Thousand Autumns


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Yan Wushi had walked a path full of blood and corpses.

He did not believe in the good nature of humanity. Even more so, he did not believe that there could be someone with great kindness and sense of justice, who would be so considerate of others without asking anything in return.

One day, Shen Qiao, who was the sect leader of Mount Xuandu, the number one Daoist sect under the heavens, was challenged to a duel but somehow fell off the cliff.

Yan Wushi happened to pass by down there.

Seeing Shen Qiao who was seriously injured to the point of dying, he suddenly came up with a perfect idea…

After thousands of autumns, who could stay eternal?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Qian Qiu
Thiên Thu
山河剑心 [Animation]
Related Series
Peerless (Shared Universe)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. all time favourites
  2. Danmei I've read part 1
  3. Historical Setting TBR
  4. I love it!!!
  5. Read next

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/06/20 Snowy Codex c68
11/25/20 Snowy Codex c67
11/15/20 Snowy Codex c66
10/26/20 Snowy Codex c65
10/15/20 Snowy Codex c64
09/22/20 Snowy Codex c63
09/14/20 Snowy Codex c62
09/02/20 Snowy Codex c61
08/16/20 Snowy Codex c60
07/29/20 Snowy Codex c59
07/25/20 Snowy Codex c58
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184 Reviews sorted by

Cherry tomatoes
Cherry tomatoes rated it
July 14, 2023
Status: Completed
Reading it to the end, and even keeping in mind that ML is scum through and through, yet by the end I still can't understand why MC fall in love with ML. I can understand how ML falls for MC tho cause he make it clear. MC on the other hand, I just feels like he's simply going with the flow, got attached to ML, kind of took him under his wings, even though ML betrayed him again and again, and just somehow settled down.

Maybe there's something I missed on... more>> my first read that make the story, although vibrant in it's own way, kind of unexcited for me. Simply, I didn't care for any of the characters, be good guy or villains by the end.

Maybe I'll see things better on my future reread...

One thing that did manage to give me a little joy are the extra. <<less
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Alisha chan
Alisha chan rated it
April 13, 2023
Status: Completed
I really loved this novel. I thought maybe I should watch donghua first then changed my mind to read novel first as it was in my reading list for a long time.

I loved this novel. The contrast between MC and ML is written so well. I am still salty over ML regarding Sang Jinxing matter. I was so hurt at that time.😭😭😭

Overall it was a good read. Totally recommended.
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nanfeng rated it
March 26, 2023
Status: Completed
It’s more of a 4.3. Highly recommend! The characterisation of each and every character in the novel is just brilliant. Whether you loved them, hated them, or was unsure how to feel about them, you fully understood their motivations, complexity, and behaviour expectations.


I needed the ML to grovel more before finally getting MC but that would not be in line with their characters 🙁

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HiddenHermit rated it
March 23, 2023
Status: Completed
Very good novel. Shen Qiao is a good person. His actions are based on his moral compass... not on whether the person benefitting from his generosity is worthy. To be honest, Yan Wushi is a jerk. So it felt good when


Yan Wushi fell for Shen Qiao and went chasing after him. Feel the burn! Suffer and hate your past self! Ahhh, too bad Shen Qiao is too nice, I could’ve watch Yan Wushi chasing him for another thirty or so chapters.

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sbob rated it
January 2, 2023
Status: Completed
Second re-read!

One of my favourites (although second to Peerless, which I’m excited to re-read next). So well-written that the dry historical background I usually am not able to stomach becomes palatable. Although the back plot is largely driven by political motivations (war, country unification, yadayada), at its heart it is a great romance novel and Wu gong pursuit story.

The characters are so dimensional that they hook you in and make you feel things. The MC is the typical sees-the-goodness-in-everyone kindness personified untouchable beauty but you get to see him grow... more>> from page one to have a better understanding of the world & dealing with the dark sides of ‘human nature’ while maintaining at core his beliefs and his personality. Besides that I love it when ML is the ultimate test of his patience and continuously renders him speechless with his shamelessness. Makes me simultaneously “... ” along with the MC, cover my face in embarrassment, yet hehe want to see some action.

