The Villain Wants to Live


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The mid-level boss of my company’s AAA-game.

Deculein, a villain who dies in 999 out of the 1000 playthroughs.

Now I have transmigrated in his body.

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One entry per line
악당은 살고 싶다
Related Series
The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me (15)
Academy’s Undercover Professor (13)
The Novel’s Extra (12)
My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending (10)
Trash of the Count’s Family (9)
The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines (7)
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187 Reviews sorted by

Sunn Roc
Sunn Roc rated it
January 23, 2023
Status: c173
Was absolutely involved and interested in this story. Everything was amazing, world building, plot, characters and their motivations, but before you know it that interest slowly dwindles until it becomes nigh non-existent. This is what I'm suffering from while inching closer to the 200 chapter mark with 100+ chapters more. Previously in the story even when certain characters annoyed/bored me I was still invested because of the MC and his journey. But alas the story gets lost in itself as it deviates from it's main purpose to overly convoluted melodrama.... more>> I'm not a fan of drama stemming from relationships cause I start getting pissed at character choices so maybe that's on me, is what I thought at first, but I guess many share the same sentiment.

All in all this story gets so lost in the mc's tiring relationships with the female cast (except for Yuriel and best girl Sophien of course) that the initial excitemnet of the story just vanishes. It totally forgets what it is at it's core but the story was fairly interesting and I don't wanna be too harsh so 3.5/5 but I'll round up to a 4 cause the beginning had me hyped. <<less
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LumiReader rated it
December 2, 2022
Status: c148
I’ve been reading the other reviews and I think it’s kinda misleading. How can ppl say there are no male characters?

I can name a lot of them at the top of my head:

Rohakan, Murakan, Ihelm, Githerion, Kagan, Jackal, Kreto, Keiron, Ren, Jeff Gindalf, Drent, Carlos, Leo, Calixel, Jolang, Veron, Galak, Gerek, Zukaken, Betan, the Three Brothers, Decalane, Cebraim, Dezkan, and the other male mages and knights.

Of course this is not BL, all his romantic relationships are with girls. However, he fights males and females equally. He has 1 male (Rohakan)... more>> and 1 female (Carla) master. He has 1 boy (Drent) and 1 girl (Euphrene) student assistant. 1/2 boy and 1/2 girl assistant professor (Allen/Ellie). *I’m not serious with this last one but you get what I mean*

and how is it NTR???

NTR is stealing/cucking/cheating. His relationships are ambiguous but he has managed to draw a line with every girl.

Yoo Ara and Kim Woo Jin broke up before she got new bf.

1st fiancee is dead.

Deculein is trying to break off with Julie. But he has no other love interest. So far, he treats Sylvia, Ifi and Sophien as students. Yeriel as a little sister. Julie is the only one he loves. *The girls might have interest on him but he has not reciprocated them while he was engaged with Julie as far as I’ve read*

I don’t see any guy stealing Julie from him.

Harem is different from NTR. And in harem, most of it is consensual (rival heroines acknowledge each others love for MC).

Deculein is s*upid? No. He has personality traits hardwired into him. The previous Deculein is the embodiment of Pride. It is the thing that prevents him from admitting mistakes, backing down or reneging a promise. Kim Woo Jin compliments it in a way that he takes responsibility for Deculein’s past actions and accepts the responsibility of being the Villain. He also has no choice because of the [Villain’s Fate] trait. It is a good combination I think. The previous Deculein just messes up without taking responsibility for his stubborn and prideful behavior while the current one backs up his pride with his sense of responsibility. He sees through his schemes to the end. It’s not like Deculein/Kim Woo Jin is always right. His decisions are his answer. It might be right or wrong but it is his. He owns up to it.


He stole Kagan’s thesis. He worked on it and completed. He admitted to pushing him to death yet gave him recognition.

He admits to killing Sylvia’s mother. He insisted that she be placed under green alert because he didn’t want to make a mountain out of mole hill. He is the only object of Sylvia’s hatred thus there is no need to inconvenience the world with it. He’ll gladly see her try. (He is bound to die a villain and he understand that he is the object of resentment of many others, what’s he difference of adding one more? Lol)

He stayed with Sophien til the last regression because of a promise


Man, if you think his arrogance and ocd personality is s*upidity. Try reading the Villain who Robbed the Heroines. He literally has to stab himself in the left if he got stabbed in the right to form symmetry. I think restrictions like this makes the narrative interesting. Imagine how the story goes when a modern neet can do just as he please without etiquette, aristocratic pride and these other traits imbibed with the body. He’ll get found out at the start of the novel. He’d be dissected the next day. Don’t get me wrong he still breaks character from the previous Deculein. But his core characteristics and mannerisms remain the same.

