The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby


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Jian Ning was an orphan with no one to love or care for him. After finally getting married, his partner passed away less than half a year later. Sitting in the cemetery, he hugged his partner’s tombstone and closed his eyes, falling asleep. When he woke up, he had become a little baby, with short arms and legs, and was thrown into a tr*sh can.

Jian Ning said, “▼_▼” Is being an orphan my fate again?

Despite being an orphan, Jian Ning had plenty of experience in surviving. He set two goals for himself: 1. To live well. 2. To find his partner and grow up together, not letting his partner become a villain like in their past life.

However, within the first hour of setting his goals, he was captured by the most notorious gang in the universe and his life was in danger. Within the third hour, he began to slowly forget memories of his husband. Jian Ning thought to himself, “Help! Is there no easy mode in life?”

Later, before forgetting his partner completely, Jian Ning left a mark about his partner.

Within the terrifying gang lair, even the skull was replaced with a pink doll, and the walls were painted a warm yellow. The scruffy gang leader clumsily and gently comforted the little baby who had trouble sleeping at night, saying, “Don’t cry, uncle is here.”

Growing up in the gang’s hideout, Jian Ning had no household registration and no education. The gang uncles worked hard to send him to school in the empire.

On his first day of school, Jian Ning met a cold and ruthless little prince. The other students were afraid of the little prince, saying that he had unstable mental power and was a little tyrant. However, Jian Ning held the little prince’s hand and familiarly soothed his troubled mental power. Jianning was good at treating mental power at home for his gang uncles.

The only royal family with the ability to heal mental power in the entire universe was destroyed two hundred years ago. Since then, people who experience mental power madness can only suffer and die in agony.

Until one day, a young cub with healing abilities appeared. All the bigwigs who were suffering from mental power torture saw hope. The empire’s war god, the federal marshal, and the neighboring country’s leader all came. They said, “I want custody of this cub.”

The bad-tempered little tyrant prince protected the cub and coldly warned them, “Dream on! He’s mine.”

Not far away, the surviving members of the royal family who had run from various places appeared one by one. They angrily said, “You little tyrant, you think too highly of yourself! He’s our cub! Give him back!”

*Everyone is raising cubs, very sweet.

*There is a reincarnation and the memory of the Gong takes longer to recover.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Bé Con Hệ Chữa Trị Đệ Nhất Vũ Trụ
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Summery seems interesting
  2. Novel 2
  3. Switched at birth and/or secret young lady/master
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11 Reviews sorted by

Reedii rated it
April 8, 2023
Status: Completed
Honestly speaking, I would have loved to rate this higher but there were just too many things I wished the author did differently that would've made the story even better imo.

One thing I'd like to say is that this is a cub raising story, they mean it's a cub raising story. The MC is a baby/toddler for like 3/4 of the story. Personally I wished there was more focus on watching the MC grow up as a child to a teen to an adult.

Now onto the reincarnation part.

I've got mixed feelings on how the author handled this. The author never did give a proper explanation as to why the MC and ML were reborn, nor how MC still had the necklace ML have him during their first life (apparently MC was born with it).

One thing that I did like though is how the author didn't make the whole reincarnation thing a major plot point for the story, although I do wish we got to see the MC get affected by his past life memories more.


Overall I'd say if you really like child raising novels then this would be right up your alley. It's a good book to read to pass time.
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qeesa rated it
August 8, 2023
Status: c101
Dropping this, if you come in expecting romance, don't hold your breath. 100 chapters in and our MC and ML are still 3 years old and 6 years old respectively; it's basically a novel about the protagonists being raised, more like an adventure novel rather than a romance one.

Personally the first chapter was really promising; the hurricane-like-romance got me really hyped. I thought there would be like timeskips, as in they are not forever babies, but it's been 100 chapters and there's only one timeskip so far (from baby to... more>> 3 years old).

I don't have children of my own but I do have younger relatives, and while I know this is fiction and all, but you simply cannot convince me that 3 years old are out there climbing mountains and killing monsters, you just cannot lmao xD Even those dungeons-webtoons can be more convincing than this 'cause those protagonists are at least 8 years old and above, but 3 year olds? Be serious.

