The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs


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Office worker Leon is reincarnated into a particularly punishing dating sim video game, where women reign supreme and only beautiful men have a seat at the table. But Leon has a secret weapon: he remembers everything from his past life, which includes a complete playthrough of the very game in which he is now trapped. Watch Leon spark a revolution to change this new world in order to fulfill his ultimate desire…of living a quiet, easy life in the countryside!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu
Otomege Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu
Thế Giới Otomegame Thật Khắc Nghiệt Với Nhân Vật Quần Chúng
Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs (LN)
Related Series
Ano Otomege wa Oretachi ni Kibishii Sekai desu (Spin-Off)
The World of Otome Game Too Tough for Mobs: Original Route (Spin-Off)
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To Be a Power in the Shadows! (WN) (7)
The Regressor and the Blind Saint (6)
The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me (6)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. thesauce
  3. Comedy recommended
  4. enjoyed my time
  5. The novel whose adaptation made me come here

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/14/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c19
10/10/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c18
10/07/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c17
10/04/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c16
09/30/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c15
09/26/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c14
09/22/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c13
09/19/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c12
09/12/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c11
09/08/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c10
09/05/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c9
09/02/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c8
08/29/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c7
08/29/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c6
08/25/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c5
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185 Reviews sorted by

April 2, 2019
Status: v2 epilogue
Well, the story is kinda nice here and there when the main character is shredding through enemies. Sadly those scenes are short lived.

The story does do a good job at making the other characters look like idiots and b*tches. Hell, I do want to see a horrible end to most of those characters, specifically the protagonist's sisters in both lives. It seems like the dude does not have good luck with the sisters he has.
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GronkJuice rated it
February 24, 2019
Status: v2 side story 2
I would love to have given this 5 or even 4 stars, yet it falls into the MC rut problem.

It has an interesting premise with both realistic outside game events and culture that go counter to the actual game that they have entered. The other thing that I enjoyed is the interesting parts of where the otome game follows the character builds to a T, leading them (both Targets and side characters) as being the most ret*rded of people as they where not developed into anything people would really want... more>> to interact with long term. Lastly the simple backfiring of events that go outside the game is comical to a good degree.

However the faults are too typical and side head hitting to ignore. The MC does not actually learn anything, nor adapt to the culture he is placed in. This is a problem with almost every Japanese story I have read. They care too much about the Japan way and how it was in Japan to realize they are not IN Japan. Another main problem is that the AI keeps educating him of this and he blatantly refuses to accept it. The next thing to hate about this is the hypocritical nature of the MC, he hates what he is, yet does nothing to change it. Also he hates people that only care about themselves and only cares about himself. I know that is not the best way to get people to like the story as that is truly the ONLY thing that I have no qualms with.

The battles are short enough to enjoy, yet not glossed over to the point where you can skip a line and go "What happened?"

The gradual advancement of the MC's rank is nice, and the political system in the story is a nice add on as well. Not sure if I enjoy the whole floating island territory things, as it never gets explained on how they are all floating, nor do you even understand what the f*ck is going on nationally outside his promotions. The story has a lot, and I mean A LOT, of potential, but the MC is what destroys the best parts of it so far.

Only read this if you want a good laugh and have free time, do not go out of your way. <<less
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ishira rated it
February 29, 2024
Status: v12c7
I really enjoyed the series and I can wholeheartedly recommend this if you like banter between characters. This series is generally great, the basic, the setting, the characters (other than MC), they are great.

I said "other than MC" there because in my opinion the MC as character has zero if not negative character development. MC has great start as character, but starting v4 or v5 you'll start noticing that MC has no character development at all, so be warned if you don't like that kind of thing.

... more>>

Special mention for Volume 12 : I really enjoy my reading up until v11, but starting v12 I feel like I'm just forcing myself to read just to finish this. I'm still in my way reading through v12, but my first impression for this volume is that it badly written.

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blank1134 rated it
January 30, 2024
Status: v11
Great novel with a decent world building, mecha, magic and MC. Though the MC is questionable and it's companion one eyed floating robot orb. I grew to like his unique characteristics with a dual comedy bit coming through their fight of words.