Cheats aside, he didn’t just get strong one day, he suffered through it and honed his body. He studies his lectures diligently although he has [Understanding] it consumes mana. He pushed himself to the limit by using it.

It’s not perfect but I think some reviews are misleading in my opinion. <<less
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fangyuan rated it
November 25, 2022
Status: Completed
Started off really good but somewhere down the line, not only did the main plot and sub-plots got more convoluted, but the MC also strayed miles away from the novel's 'title'. Does not help that most of the 'harem' members ended up being annoying. Kinda shame that the novel ended up like this considering the potential it had.
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Dakotagull rated it
March 7, 2022
Status: c293
Personally I love the story and really enjoy the direction it took after chapters 120. The MC is so interesting and the plot is so unpredictable. Although there are slow points I just can't stop reading because I'm just in love with the world and unique way this story is written. It's not for everyone though. It's not about leveling up or fighting and most of the time you forget he's even in a game. If you came here looking for a typical power fanstasy isekai then find something else.... more>> But if you want a unique Story with tons of interesting characters and an unpredictable plot then I really recommend this. <<less
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Ermanu rated it
February 16, 2022
Status: c220
i've read 125 in 5 or 6 days, 3 to 4 hours of reading. Based on that premise, I can say that it's a pretty good novel. There´s a lot of twist and a lot more of things that will be explained in the future...i guess. Not so OP MC, a lot of lunatics, the origin of why he's in the game it's not even close to be disclosed... bla... bla.. bla. Hope you like it, like I did. (c125)

READ IT! (CH220)
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spiderjames rated it
January 25, 2022
Status: c233
It's a very good read in the beginning, but later on the author tries to jam too many plot points together resulting in everything becoming mediocre and not as impactful as they should be, sometimes outright bad.

The thing that really lower my previously high rating and leave me baffled on what the hell the author is trying to pull would be when HEAVY SPOILER

... more>>

The empress somehow died suddenly and the regression power gets passed on to Epherene. The MC died during the subsequent encounters and we are led to progress the story through Epherene's view. Traitors all over the place, some self-proclaimed god appears, leading to one problem after the other. Which is fine and all, but the author chose to resolve this plot point by doing, what, I asked?

By having the MC just overcame the regression somehow, got his memory from who knows where, survived, and.. Did nothing else. Yes, just by being alive, the enemy god just said f*ck it I'm not doing anything else and let the empire be. We didn't even know how the Empress died in the first place. Key traitors are left alive and seen in the next arc, so what was the point of all that? And don't get me started on the Voice world/quest or whatever the hell the author planned to do with that.


TLDR; very good early on, the author tried to do too many things later on, but failed on a lot of those. In my opinion. <<less
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Okabe_rintarou rated it
January 24, 2022
Status: c279
The problem with this story is simple. There are no important male characters other than the MC. It's simply like a Japanese harem or Toika's stories in that aspect.

It's way better than 'A monster who levels up'. That's for sure. Compared to 'The novel's extra', the inter-character interactions have gotten better. But the thing is, the author simply seems to want to go for another pseudoharem. But now, without another Kim Suho. And yes, the MC is from the great 'Kim' family like his other stories. lol

His class has plenty... more>> of students, but only 2 of them are given importance. Both girls. They're rivals.

The author has also gone for a step-sister route in this one imitating Japanese authors again.

It would've been a solid 5* had he tried to do a better version of 'Death flags' rather than this pseudoharem route.

Increasing the number of female characters and drama surrounding them seems to be more welcome in Korea than adding real content, adventure or emotion to the story. So the author goes along with the flow.

I shall add more after finishing 50, 150, 200 and 250 chapters (this was written after 27 chapters, I just couldn't take the pseudoharem that ruined what would've been a masterpiece).

Alright.. I couldn't wait till ch: 50....

Sorry. I just reached ch:39 and I feel like slapping the MC (and the author). We have more heroines, and the one 'guy' who was a death flag bearer and seemed like an important character, seems like another girl (confirmed from spoilers).



There's another princess being introduced (like Rachael) who seems to be perfect (the bootlicking and praises showered on her while explaining her talents and capabilities are nausea inducing). There's a loli character too who talks like a modern girl.

