The Susceptible Period is Drawn Out by the Sworn Enemy


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As an A-level top-tier Alpha, Qin Cheng is ‘united’ with his classmates and ‘respects’ his teachers. He carries the burden of being both the school grass and the school tyrant.
On the day of his differentiation, he was diagnosed with Omega pheromone insensitivity, which means he has no susceptible period and is not affected by Omega pheromones.

Until one day, a tall, long-legged, and pleasant-smelling Alpha deskmate transferred to his class.
Qin Cheng’s susceptible period is drawn out.

Qin Cheng: ???

Doctor: “The two of you have an extremely rare Alpha pheromone compatibility. You need to help each other through every susceptible period until Jian Heng finds his Omega.”
Qin Cheng: “Then what should I do after that?”
Doctor: “Er… Currently, medical advice suggests that you take medication for a long period of time.”
Qin Cheng: …


Qin Cheng has been straight for eighteen years, and never expected to become good brothers with Jian Heng, whom he initially couldn’t stand at all!
Even more unexpectedly, his good brother actually fell in love with him!!
What he didn’t expect most of all was that he didn’t even realize when he became bent!!!

Jian Heng, this person, is so damn cunning! He likes it so much!

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