The ML is a lovable rogue who cannot stop scheming. His character is quite an ass and always does heartless things just to ‘experiment’ which would normally irritate me but it’s written to be quite believable in that I do feel that when you get to that level of prowess for so long in a world that is fixated on ‘the pursuit of bettering yourself in your martial arts’ you can develop such tendencies where playing with the fate of people around him becomes his entertainment. But mixed in with his random whims are his detailed scheming and plots in his favour (which is making me so excited to read Peerless again) that you don’t expect. His betrayals hurt (I remember being so stunned when I read the first time) but he does suffer payback from them and we get to see him chasing the MC. The flirting is top-notch, and a pleasure to read for a romance-focused buff like me.

Overall, I do wish the pacing at the end were as well paced as the rest of the novel. (Felt it more the first read, on second read it does feel a bit more like loose ends being tied up so the plot progressing quickly) I also found myself asking in this second read about ML’s backstory more, how he grew up, more about this Xie people that I didn’t really catch in the novel; what were the factors that made him—like how we learnt about the MC’s.

And yay it’s getting an actual book which I’m really excited to buy next year.

On to Peerless! <<less
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StinkyMango rated it
October 19, 2022
Status: c103
I had to drop this because it is boring. The relationship is kinda toxic. All characters are constantly fighting each other for no reason and it gets repetitive. The storyline is one dimensional. I don't understand the hype. Only MC is wholesome.
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AnZhe798 rated it
October 14, 2022
Status: Completed
[edit : 29 November 2023]

yes I re read it hehe

its such a great story now that ive read it again with some more experience as a reader and I still liked it

... more>> now I can understand politics parts too and how it is interwoven with sects with rise and fall of Emperors over the years.

and shen qiaooooooo.... everytime I think about him I would have a smile on my face

and yan wushi!! stop with your teasing with my A- qiao

and I also discovered one more thing


yan wushi is an OLD MAN !!!!!!


after reading this novel I have become a fan of meng xi shi's writing

i really really liked the story

and the main cp is too good

first of all I would like to say for MC that This was not because Shen Qiao was s*upid and ignorant, nor was it because he was naive and gullible. It was because he believed in them. He believed that there was always kindness in this world and I really liked that he didn't change in the end

he's such a cinnamon roll

for ml... ok I have to admit that I hate him for what he did to shen qiao but thats understandable I guess

the author has build up thier characters and they live up to that

the politics part was a bit confusing but overall I like the story

thank you for the story and the translations <<less
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bydefaultk rated it
September 4, 2022
Status: extra 13
Loved it from the beginning to the end. Even if the romance was very slow paced it was very exciting. By the end you will understand why it was going so slow but, it's totally worth it, truly a masterpiece! I can't wait for the official english release.
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jinxygol rated it
August 7, 2022
Status: Completed
I initially didn’t expect myself to like this. Personally, I prefer MCs who are unforgiving, or at least MCs who aren’t THAT kind. But here, MC’s principles is his very charm. He’s not weak. Hell, he is very strong. But despite that strength, he never used it to take revenge of plot ill against people who wronged him. But he still wont hesitate to kill the bad guys, love him for that.

The ML... well he is from the demon sect so his actions are very understandable. We cant expect him... more>> to be kind.


That betrayal instead is the one we can expect. It was painful to read, how he left the MC with the person he knows meant ill. And then you find out that actually planted that core too (if I remember it right I read it months ago)... he’s evil. not an ounce of goodness in his bones. but again, that part was expected.


But ML’s evilness is very refreshing (if we can even call it that). He’s the “i’ll corrupt you because i’m evil and I don’t believe that people can be pure” but too bad for him MC is strong both in physical strength and principles— he is very pure.