If you like raising cubs and adventure then I guess you would like this, I'm dropping this because I just can't handle how s*upid the protagonist is. "But he's three years old that's why he's annoying and make s*upid decisions!" Yeah that's why I can't stand it 😭 Have fun though. <<less
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Drayne rated it
April 13, 2023
Status: --
If you like baby stories, then this is the right one for you. I love reading this novel whenever I'm bored or tired from work, because baby MC's actions always make me laugh. What a silly, adorable baby!

I stay here for the baby, so I don't mind the plot holes here. :D
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Yenna2 rated it
June 22, 2023
Status: Completed
Although I'm not completely satisfied Yet, I really love this and I did not expect to love this! I didn't know before that I'm into this type of novel. You know, when Ning Cub grew up, I felt a bit lost and missed his grade 1 days. That part made me feel that I was part of the story, one of those neighbors who watched and dotes on Ning.

For the romance part, it is not long compared to the child-rearing parts, but damn I really like it! The shift from... more>> childhood friends close as brothers to lovers is smooth and does not feel forced which is good. Additionally, when they remembered everything from their past life, I can feel that Jiang Ning was the same as the soul at the beginning of the novel, which is why I feel very emotional... seeing the adults support them also touched my heart even though it is certainly not the first time. Huo Lin, I know you don't need anyone to say this but take care of Universe' Ning Cub and also as I've watched you grow too from a little kid to being a young adult, don't forget to take care of yourself and thank you! <<less
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Ahreum rated it
April 28, 2023
Status: c28
Thank you so much to the translator who kindly translate this novel.🤍

I like how the author did not have a time skip. Im currently read at ch.28 and both character is still children and full of family love. Jian ning father loves him even if he is not his biological child and how ning can change their pirate gang perspective of life from just wasting life with no purpose becoz they are wanted criminals to trying to become more positive and having goals towards their lives even in a barren... more>> place. (How those gang uncles plant veggies so the child can have more healthy food).

I hope that everyone in this novel will have good and happy ending. Im still at chapter 28 though.😅 <<less
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miaomin rated it
June 6, 2023
Status: Completed
It's a nice, fluffy, light read. Had quite a few laughs.

MC is adorably coy and frisky, just enough not to be icky.

Novel is mostly child rearing, with a few action and a pinch of romance. Overall, can be divided in MC's growth stages; infancy, toddler, early childhood, middle childhood, and then adolescence.

Infancy was very very brief, mainly an introductory of his new beginning. Onto toddler stage where his silly antics begin. Until his early childhood were my favourite parts and where basically the core characters has been introduced. Middle childhood... more>> was draaagged. Redundancies were accentuated and a lot of irrelevant characters start popping up like mushrooms. It's also from this point where the narrative degrades. It's noticeable that the author isn't as much as committed anymore. A lot of details are either omitted or just very vaguely glossed over. Then comes the long awaited adolescent stage where the romance finally starts up. Much to my disappointment, the length couldn't even compare to other stages. Not to mention at this point, it's not really as well written as it was in the first half. It was dry and not much heart pounding. As if just to check off everything on the list, things develop very briskly.

Otherwise, I still enjoyed most of it as I'm mostly for the fluff and slice of life than drama and romance.

PS. Not much relevance but the cover photo's theme is very inconsistent with the novel. Basing on the photo I initially thought it's gonna be game-related or something similar. Very much not expecting child rearing until the tags and synopsis. <<less
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nuora rated it
April 19, 2023
Status: c18
As far as I can tell, this story is really cute.

Almost every single character is adorable in their own way and our MC is especially so. It’s difficult to find novels where the child MC actually acts like a child- but this novel actually allows our MC to act like a baby while also not just having a giant time skip early on in the story. While there are certainly things that baby MC does or says that’ll make you think that there’s no way a baby can do that,... more>> the novel has enough fluffy and sweet moments that can make you look past them and just bask in the sweetness.

