The Villainess Lives Twice


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A genius schemer, creating an emperor!

“Only when your brother is happy can you be happy.”

She committed all kinds of evil deeds to make him Emperor. However, Artezia’s devotion was repaid with betrayal. It was the Grand Duke Cedric, a righteous enemy, that gave her a hand of salvation at the threshold of death.

“Devise a plan.”
“I can’t think of anyone but you who can reverse this situation. Marquess Rosan.”
“Lend me your strength.”

There is no plan that can reverse the already declining power and save the fallen empire. However, there is a method. To turn back time before everything went wrong.

With tears of blood she sacrificed her body to an ancient magic. This time, she will not fall.

Artezia, who returned to the age of 18 before death, resolved to become a villainess for the Grand Duke Cedric.

“Please give me your hand in marriage. I’ll make you emperor.”

In exchange for kneeling to the devil, the devil shall dirty her hands for you.

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Villainess Lives Again
악녀는 두 번 산다
Related Series
Emperor’s Alternate (4)
The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass (3)
The Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage (2)
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Obviously, It’s My Child (2)
In This Life, I Will Be The Lord (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Transmigrator, Regressor or Reincarnator FEMALE MC...
  2. Fantasy Romance [1v1, GxB]
  3. Strong FLs (showing not telling)
  4. CR (Reincarnation/Second Chance/transmigration/tim...
  5. Favorite Korean Novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/16/22 woopread translations c258
03/15/22 woopread translations c257
03/13/22 woopread translations c256
03/11/22 woopread translations c255
03/09/22 woopread translations c254
03/07/22 woopread translations c253
03/06/22 woopread translations c252
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64 Reviews sorted by

April 30, 2023
Status: Completed
A pretty good political intrigue where the 2 main characters happen to be in a romantic relationship. ~95% of the novel is spent with the two main leads separated from each other by large distance or just barely talking. I would not recommend this story for the romance sheerly because it's so sparse.

... more>>

I will say Cedric makes for a far, far more compelling romantic lead for Artizea after he regains his memories. He understands her methods and personality way better, and his own character gets a lot more depth.


There's a lot of political science and scheming in this story, and it's working at its best when it focuses on that. It does have a tendency to drag, though, and the translation unfortunately obscures some of the finer points of the intrigue and psychology at play. Also the author has a weird tic of making characters respond by just saying the other character's name and once you notice it, it's extremely distracting. ("Priest." "Lord Cedric." "Catherine." etc.)

I was pretty happy with the pacing at first - it feels like there's a clear sequence of targets on the way to the ultimate goal - but I remember checking how many chapters there were left at around ch175 because it felt like it was time for the story to start winding down... and realizing there were 304 chapters... which would have been fine for me if those latter chapters had not all been spent on simply acquiring the throne.


The main antagonists should have progressed from Lawrence -> Grand Duke Roygar -> Emperor -> optionally, post-ascension threats.

Instead, Lawrence is resurrected as a major character after Roygar falls - but this time he's a brainless death-seeking maniac without coherent motivations or goals because the author needed an excuse to recapitulate all the angst of Artizea's first life. Ughhh.


The ending is emotionally exhausting and fails to resolve a lot of loose endings that were introduced in Artizea's current life because it's so focused on BS leftover from her first life.


I really wanted to see Cedric's political projects come to fruition - his desire to industrialize the Western region, making the North agriculturally independent, negotiating with the Karam (which seems to have been completely dropped in media res), restructuring the Eastern high nobility, consolidating and defending the South, etc. I think these, as future projects, matter a lot more than the rewritten past. Wasn't this the whole point of Cedric taking the throne??


I did enjoy Lysia and Lawrence's resolution and the way it lampooned the "I can change my ~troubled~ husband" trope. At first it felt like Lawrence was going to get an unnecessary and unearned redemption arc and I'm extremely relieved that didn't happen.

There are a lot of positive points to this story, especially its more cerebral aspects, but the pacing and ending are pretty wack. 3/5. <<less
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Moon-2 rated it
December 10, 2022
Status: ss29
What a beautiful story, thank you very much to everyone who contributed to translating it for us, all the effort, work and sacrifice you made for this beautiful novel is really appreciated.
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Fathom rated it
November 29, 2022
Status: Completed
One of the few Villainess Rebirth Do-Over stories that was written very well.

The FL's fist life of infamous villainy was dedicated to her getting her favored brother the throne, only for her to be betrayed with torture, limbs and tongue cut out. It's a good ending for a villain who killed so many innocents and manipulated everyone without any empathy.

However, in her darkest moments as an imprisoned disabled abused mute, the beaten down ML makes a surprising request of her. To do what she does best. Strategize for him to... more>> change the world that she destroyed into a better place. With a new goal and a new master in mind after her rebirth, she embarks on the new plan when time has returned to the past.

