The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero


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Due to the schemes of the mysterious existence “Demon God”, a young man, Nakajima Ryou, was reincarnated in another world as the Demon King Vermudol. However, the place that he had gotten down to was, a Mazoku continent that had grown wild at the height of chaos. If the birth of a new Demon King were to be known by the Humans, there was no doubt that a Hero would come to defeat him before long. In order to change his fate of “Simply Perishing to the Hero”, Demon King Vermudol sets out to quickly unify the continent with his cheat authority!

Associated Names
One entry per line
An Easy Job of Only Needing to be Defeated by the Hero
Yuusha ni Horobosareru Dake no Kantan na Oshigoto desu
Related Series
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Overlord (LN) (2)
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45 Reviews sorted by

MabyeMaverick rated it
December 20, 2020
Status: Completed
Soooooo Close to a five, but this novel F***ed up. It felt like the author just didn't want to write anymore and pushed a poor ending on it. You get zero closure for the harem and the beta MC keeps is V-card everything else was good though
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saihamaru rated it
December 18, 2020
Status: Completed
tl;dr : the last volume ruined everything for me

only massive spoiler since I'm talking about the last volume which is a huge trainwreck
are you sure this series is not getting axed?

built-up civil war tension : solved with godly power
big bad villains : killed by a god in a single paragraph
the mysterious enemy force since volume 1 : annihilated by the gods in the same paragraph as above
mystery of the world : explained in a chapter by the suddenly appearing gods
way to solve the problem in this novel's title : "so there's this warped god we can kill as sacrifice instead of the demon king" a f*cking classic deus ex machina
hero's real identity : spoiled by a god

spear demon went where? Previous demon king's general went where? Who is that black soothed warrior in the city gate?
so many new mysteries in volume 9 that didn't get explained at all in the last volume
even the seemingly important character that was introduced in early volumes are not mentioned at all, like they completely disappeared


I'm giving it 2/5 instead of 0/5 because the first several volumes are actually entertaining even if it often seems like Overlord copypaste
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berdanka rated it
March 4, 2020
Status: c6
I respect those people who had enough persistence to finish at least a few volumes before rating this novel 1-2 stars. I don't have such tenacity, because I already see many shortcomings that I do not like.

The novel started from the most hateful cliche, meeting God. Of all the overused isekai tropes, this one is the dumbest, and the author's vision of it only makes it worse. The author says that MC was a pathetic existence, but now he is chosen by God (who also looks like a loli) to... more>> become a king with cool abilities and maids, hooray! I don't want to read a story about human garbage that has received a stroke of undeserved luck.

After the prologue, you'll find out how dumb MC is and that his maid decides everything for him. It felt like the maid was the main character, and MC was there to do inarticulate sounds like Yosh, Ahh, Ha, Umu, Nn, Emm, and so on while agreeing with everything the maid says. The author has a certain vision of where he wants to stir, but he has immature problems with execution. He also fails at "show, don't tell, " just check this "amazing" quote:


The atmosphere went *gishiri* and a warped sound was made.
It was cold.
His back teeth chattered and trembled.
He couldn't move.
This was fear.
The village head recognized it by instinct.


When I started skipping large chunks of expositions, I knew that I would never finish this story, and it's better to drop it sooner rather than later. I have no idea how the author wrote 10 whole volumes and even got published, so I'll give it 2 stars for productivity. <<less
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Tempdos rated it
February 12, 2020
Status: v9c6
Seems like at some point the main character of this series switched to the hero and his harem band while Vermudol has been relegated to a side character.

I'm pretty sure the only thing the original main character has done for like the past two volumes has been forming a... Friendship (?) with one of the factions in a nation undergoing civil war. Something less then an Alliance because they're not really the legitimate ruler of a country yet, but more then just simple acknowledgment.

That's it. Nigh two volumes and the... more>> most substance is a meeting where he says "let's be friends" before we're back to the real main characters now.

