Thriller Paradise


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This is a game that surpasses dimensions.

It is also a competition for the search of truth.

Unknown seals, a game of chance with ghosts and gods…

The digital struggle, the redemption of humans…

In the virtual world that links with reality—It consciously decided us. It consciously chose us. It consciously decided our consciousness.

And now, throw away your fear.

Throw away your selfish thoughts, questions, and resistance… Free your mind.

Welcome to: Thriller Paradise.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Terror Paradise
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Related Series
The Devil’s Cage (4)
Dreadful Radio Game (3)
Terror Infinity (2)
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Emperor of Solo Play (1)
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  2. Good(No Harem)
  3. 2023 Reads
  4. Nice Novels for Normies
  5. Awesome Novels I've Read

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/06/19 Phoebe Translation c236
04/06/19 Phoebe Translation c235
04/06/19 Phoebe Translation c234
04/06/19 Phoebe Translation c233
04/06/19 Phoebe Translation c232
04/06/19 Phoebe Translation c231
04/06/19 Phoebe Translation c230
04/01/19 Phoebe Translation c229
04/01/19 Phoebe Translation c228
04/01/19 Phoebe Translation c227
04/01/19 Phoebe Translation c226
04/01/19 Phoebe Translation c225
04/01/19 Phoebe Translation c224
04/01/19 Phoebe Translation c223
04/01/19 Phoebe Translation c222
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41 Reviews sorted by

RabbitDabbit rated it
December 10, 2019
Status: --
Have SCP-related content in it. Me rated 5 star.

Jk aside, this novel is nice. It is a nice change of pace. Unlike the norm of the usual brawny overpowered MC who thinks they’re very smart and cunning, this MC is not that overpowered and actually uses his brain a lot.
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Oceanskyice rated it
November 26, 2019
Status: c193
So yeah, It may seem a little shallow at first. Guy loses fear, plays game to regain it. That’s literally it.

Or so it seems. As you read further, it becomes clear that it’s not just a game anymore—NPCs who are terrifyingly human, intricate mysteries that tie to some higher power, twisting riddles and mind games: it all begins to unfold. Slowly, you begin to realize that not everything is what it seems, and the stakes of the game are far from little.
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AlbertTheNecroman rated it
November 15, 2019
Status: c1400
I would promise that TP will be your love among all the webnovels if you had seen enough ass-kick MCs or cliche stories. I've also read Terror Infinity before, which's also a good one, but to tell the truth, there are very few similarities between them. Well I should say that terror or thriller is not really the style of this book since FBJ almost roasts on every momster like or ghost like creature, which makes the novel more fun but less scary. Another reason you should read this is... more>> because the amazing worldwide knowledge provided by the author including literature, cartoon, manga, criminology, traditional culture and video games.

About people who can't really tell the main line of the novel——well yes there is a main line, but it's not showing up yet, or it is hiding toooooo deep. On the other hand, the author is indeed not a good enough long_story teller. But he changed that by making the whole story into little units and various scripts, which makes any of the script will be worth reading. I will try to do more release so this great novel can be seen by people who dont know Chinese. <<less
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kapa890 rated it
August 6, 2019
Status: --
Honestly, I don't like to write bad reviews instead I would just go ahead and read something else instead. But man I just don't understand why most of the people gave such high reviews.

I really like the MC with what I've already read and it has an interesting concept but that's all there is to it. It gave me a headache reading this like holy crap the author just dumped so much information on it, I don't even see what the MC is doing.

Like this is just bare information... more>> for ex: (oh what would a player do if this happened, or what this means and why the dream whatever the name of the company was did this and how it made rules about distributing items or winning exp or that blacklisting other players blah blah) and its so repetitive about the skills. The author could have shortened it and it would still make sense.

This story just made me upset like I don't even feel reading it anymore even though I was so excited about it : ( <<less
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ResidentialPsycho rated it
July 20, 2019
Status: c262
This is an intriguing mystery/horror series with interesting plots loaded with detailed scenarios. The suspense is lacking until the Hunter's Island Arc (based off the short story "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell), but it really picks up after that and left me eagerly reading the next chapter, depending on the arc. The games are highly varied and range from those tightly sticking to horror or action or trivia or mystery or even a combination of any of them. This would make a great anime.

The MC starts playing a... more>> highly-realistic virtual reality game that might not be quite as "virtual" as the game company led its consumers to believe...

The character designs and development are excellent, and the MC is hilariously unpredictable and cunning once he finally gets used to how the game works. He is extremely entertaining and does a great job of carrying the series. The other characters have their own distinct backgrounds and personalities, and these are consistent as the characters reappear.

