The Strongest Interstellar Commander


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When human beings ventured into the Interstellar Age, they encountered the Ochs Civilization, and thus followed the first Interstellar War.

Lost territories continued to increase along with the skyrocketing casualties. Eventually, humans were forced back into the Solar System.

In the 58th year of the Federation, Lin Fan, a traverser from Earth, graduated from the Interstellar Military Academy and entered the Federation Fleet.

That then signalled the day of the humans’ counterattack!

From dominating the Milky Way to the entire Universe, mankind never stopped.

This is a story of a traverser leading mankind to rule the Universe!

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9 Reviews sorted by

ireaditall rated it
March 28, 2021
Status: --100
The novel started off quite well...

But there were some plot holes, but they were not the reason for me give one star the main reason was that the protagonist was too shameless.

Like seriously he like in 3rd chapter proposed to a girl and few chapters later he is with his adjutant. And what he gives himself as an excuse is that he isa traverser and he is different from others so has the right to play with other people's feelings!!!!!!! So f****** shameless!!!! How can he be a good protagonist....... more>> I can accept a harem but I can't accept what he did.

What is even more shameless is that the adjutant is actually the childhood sweetheart of the original body but he shamelessly accepts he into the Harem. Obviously he has no memories of the original body and no emotional basis to like her, but is still shamelessly pretends to have feelings and accepts her into the Harem... and he also doesn't tell her about his relationship with the first girl.

I don't know how does system judged him to be a competent commander as he is so h**ny that the enemy just need to send a beautiful woman and they could Steal all all the military secrets without any effort.

So seriously just forget this novel if you are expecting a good character male protagonist and normal IQ...

Also elaborate on what the plot hole exactly is...

it's like the enemy is just beyond Jupiter Asteroid belt or something but the entirety of human Federation doesn't know, I can accept that they can keep the population blinded for a certain amount of time but after a while it's impossible... Like aren't there any discharged soldiers that will also go back to civilian duties or something, won't they know about it, and then their family and friends... military activities like this are very hard to keep secret so this is a very big plot hole that does not confirm with what the real situation should be.. keeping secret of such a big movement is ok for a few months or even a year but beyond that is impossible... so I will say this plot hole is very brainless..

Another one is that there was no gravity device so that's so s*upid, like are all the things inside the buildings floating or something, thats so dumb to say that gravitation device didn't exist in the era of interstellar exploration...

This is obviously done to give protagonist a hallow... Too Braindead😐😐😑😑😑🙄🙄 <<less
24 Likes · Like Permalink | Report rated it
April 8, 2021
Status: c200
There's not a lot of Space sci-fi harems being translated rn, so it already gets a 5 stars for me.

Story-wise and everything tho, kinda average? Nothing deep here, just if you like MC that's got a busted system and girls then this novel is pretty good ig >:)


... more>> Wow from 5 stars to 1.

Im not actually sure where I left off in the MTL, but it's around 200 or so?

Anyway, wow. Mad disappointed not even gonna cap. At some point in the story the story shifted focus from the f**king MC? MAIN CHARACTER, that's what MC stands for. But for some reason, the author decided it was high time to change main characters! Oh wow, what a great IDEA. I don't mind multiple points of views, but that's ONLY for plot progression! The story LITERALLY changed hands for like 50+ chapters for no reason! It was wholly to pad word count and chapters! It was literally Naruto filler hell and it s**ked. I was disappointed, angry, and livid...

I really enjoyed reading the novel up till that point. It was like Stellaris but a novel and though it was objectively mediocre in writing, I loved the content and the world setting.

But where I got to? Jesus lord almighty. I'm inclined to think the author has some cuckold tendencies from what happened.


The author encounters an Angel race, but what he does is that he gives the Queen of the story to his old dad. Like what? I found it rather unacceptable. The MC himself never even interacted more than a second with the Angel race, is what it felt like. If that wasn't bad enough, a random EXTRA CHARACTER. MIND YOU. IT WASN'T EVEN A SUPPORTING CHARACTER IT WAS AN EXTRA. Starts forming his own harem! Like what am I reading????? I was FUMING when I read those chapters.


I love harem novels man. But this is not it. You're better off leaving this one alone to collect dust and erode due to the passage of time. I actually would do anything to delete my memories of this novel and get back the hours of time I spent reading this novel. I can't believe I actually enjoyed reading this novel just for the author to literally backstab all expectations. Please quit author. Really. <<less
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IllusionBreaker rated it
May 8, 2021
Status: c611
Spoiler Warnings

... more>>

Strongest Interstellar Commander is initially very tightly written, where humanity is fighting an uphill battle, both technologically and numerically, and the MC needs to ab*se every ounce of mindgames and tactical acumen to keep mankind alive.

Later on Humanity usually has a gigantic edge in technology, akin to Gatling Guns vs spear-wielders, and tactics are just used to minimize losses/win harder. Furthermore the story becomes less intense with more of it's plot "told" instead of "shown", frequently with multi-year time skips that reads like a end of turn report in a turn based 4X.

Because of this, readers are less attached to the characters later on in the series; its a bit of a letdown how the MC's waifus fade into the background for hundreds of chapters, when they felt very impactful im the beginning.

Despite all it's flaws, its extremely refreshing to read a CN Webnovel where power comes from technology and not cultivation.