I've also fell in love with the colorful and unique character building which put me to laugh all the time. Marie and her lovers are one of the finest entertainment I've had while reading.

Though sometimes a bit dark I love the comedy relief that comes with it. Which make... more>> it more lighter that balances it's deeper side of the story.

So far I'm enjoying reading this story. Just finished reading the 11th volume and I can't wait for the next volume of the story. I really enjoyed it that after buying the novel I finished reading it once I bought it.

I want to thank the author for making such a wonderful novel. I hope me buying your stuff helps a bit in your work in making great stories for us readers. <<less
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colombopl rated it
July 26, 2022
Status: v6
Woow. Mishima Yomu does not fail again. It is very hard to find so good isekai and so good LN.

What I find so good here:

1. Addictive and non-linear adventure with interesting struggles and fights. It is extremly rare as most of LN/wn looks like go to point 1 -> collect item 1 -> kill character 1 -> go to point 2.
This story is full of surprising events

2. Not simple MC. In general he is lazy. But when needed he will do every crazy thing to help others or save the world. MC kills when it is absolutely necessary. He is mischievous and has lots of flaws but has virtues as well. Just like normal human.

3. Very decent romances. We do have classic saving damsel in distress events. But romances here are much more then that. We have lots of drama elements when characters must solve misunderstandings and problems with their feelings. And we have slices of life.

4. There is second best way to naturally create harem after Mushoku Tensei. Women does not like to be some toys in a collection of brainless pokemons so autor finds creative ways to solve this problem. Creating of a harem is very tough and slow.

5. LN is written on a level very close to decent books. Scenes and surrounding are described with decent details. It is the same with characters. You will not have to think 10 times to find out who is talking in dialogs.

To solve some misunderstandings. In general MC is not beta male. I would rather say that he is lazy. That is why he wants to be MOB. But he does what is needed when people or the world needs him. And his wealth and social position grows very fast. In case of women he is a covard who does not want to see that he is great and talented womanizer. He has extremely powerfull item in his disposal and he is strong but not overpowered to impossible level.

As one reviewer said a story reaches its peak at the end of vol 3 when first instalment of otome game ends. And then it gets BETTER.

Read LN translation only as WN is poor MTL which spoils the fun.
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phuonglong003 rated it
June 16, 2022
Status: v5c10
Typical Japanese novel. It started with a comedic and interesting premise, but it's ruined with 1.5 dimensional characters with forced plot that makes 0 sense.

The other characters will just keep their mouth shut about something really important just because, just to reveal it near towards the end so that the extremely dense protag will solve the problem (even though the protag himself tries to display someone that's different from other protag and not being dense).

Then there's also the problem with the protag himself that's plagued in Japanese novels. He's a... more>> 30 something y.o inside a 16 y.o body but he acts like a 12 y.o.

The plot will grind and repeat this for every volume, he'll act a little cool at the end after being dumb as a pig for the entirety of the arc and boom, happy end with a bunch of plot holes. This has repeated itself 5 times through 5 volumes already.

It's like he gets 0 character development, which is another problem that plague Japanese novel. Why do they never learn?

This is why I prefer Chinese and Korean's, I gave it a try thinking it'd be different and that it'd be mainly comedy but the comedy feels too forced the longer it goes on and fails miserably at being funny. The part where the story tries to dramatize and take itself seriously is just as I said, dumb protag -> realizes the problem near the middle -> solves problem and act cool at the end of the volume -> repeat. <<less
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Boz13 rated it
May 3, 2022
Status: v9
Interesting Story

I read this because of the anime.

At first I was skeptical and thinks this will be same with generic isekai Anime.

The MC quite badass and interesting. Like other Isekai novel, MC are OP. Plot / story is interesting, not that deep. Other characters like MC family have some story too not only as background characters.

The harem / waifus not that fast to increase. MC quite close to some Females but not all becomes his harem.

Minus points the MC are very dense to his harem. And when he flirts, not to his harem member.

until Vol 9 MC only have 3 fiancees. And he haven't make a move to any of them


the battles, and the jokes are good. The characters illustrations are well made too.