i liked their dynamic. I mean yeah the betrayal was there but they’re just both too strong that it’s so fun to watch them together. and I also liked how the romance didn’t really come until the latter chapters, and how it wasn’t the entire focus. because it opened a room for more growth and development between their relationship. <<less
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just_iffy__ rated it
July 6, 2022
Status: Completed
It was a really nice story. It very nicely portrayed the hardships and cruelty of the world. Shen Qiao is really a precious little treasure, similar to no one in this world. Heart so pure and strong and temperament so nice that he might actually be a celestial being in his mortal form. Even after everything he has gone through, he still maintained his innate qualities of kindness and purity, untained with the greediness and cluelty of the world and instead of being devastated by those bad times he became... more>> a more sharper and purer gem. In the beginning how Yan Wushi treatment our Ah-Qiao, I really didn't like him. But everyone their own paths to choose and it can't be helped how YWS is. It is upto Ah-Qiao whether to forgive him or not. In all, this novel has quite a few life lessons and is really entertaing too. The disciples of both SQ and YWS are one of a kind. 🤭 <<less
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Cattyblack rated it
June 17, 2022
Status: --
Bellisima! The MC is lovely and the ML is perfect from his personality.
Highly recommended.
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_starsinmars rated it
May 2, 2022
Status: Completed
I would like to share some of my favotire quotes from this novel as reasons why YOU shoudl read this novel.

"This was not because Shen Qiao was s*upid and ignorant, nor was it because he was naive and gullible. It was because he believed in them. He believed that there was always kindness in this world. " "There are many things in this world that even if you have spent time and effort on it, you still may not get anything in return. You need to be aware of this before... more>> making your investment, otherwise, you will only hurt yourself."

"Perhaps in this world, there will always be some people, some matters, that are worth making sacrifices for"

"On the road ahead, there will always be hope." <<less
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Tasmi rated it
April 16, 2022
Status: Completed
Never before a novel allowed me to look deeper and analyze reasoning behind ML's actions to understand his heart thoroughly. I kept feeling with them, like living /experiencing their emotional flows. I wondered as I read, how could author create such writing style that personality of the character became layered like a real person!! I don't spend time reviewing, but this time I am writing with hope that my words will somehow reach author, since I can't tell Wushi myself.. I started reading out of curiosity, little did I know... more>> that I would end up realizing great deal about human characters and many relationship behaviors, including those in my real life surroundings..

Although he's potraited as a rough ruffian without any consideration for others, devoid of sympathy, and most people believe him to be so, I understand Yan Wushi just differently. To me, he is rather a fake devil from the start. If he really didn't care about other people, why put effort in checking pulse of some unknown person by himself!? His words full of mockery seemed to deliberately trying to hide the softness of his intentions. As if he was struggling hard for a long time to keep up a merciless, cunning and selfish face infront of the cruel world in fear of being trampled (or rather feasted by predators) over upon exposure of his true meek self. He was so afraid to show weakness, I wonder what cruelty he experienced in his past to become like this! I urge author to write on the life of Yan Wushi /Xie Ling, letting us to quench our thirst.

I think he felt his inclination to Shen Qiao from beginning which made him to feel scared and helpless. His helplessness together with A Qiao's indifference lead him to feel anxious, more helpless and angry. Whatever he did for whatever reason, the target would always be keeping MC close. He followed MC like a stalker but named it experiment to save face. Since he's a martial art expert, his partner being weak would break easily if he tried to exercise his love!! Hence, comes the restless push for training Qiao to become strongest at the shortest possible time... It's difficult to wait, we understand**... Also, turning MC into demonic sect disciple would mean that he could then keep Qiao to himself for lifetime with absolute authority. Poor Qiao didn't understand that this leader had no reason to desperately trying to be his shifu unless....

Wushi was actually very lonely with longing for someone to cherish him, someone who would not betray him. Not being able to find Qiao showing any affection for him must felt very frustrating, making him more anxious leading to more bizarre behaviors. He himself was the desperate one. So desperate to scream time to time ahahah!! But others mistook it for hahaha (creepy) !! poor Wushi..

He was infact at the end of his rope hearing that qiao thinks him as friend, only friend!! Was there no hope left anymore except the most dangerous one, as his last resort!!? His hopelessness must be too severe to make him shower those angry (/stimulating!?) words at qiao.. How could he leave and tolerate his precious one getting r*ped, does he not have thousands of excuses to take back what belongs to him...