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coolblooded rated it
March 29, 2021
Status: c254
I've read mtl's of this it is interesting. Most of the time there will be time skips with no explanation of what happened during the skip. For me it is pretty much a style of humanity f@$# yeah but there the under dogs. It has a civilization tier where they are tier 4. The MC when he transverse into the body he did not get any memories of the original owner and forgot some stuff. The system doesn't really help him besides rewards and goals example

"Ding, release new task 1:... more>> Raise the rank to lieutenant general. (Complete the rewards for brain development of pharmaceutical manufacturing technology

"Ding, release new mission 2: Become the commander of a squadron with a scale of more than 1, 000 ships. (Complete rewards for detailed explanation of level 1-6 civilization

"Ding, release new mission 3: Destroy 3000 Aux Empire battleships. (Complete the rewards for the complete star map of the Orion arm, including the distribution of forces."

This is in the early 100 chapters around 200-260 one of the goals is within 100 years control the Orion arm that your in. It is interesting. <<less
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Ltbeast rated it
February 11, 2023
Status: c1026
Romance part

In the beginning about 200 chapters it was still fine with enough to be considered as a side show but not main romance branch but latter... more>>

the first girl was not even mentioned for 400 chapters and thats to say "oh my father" and that's it, second girl was mentioned from time to time and sometimes even talked about home life. the third girl when she offered marriage and thn MC talked to his father and father even joked you have two wife's what is third and even MC admitted that oh right I have 2 wifes


About MC family

From when they were born they were mentioned just few times but latter on more and more and finally only 1 was mentioned other's have been forgoten. And their relationship is like on one moment they are single on other have feelings with each other but most of the time oh they have children and married.


They are often forgoten and latter on never mentioned (majority)


MC never lost good at everything. They slowly develop from Level 2 civ to level 8 civ and suddenly pressed accelerator and now almost god level civ.

The story

Is interesting and many developemnts the fights and commands are the best part <<less
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ExtraNine rated it
August 7, 2022
Status: chap 500
I love the story but the 2 heroines fade in the background and the Main Character keeps changing around Chapter 250-350 but I don't mind as the story is still interesting.

Story gets very interesting diving into the history and current situation of the multiverse


... more>>

Around 350-490 the characters are investigating about the history of humans, angels, elf and the three eyes if all of it was a coincidence


The history of humans


The humans are the creation of the Alpha Civilization or known as transfinite Civilization in order to stop the expansion of a Divine Civilization into the multiverse and the humans were there creation have the potential to become a Divine Civilization themselves


The relationship between Humans, Angels, Elf, Three eye


The humans is the very foundation of Angels, Elf and Three eyes they are just Genetically modified by the Alpha Civilization and that why they are 99% the same races.


History of the Alpha Civilization


The Alpha Civilization attempted to stop the Divine Civilization expansion to the multiverse at first by promoting other Level 11 Civilization but the talent of the race of said Level 11 Civilization have limits and cannot go further


The race of Alpha Civilization


The race of the Alpha Civilization are in fact Humans, the Alpha Civilization used to be the first Humans but after Evolving into pure energy lifeform they have become immortals but have discovered that this was a mistake and cannot go back.


The mistake


The mistake is that there are two ways to become a Level 12 Civilization.

The first to Evolve into a being of pure energy and become immortal the downside is that their technology reaches the limit and cannot go further beyond.

The second is to to master all the secrets of the universe and take the road of science and technology to the extreme.


The Alpha Civilization plan


The Alpha Civilization used there ancient ancestors genes (humans) to create the humans in the small universe to and have them become a Alpha Civilization by Science and Technology not by Evolution and countering the other Divine Civilization. The Alpha Civilization knows the Lin Fan has come back from the dead and is very grateful for giving humankind another chance to go further.

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Scwein Tiende
Scwein Tiende rated it
March 9, 2022
Status: c1200
The story was very well thought it wasn't your generic novel where the MC is either; too op, has a harem for idiotic reasons and above all the fighting sequences wasn't narrated in a way that it was as boring as hell.

... more>>

In the earliest chapter I loved that the MC wasn't immediately promoted just cause he beated the Orchs and that it took a few more chapters for him to actually reach the position when it was shown that he was worthy of Marshal.



And I also love the way that the MC uses his advantage (fast tech upgrades) in his advantage. Like in the 1000 chapter the other species outnumbered them to the point that the original humans only became 1 percent of the population and despite that they were all still very loyal to the federation even against bigger and badder enemies


Also seeing that they have a bigger and worse enemy to fight each time is also interesting and also whith his usage of tactics that are so out of the box that geat commanders can't even counter his strategies

The ending of this novel is just so satisfying, it also gives a reason as to why the civilizations could travel at the speed of light while not breaking Einstein's theory

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hajiko rated it
December 11, 2021
Status: c553
As I read it from the Original Version (chinese) I can't comment about some thing which could happended because of a translation error or cultural difference.

As I read it like most chinese storys it has a more or less slow start but it picks up quite fast compared to others,

as for what others says about the MC and how he handels girls/woman/females well yes it is a novel for mans so it is not suprising well better than some western one were she joins him in his bed after... more>> a few words.

Also I can understand how s*upid it is that he takes in his childhood friend (original personality of the body) as one of his girls but it is nothing new as there are enough other examples were the original is already married or he takes the body over as theiy are getting married.

back to the story it is a good read till now even if the battles are mostly a bit easy for the MC but it is understandable if there is a big grap in technologie (think like an cilivisation which couldnt even sent someone out of space (spacerocket) and one which can travel the space as they like, well that should make it clear)


Indeed there are now more situations where someone other that the MC is in Focus and the MC is only a side role but it didnt really happened till chapter 300/400+ and the new focus are also mainly the children and brother of the MC as for Harem


there are officaly till now only 2 and one new interesst (female side like MC)

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Pranefuji rated it
July 14, 2021
Status: c64
It starts interesting then devolves to h**ny wish fulfillment. We are told of how the protagonist is a big fish in a small pond, but it never feels like there is a big galactic threat that doesn't fold like a wet blanket. Its a story about a 96% win streak.
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