I hope the author will keep the good quality till the end
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Temp950 rated it
April 30, 2022
Status: v9
I found this story pretty captivating, and bing read it over two days. It starts out with the main character in a terrible position, but that starts changing pretty quickly. The MC is also a really interesting character compared to the usual meek do gooders that are found in Japanese LNs. He still has some annoying traits in common with them though, especially early on where he is unwilling to kill people that need to be killed. The Romance aspect of this story is also really weird, since he essentially... more>> behaves like a passive idiot and its the women who pursue him, because he views himself as not being good enough for them. The world also has some parts that are not well explained or don't make much sense. But despite that the story manages to stay interesting and its entertaining throughout. <<less
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Timewinders rated it
April 26, 2022
Status: v5 epilogue
This series starts off quite strong, and if you took the first three volumes on their own it's a pretty good series with interesting characters and great humor. After that the humor is still good, but the story starts repeating the same notes and adding more waifus until Leon is no different than your typical dense LN protagonist with a harem and characters that don't get enough development because each volume has to feature a new waifu for some reason. I ended up liking Marie as a character a lot... more>> more though as she develops, and the story is still quite funny. Still it started off with a strong premise but, like a lot of light novel series, suffers from sequelitis. <<less
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fr0d4w3 rated it
April 13, 2022
Status: v3c3
I stuck it out for 3 volumes which made me feel qualified to leave a review.

It has good moments, but the entire plot of the novel revolves around the MC being a beta and a dumb one at that. The author makes the MC have enough power to destroy the whole world (in the first or second chap so its not even a spoiler) but has him do nothing because he "wants to live a quiet life" oh yeah but he also buts his head into every situation because he's... more>> a good guy :)))))))))) MC just took whatever desire I had to read the novel and destroyed it, like I wish he would with his enemies in this novel.... <<less
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Roby1610 rated it
November 16, 2021
Status: v8 epilogue
This one is amazing. Its just a pure fun read. The MC is rude af, but still a good person with morals (somewhat XD). The side characters are usually either fun, awesome or in some case of a certain 5 individuals simply amazing (i die of laughter from them). That said the romance is either hit or miss a lot of the time. By that I mean the author doesnt want to make a lot of progress with it after the MC gets to a certain point in his relationships.... more>> It also depends on volumes. Some focus more on story and others are more slice of life. Honestly I think the high point of this series are the slice of life volumes, cause the author doesnt excel in the story. The love intrests are all great, but when it comes to the harem aspect of the story it falls short of what it could be. For now the harem isnt that big, but you can already tell its gonna get bigger so I hoppe the author improves on that. Where this novel starts to lack is in its villains. Dont get me wrong they arent all that bad and it always feels good to see them get beat up by the MC, but it lacks suspense. There isnt really a major villain in the story and they are more so individual villains for each volume or 2. That is to say dont expect an epic story from this.

In conclusion this novel is a blast to read, but its story lacks. All the characters are great. The romance and harem lack a bit from time to time. And it lacks any suspense.

I recomend anybody who wants a fun, turn of your brain and enjoy novel to read this one. That said I also recomend you read the manga for this series since it has a very nice art style (right now it addapted the first 2 volumes of the novel). Also if you havent, you should read the other novels of this author. To be specific read evil lord. Its similar in some ways, but difrent in others.

That is all I have to say. I hoppe you enjoy the read. <<less
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October 13, 2021
Status: v2c6
I honestly couldn't recommend this to anyone. Its just so dry. And geez those first 3 or 4 chapters of the story are absolutely shit. Honestly just skip to the school arc if you want anything resembling a story.

Besides those first few chapters there's nothing else thats overly offensive but its just boring! Theres pretty much no tension whatsoever because of those op robots. He also just strangely good at everything without much explanation.

This world is a matriarchal world. But even for a world where woman rule alot of the... more>> stuff they do makes no sense. The MC uses the excuse "because its just a game" way too much to explain all the terrible logic. Sorry but reverse harems in a world where men are actually encouraged to go die in wars just makes no sense. There should be a population problem where theres more woman then men. So unless this new breed of humans just naturally has a birth tendency towards more men then this world is seriously flawed in logic.