So many characters are being introduced, but those that seem to affect the plot directly are all girls.

What's with this w**ker's fantasy?

The misunderstandings in The Novel's extra were funny. But, here the MC doesn't want to clear things up at all. It's like he doesn't want an adult woman (his fiance) to have any sort of accountability. If he cared about the growth of a character, he should at least tell her about what is apparently wrong with her subordinates.


Now about romance. The people involved were all similar in age. This one's disgusting. The girls are mostly kids. The guy is in his 30's (33 at the beginning of the novel). It feels like Kim Sae Jin raising his gf from teenage into an adult. That was disgusting. Maybe it was popular in Korea?

Hope I don't feel like slapping the MC till they reach ch:50.

Well... Looks like the author has gotten better at storytelling. But we have more girls added into the mix. He should just go write a galge/eroge. But the story got an upgrade. I managed to pass ch:50. In fact I didn't get as much annoyed as I thought I would with the plot progression.

Of course it gets seriously annoying when they talk about talent and grace like in those Chinese novels. But Deculein's hardwork doesn't get dismissed as mere talent. Someone genuinely praises his hardwork. But the author seems to love ridiculing some girls while he exaggerates the talent and grace of some (two in particular). And he seems to approve of 'playing a victim' strategy to gain allies which I despise.


Now I have reached ch:150.


The plot from 50-150 wasn't bad, but there seems to be some forced events.

Forcing Julie to hate Deculein on her own accord by acting out a totally obvious drama was painful to read.

The Character Sophiene gets more and more annoying each day.

She thinks too highly of herself and thinks Deculein shouldn't covet her. But she gets irritated and takes out her frustration on others when she finds that he doesn't have an ounce of feeling towards her. People like her should get beaten up like the young masters in Chinese novels.

Then there Ephrene. Stop treating the poor girl like a bu*t monkey. Seriously it's becoming painful like those four koma gags. She deserves at least a little bit more than Chae Nayun. She's much younger than the MC. Stop bullying her.


Alright... Reached chapter 200. No real change in flow, except for the butt-monkey becoming even more s*upid for the sake of the author.

Reached 206.. I want to beat up the author.


Deculein shows his 's*ave' mentality for the first time in a while and it's intolerable. Kim Woojin is basically dead and Deculein's personality is integrating him into his soul. That's what it seems like now.

Read upto 279


Now we're seeing Throne of Miracle arcana kind of stealing from Newton and Planck. It's kind of annoying, but somewhat well presented


And we're still having severe Yang deficiency and plenty of Yin. I don't think that's gonna change. <<less
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wait321 rated it
December 18, 2021
Status: --
So in these “I’m the villain” type novels, the MC knows what’s going to happen and sets up very clear goals so readers have a clear sense of progression and accomplishment as they pass each point. However this one doesn’t and feels more like a cliche transmigration novel (the MC tries to stay alive in those too). The MC also does strange and unexplained things which keeps me feeling like an outsider instead of drawing me into the story. Since it’s not clear what the goals are, the setting is... more>> relatively peaceful, and everything is too easy for the MC, it’s extremely boring after awhile. <<less
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DawnFall rated it
October 13, 2021
Status: c103
This novel is godlike. The story, the characters, the settings, everything about this novel is really well done and its so emotional and a joy to read. The author develops several characters and we actually get to know what many of them are thinking which makes the whole thing more engaging and interesting when you watch these characters interact with each other. It's really good and I 100% recommend this novel to everyone.
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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle rated it
October 11, 2021
Status: c361
October 11, 2021: 130 chapters read.

So far the novel is great, it uses elements used in 'The novel's extra' but does it better. The author got more experience and thus is writing a better story. The main character is interesting and the audience is waiting to see how he will continue to develop relationships with other character and how he will continue to get stronger.

Edit: after finishing the novel

... more>> September 28, 2022

I loved it. Ending was different than expected, and there was really no romance at the end but it was great. <<less
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PSpaulo rated it
October 10, 2021
Status: c104
This novel is very well written, the chapters are long and the flow is pretty good.

Translation is very good as well.

Some people think there's too much fillers but I disagree, every side story and character POV add to the world building, each chapter adds something to look forward to in the future of the story, and the author don't seem to forget about things so far, leaving annoying plot holes behind, he even gives some proper ending to sub stories ... more>>

That future Epherene arc was great and and properly finished.