This series is so f*cking dry to read now. My lips pucker from the onset of dehydration with each new installment I try to peruse. I often find myself skipping entire paragraphs at a time because of how wordy this series is, despite the sentences offering little to no substance. <<less
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AndyDarren rated it
February 25, 2019
Status: c40
Started out interesting but started going downhill fast, but what else is new? The point of the story is that the MC is the newly born demon lord and his goal is to rebuild the demon continent. A pitiful amount of chapters in the beginning of actual kingdom building with too quick of a pacing and lack of information to the point where a lot of things apparently happened that were never talked about or explained and then the MC immediately goes off to the human continent under the premise... more>> of information gathering. Now we have your typical cliche demon lord acting as an adventurer trope and the mc's personality goes from ruthless demon lord to beta male Japanese MC that get led around all over the place and can't say no to the annoyingly impish and mischievous woman of authority on the human side. All that shallow writing in the beginning when we were supposed to be getting information important to the plot and now we have chapter upon chapter of useless exposition partaining to human society and frienly naborhood interaction with characters no one cares about. I can already predict the MC taking a liking to the humans so much so that he becomes a peace loving idiot. <<less
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Cheshiremoose rated it
August 28, 2017
Status: c12
A Japanese person is reincarnated as a Demon Lord and vows to unite the continent with the help of his 2 maid waifus. The premise is refreshing because the main character has a goal and is a little proactive in achieving it. The problem is there is almost no characterization. The chapters are short and we never learn what the main character is thinking or feeling at any time. After the first few chapters the point of view shifts to every other character and what they are doing. This wouldn't... more>> be a problem if any of them have any personalities. They don't, they are just anime tropes. Here is your red haired demon who carries a big axe. Here is your bob haired maid who doesn't like talking but loves the main character. Another problem is the translations. The sentences are often awkward to read. I will keep reading because the premise is very interesting, but for anyone looking for a good time waster should wait until more chapters pile up or read Dungeon Defense instead. The premise is similar. <<less
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Hungry111 rated it
November 30, 2020
Status: Completed
The premise is interesting, but there are some problems.

  1. A lot of the kingdom-building was skipped, it somehow went from chaotic to civilized with no explanation.
  2. Romance was never really resolved. They just said "let's talk about this later" in one chapter but they never actually resolve it properly.
  3. The ending was... bad. It's like they cut the story just before the climax. The author seemed to build up to some amazing climax only to end it with two incredibly rushed volumes. It's like they suddenly decided to end it for some reason which resulted in volume 9 and 10
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DNH2020 rated it
October 17, 2020
Status: Completed
It could be better. Could be much worse.

It starts out like most isekai stories, but the characters take on a life of their own, beyond the confines of their tropes.

The plot has more twists and turns than a hedge maze, and even when you think you know how it'll end, you probably won't.

If you're fine not having EVERY loose end wrapped up, then this is a suitable story for you, even if...

... more>>

... it's SORT OF rushed at the end.

It's rushed in a good way, though, one that sort of works.



It ends at Volume 10, but if the author wanted, they could've carried it on for another 5 to 6 volumes at least.

They wrapped it all up in Volume 10, most of it, leaving only a few minor loose ends.

But the way they did it was satisfying.

It lends the feeling that somehow, it was best that it ended up this way.

As for an ACTUAL Spoiler:


Ultimately, Ver helps the all-too-human Gods clean up their own mess, starting with that bit*h Philia, who isn't all THAT bad if not for her s*upidity and lack-of-foresight.

The harem is indeed real, but Ver is too much of a perfectionist and workaholic to know what to do with his harem at the moment.



But yeah, there were a number of things the author could have done if they so wanted, but regardless, it was a fitting ending.

If they HAD done more, polished it up a bit, I'd have given it five stars.

But I certainly don't regret reading it. <<less
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Aloreal rated it
October 16, 2020
Status: Completed
You ever overestimated your sugar need and cut a piece of chocolate cake that was bigger than what you could handle; then started eating it? You get by halfway and you think you are getting full but you still have another half and you get on with it since you aint full yet and its just a piece of choco cake and you can eat it since you already ate half of it. Then you reach the last few bites but you cant eat any more, but force yourself to... more>> eat it and those small bites become smaller cause you so sugary overloaded, and you promise yourself you aint gonna eat anything sweet ever again, but you cant put it down cause you cut it yourself and you are with company and you dont want to put it down since you cut it and you want to eat it and you look like you are suffering but still slog it out and you eat it but have that feeling over sweetness that wont ever go away and you hope by tomorrow it goes away cause all this sugar overload it killing you now and your stomach is full?

Yeah? This novel is that above example.

It started excellently. The whole premise is our MC which is neither good or evil. Someone who is destined to die if he does nothing, but if he does there are chances to fix the s*upid rules and for him to survive, along with his country.

Every character introduced had some kind of agency to him or her. Their personalities dont jump around, they are consistently growing because of their interactions with the MC. For every character introduced we eventually find out who they are, what they do, can do and cant do, their likes and dislikes.