As for characters themselves, most of them are annoying. All the women are incredibly mean and the guys are way to submissive. A consequence of said matriarchal world, but its just incredibly difficult to slog thru.

the only thing even remotely interesting about this world are the very diverse cast of s*aves. And We get little to no information about them. <<less
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Acer22 rated it
September 15, 2021
Status: v6c4
So, I'm going to give this a 3 outa 5 starts, but in actuality the real rating would be closer to a 3.8/5 (yes, I rounded down). The reason? The world makes zero sense.

Now, first off, I love this MC. I came to this story from the manga, and I absolutely love this MC. He is hilarious, tr*shy, a kind jerk, and says some seriously funny stuff. I also love the 2 MAIN heroines of the series (the saint, and the duke's daughter). They are both wonderful.

Now, the downside..... the... more>> world building. I (personally) don't understand this world/country for anything. Originally, the setting was that the MC was born as the 2nd son to a mistress for a poor noble, in a country where women hold power (so, matriarchal society). To prevent being married off to some old hag, the MC escapes, becomes an adventurer, uses his previous world knowledge and finds some ancient runes with ancient technology (which, for some reason, is always better than previous technology). He scores, then loses as he is forced to go to the royal academy in the top class (where, supposedly, women there SUCK). Okay, sounds good so far.

But it's only then that you realize that in this world, apparently 2 + 2 =/= 4. In a matriarchal society, the Queen would have the most power, and women would be the head of houses. BUT! That's not the case.... at all. King is in charge, men are the head of houses, and some men have multiple wives and still "trade off" women to ensnare potentially powerful men as rewards or payment. So, where did the original setting go?

Since the only 2 ways I can read this are either 1, directly at Syosetu via MTL or Manga, I may not be completely up to date on how everything is set up. However, from what I have read, things aren't adding up right now. I'll keep reading (specifically the manga), because I want to see Angie and Livia confess their love to MC and I really enjoy the MC's personality, but I most certainly am not reading it for the setting or plot anymore. <<less
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farvskun rated it
April 30, 2021
Status: v6
Good plot but could be better. I like the development of the story from the game routes to a different twists. The harem is also lovely.

I'll definitely give it a 5 not until volume 5 arrived. The first game is ok for me but that sequel just ruined it. Idk, it's just too many frustrations I got from reading that volume until volume 6. The MC just start is starting to get worse. He's so idiotically dense, indecisive and hypocrite. People around him keeps talking sense to him but he's... more>> like he never heard and understands anything at all. There's also side characters that is so annoying. I don't get why they keep forcing the story to follow the game scenario, it's so s*upid. While Marie route is unbelievably interesting. Still a good story. <<less
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kenichiwuz rated it
October 5, 2020
Status: v5 epilogue
Manga is what got me to start reading the Light Novel. Read it from the beginning and I would say the story is interesting.

Really though, I am reading this for the Harem and how he goes about achieving this. Though I am really annoyed by the usual Dense character the MC is.

Flow of story is good enough that when you go to the next chapter, you can expect to continue off. Sometimes.

... more>>

MC is always on the path to a peaceful life but because he gets tossed in some "reasons" he just does whatever he does like any other MC would of this genre. He is pretty OP because of his early choices in the story and everything is a smooth ride. He dominates most of the time and author will add some obstacles or transition pov's to keep the readers attention. This annoyed me the most but it was bearable.

The girls have more balls than the main character. Although he is badass when he *Does take responsibility, it doesnt amount to much and has to be forced literally because he likes events revolving him instead when it comes to *Love.

The other support characters are nice to read once in awhile due to the author giving character development to these characters. Honestly when the author transitions to them for comic relief, I just skip through them because they're just fillers or in the end comic relief.

The main character self reflects allot and doubts himself constantly when it comes to girls and it can get repetitive and annoying. As do most other MC of other stories but meh In the end Im still reading this.

The writing of the story is a bit difficult to grasp without having read the manga to fill behind the scenes at the beginning. There after reading and the flow of the story became smooth sailing from the translation. Good Ups to the translation team and author for starting to add more details later in the story.

Dialogues are constant and allot of actions are omitted out making the reader have to imagine this. Such as when the MC is yelling for his flying robot during comical scenes. If you're not used to Japanese manga/stories it is difficult to imagine these.

