The Novel’s Extra


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Waking up, Kim Hajin finds himself in a familiar world but an unfamiliar body.

A world he created himself and a story he wrote, yet never finished.

He had become his novel’s extra, a filler character with no importance to the story.

The only clue to escaping is to stay close to the main storyline.

However, he soon finds out the world isn’t exactly identical to his creation.

Associated Names
One entry per line
소설 속 엑스트라
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397 Reviews sorted by

Ankiwi rated it
June 25, 2023
Status: Completed
Yeah there's nothing I can say that other reviews haven't. First 180 chapters is 4/5 but then it drops it 3/5 sometime after that. The author really dropped the ball hard misusing time skips when he had already limited how long the plot can go (something like 10 years) and even stopped using or even ignored the power scaling he had set up. This novel could have been double the length and just as entertaining for most people imo.
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February 8, 2023
Status: c398
This novel definitely had its flaws, but overall I found the plot very interesting and appreciated what the author was trying to do with the characters that I can comfortably say you should absolutely read it! I found this story after reading the webtoon, which interested me so much I had to jump into the novel and binged it all in week... I'm ashamed, but anyhow.

A lot of people criticize the MC for being boring or contradictory. I understand where they're coming from, but at the same time I feel... more>> like his character totally makes sense! To him, he's in a world he created all of a sudden, struggling to survive and go home to where the people he actually cares about are - the story shows characters with mental illness, and I'd say MC is a good example of depression in many ways. He sees people as "characters" he's not emotionally attached to, and yet they are ideas he's poured hours of effort and love into so he's attached in that sense, and trying to juggle between the two. He wants to go home, wants to help his character grow and fight the changed settings, but doesn't want to ruin too much plot or make too big of an impact in case it ruins future growth. So of course he's contradictory and not looking to build personal relationships, simply being an "extra" as he watches his characters dance around him and slowly sinking more and more into this world


(1) A story that actually *moves*. As in, you can feel the story truly does go through 10 years, and although there are some time skips we follow as the MC starts from school life into mercenary life and watch as the world changes step by step. Of course, it's not perfect, and given the length it can be expected, but I find a lot of times authors are really attached to an initial setting and doesn't move big picture. Same thing with his relationships, and romantic ones (even though I still find them all awkward and feel forceful, but I appreciate how each character means something different in his life and are fundamental to his character and story in different ways).

(2) Side character development. This story has a lot of interesting characters with individual backgrounds and complicated relationships with each other woven together. We actually see them growing and changing, going on their life paths, yet supporting one another in a bigger world. It's quite rare to have a main cast introduced but then goes far beyond them during plot to show a plethora of other characters with their own stories and showing MC's relationships and how he's changing them and their ideals while they still retain their individuality and personalities. There are of course lots of recurring important characters, and the author does a good job of not forgetting people or things he's introduced, but everyone walks different paths in life with different people and goals and it's really interesting to see them.


  • JSY: Probably the most complex one. The arrogant yet despairing king of a ruined world who doesn't realize what she's ruined herself, caught up in her servant's betrayal, who first gets her ego majorly checked and then slowly grows to build relationships with the new world's characters and self-reflects. Arrogant in the beginning (I am king, others are beneath me) and *PERFECT* arrogant in the end (choosing to live and die with her ruined world because that's what it means to be king), but what she holds as her pride and the way she treats others entirely change. I liked that the author tried to parallel with YYH, but not very well developed.
  • R: A princess who holds up a failing country almost entirely on her own, who tries to show perfection and grace in everything but suffers from trauma and guilt that makes her want to die. Emotional manipulation from a renowned yet jealous tutor who charges fees equivalent to the nation's income, a closest-guardian-turned-rebel that wants to absolutely ruin her, scoffing and condescension from other nations, and of course the disasters the world is facing.I like that the side story explores more into her story, but although I like a lot of things it portrays I really hate how her character in that story is and how the romance feels so forceful lmao.
  • SJK: A nobleman who is proud of his elitist blood to the point of obsession and trauma from his grandfather's sacrifice. A grandfather that basically shaped his whole personality; chose to save millions in self-sacrifice and become a #1 hero, which makes SJK both revere and hate because it caused grandfather to leave him. And yet at the same time undermined because of his regressor status, which further feeds into his elitism and reverence. In the end he grows to understand other characters and out of jealousy, and breaks his grandfather's heroic glamour himself.
  • A lot of other characters too, like CNY, YB / Boss, Bell, etc. If I have to say the main one missing is KSH lmao he gets a story but his development is more expository? Even Kim Chundong, the real tragic hero of the story (ies) as the poster boy extra, gets an entire second life examination!


