These Dangerous Girls Placed Me Into Jeopardy


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That day, my head was struck by an unknown object, and after I woke up, I realized that I’m able to, through titles, understand a person’s truest side.

Afterwards, I’m being pestered by a group of girls, them even not being humans at all, with various bizarre fetishes………….I’m having a harem, you say? If I’m still able to be alive at the end………….Mm, just take it as I have a harem then (gives off an understanding smile).

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Dangerous Girls Are Putting Me In Danger
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Pick up these novels, please!
  2. Peak Yanderes
  3. Books I want to read
  4. 5/10s that I cannot forget
  5. May not be the best but not worst either

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32 Reviews sorted by

morli rated it
April 16, 2017
Status: v2c37
Ever wonder what will happen when you're the only normal people among abnormal one? This is what happen to MC. One day, suddenly he gained ability to read "true self" and "true emotion" of people. And what he discovered is his class doesn't have normal people at all! From killer, stalker, zombie, succubus and even demon king! SO many potential characters here.

Even though the title sounds dark, this story is more like supernatural comedy with harem. Yeah, harem, even though some of the girls don't want to share and quite... more>> possesive with the MC. With their strong personality, I won't be surprised if there is bloodbath in the future lol. Nevertheless, the background of the story is rather interesting. The various background of his classmates paint many interesting plot. The more the MC learn about his classmates the more he will be dragged into "other side" and the more girls will fall in love with him lol. The personality of the girls also very different from each other and quite interesting. Although most of them fall into the usual trope, they have unique "hobbies" that make them fun to read, even if their "hobbies" usually make MC life miserable.

Oh, this story also surprisingly doesn't have many raw and quite new. There are like 10 chapters difference between the translation and the raw. Quite frustrating really because I'm really curious what will happen to the MC in the future. But fortunately the author and the translator updating this story quite often so you don't need to wait long to know what will happen next. <<less
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Redmi rated it
April 4, 2017
Status: v1c20
Suprisingly is quite similar Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu.

* Take Kyon (as MC) and also Haruhi's novel world setup.
* Remove Haruhi (good thing?).
* Fill the class/library with multiple copies of Asahinas, Yukis, Koizumis et. al. (all those weird people).
* Add win*est to the house too.
* Remove Endless Eight...
*... and then put a better story in this novel.

This novel MC being Kyon-lite is what clinches it for me.

p/s: there is no yandere in this novel. At least at time of writing (c20).
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Leinyl rated it
January 12, 2020
Status: v2c84
The sad part about this novel is that the MC is is such a disappointment and pales in comparison to all the other characters in terms of likability. MC is basically the same as most of the other MCs that I find infuriating, overly naive and caring to even piece of sh*t people, a wimp that always strives for a "normal life" and always comparing everything to what is "normal" despite how outrageous the events that he had already experienced multiple times, and finally rushing into danger impulsively without a... more>> single clue how to help just because someone he knows is in trouble.


To give an example on how naive and infuriating the MC is, he felt pity towards a mass mu*dering eye gouger that had already attempted to kill him and has obviously such a shitty personality that even he notices, he also wanted to help and go to the girl who he escaped from after almost getting his finger severed by her


In a daily life setting focusing more on character interaction, the MC is tolerable at best but in battle settings he is infuriatingly annoying, the sad part is that these battle settings are the climax of each arc/volumes and in my opinion is easily the worst part of the respective 2 arcs/volumes.

What this novel offered that made me enjoy this was how cunning, manipulative and mentally unsound the heroines are and how they are slowly developing for better or worse, what's most interesting are the POV chapters of these heroines. <<less
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Liliqiang rated it
June 18, 2019
Status: --
It's an awesome urban fantasy harem with very distinct female characters, their interactions with MC are also quite unique, it’s clearly stands out.
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Suzzie rated it
June 25, 2017
Status: c83
Ok so like this novel started out really good in my opinion. The main character was weak but the side characters made this novel enjoyable.

