Many of the haters said that "The other characters doesnt have characters developement achuchu"

All of them became strong as time goes by
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Pamey rated it
November 19, 2020
Status: c631
It’s my first time ever writing an actual review on this site, but I felt like it’s necessary for me to do so. This novel is the best novel I’ve ever read. Not only in this genre, but overall. Everything is just so perfectly written, the storyline, characters (where every character is going through some kind of character development!!). A lot of action which descriptions just give me chills. I don’t think I’ve ever felt bored reading this novel - which for me is a really big thing. Of course... more>> not everything is action based, there are plenty of amusing scenes, mainly caused by the various misunderstandings. The relationship between MC and other characters? Cherry on top. I love everything about this novel and there’s nothing that I dislike about any of the characters really, villains included. It’s definitely a gem. It got the point where I’m both glad that I started reading this novel, but also really mad because now everything is being compared to TCF as it became my standard - and I still haven’t found a novel that would make me fall in love with it so hard before (hard enough to actually write a review about it lol). Anyways - if you are reluctant to start this story - don’t be. Your decision to read this novel will definitely be one of your best ones, guaranteed! <<less
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SnowMoon rated it
October 10, 2020
Status: c609
At first, the silly title kinda keep me away, but then, I saw so many recommendations and fanarts on Pinterest, so I finally decide to give it a try.

Let's just say that, choosing to read this novel was the best thing I have ever done in my life.

It's a masterpiece. I love it so much, it's hard to describe using words.
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Daydreamer_yulu rated it
September 1, 2020
Status: c590
    • The first two hundred chapters are pretty good! The character development is pretty good too! (I just love Raon!!!)
    • The best part about this novel is the characters other than the MC are also well-written!!
This is my second time reading it from the beginning!

Personally, I think it's a refreshing read. Thank you so much Author-nim and Translator-nim!!

(If you think there are too many chapters to read, than I definitely recommend the manhwa which has just been released!!)
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ararisha rated it
January 6, 2019
Status: c106
The premise of this story is an overused trope at this point: the MC (Cale) transmigrates into a novel he's reading and, using his prior knowledge, circumvents the obstacles in his future that would have otherwise killed him in a death worthy of his (prior) cannon fodder status.

And yet.

And yet, here I am, 100+ chapters in... and absolutely enthralled. The life and soul of this story isn't the plot. If I have to be honest with myself, the plot so far has been rather predictable. However, as this series is... more>> still ongoing as I write this review, I'll withhold judgement until further development. At this point, we're in the "party development" stage so, likely, the meat of the plot is to come after. So far, for me, the life and soul of this story, has been the characters. It almost reads like a slice of life: if you take out the adventuring, magic, conspiracies and subplots, what you have left is the relationship between the MC and his crew. And the way his party is forever misunderstanding Cale's intentions just makes me bubble up with laughter every single chapter.

I adore the discrepancies in the way the author set up the Cale's own self-image vs. the way the people around him views him. Cale, who self-proclaims to be a piece of tr*sh seeking a life of leisure, has been working himself (and, consequently, those around him) to the bone in order to achieve that end. The way he tries so very hard to disengage from any and all troublesome affairs, and yet inevitably quagmires himself further into different plots and conspiracies has been, simply put, hilarious. I enjoy his apathy, egoism, and rather blunt assessment of his surroundings and situations. And yet, after so many chapters, I suddenly find myself questioning whether the Cale is really as unwilling as he claims, or if he's just a big tsundere?


And if you'd just add on two magical kittens, a smitten baby dragon, an assassin for a butler, a torture specialist for a chef, a pack of orphan werewolf cubs-turned-knights, the "original protagonist" as a body guard, and a necromancer that can... do what a necromancer is supposed to do...


Well. You can just imagine the hilarity that ensues. <<less
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raysha18 rated it
October 6, 2018
Status: c33
I enjoyed reading this novel. Although there are only a few chapters atm, I can say that it was interesting. I've always liked the laid back MC's who try to live as they like but in the end they end up stuck with a lot of things due to the circumstances. The MC was thrown in the book he was reading and woke up as the tr*sh of the family, we can consider him as villain A, the first stepping stone of the hero in the story. He tries to... more>> avoid having the same fate as the tr*sh from the original story therefore changing the story and its timeline. This butterfly effect makes the "characters" in the story linked to the MC eventhough he tries to avoid getting involved in them as much as possible. The translation is very good and the rate is quite fast and consistent, this factor adds to the likability in reading this novel.

There's not much to go on so I will rate this quite high atm. <<less
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