It was a novel about a whole country uniting and their people slowly getting out of their shell and base states and into a wider spectrum. Our MC fought both physical combat and political combat to get his country moving towards a brighter future for them and him surviving. Politics and negotiations and interventions where realistic.

But Volume 9 pretty much changed all that. Our MC is somewhere there, but his thinly explained disappearance makes the volume a huge slog of nothingness into a sea of oblivion. New characters that I never read about make their appearance in the volume and take the helm into making it their own. Important things that matter none to me and I would think the rest of the readers, make headlines, throwing their weight around like they own the novel.

But I dont care about them. Their politics are boring. Their fights are a slog. The whole novel made way for two opposing factors in a single country that I dont care enough to read. My MC and all his schemes, plans, worries and supporters (except for a token of them just to help one side of the Humans because reasons) are completely out of the picture for almost all Volume 9; replaced by boring humans and their chivalry that noone cares.

And Volume 10 rushes to tie most of the loose ends, leaving it open ended and a hope for the future.

Could it be better? Sure it could. The novel could continue another 3 or 5 more volumes. But the author ended it at 10. Its rushed but it felt like a proper ending. So yeah. If you want to read this novel go ahead. Its great up to the end of Volume 8. Vol 9 and 10 dont skip but be prepare for a heavy stomach pain at the end.

4/5 up to end of Volume 8. 1.5/5 starting Volume 9 <<less
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Joospinch rated it
February 9, 2020
Status: v7c20
Absolutely wonderful story no exaggerations but I think this story will get serialization and even become an anime in the future. Super underrated

First a disclaimer:

I get that the story at the beginning is in a very confusing format, just get that it's just the beginning and author wants it to pass by quickly (most likely)

... more>> Plot: solid consistency with no plot holes, isn't easily predictable (there are several twists).

Characters: IMO this is a story in the upper ranks of isekai in the side of characters. The story doesn't revolve around the MC but he ties them together.

Worldbuilding: the author clearly spent alot of time and effort working on the world and it pays off with how concrete and real the world feels, and how different nations are (at least on a surface level) the dark continent has a clearly defined structure and hierarchy that is easy to understand yet not simple.

So far the story had ups and downs (mostly ups) downs as in I got bored of a side char's POV but very rarely does that happen as they are all interesting and even then they are short and sweet packets that are bearable to pass through.

Last but not least the story so far has been very refreshing, MC is not your typical japanese MC if you hate the 'because I was human I must help and protect humanity even though I am now a demon' then you are in luck as this doesn't happen here Vermudol only cares for his kingdom as a doting father would his children.

So far Vermudol has not really had a place to be super op and shine so bright everyone wonders in awe (i hate it when an MC is so op he is 99% of his party's power) most have a bask in the limelight and

if anyone Sancreed is more of an MC than he is


IMO the characters is what the author excelled in this story and they are very alive and real. The characters even mobs are more dimensional than the average story.

Characters: 9/10

Plot: 7.5/10

Worldbuilding: 7/10

In this scale 10/10 means perfection hence it is very strict. (This is just to show how they compare to each other) <<less
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VelhoDit rated it
March 22, 2019
Status: v4c1
this is probably the best novel I dropped, well for those who came here to read the comments and decide if you will read than I my advice is give it a try.

-it is a Kingdom building story but it does not tell you how the Kingdom was build.

-there is girls that like the protagonist but there is no romance.

... more>> -there is action but no awesome fights until now.

basically there is a nice premisse and a good translation but there is no satisfaction for the reader, the most close novel I have read until today in this genre and a liked was: Genjitsushugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki <<less
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Allstarall rated it
March 10, 2019
Status: v6c15
The world building is unexpectedly good and complex.

The storyline however-it's a bit off. The start was weird, to say the least. The midpoint was decent. And the place I am at, It's getting a bit dull.

Harem genre wasn't tagged before, but it is that genre to some extent. Not too too much, but it is a point in 3 characters. Low romance so far. Edit: In the next chapters, Harem Genre is prominant. As a person who hates it, I ask why people didn't tag it before.

Translation is distinctly Japanese... more>> translated. <<less
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SeventhTale rated it
March 29, 2018
Status: c32
I quite like this one. The story started from how the MC unify the continent to how he create plans againts human. But, don't expect any world building here, and don't expect a serious story that explain all things, because it's not kind of story, still, that what makes this good to read.

This is a fast paced story on how our MC will act as a demon king with his subordinate. No need to explain every actions, no need to put too much detailed in everything.

Simplicity is one of the... more>> characteristic of this novel even though it has a premise that should be in a too detailed writing.