And frankly as upset as I was about the ending, it's still decent. I think either making it happy or making it even more tragic in certain ways would've been better, but I like that we can still see the traces MC has left ie peoples' lives and thus it's not "for nothing" as some reviewers say. Like Chameleon Troupe became totally different! I just wish AT THE VERY LEAST they could have a satisfying fenrir = black lotus reveal lol.


(3) An interesting plot! I really enjoyed most of the story arcs. The author even tried to show planning and pace (eg. with the /9 accumulation of luck and forecasting) which I appreciated.


(1) Idk if I'm just anti-romance but basically every romantic relationship in this story felt forced to me. And people criticize MC for being super dense, but tbh I think it's just him in his older-than-everyone they're-people-I-created-like-my-kids not really taking anything into heart, which I truly feel totally makes sense. If he acted any other way I probably would've quit early lol. But there's so many romantic relationships that get pushed because he's rumored to like this person or that person, especially in Rachel's side story at the end, that it feels so annoying. Leave the guy alone!!! And don't even get me started on all the absurd age gaps.

(2) The writing is childish, and probably has to do with translation too but sentence and paragraph structure, conversational speech, etc. all feels immature. It gets better though, but definitely never going to become an acclaimed masterpiece of literature.


Jin Sahyuk's portrayal. On the whole I LOVED it; the arrogant yet despairing king of a ruined world who doesn't realize what she's ruined herself, caught up in her servant's betrayal, who first gets her ego majorly checked and then slowly grows to build relationships with the new world's characters and self-reflects. All great, but I JUST DON"T UNDERSTAND KIM SUHO??? Like maybe it's because I don't live in a monarchy but WHY would he feel apologetic to her in any way shape or form??? Why does he never talk back to her when she lords over him with her status, given the things she's done to him??? I loved her development on a high level, but a lot of the details were not well portrayed imo to the point it felt like plotholes (like was she or wasn't she a puppet ruler, exactly how old was she, etc.)



IF YOU"RE GOING TO WRITE SIDE STORIES / NON-CANON STORIES FOR OTHER PEOPLE THAT LOVED MC, WHAT ABOUT YOO YEONHA!!!! She ended up being my fav FL for him, but doesn't seem to have a side story?? In terms of romance she doesn't even seem to have a happy ending; I love a strong independent woman that doesn't need a man and lives for herself & her career, or a woman who grows into that which I think the author was trying to show, but it still just feels like she lost and was consoling herself that now she rules half the world. I'm glad the narrative isn't "women have to choose one or the other", but I wish she could at least have a non-canon arc with MC!


(4) No satisfying

Fenrir = Black Lotus

reveal :' (

But overall still a great story and worth reading!!!!! I can't find the extras after c398 though, even though I hear the last one has a lot of people loving. <<less
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warrock4862 rated it
December 14, 2022
Status: c378
The Novel pulled in my interest with the prophetic view of the plot and the perspective of a extra that author tried to portray, of what if a regular human would feel and be forced to accept the harsh reality from a viewpoint of a novel reader.

Overall from the start to end of the novel the arcs at the beginning were kinda complete with a few loose ends to be cleared with the next arc, but as the novel progressed some were unexplained and some were completely abandoned and some... more>> were twisted with to fit a faster and more easier ending. There were many options for the author to extend the novel to up-to 1500 chapters to complete a complete novel with.

I did not feel satisfied by the explanation received by the "MC Author" from the Co-Author for the reason for his transmigration into his own novel. The reason was that the Co-Author was inspired by the novel written by the "MC Author" and hence decide to create a lower rank dimension with his authority and pulled the "MC Author" to be a proofreader as well a editor who is from the pinnacle dimension at the very top. My dissatisfaction with this is, it is portrayed that a being of higher dimension to descend into a lower dimension a lot of requirements and constraints will have to be placed on the being and even though he is just a normal being in his higher dimension he would possess a power similar to a god in the lower dimension. So, how can a being of lower dimension pull or force summon a being of higher dimension, the permission given by the "MC Author" in the email was just a permission edit his work the novel. This felt like a blotched explanation to me.


