The Star Around The Sun


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Xia Xingcheng, with average acting skills and appearance, had been a small star in the entertainment industry for six years. But one day, a famous director invited him to act in a gay movie titled “Gradual Distance” with numerous award-winning movie emperor Yang Youming. In the movie, they had a sweet love; out of it, there was polite coldness. In the movie, they had a sad ending; out of it, there were ambiguous feelings. The contrast between what was in the movie and what was outside of it often made Xia Xingcheng unable to find himself. Because of Yang Youming’s guidance, he had stepped into the ranks of actors, but also because of Yang Youming, he couldn’t distinguish between what was reality and what wasn’t.

Xia Xingcheng didn’t expect that the movie would finally push him into the abyss of pain and happiness.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Caught in the Act
Love Story at Starry Night
mingri xingcheng
ming ri xing cheng
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July 12, 2021
Status: Completed
I already finished the novel before and it's pretty good I would say. Just decided to reread again after I read manhua based on this novel called caught in act.
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ImaginativeN rated it
July 9, 2021
Status: Completed
I re-read this novel a lot of times since I finished reading it a year ago.

The plot is just like the other novels I've read before but the chemistry between the main Characters here is just so good and what I wanted the most between the two is that both of them have this resolve to be together so straight forwardly when the confrontation happened. I like you, you like me, but the whole world would never like it so f*ck it, we'll do our best to be happy together...... more>> like it or not.


At first, it looked like only MC was caught too deep in the act and the director is convinced that whatever he is feeling, it's all because of the character. Straight MC got frustrated but the more mature actor ML treat him nicely, the more he fell for him. It felt like Deep In The Act (another novel with the same plot but has more intimate and hot s*x scenes) but here, the director, Mc's manager, and ML thinks that MC only likes ML because of the movie character's feelings. ML is mature enough to separate emotions and deal with it sober so he isn't into MC (in MC's eyes).

They touch, hug, kiss, and played scenes naked on top of each other (unlike DITA that is straight up shooting p*rn without showing parts) making the straight MC react. He thinks that he is the only one enamored with ML (whom he knew was still married) and felt depressed for it (which I find more realistic).

Little did he know that ML is already divorsed for months and when the media reported it, he immediately confronts ML. I admire his balls for straight up saying he wants ML right in ML's face (and hotel bedroom) and if ML (who thought MC is only asking for comfort from him because the character he played in the movie had a bad end) didn't want him, he will ask other men to comfort him in bed.

ML was furious (and turned on for his fierce invitation) and took MC to his bed. He didn't want MC to regret it before but since MC voluntarily climed up.... ML let his kept feelings out, the two of them started dating seriously.

A few problems came and a bit of angst but it didn't take too long for them to make up because they are serious about each other. So serious that MC wants his family to know (but kept it secret because parents are taditional people) and ML is prepared to keep MC safe emotionally, mentally, and physically.

I like the fact that they don't shy away from each other and are very vocal and calm about dealing problems that comes their way (which I low key yearn for. Haha)

They got married in the end but didn't publisized it. MC's family didn't accept it at first but things took time. ML's parents are dead but he took a picture with MC in his parents house, as if to declare that MC is his new fam.


As for the Extra


I love it!!! Ahhh! Omegaverse is well written and heartfelt. Just reding how their eyes looked each other filled with loves makes me wanna look for my other half (if that person ever exist. Lol)

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July 7, 2021
Status: Completed
Omg that novel is so so good. I already read it twice. Just a month ago it was completely translated but now all links are gone 😥 such a pity I really liked it and even recommended my friend, when I came here to share link it was gone. I wonder what happened. I am sad it's really something one can read many times.
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July 6, 2021
Status: Completed
A very good take on internal and external conflict when realising one is gay + dealing with starting a new gay relationship + actors character-overflow (being unable to dissociate from their character). MC is a small actor going into film for the first time and ends up acting as a gay boy falling in love for the first time. He deals with the angst and feelings that came with the character, and in turn, fell in love with the male lead of the film, ML. There was an underlying angst... more>> through the first half of the novel and more, but once they got together, it was just dealing with the public, friends and family, which was much less issue and more fluffy. I particularly liked how the author portrayed how MC yoyos between his own thoughts and "his" (character he's acting) thoughts when interacting with ML initially. Not super angsty but the tension was a constant that makes you want to keep flipping. Highly recommend. (Film that they acted in was a thriller in the last parts tho, which I'm not a fan of). <<less
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xiaxiqing rated it
June 27, 2021
Status: --
I read this one a long time ago but all I know is that I teared up in this one. The ages (age gap rather) of the characters is properly utilized in this one and the ML acts on his age to the point of aloofness. It is angsty but not excessive. This is one is a feel-good story for me because you cannot help but root for them.

... more>>

My only complain is that I cannot find some extras. I want some extras about the continuation of their story or even a snippet of their every day life (!)

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dee_ism rated it
May 7, 2021
Status: Completed
At first I don't understand why ML suddenly accept MC pursue when previously he seems avoiding the subject.

But all of it become clear once you read the extra. So please make sure to read the extra! It's on MC POV so it's really such a nice read.


During their first movie, the start of their romance story:

Xia Xingcheng was muddled, he’d fallen headlong.
Yang Youming, on the other hand, was completely sober as he slowly sank.


I totally adore the MC, no wonder our ML doting on him so much. Their progress feels nice.
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twobada rated it
May 5, 2021
Status: c1
The angst will make you cry. The romance will make you fall in love.

But just like what 1 reviewer here said, there are some uncomfortable homophobic portrayals of actual gays, so be mindful of that. I could skim through it without affecting me as a gay person because I've seen it in other BL novels as well. But if you're not desentisized to it yet, it will offend you.
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