It's quite an intriguing premise, and the story is very well written. The romance is very low-key for obvious reasons. The FL does not understand romantic love or emotions. She's used to being ostracized, hated, and cruelty. So when she's confronted with her, she feels incompatible with such an emotion. Even when she has children, it's an estranged emotion.

The ML is a typical heroic soldier type, and a bit idealistic. However, after some time and betrayal, he starts to understand that not everyone that is close to him is loyal. This is when he becomes a bit more 3-dimensional.

The amount of people who began to remember the original life was a bit disturbing, but there was a reason for it. It's also a bit saddening that while the FL is a genius, her body is very frail and can give out at any time. I am relieved that by the end of the story, she's still alive and living happily.

Overall, it's well worth the read. <<less
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Evie Ren A
Evie Ren A
October 11, 2022
Status: Completed
If you're looking for an easy story of downplayed revenge then you must look for something else. This is NOT IT.

Every main character is deep, complex, tangibly human, raw, beautiful and relatable. They grow as the story develops, but they never loose their essence, trauma is not magically healed, they are not s*upidly evil nor annoyingly righteous, they make mistakes and face consequences. It has the perfectly balanced duality of logic and emotion, reason and impulse.

This is not good vs. Evil, hero vs. Villain, it's human nature, psychology, manipulation, preparation,... more>> redemption, healing, maturing, abuse, sociopathy, and love.

It's about a broken protagonist struggling with eating disorders, trauma, sociopathy, deeply rooted self-esteem issues who embraces their abilities and uses them for a certain goal. It's all about the grey areas, morality and ethics, about improving and changing toxic behavioral patterns all the time while plotting and scheming in a out dated, corrupted, dived society.

Tia is one of the most brilliant protagonists ever and I love her. <<less
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ManuConstante rated it
September 28, 2021
Status: --
First of all, I'm sorry if my English isn't very good as it's not my first language.
This is, notoriously, one of my favorite political dramas and I'm not surprised it gets such a high rating. Also, note that this webnovel seems much more realistic in character as an aristocratic setting compared to most stories of the genre.
Well, let's go to the scenario exposure (spoilers) :

• The protagonist, Artizea Rosan, is the daughter of a Royal Mistress. Her mother was a lower noble class woman who was the emperor's mistress, but to elevate her social position and live more comfortably, the emperor arranged for her to marry a high-ranking nobleman (Marquis de Rosan) in exchange for sapphire mines. Before Tia was born as the daughter of the Marquis, it is necessary to remember that Mirailla (Mother of Artizea) had an illegitimate son by the emperor, Lawrence. Artizea's mother is an incarnation of a narcissistic mother and knows she can't rely on the emperor's favor to support herself, so she flatters and encourages her son in the race for the throne and psychologically manipulates her daughter so that she becomes easy to mold. In short, she needs to have Lawrence's favor and control over Tia to achieve her goals.
• Marchioness Rosan: In order to gain control over the Marquesado's assets, lands, properties, inheritance and political power, Mirailla kills the marquis and all of his direct heirs (with the emperor's blind eye) and incriminates an employee of the Marquis, all for make Artizea the apparent heir of the marquisate. So until Tia turns 20 or gets married, her mother runs House Rosan and manipulates Tia into dedicating her fortune and position to promoting her brother. This ends up working and Artizea becomes a chess master and political strategist with the object of putting his half brother on the throne so that his family can survive the battle for the title of ruler. The other candidate for emperor was Grand Duke Roygar (remembering that the emperor has no legitimate children) and Lawrence's main disadvantage was his illegitimacy. Artizea managed to manipulate an oracle to force the empire's saint to marry Lawrence and win the approval of the church and the more conservative faction of the nobles.
• First Timeline: In the end, Lawrence indicts Artizea for the mu*der of one of the princes (Lawrence's son) so that he can get rid of her and all the classified information of the illegal acts used to put Lawrence on the throne. Tia has her tongue cut out and her limbs cut off so she won't be able to leave records. She still ends up being rescued by Grand Duke Evron, another of the former candidates for the throne, who wants her help to be able to mitigate the damage shot to the country by Lawrence's attitude as emperor. Unfortunately the warning damage cannot be repaired and Artizea uses forbidden magic to turn back time and prevent his brother from ascending as emperor and upon dissolving, placing Grand Duke Evron on the throne.
• Lawrence: He is theoretically intelligent, as is his mother, and as Mirailla's fatal flaw is anger, Lawrence's is his arrogance. Lawrence's favoritism is based on the emperor's love for Mirailla and not on Lawrence's own resources, however he doesn't realize this and it's very easy to use it against him.

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JanuaryRains rated it
September 26, 2021
Status: Completed
Second review I'm leaving! Not going to be as in-depth as the first one since I couldn't get my hands on fully translated chapters but I have basically gone through the entire story using MTLs and other people's spoilers. Let's dive into things!