"And Yan Wushi didn't turn back again " this one sentence of mini extra slapped me real hard.. Although it goes well with the surface attitude of this man, it just doesn't match real him. People don't change from core overnight, unless goodness is already dormant inside.

I think he was punishing himself by deliberately falling into assassination trap.. He probably lost his desire to live after realizing that there was no more hope left to have a space in qiao's heart..

If he's really a Heartless monster then why did he only kill one person "hulugu" in whole novel!? This only one killing was also to save qiao's life, risking his own life (he almost died). He's a man who doesn't care about an approving image, rather destroys his own reputation intentionally. Even while asking for qiao's forgiveness, he didn't give any excuse or tell how much suffering he was enduring himself. He took all the blame and criticize not once mentioning his efforts in maintaining countries general well-being. He never walked away from his responsibilities, no matter how much heavy it might feel. He knew too that there's only one Wushi who can bear this burden..

Yan Wushi is my most valued, most treasured character, while Shen Qiao was a typical good person, good enough to take care of Wushi.. Wushi is funny, intelligent, mindful, responsible, courageous, strong, affectionate, (rich), handsome, stylish, ....., cute. I don't know why can't others see him like this! If this man was to arrive in my life ever, I'm afraid that I would not be able to value him enough, only would end up admiring from afar. It's good that he's not real and I could know him. Thank you author and translator for bringing Wushi to me..💜 <<less
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Prideful_Fujoshi rated it
February 1, 2022
Status: Completed
Hmmmm... how do I start this.


Ahem. Now that I've said the most important point. Let's Begin.

Thousand Autumns is an amazing story. Great plot and amazing characters. There were times when I was feeling like I was living in the story (particularly every time Shen Qiao was sad I was crying before he cried). I just loved how Shen Qiao showed so much true strength even when he was at his weakest. He truly made me want... more>> to be more like him, kind to others when receiving no kindness, having a positive outlook even when you're in a situation that would break anyone and make them lose themselves. He was just the literal definition of someone who chooses good over and over again and I loved how he never lost himself. Even when the scumbag ML, Yan Wushi tried to break him over and over again.


When Yan Wushi left him with Yuxiu's boytoy (I will not name him cause I hate him), I was lividddddddd, I wanted Yan Wushi dead because A-Qiao was beginning to view him as a friend and trusted him while he was meditating only to be freaking betrayed like that wooooww. Ok, I'm done.


Overall, a great read. The story building was great and the plot was good. I would say it's about 80% political tensions, MC travels and interactions, MC experiencing changes in skills and mindset growth, fights and descriptions of people, cities and customs; 15% focus on cultivation techniques and flashbacks; 5% romantic-esque BL moments between the MC and ML.

*I would have given the story a full 5/5 but it was slightly too heavy on the politics for me so I was sometimes lost <<less
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January 16, 2022
Status: Completed
Finally I have finished this colossus of a novel! I had many ideas for a fun and cheeky start to this review amidst which I wanted to make a joke about how Shen Qiao literally gave up his asceticism for some good d... but honestly it's Yan Wushi that was simping and chasing after him desperately in the end.
Let's get the first awkwardness out of the way - I was not that into the relationship. Even though there were compelling moments I ended up not enjoying the direction the characters went to. Shen Qiao was way too timid when it came to their relationship for my liking and Yan Wushi was just... I feel like his character didn't get a proper redemption arc. Or let me phrase it this way - I do not care if characters are evil and malicious but I do like the relationships they're in to feel somewhat balanced. It's because of that that I can enjoy Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu's relationship in Tian Ye Ke where both of them are pretty despicable people but because they are both this way it feels deserved. I just feel like to deserve Shen Qiao, Yan Wushi should go through a more soul-crushing change. A good attempt at this is the post-ambush arc where we can see hints of Yan Wushi's younger self - however this is not further explored once that arc ends and we don't actually get to find out much about Yan Wushi's motivations in the end.
Thousand Autumns is a robust historical fantasy novel. The setting is something I cannot judge the accuracy of because my knowledge of Chinese history is absolutely lacking. However I can acknowledge that the philosophical aspects of this novel were much more accurate than you tend to see in wuxia - as far as Taoism is concerned the author had a good grasp of it and actually utilized it in the plot beyond just "magical fairy people can fly cause I said so". Same goes for the political aspects and world building - it is a very solid work in this aspect. Furthermore I have to praise the translation that the first 70 chapters have which felt effortless and natural to an extent that is hard to see in amateur translation.
The book is very plot heavy. So if you're only into it for the relationship you should maybe consider if you're willing to go through all of it. After all it takes really long for the relationship between Yan Wushi and Shen Qiao to actually start growing - even though they have their share of flirtatious/coupl-y moments before that, it's all just manipulation and neither party is serious about it.
Generally I think the quality of this book is very good and if not for censorship laws this would be a book that can do well as a published work too. However personally I wasn't charmed by the main couple and ended up a bit frustrated because of it.
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xiexia rated it
January 11, 2022
Status: Completed
Two people from the most extreme ends of the ideology spectrum as you can get collide. Their interactions are nothing short of interesting, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes hilarious.
This is all surrounded by a vast amount of world building, politics, and other characters. Bian Yanmei and Yu Shengyan are some of my fav supporting characters in a while lol... I missed having BG characters that weren't just typical and had their own charm.