Overall, if your looking for a cute MC and doting characters, this novel is pretty good at providing that to you. <<less
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January 2, 2024
Status: Completed
Well chapter 1 was Romeo and juliet like then for the next 160 chapters it's all cub raising, don't even talk about romance. They don't regain their memories till the end. Wish was not what I was hoping for.

I never thought I would say I think there's lack of Time skips. But there is lack of time skips. We spend too much time with MC as toddler and this muddling neighbourhood brother relationship. Also the family history wasn't even important in the end it was solved in one chapter

I think... more>> the author focus too much on cub raising material she forgot the elements of romance and the plot and it was too late when time skip 10 years + in 30 chapters.

This is a baby raising novel, please don't expect much <<less
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May 15, 2023
Status: Completed

For me, I really enjoyed this one. The 2nd life is like a redemption from life for both MC and ML, MC especially. This will be a spoiler as I review this.

MC was born an orphan, with limited education, and need to work harder than others in his 1st life. Ofc if he's selfish, he really didn't need to work that hard, and help the orphanage he was in before. Even when he finally able to feel loved greatly by someone, he had to bare the pain of losing him... more>> fast enough before anything. And then he reincarnated.

MC in second life finally has everything. Multiple parent figures, plenty of love, surrounded by good friends, and his "brother" that he subconsciously recognized since first time they met. In honesty, it was not smooth sailing either, bcoz of his background and ability, he often has to deal with accident and life threatening situation, but bcoz (I'm just assuming that is) life meant to redeem him, he always got back stronger and ever.

I really love how he grows in his 2nd life. Loved but not spoiled rotten that he become atrocious. He become more alive than his past life and really live a rich childhood life. He probably had everything he wished for in his previous life. And the author really focusing on his growing life throughout the chapters step by step, so it's really full of cub raising plot.

The memories for both main characters finally recovered at the end of the story. And as MC wished in his last breath, they really met early and grew up together. I actually appreciate the author for writing it like this. They being together feels more natural, eventho they subconsciously already bound for life since previous life, like there's no pressure or obsession whatsoever that you usually see from people with their memories intact.

Now for the cons, the setting is obviously fiction through and through. You have multiple races/bloodlines, multiple dimension I assume or was it just a higher level civilization I'm not sure. And the questionable ruby necklace that just there when MC born the 2nd time. Or how MC stumbled upon his previous house (this is obviously another dimension, no??) that although in ruins/probably just dilapidated still has intact photos from ages ago?! Yeah, it doesn't make any sense for the last 2 things brought up from previous life.

Oh, the sudden awakening when he's in a hijacked ship was puzzling too. He woke up when he's only several mths old to leave a mark to remember ML but the mark just gone and the author seems to forgot all about it. And before he woke up his brief consciousness, he's already very attached with his necklace since birth. I find these small bits a bit unnecessary. Bcoz if he's already attached, why does he need to woke up just to be gone again. Alas, there goes the 0.5 rating I took out.

P. S. The downside of BL books, suddenly everyone's becoming gays. I mean, other than the previous established couples, the new coupled suddenly becomes male x male couples. I really think this is unnecessary in a mixed gender world settings. <<less
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Yumeru rated it
December 3, 2023
Status: Completed
Woahhh right on title, this will be a slow grind on MC childhood years. He's really a very funny healing baby😂 will be lots of characters around him, some troubles fr villains and MC's always rants of not wanting to go to school hahaha but he cant do it, he has mannyyy elders to cheer him to school and ML to accompany him^^ more on MC adventure and learning through on what he experienced. Ml's very caring to MC and it's just on their teenage yrs that romance blooms on... more>> the right time^^

And yepp at the end they remembered the past life. This novel is More on their Second chance so dont dwelve on their past life. Many civilization in the story <<less
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ylial rated it
April 30, 2023
Status: c88
The story is so cute especially if you like child rearing novels. Probably will pause my reading. Since this is a slice of life, some of the chapters made me feel bored a little.
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