That is what I want to say in the past. I re-read it cause I got lost in the latest chapter. I notice the lack of emotion of this novel (even in illustration). The author didn't bother to show what are the characters thinking, what's the reason to their actions. It's bothering to read a story that has it own paced that proceeds without minding what will the readers thinking. <<less
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RedCobra75 rated it
April 28, 2022
Status: v10c21
Imagine a really good novel but the author run out ideas and force end /rush the story.

and leave a cliff hangger.

this the best descriptions about this novel, a wasted potentials.

it deserve more over volume 10 with new story and problem, but the author decide " im tired making novel and end it"

i hope some one later making same plot as this novel but not get axed.
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shadows06060 rated it
March 11, 2022
Status: Completed
Very much like GoT in that it completely mucks up the ending, the last volume was a "pain" to read.

It starts well enough with a good anti-hero protagonist, then does some really generic stuff, skips over whole arcs and just presents the final result. As mentioned pacing is bad and only gets worse with the focus being all over the place and on completely trivial or unrelated things. By the end of it we're just getting info dumped about the setting of the world that the author created and desperately... more>> wants to share all the details about.

As a web novel it might still get a passing grade, but as a light novel that actually got published, were there no editors involved? <<less
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It is quite an interesting story about how a Demon King tries to escape the fate of dying to the Hero. It’s a unique idea.

Pretty slow paced, better to be binged. Be warned that the translation has a few typos here and there.

The ending is a bit sad in the sense that it’s clearly rushed. The author’s usual style is to have some events happen, then a few chapters from a side character’s POV for character development and world building. The final volume (10), was pretty much event after event... more>> after event. They did their best to tie up any loose ends, but there’s still some left behind.


like questions about why Lys looks exactly like Ys and her actions. The 2 unknown races and a 3rd continent. Etc.


It’s pretty clear that the author had a lot more planned for the story, but something happened to force them to end it all in volume 10.

I’m just a bit sad that I’ll probably never see what was originally planned. <<less
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SisConEcho rated it
May 29, 2021
Status: Completed
interesting premise, good planning, poor execution, botched ending (prob coz axe)

This is more a descriptive kingdom-building slice of life story and less of an adventure

Storyline well planned out in advance given that the background settings, groundwork and foreshadowing are done better than most, but I felt that the plot was cut short. There should be enough material for 5 more books. This is especially frustrating as the writing improved. While botched, some plot points of the ending were probably planned well in advance as the big reveals are consistent... more>> with the story and groundwork done. Writing seems to be done by an amateur with a heart and the improvements show as the story progresses. Hard to read at first, but picks up at c20. There was a decent attempt to differentiate from generic tropes. Many scenes would be amazing if delivered well and I felt pained thinking about the missed opportunities. There is a large change in style in the last 2 volumes, where the writing is better but the plot suffers. I especially liked the author's idea on what makes a king compared your usual OP hero harem journey

Recommended if you're out of stuff to read. However, if you don't have much free time, read Dungeon Defense (KR) instead. <<less
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IceLube rated it
June 26, 2023
Status: v7c14
Too many filler chapters. It's not focused on action, adventure, slice of life, kingdom-building, romance, mystery, comedy, politics, or anything at all. It just attempts to combine all of them poorly.

As other reviews have said, it has many explanations that don't add anything to the story and doesn't explain how the core stuff works.

I literally forced myself to not find a new novel to read as it's easy as hell to just put down and do other stuff while reading this (had finals).
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Dobber1k rated it
January 8, 2022
Status: Completed
I’ll keep it short and sweet. In the beginning it draws you in and progresses rather slow. Which it’s really well written and entertaining. But over time more and more characters come out. Different points of the plot come out, and it plants those seeds of you waiting to see what happens... but some things become contradicting. And honestly after the 7th vol. the plots that the MC become entangled in start to unfold and has many ch. devoted to them. And the end of the 9th and beginning of... more>> the 10th vol. it starts to just.. stop. And then ending will leave you feeling unfulfilled. It’s like during the 9th vol. they just say eh. This is enough. It’s a Sad ending to a spectacular novel. Don’t get me wrong some character development is sad. Some didn’t get any spotlight. The plots we all love remain unsolved. And I’ll be honest.. a lot of ch. are filled with “history” or a characters thoughts more often than not. But it’s enjoyable <<less
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Minst_Meat rated it
December 17, 2020
Status: --
Overall a pretty decent read. A good amount of stuff is skipped over or not really explained and some plot holes not filled. If you can look over a couple of issues its a decent read with some interesting things thrown in that are memorable.
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