I really like this kind of story. It reminds me of Nan Chan, one of my all time favourite novels - a subtle, swelling, slooowly building feeling of attraction between two characters portrayed through poetic language and a world that you can get lost in.

This isn't to say I didn't have my gripes - this is primarily a wuxia novel so extensive talks of politics sometimes went over my head and there were a Lot of characters to keep track of. But this doesn't undermine the beauty of the novel and scanreading here and there never hurt anybody.

TLDR: Really just a quality read. Two characters guided strongly by totally opposite principles, yet they have harmony between them. Be warned though, this is very slow burn lmao - but the wait is 100% worth it.

'During his stay at the Jade Cloud Sect, Shen Qiao had already taken off his casual clothes and changed back into the Daoist robe he always wore before. Now, with his hair fixed by a jade hairpin and his white Daoist robe fluttering in the wind, he looked like an immortal from afar, so gorgeous that one could hardly take their eyes off him.

Zhao Chiying looked after him in silence and suddenly thought of two verses in a poem.

For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I'd not regret dying a thousand times.'
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rolling_dumpling rated it
November 17, 2021
Status: Completed
The novel is AMAZING! The thickness of the plot, characters development, and everything is /chef kiss/

But I'm wondering whether this book has arcs...?
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Mera0 rated it
September 11, 2021
Status: Completed
That's a great story dont miss it. I really enjoyed it. Shen qiao is really great I love everything about him especially his forward attitude, he is a very lovly upright man and yan wushi is very cunning and interesting loved them together and their relationship leter on became very funny as yan wushi keep teasing shen qiao. I wish I can give this story more than 5 stars I really enjoyed it and well miss it alot
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anarcheopteryx rated it
August 14, 2021
Status: c20
Dropped at chapter 20

Well-written and interesting plot-driven story. High-wuxia, lots of fight scenes and martial arts terms. Very slow-developing though, not what I'm looking for right now. Will probably pick up again some other time.
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gensafye rated it
August 14, 2021
Status: extra 2

I'm about to watch the animation bc I need more MORE.

My thoughts about this is it really deserves a 10/10. Obviously it's not perfect but I can't see the imperfections.

I dont want to write too long of a review but, overall the relationship of Yan Wushi and Shen Qiao (so far, , I'm still waiting for the extras to update) has been great. I loved seeing it evolve from ' I want to see you go apes hit and fall into evil' to 'I enjoy seeing you... more>> succeed more'

That in itself was perfect. I love enemies to lovers. Although this wasnt really enemies to lovers and AHHHRRRG I was so pissed off everytime Yan Wushi did something scummy. I thougu he could never redeem himself.

Shen Qiao saved Yanwushi from death twice, , and the second was heart wrenching. I'm so glad they've come to an understanding. Although I'm awaiting more steamy moments and some soft yan wushi


By far the best reward to reading this was seeing the previously blackhearted ML open his heart to Shen Qiao and wholeheartedly want him. AHHHHH IT WAS AMAZING. <<less
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