The setting doesn't have anything lacking. The situation in the real world and each of these game worlds is well-done. There are tons of references used in the series, which range from famous short stories to poetry by Edgar Allen Poe to Gintama to Batman to Marvel Comics to plenty of things I'm not even familiar with. It really adds flavor to the series.

The writing is excellent. However, there were definitely some things that gave me pause in the beginning. The biggest complaint I have is that the narrator kept interrupting the story to pummel the reader with info dumps, most of which were unnecessary, or could even be considered spoilers, to the story. This disrupted the pacing and flow, making me feel disgruntled as a reader. Fortunately, this eventually stops and goes away, so I would advise readers to just be patient or skip over them.

The editing and word choice need some help at times, but most of the series is pretty understandable. There are some sentences that are wrong about the explanation for the ability or weapon, which becomes clear with subsequent details. That said, there is clear and dramatic improvement after the first hundred or so chapters. In the Despicable Me arc, the quality drops again. Some of the translation terms become inconsistent, such as with players' user IDs, attack names, or item names. The time stamps for the timed games are inconsistent, such as when 45:00 minutes is changed to 25:00 minutes. Shockingly, the math is usually correct in this series, but there are some obvious mathematical errors that I'm inclined to attribute to the translation. The levels for derivatives are confusing... Level 1 is the strongest while level 4 is the weakest, which is the opposite of how leveling works for everyone else in the game. It may have made more sense to translate the term into “rank” rather than “level” for them.

Although there are some distracting translation errors, it's still good enough to know what's going on and is still much better than the translations for some series I've seen on Web Novel.

This is an exciting mystery/horror series with one great setting and plot after another. I strongly recommend this series, and I encourage the readers to be patient enough through the slow beginning until the series eventually picks up speed and tension. <<less
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Starlight2417 rated it
January 18, 2019
Status: c192
I'll make this simple its a good story with a smart MC who is a writer with a condition leaving him unable to be afraid or get scared, so he tries this new VR game that you may get you sent to the hospital due to fright. It is good but then it starts to get very puzzle-like, and hard to follow the train of thought.
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apaulose rated it
January 8, 2018
Status: c91
So the MC lives in a futuristic world where virtual reality exists and copyrights have all expired. He suddenly develops a mysterious illness that makes him lose the ability to feel fear. He enters this virtual horror game that inserts players into horror situations, some of which are based on popular horror movies or novels (basically terror infinity without the high stakes and with more changes to the plots). From there till around chapter 100 the plot is mainly about him completing these games for fun. He has no interest... more>> in being the top player but the games themselves are well written enough to provide some tension. We also get clear hints that the game is hiding something but we only really start exploring that after chapter 100. It feels like it might start to get really convoluted but who knows. I'd say it's worth a read.

Also the author sometimes interrupts the story to provide exposition. Somewhat annoying but it's effective and you get over it quickly. <<less
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December 1, 2017
Status: c52 part6
Really great and enjoyable read. It reads and feels like a western book somehow while belonging to the infinity genre. What does this mean? It means it has a really interesting concept and world building coupled with a solid plotline with fleshed out characters and believable interactions. So far all the horror scenarios he has been in had felt really well written and engaging. Although there haven't been that many characters introduced (due to still being early into the novel) they are all memorable, even the filler characters introduced as... more>> team mates feel real and memorable enough. <<less
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joshb3 rated it
August 6, 2023
Status: c643
Translation is great for the first 605 chapters, then it become lightly-edited MTL. Characters start having random names that change every other sentence and males/females are misgendered throughout. Another story ruined by Webnovel's shotty rushed translation. It's crazy that they charge money to read this.

It just so happens that the story was beginning to become repetitive and a bit boring at the same time the translation went to MTL.

It was a decent story up until that point, but I'm giving it a 1 to express my disappointment in Webnovel's treatment... more>> of the translation. <<less
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Eggchanted rated it
January 25, 2023
Status: Completed
As someone who has read the entire novel, don't pay attention to the bad reviews at all, this novel was excellent in terms of the ending, plot, characters, slightly off on the romance but it won't disturb ur reading experience. Only thing is the translation, the later half of the novel starts confusing a lot of things due to the translation but this happens with a lot of other translated chinese novels so it's fine.
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TheDaoOfBrickSmashing rated it
August 27, 2021
Status: c84
Its incomparably painful to read about this white knight of an MC with the hypocritical actions including saving the FL because "shes the fl" I can already see the cliché plot coming. Thats why I dropped it early
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Taochaidee rated it
August 9, 2020
Status: c311

It's a good novel to read. It actually a great novel to read if you want to learn something new without the cost of being bored. The arcs are pretty interesting, Of course there are few arcs that are eh.