Every important character besides the MC seems to be a female that ends up falling for him, but that's expected from this kind of novel, the good part is that the MC doesn't go around collecting pokemons for his harem, he only feels affection for one character and that's complicated so he can't be with her, he doesn't show romantic interest in anyone else, at least not so far at c104. <<less
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Runisuni rated it
October 5, 2021
Status: c100
I think in terms of just satisfaction, I'd rate this a 10/10, but keep in mind a lot of this is just carried by the MC himself, who is, inside and out, the cold and elegant character he's playing. He's not nice and friendly to everybody—or anybody, really—and doesn't panic and flail when it comes to tough or unexpected situations. Basically the 'jerk with a heart of gold' trope, with a very cold, refined character. Things might change, but thus far, I like that it's not all about romance and... more>> harems. Misunderstandings aren't needlessly dragged out forever and characters are, for the most part, at least willing to take some time and think things through before deciding to hate him forever, and because of his character settings, we don't have him constantly sweating bullets or agonizing over this and that. I honestly love that they're like 'did you do it?! How could you! Why!' and he never even considers trying to make excuses, because Deculein's just not that kind of person.

The other strength is that the world building and plot progression aren't as heavily cliched as some. The magic system is unique, if a bit convoluted, but story-wise, it makes sense. If it was super simple, people wouldn't be struggling over it and he successfully makes it very obfuscated and veiled. Similarly, the game system isn't really a traditional one, and really just has a few perks (mostly appraisal and such) while largely staying in the background. The game setting itself isn't really the most important in the grand scheme of things, but it would've been nice if some things were explained more clearly. I think the author tries to take 'show don't tell' a little too far; some things you should just tell the reader instead of forcing them to puzzle through it every time.

There's a massive cast for this (almost entirely made up of women, as has been pointed out), which means there's a lot happening and new people and events constantly pop out left and right. Personally, I liked how busy it was and how many things were going on at once, while keeping a large focus on his job as a teacher. The world is one of the better crafted ones in that it doesn't follow a cliched plot line of the MC just showing off his powers over and over in battles, instead overcoming actual events with his limited abilities. It just feels a little more satisfying and thought-out than 'MC uses new punch or spell he's been learning and dominates his enemies, ' though the lead up could be better developed, which I think goes back to not enough 'telling'. The novel also does drag a bit during the long school arcs. Some of the side characters get a lot of screen time, which isn't bad in and of itself, but their side is significantly less appealing than our MC, and they just don't seem to be engaging enough as characters. I just don't think they're enough to carry their own story lines. It's not even that they're flat, necessarily, at least not any more so than other web novels, and their choices reflect their personalities and show thinking. If I had to say it, I think it might be that everything revolves too much around the MC, to the point where the characters just build off of him rather than one another. They largely serve as the stage for our MC to shine, while adding some funny or cute moments in between.

Addressing the all-female cast: it's unnecessary but seems to be a preference of the author, and I haven't minded it so far because romance hasn't been the main focus (again, quite possibly subject to change) so they're not taking everything over with love triangles and squares and octagons. I didn't feel like they were overly damsels-in-distress who got in the way and needed saving, and quite often are stronger or more talented than the MC, but as the villain he played a key role in messing things up for them, so he plays a key role in changing or addressing that. They definitely don't save him, though.

Tl;dr it's carried by the MC and has some cool world building, so it'll be a hit or miss. I might just like it because it's relatively new and refreshing? Weirdly enough, it suffers from too much show, not enough tell. The author is more thoughtful than many in terms of what happens, but I think there's definitely room for improvement. It at least avoids dragging the misunderstanding conflicts out for too long, and and overall avoids things that personally irritate me about misunderstanding stories. Overall, I enjoyed it a lot, but I'm not sure how long that'll last. <<less
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ralek rated it
October 3, 2021
Status: c62
Hey, remember one of those villainess webtoons you occasionally read with that super perfect looking guy with black hair, and it turns out he is actually perfect in the story no less than 3 panels in? Well, this is a villainess story in disguise, because the only thing unique it's doing is giving you the main perspective of the ML of a villainess story.

It feels like it's a wish fulfillment story thinly disguised, with the demographic being people who like edgy emo MCs who are "fighting themselves" and the "2... more>> people in 1 bod" sh*t is getting on my nerves since I have seen how this author handled it before and though it wasn't perfect, it wasn't as bad as this.

