The Twentieth Year After My Death


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The twentieth year after my death, my husband Wei Min is about to get married.

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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. "Em todos os versos, te eternizei"
  2. sad beautiful tragic
  3. Tragedy Short BGs
  4. Sob stories
  5. my tears ricochet

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/16/21 Second Life Translations c1 part4
12/16/21 Second Life Translations c1 part3
12/14/21 Second Life Translations c1 part2
12/14/21 Second Life Translations c1 part1
5 Reviews

Dec 17, 2021
Status: Completed
It's different from what you usually find on NU and certainly worth the read. The problems with the story are the romance is too quick and the tragedy isn't visceral and is actually undercut.

Overall it needed more story to draw the reader in and make the romance work. I'd like to say more about the tragedy but it would spoil the story, lets just say it doesn't fit at all and comes close to ruining the whole thing.

Bottom line: Not bad would love to see it expanded.
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Dec 17, 2021
Status: Completed
Saw the tragedy tag so I expected it, but reading this was like waiting for the other shoe to drop. With how the translator broke off the parts into 4, I already had a feeling this one story had the potential to break my heart.

Let me just say, it didn't disappoint.

The author is good. Very good. Kudos to the translator (s) for your work as well because the flow was amazing. Part 1 was sweet and the writing style made it seem uniquely gentle, in the way where you ride... more>> on a bus, taking you to places you don't know, listening to gentle piano throughout your journey, all the while with a smile on your face.

In the next parts, the MCs budding romance, happiness, development in life, trials, grief, comfort, it was all tied and put together beautifully.


When the ML grieved and the MC cried with him, it was such a short scene but gods, it touched my heart. He wanted a family and he loved her, so much and so preciously, just as she did.


But like I said, I saw the tragedy tag. It really was like smiling through the urge to cry, with a lump in your throat you couldn't ignore.

Spoilers on the last parts of the story:


Honestly, I was carried along with the story and didn't even bother thinking up of what the plot twist could be. When it was revealed that it was the FL that lived, I wasn't shocked. But still, yet still, my heart ached, drowning with sadness.

When FL was a "ghost" and saw how ML grieved, embracing her ashes, it just. Hurt. The way this story had such simple sentences but could make it weigh so much was truly beautiful.


This story is not complex at all. In fact, you could even call it predictable, cliche in its entirety. But it was weaved so charmingly, in its sweetness and tragedy, that it became so good.

The author wrote: "Loving only one person for a lifetime is very hard, [being able to] spending the rest of your life with the one you love is also very hard.

I hope you can love forever, and are forever loved."

That message hit hard and was certainly delivered in this short piece the author did. Would probably be something I would come back to just to relieve the emotions it put me through again. Kudos to the author and translator (s) for all your hard work. <<less
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Jun 02, 2023
Status: --
Sweet sad story


Stars with love story in school which extends to college. Family of ML is dead by the time he grew up. FL was with him the whole time. A car accident occurs where ML dies. FL later gives birth to a son looking like ml. Son then decides to marry while FL suffers from Alzheimer's disease. He brings FL to cemetery of ML where she remembers that ML is dead. She realises that she imagines herself to be :

a ghost who follows ML after accident, when she dies.... more>> She sees ML mourning and deciding to remarry. She sees ML comming to her cemetary.

But the reality is otherwise (ML dies and her son deciding to marry) <<less
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Dec 17, 2021
Status: --
I was ready for the type of heartache like in Unrepentant or Mulberry Song. But it's not.

Thank you, Translator for translating this story. It's so warm and sad. The narration is full of innocence, happiness, and grieve. It's always hard to lose someone you love. It's disheartening to read the changes

I definitely didn't expect the end although I indeed felt weird as why her spirit's state wasn't really written. There are several vague hints. Just a young couple in love, but fate never pities anyone...
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Sep 26, 2022
Status: Completed
A beautiful tragedy, at first, is what it seems like. The protagonist falls in love with the male lead for the first three parts of the story, and every step is smooth and honestly heartwarming. I can't think of many couples with a better (or more realistic) romance than these two characters. The translator deserves a prize, and so does the author, for both of their efforts towards this piece. The writing is like a vortex.

My only problem was the ending (and the accident was a little fast-paced but that's... more>> okay).


It debunked everything that had been set up from the start: Alzheimer's. The protagonist did not actually die, but her husband did. She has Alzheimer's so she's fooled herself into thinking that she died and that her husband has been suffering by himself. Then, her husband gets over her twenty years later, and falls for someone else. But really, her husband died. She also has a son.


Yeah, it felt a bit rude and forced. I get that epic turnovers are great, but not in the last few paragraphs. Not when there's no basis. Not when it framed like this.


Also (and correct me if I'm wrong), I've never heard that Alzheimer's can cause hallucinations or alter your perception of life so much that black is white and white is black. I even searched it up.

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