    • Spoiler
        • Tia. Love the FL here, the romance is a slow burn here. Some like it, some hate it. I personally enjoyed it here because we're talking about someone who has lived an entire life before going back in time. It takes her time to get over her complex and, yeah, we don't get a ton of fluff in this series but that's really not a focus of it in the first place. Her ending (the ending in general to be fair) is bittersweet which I'm really not a fan of in general (I like my pure HEAs, sue me). But, it fits in with the story as a whole and it's not ultimately more sweet than bitter, her life is fulfilling and she is happy. Her sinner complex does drag and it can wear on the reader because, well, who wants to read someone basically hate themselves for a long time? I fully understand those who don't but given her horrific past, I think it was justifiable that she didn't get over it quickly. Her and Cedric are a great pair in that they're both quite competent in their areas and so you don't feel like either one is useless at all. It's always nice to read a FL who can get sh*t done and not be there for the ride.
        • Cedric. I gotta say, I really, really liked him. He was a genuine, patient person who was a decent human being. In a certain sense, he seemed too perfect but I think the story did a good job in communicating that he was fundamentally not perfect, just a genuinely good person. I think a good story makes characters appear that way and to me, this story did well in making Cedric a genuinely good person.
        • Age gap. Okay, it bothered me and didn't bother me at the same time. Cedric is 27, Tia is biologically 18. It's a little weird, I know the setting and whatnot make it "okay" but it did bother me and this is my review. Not penalizing the story for it but I did find it minorly uncomfortable. It's not the end of the world because mental age makes things a bit more acceptable but it's a small complaint of mine.
        • Romance. Romance is slow in this, no question about it and it had to be unfortunately given the framework of the story. Ultimately it's a happy-ish ending, no one died but I can't help but have wanted a happier ending for the characters. Their shared moments are sweet and I adore how Cedric is in this story when it comes to Tia. Tia has Issues, capital I, but Cedric is patient and works with her through them.
        • Cadriol. I did not f*cking like his introduction. His arc with kidnapping Tia and forcibly kissing her/assaulting her was wholly unnecessary. I don't mind a damsel-in-distress arc, it's a trope for a reason and while I can't say I like them they're not the worst thing in the world (not a good trope either though). What I hated was that he was interested in her. Why? Why does he have to have a romantic interest in her? It would've been so much more fulfilling to me if his interest in Tia was for her brain! In the 1st life she was brilliant enough to put her brother on the throne, that alone should've sufficed for a reason to kidnap her. Instead, he's a guy who has a one-sided love for the FL and literally f*cking abducts her and assaults her as a way to show how he feels. Tr*sh, tr*sh, tr*sh. Could've been a more intriguing character that developed into a 2nd ML but instead we got that.
        • There are more elements to the story that haven't been translated yet so I'll refrain from commenting on them in-depth but I do think the whole returned memory thing was overused. In fact, I would've much preferred if it was just Cedric that got his memory back because he was close to her when she drew the circle in their first life. The other characters, frankly, didn't need to get their memories back.
Overall, it's a good story! Worth reading if you don't mind a slow-burn romance and are okay with a FL who is quite clear about how she feels. Development happens slowly but surely and there's enough along the way to keep you invested (Cedric is a good boi and deserves happiness). It's got plenty of sad things in it and definitely not one to read if you're just looking for a happy, energizing story. However, there's enough in it that I do think it's worth reading if you have the time and are in the right mood.
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ConsiderableWave rated it
May 13, 2021
Status: --
Calm and smart protagonist, a bit of a weak body but doesn't let that stop her since she's about as cunning as they come
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Mycthea88 rated it
February 12, 2021
Status: --
I'd go as far to say these two are the best couple in a villainess-reborn novels. Artizea is one of the most amazing female MC I've ever come upon and I adore her as much as the ML. ML here is truly a great man (while being a gentleman to MC! He respects her entire being)
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ReadsWebNovels rated it
February 4, 2021
Status: c51
Wow, the MC's words really are venom... Impressive. Usually stories involving manipulations have forced outcomes, but this story's are beleavable. There's no crazy leaps in reactions, just gentle nudges towards self destruction.
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Cennepal rated it
March 15, 2024
Status: Completed
Honestly, started off great. I was in the game to read more, but then it just flatlined *hard*. Too much childcare and "hurr durr im big bad, but I cri". I know what character development is, but like every romance novel, it's just uncanny and forced. I kinda gave up after around c200 and skipped to the ending. Couldn't care less what happened in between, but I can very well guess. So I wouldn't say that I lost anything by skipping those 90 odd chapters. All in all though, the... more>> writing was great, lengthy at times, but also complex enough to be interesting. Definitely deserves the 4 stars. <<less
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Tequila Sunrise
Tequila Sunrise
February 16, 2024
Status: Completed
Finally got down to binge this gem.