Kind of an irony, I started reading this story without knowing the author was the same one as TNE, and I found myself similarly dropping it. <<less
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BookedOnAFeeling rated it
September 26, 2021
Status: c81
Honesty and Bravery.

The author deftly shows how to deal with a bad situation. It feels almost like a callback to his previous work and it's reception.

It's incredibly well-written. The tone and even sentence structure are distinct enough that you can almost tell who's speaking by that alone.

... more>> This also speaks volumes of the translator's work. The nuance of even the smallest words are clearly translated all while remembering that the translation is primarily for the reader and not just the translator. I appreciate that. Highly recommended.

EDIT: I love the fantastical names. They sell the world. <<less
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September 18, 2021
Status: c85
It's a good novel with a neat setting, main character, and premise. In fact, the MC is probably one of my favorites in all the ones I've read on this site so far and is quite unique in many aspects. There are some cliched elements, but that's inevitable for nearly all novels in the transmigration/transportation into story genre.

The biggest problem for me, though, is that nearly every important character other than the MC is a possible love interest. It kind of breaks my suspension of disbelief sometimes. Yeah, that harem... more>> tag really lives up to its name.

I'll probably update this review sometime in the future~ :P <<less
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Alleycat_at_noon rated it
September 16, 2021
Status: c83
Awesome writing, I feel like the author has gotten even better since his last novel and this one is once again a transmigration novel. Though I have to say I like the MC much better this time, the very reason why I read this story to be honest. Others might think he is the typical coldblooded korean-novel MC that knows how "the plot" will unfold and because he has "a change of character" all the pretty females start to like him but even with those clichés the story either grabs... more>> you from the beginning or you're one of those that do not like this kind of story.
And I feel like the misunderstandings between the characers in this story are not as bad as in "The Novel's extra"
(I might be wrong so don't take this as a fact lol).
I say, give this novel a try, you might start to love it like me :) <<less
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Fox.of.night rated it
September 13, 2021
Status: c155
I think one of the strong points in this novel is its world building and explaining the events and characters and the reasons behind their action. The author give us info really good, its not too soon or late or don't give you the feeling of being forced to accept the facts in novel. You don't need to use all your patience for enduring facts that doesn't fit in the story. The characters change, something that recently authors ignore and don't give much attention to maybe because they have a... more>> great attachment with them but all we readers can see is a very cool and strong MC and a very evil and continually losing villain (let alone the side characters). Characters in this novel change. The MC is cold and can't show his affection properly (mostly because of Deculein's characteristics) but we see how he feels and the warm side of him in situations when he is not bounded by Deculein's characteristics. Side characters really are good in this novel. They are active and have their share in the flow of novel, really great for us readers.I think the introduction of villains (powerful ones not those who just annoy the MC) which is not completed yet can be a sign of great ones or really powerful ones. Well if we see closely MC was a middle grade villain in the start so it took time for slowly (not really slow, just it wasn't fast^^) turning him to the MC he is, now the author can process with the main villains of novel. <<less
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orpheus_rm rated it
September 7, 2021
Status: c59
I love it. Action scenes, emotional scenes, schemes and conspiracies. This novel has it all and it's wrapped up and polished much nicer than the author's last novel "The Novel's Extra" which was a masterpiece itself. Could not recommend more.
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augustaugust rated it
September 6, 2021
Status: c71
A top of the line work by, the one and only Jee Gab Song. Fantastic writing. Improvements are a very much apparent along his journey, from his first work "A monster who levels up" (mediocre) , to "the novel's extra" (a great read) , till now in "Villian wants to live".

The overall premise was fresh even though it falls under common tag <of isekai into a novel or game>. Jee did a great job differentiating his works from others, giving a fresh outlook to the overused genre. The... more>> main character Deuclein is powerful, yet not. His personality is greatly fleshed out having multiple sides to it, similarly the side characters are also paid a large amount of attention towards.

The pacing is one that would satisfy both the action junkies and the slow paced slice of life readers, an ample amount of action, plot movement, and downtime. Misunderstanding I find to be hilarious, and teasing amount of tension, a read suitable for the picky readers. <<less
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Duczeh rated it
September 4, 2021
Status: c67
This is the most anticipating novels I've ever read! For my whole life this is 5he best of the best! Every character is unique. Explanation about magic thesis it's really incredible!

Please translate this! Please! So I can read it normally. Please keep the translation further!!!
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