Transmigration as a Female Supporting Role Who Attempted Sui**de


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[Note: Male lead – Yu Luobai]

The story begins with an attempt at su*cide. The newly revived female supporting role is confused. After barely surviving, she discovers that she has been transported into the role of a disposable female celebrity burdened by scandal and debt.

In order to repay her debts, she decides to live frugally while relying on her status to improve her fortunes. She befriends the female lead hoping to benefit from her luck.

One day, she suddenly realizes that the famous celebrity has been getting unusually close.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Transmigrated / System / Another World
  2. I'm bored and this is the result
  3. Feel Good
  4. My All-time Favorites

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New Nelle
May 27, 2024
Status: c137
The romance in this novel is incredibly sweet, lovely, and perfectly paced for me.
NOTE: I'm talking about the romance of MC and her own ML, not that of the orig story's MC Shen and orig story's ML Ye. The 1-star rating talks about the love story of the orig story's couple - which is definitely and obviously not the focus of the story. They are side-characters driven by the orig story's plot.
However, the story deals with sensitive topics that weren't handled carefully. The author wanted to show a character deeply hurt and insecure because of her environment. I understand the intention, but the execution wasn't great. While I wish the author had done this part better, the romance is really so good. It's a pity I couldn't find the raw chapters to read myself. The translation from akknovel feels like a machine translation. I hope to come back and read this once I get access to more chapters.

I understand the sentiments of the 1 star rating and the 5 star rating.
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mustachemerlin rated it
March 9, 2024
Status: c30
Edit: This story is extremely lacking in taste or tact in so, so many ways. It opens with a detailed description of su*cide and depicts it as an effective trick to gain sympathy and advance her career, her transmigration cheat skill is literally just rampant, shameless plagiarism, and the "romantic" first meeting between the side couple is a graphic depiction of r*pe.

Reading this story caused me distress. Not just at the content - I'm distressed that somebody actually wrote all this and thought it was good and normal. The author... more>> treats very, very sensitive topics as nothing more than convenient plot devices and offers no respect. The story fails to explore the heavy topics it touches with any kind of care or thoughtful insight. They completely don't take these things seriously. It is tasteless and tactless.
End Edit

The description's note explicitly naming who the male lead is absolutely essential, otherwise the story itself is incredibly misleading in an awful way. I think it's still insufficient, though. After reaching a certain point, I'm appalled and don't want to read anymore.

Basically, the first bit of the story ships a yuri couple - our protagonist with the world's female lead. This is not an interpretation or misunderstanding on my part - it lays it on THICK. Loving gazes, shy blushing, flirting juuust shy of direct, outright romantic confessions, and I quote, the protagonist showing off her "boyfriend power" for the female lead. They have in-world shippers. Side characters note that their relationship is clearly more than just normal friends while watching them from the background. The variety show edits their shots with a CP filter. The protagonist goes out of her way to pamper and take care of her in half a dozen different scenes, all in different and adorable ways. Both of them have perspective moments where they're looking at the other party and their heart skips a beat, floored by "how beautiful she is."

Okay so Chapter 30 hits - they introduce a brand new character out of nowhere - the new, real male love interest, and at the *same time* throw the previous female love interest straight to the wolves. The author dumps her into a dinner with a pe*vert director, she gets drugged, then r*ped. There's no rescue, the protagonist doesn't come to save her. At the same moment the old love interest is crying and screaming and getting violated, the protagonist is making heart eyes and pink bubbles with this rando dude who just got airdropped out of thin air. The space between introducing the new guy and the r*pe scene is literally like three paragraphs. It explicitly goes out of it's way to tell us how the protagonist FORGOT about the female lead.

Worse, from context clues, I'm pretty sure the guy raping her is supposed to be the world's male lead halo character - her "fated" love. They're gonna spend the rest of the book having her make kissy faces and swoon over the rapist. I can't, dude. I just can't.

TBH. I feel like it's an outright malicious bait and switch by the author. A big giant middle finger to the reader. Yeah, the translator's special note of who the actual love interest is is very necessary. And not at all enough. I don't want to read anymore. <<less
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Pristine Xia
Pristine Xia rated it
February 18, 2024
Status: Completed
What a beautiful story. Binge-reading this for around two days.

and I am really satisfied, especially the extra chapters for the original owner's body


Thank you author and the translation team who let me know of this novel~^^
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