I find myself skimming through allot of the support character developments due to the fact that I was used to these character tropes but there are nothing against them. They're still comic relief but as I have typed earlier. Allot of the story is dialogue with actions omitted out. So you will get constant bickering one after another.

Thanks for reading.

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Enferlain rated it
July 26, 2020
Status: --
Interesting idea, but I would have much preferred a slower paced Marie route short stories for the main plot instead of what we actually got.

If I think of it as the only plot that matters then I'd rate this novel much higher. I'll still follow it because the readers also like the shorts, meaning we get more and more chapters for it, so looking forward to that in vol 6.

Otherwise I just piss myself off on the main plot as I see some other people did as well from the... more>> reviews, but I'll give this a 3 because of the short stories so far. In fact I liked them so much I'll try writing something based on that idea. <<less
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highrobin rated it
June 21, 2020
Status: v5 epilogue
The best review is to read a couple of chapters.

My opinion to this LN is a 3/5. It's not perfect, yet I still kept reading.

Basically MC is living in a game with a caste system and struggles to obtain a normal modest life, yet gets into more trouble when he interfere the main game.

... more>> Characters:

For the main part MC is your typically hidden OP character that wants a quiet life, but due to this game setting and his position he's forced to participate in the story.

He's a cynical person when it comes to certain characters mainly nobles since he's suffered to be a low class noble. With his big mouth and hate it also backfires when he's in a situation which could be solved if he was less hostile towards certain people. Still he tries his best to avoid more attention since he's well aware that his role as an 'mob' would destroy the 'story'.

For the majority of the male noble cast, they're acting like you would except what an otome game would be. Chivalrous, naive and love struck for the candidates while the adults are power hungry and have a superior complex.

If you are willing to read, there will be a lot of noble/commoner bullying. Students will look down to the MC and his friends mostly because he's different.

The female cast is memorable. Few characters like Livia and Marie stood out for me the most. Especially Marie in later volumes. Surely she's a spoiled child, but when it gets better once you read her past and motivation.

Romance: It exist but that's not the main focus since I felt like this story is mainly about MC goal for a modest life. The relationship between MC and his love interest is rather onesided. Unless someone is actually ready to takr the initiative. I felt like it's for comedic purpose to bully mentaly the MC.

What I love about the novel is the synergy between MC and some cast members.

You got Marie, who's in the first part is some sort of rival. It gets hilarious and heartwarming whenever they start bickering eachother which their flaws.

Luxon/Luxion his cheat item, the cynical and sarcastic robot is truly a blast when he's annoying MC.

Mentor, his well Mentor, simply like this old man

Simply saying, if you want to read an underdog story, try it. <<less
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Monomololo rated it
June 17, 2020
Status: --
The basic concept was decent but the other reincarnators ruined it and the MC became a placid herbivore who despite having made up his mind about not being dicked by the local culture just kinda stands by as everyone around him treats him like shit. Not proactive at all either.
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KA2094 rated it
June 10, 2020
Status: v5 epilogue
To get this out of the way- Title makes no sense.

MC is s*upidly op but is overall lazy to counteract it and rather leaves things to the AI sidekick which results in fun conversation and surprisingly doesn't feel that wasted with moments where the MC shines feeling particularly great

The overall novel seems to get its energy from the s*upid setting where the world makes little sense and how the MC deals with the situation he has to (reluctantly) deal with. Later having his sister - the whole reason why he... more>> knows the plot of the game - as a foil to discuss with.

The weakest part are probably the idiot male leads at the start of the novel although later they become more bareable and are allowed in roles to be more competent which relieves some of the hate I have towards them.

The romance is honestly upper-mediocre and I usually ignore it and isn't usually dwelled on which is great. I also dont really usually like harems but this is fine. <<less
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jpmrblood rated it
March 22, 2020
Status: --
This light novel is about a journey of a reincarnated boy into a mob character in an Otome game. The story is around there would more than meets the eye kind of story. We would discover many hidden backgrounds that the simple settings of the Otome game.

The writing is good and the flow of story is easy to understand. The translation is great and easy to digest. All in all, it's a good read.
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