There are some parts that do need clarification. The author does dump tons of information on you but that doesn't matter. The only big problem is that there isn't enough chapters translated!

... more>>

For some reason I can't give this novel a 5/5 because I accidentally set my review to 4 stars and I can't fix it since website code is bad. <<less
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ljin75651 rated it
April 9, 2018
Status: c169
I usually skip all the Intermission portions, but the stories themselves are amazing. There's so many different variations of horror, mystery, and action plots that the MC goes through. And the best part is the MC's thought process. The ways that the MC makes connections between events or figures out important points from small hints is really amazing, and I find myself rereading portions to try and follow the leaps of logic that the MC makes. And his calm manner of analyzing and reacting optimally isn't just in finishing story... more>> lines, but can be seen through his battles as well. There's definitely many exciting things to read about!! <<less
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wait321 rated it
December 28, 2017
Status: --
This is a rather slow and boring plot. A guy without any fear (daredevil?) does superbly in a fear game. Not saving the world. Not doing anything important. What’s the point when death/failure has no consequences?
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Bachingchung rated it
June 18, 2023
Status: --
There are no glaring flaws, just the fact that MC can't feel fear or thrill, on a novel titled Thriller Paradise.

No satisfaction or whatever when he completes a mission, since it's mostly jump scares that make it difficult. No sense of realism to the supporting character, it's like he was written with all the stereotype of a sidekick.

It was pretty good at the start, it's like watching a horror flick where the MC make all the logical decisions, but it gets old fast since the selling point is to make... more>> us on edge. This novel is a thriller/mystery/sleuth genre that will have the readers laidback on their seat for the lack of suspense. <<less
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Woodville rated it
February 1, 2023
Status: c73
I have a good opinion so far but one thing was frustrating to read that was the ####jng author had to explain everything in advance and ruins the mood of the story. It would be fine if it was a separate chapter that was ok not to read but no it was in the middle of an normal chapter that directly ruin the mood build up in the start of a horror section which frustrated me so that why I wrote this review that will not change anything but if... more>> you're reading this it a great but if your not frustrated like me by the author comment in the story. <<less
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auroraRMC rated it
January 12, 2023
Status: c785
Quite a solid story with an interesting MC. MC has literal mental problems and is crazy in the head yet also coldly calculating behind that veneer. Story itself is very solid, with constant 4th wall-breaking narration and adaptive yet creative worlds. Paused/dropped for a few reasons:

MC is always claimed to have a cheat due to his lack of fear and his massive brain. However, despite his constant dominance, his peers are always able to keep up with or beat him with p2w or their own cheats? Powers? Not explained at... more>> all. Feels very strange personally, adds a lot of unnecessary tension. The entire plot/premise is just a whole blur on purpose, author keeps everything a mystery and makes it extra confusion and adds more drama. Plus the fact that the translation quality took a big dip suddenly around 500? Chapters in, with pronouns and grammar misused everywhere. Unfortunate. <<less
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Dagmyer rated it
March 4, 2021
Status: --
Gotta warn new readers, this book is an Explanation Book, yes you read that right, and EXPLANATION BOOK. If you like explanation/infodump story type, this is a perfect book for you. You will read many information like discovery channel or biography book, from the game system, game channel, game guild, game item, game weapon, game level, game npc, game system, game system, game system (no, you dont read it wrong, I know I wrote game system 4 times, it's not a mistype, it's just how much explanation about game system... more>> you will read later). But the most important thing, all these informations are not important or serve very little in story, so you can safely skip information chapters which usually span along 2 or 3 chapters. You wont miss important detail, at most you just feel "oh that happens" or "oh this item from x".

This book is an example of a good quota fulfiller or word count chaser. <<less
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Liero Dirlewanger
Liero Dirlewanger rated it
January 8, 2021
Status: c172
It's a fun world-hopping novel. It has some flaws, but it's enjoyable and knows how to build a terror atmosphere.

It also has it's fair share of funny moments, both with the fourth wall breaks (which can sometimes be annoying) and with how the main character acts.

I feel like some of the beggining scenarios aren't nearly as well made as the ones present later on, though
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Kiki0246 rated it
March 13, 2018
Status: c178
I feel like.... this is literally a complicated, confusing version of Detective Conan- it has an amazing plot (which is why I'm even reading this) but the scenarios..... a lot of it has little to do with the main plot and just serves as mindf*k (pardon my language, but that's literally what it is....). It's much too confusing and it got to the point where I just skipped over the chapters.

Starts amazing, not sure about afterward. It's worth reading though.
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