The only problem I have with this novel is how everyone keeps saying he's adaptable or he's smart. NO, he's one of the dumbest main characters you can get in a novel. Every action he takes always leads to a worse result. He just doesn't think with his brain. An example was when he was watching his friend fight the ghouls. The ghouls were too fast... more>> and too strong yet this dumbass kept trying to escape and fight them with his friend. Not only did he know he'd be useless, but he'd be a hindrance for the friend. <<less
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Witnessfox22 rated it
September 19, 2023
Status: v1c30
It's just a harem novel with extra steps. If you like the standard harem novel, but want some variations to spice it up you'll like this. If you're hoping for anything more you'll be disappointed. All the interesting concepts introduced in the frist few dozen chapters are just for the set up of the harem novel, so you've been warned.
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DimaShishandra rated it
May 1, 2020
Status: v3c0

- Female leads with some character

- sometimes decent behavior from MC side

- spicy moments


- too jap like character. Submissive, without any motivation and afraid of everything

- even if reason why everyone loves him is explained, overall process of falling in love is plain ugly.

- succubus who is basically a root cause of everything and also a MC's s*ave and also best/ most beautiful succubi - is freaking forgotten!!!!
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devilsadvocate rated it
October 27, 2019
Status: v2c83
Good stuff, is all I can say. Thing is people's preferences are vary, so give it a try. If you are looking for some yandere shit, then this is the place for you. Also, erot*c parts here and there, but still not venturing into the territories of complete hentai
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The Other Jenny
The Other Jenny
July 31, 2019
Status: --
this is such a unique story! It's a must-read, I'm telling u, the non-linear narrative, the shifting perspective of different characters and well-rounded portrayal of characters, it's just amazing
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Yung_Oath rated it
September 27, 2017
Status: v2c53
*This review is about, before the novel went on a long break*

Man. Im not an avid reader of these sorts of pervy, harem novels. So, when it goes on a hiatus for a couple weeks, my interest in it dwindles, making it hard for me to pick it back. Don't get me wrong, its not bad, but at the same time, it isnt great. Instead, its in the middle--not deserving of a 4 or 5 star rating, nor is it deserving of a 1-2 star rating. And thats where MY... more>> personal prefrences come into play. As I said, im not an avid reader of PERVY novels, but I will read harem. However, it has to be consistent; chapters everyday, or week. I can't read a novel thats mediocre, or has close to no action, without any consistency. There has to be a set release schedule. Hiatuses are okay, but it cant be to prolonged, as my interest in the novel deteriorates.

And this is one of those novels. Its a good binge read, or daily/scheduled read. But, once theres been a long time in between releases, it loses its steam.

Remember, I dont think its bad, or do I think its great (4/5 star rating). Its only a good read when youre either bored, or binge reading. <<less
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hidadsek rated it
September 14, 2017
Status: --
I give it 4 star because:

  • The heroins are really great, distinct yet not forced, full of individuality.
  • The plot is really good, the world is far and wide and the idea is limitless.
  • The main MC personality is quite good too: Straight-forward yet sometime caring, avoid attention yet knowing when he mustn't run away.
The reason I only give it 4 instead of 5 is mainly because the lack of climax scene. For example like in Silver cross and draculea (because it is quite similar since the female cast are stronger, varied in... more>> personality and the plot is also human-monster/ abnormal in modern world) , the MC would show his amazing intelligent to solve problem in climax which make it quite interesting to read. <<less
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Sharkeisha69 rated it
August 16, 2017
Status: c55
Mmmhmm it's very interesting. This novel portrays a variety of characters who all have a unique personality. However they all have 1 thing in common which is that they all have a twisted side to them. The main character seems like a normal guy but he is very adaptable to the unusual world that he is introduced to and in my opinion he has a very interesting personality. There is also foreshadowing that he may not be as normal as he first seems. It's a harem novel with a screwed... more>> up romance but I think it is refreshing to read a novel which is on the darker side. There is a lot of potential in the world building aspect of this novel and the author is Chinese but the novel gives off a more Japanese vibe without the cowardly main character. You also get to see multiple povs which lets you experience a closer connection to the other characters and gives an opportunity to have insight into their thought process. <<less
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