The good

  • Solid worldbuilding
  • Politics that makes sense!
  • MC and ML are both intelligent and supportive
  • Capable villains, their motives and schemes are quite human and understandable
The okay

  • Translation - it's understandable, but a higher-level might make it even more amazing
  • The length is a little bit of a turn-off, do I really need everybody's pov?
But all in all, lovely read.
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rottenwoman rated it
February 12, 2024
Status: Completed
With its great plot, complicated political intrigues, and nuanced characters, it's definitely one of the best among the political fantasy Korean novels. What I liked most about it was author didn't give them a perfectly happy ending. The stakes felt real and the weight of MC's sins were not swept under the rug just because she is the MC.
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Njtrisha rated it
September 13, 2023
Status: Completed
First time I really really liked a novel where MC was reborn! At first I was sad that Tia was betrayed so hard but when I saw that she was a original villainess who did so many dirty politics behind the scenes I wasn't sad anymore! And it made the starting of the novel very interesting and a little different from other novels. Another thing I like is that the MC is clever like really really smart, she's worthy of being called a true villainess, she knows how to play... more>> with minds and can achieve her goals with her brain, another thing which I really liked is the ml, he's such a sweet and considerate person even though he belongs to the royals. One of the best Korean novels I've ever read!! <<less
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stephhiny rated it
August 10, 2023
Status: Completed
Not the kind of typical light read you're looking for in the romance novel. This novel is a well written story about conspiracy and politics, and complex family relationships. I was amazed by how complex and entangled every of the plot was. I think the author is really talented. The story was like no other novel has, it was intriguing and keeping me curious to keep reading. And since it was not a light read, you might want to concentrate more to not miss the details of the plot which... more>> is like a small puzzle pieces to understand it in the bigger picture.

It was slow romance so far, I was hoping for more fluffiness between them but still, I love the FL and ML and their beautiful love story in this novel.

Recommended! <<less
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PtitcaSi rated it
March 15, 2023
Status: c260
Normal intrigue! Long-term, multi-layered. Multi-move. Policy. Remove women from the army, magic and non-humans - it will turn out in the spirit of Dumas. And this time the heroine is a politician, an intriguer and a strategist, a person who pulls the strings without leaving his office while the world shudders and dances. I think they look like the young Vetinari of Ankh-Morpork. The first time she went to the goal and believed that she was doing everything right. The result was bad. She chose a different path and different... more>> resources, but the goal did not change in the end. <<less
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msnamcy rated it
November 30, 2022
Status: Completed
One of the best, it's from the other villainess stories because Tia didn't go stray to her character, the characters are also interesting. A masterpieces indeed.
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Hirose88 rated it
August 24, 2022
Status: Completed
One of the most excellent story I have unexpectedly encounter and I am so glad to finish it. None of the power struggle nor the politicals bore you. The translator did an utmost amazing job to deliver the plot beautifully. Such a ride of roller coaster of emotion. I personally really like the sacrifying theme of our MC as I always love to feel degree of angst for the protagonist past/ background story. It is an *spoiler* HE *spoiler* but they really should put a tragedy tag there hahaha
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plainbricks rated it
July 30, 2022
Status: ss 23
Love the plot and the characters! I disliked it when the villain turn out to be misunderstood b**boo. This novel never does that. Great character development. It's not easy to change. This is a 5 stars by web novel standard.

Hate the writing style, extremely dry. The plot more than makes up for it though.
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ashlynsy rated it
July 26, 2021
Status: --

the only knovel I registered and had to write a review. the one I tried registering to kakao page to purchase the novel but of course failed to do it. Sadly it is not available in googleplay as well. So yeah! Bestie novelupdates/woopread, please be nice to me and finish this huh?! Please.....

the FL is not frustrating like seriously she is on point on her supposedly character. not overly damsel in distress, or yeah-im-badass femaleaff nor im-so-gonna-take-my-revenge role. in other words she is just so right for me! SheDidNotGetOnMyNerve as... more>> the novel progresses. <<less
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Icypop rated it
July 7, 2021
Status: --
I'm reading the manhwa version first and it was great. The MC's title is not just a props because her evil schemes are truly scary and deadly. Her wits is superb and I wanted to to acknowledge how the writer explain each scheme, it was great tho I was dumb in talks of politics so yeah... The ML is super kind and loves his people. 'A man of integrity' they say. I hope it won't change so much until the end.

I went here to check the chapters and status actually,... more>> I dont know if it's the same with manhwa.

I hope they get past the hurdle of their romance and just admit it and be happy together because rejections are kinda frustrating and heartbreaking (the scene didn't take place yet just a little scroll. But I can foresee it because it's still to early to confess and surely you'll be turned down and AACK!! *heart breaking* goodluck man😔) <<less
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