I feel a much better explanation would be, when the Co-Author received permission from the "MC Author", the "MC Author" was unknowingly giving consent that a part of his soul would be summoned or used to experience the world created by the C0-Author using the power of an higher dimension being's soul. The "MC Author" experiences the world that he had created and after the many Arcs of life and the Final Arc, the Co-Author explains that the "MC Author" was just a part of a soul of a higher being from a pinnacle dimension and just 10 days has passed in his dimension and he his fine but in a coma and after 6 or 12 months he would naturally wake up fully recovered with no knowledge of this world. The Co-Author has given the choice to return immediately with his memories of this world as dreams and by doing so the world ceases to exist and would just be memories in a dream, Or what the "MC Author" chose in the Novel.

And as I was typing this, I realized by the above explanation the value of the choice is greatly reduced and it becomes moot for the final ending for a story, the choices would become trying to obtain your fantasy with help of god or to return to a drab world where you are considered normal and giving such a choice would be redundant. I also realized the sacrifice the MC would have to make with the choice would have more meaning for the end of an novel.


The Novel had me going through different emotions while reading, wherein I sometimes binged chapters into late at night and at times I just wanted to smack the author and discontinue the novel entirely, but after many ups and down, I have finally completed the novel and it was a good read. I found that the romance was appropriate and didn't try to force a harem ending that's become the norm.

One of the many things I appreciate about this novel would be how there was no romantic relationship between Evandel and Hajin. I just find it disgusting that some novels would try build romantic relationship between characters that were introduced as being similar to daughters of MC.


I would like to thank the author for a good novel and my condolences for the situation that led to an hasty and incomplete end of the novel. <<less
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noblesse.wilde rated it
December 8, 2022
Status: Completed
The story was great but it could have been better. I have a few changes that would have made a whole world of difference. Check the spoiler to know more.

... more>>

I felt that the MC had a lot of knowledge to help people out, but he chose to be a bystander by watching things happen from the side. He had the chance to save many students from the Djin's attacks. Calling things butterfly effects is just him washing responsibility over his own actions of neglect. While calling himself an extra he decided to ignore the plight of other extras like himself.

He could have helped Rachel better but his focus was on getting Novel's protagonist Kim Suho, stronger. He had the chance of making his friends rich by making them buy stocks. He let Chameleon Troupe become richer while ignoring his other friends. On many occasions he chose to be the only person who benefitted from his knowledge.

His adamant behavior of putting Nayun into unnecessary stress was just difficult to read. He could have delivered the message that Nayun's brother is the seed of the devil by using the 'Truth Agency' or just by using an anonymous letter. Yet he watched Nayun breakdown time and again till she actually became a chain smoker because of his actions.

He should have stopped harassing Jin Sahyuk after noticing her character development. But he chooses to continue making her the antagonist in his plans. He watches Jain torture Aileen many times in the tower and just ignores her horrible situation of being bankrupt within the tower. Heck he does not even help Yoo Yeonha who goes into spirals of overthinking.

His disproportionate liking for Evandel was another thing that left a bad after taste. The idea that there is only the antagonist who reaches over the 9 rank-rating is again another plot hole.

I loved the book but it could have become way better if the changes I mentioned could have been incorporated. Also, the college going ark was quite short. The author could have made it like the studies in Hogwarts. Yada yada yada, this is all I can recollect right now.

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November 14, 2022
Status: --
This is one of those novels you'd check the updates for every, single day. And so you did, for many days, or even months, and it was great, then it was sh!t. The ending really, really, really made me regret reading this novel. And I never do that, so I guess kudos to the author. What an achievement.

I am still extremely resentful, lol. For me, how good novels end is what makes or breaks it, but this author took that as a challenge. He buried the novel to a pit... more>> so low that would bury even prehistoric moles alive. Holy crap. Anywho, I will steer clear from this author's works in the future. I can't handle that much disappointment anymore. <<less
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Hakiko rated it
October 27, 2022
Status: Completed
I'm gonna keep this review simple. There are little aspect of romance even tho the MC kinda has a harem but hey its Action novel, don't expect romance. The pace, conflict, and the character themself are decent, even tho there are some character that are wasted. Still, the story itself is enjoyable that can make me read this novel through the end. But there is one big flaw that is THE ENDING. The ending is so anticlimatic that make me think "Wait, I read 300+ chapters for this?".
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October 6, 2022
Status: c75
A carefully written work of webnovel art. It certainly doesn't get any better than this in this genre. The worldbuilding is so well done it's on the level of a published novel. The characters are so likable and the main character is awesome. No grammatical errors (mostly) as well. Translator did a great job at this. Overall, I absolutely loved it. For a more detailed rating, I'd give it a 8.5/10
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BudgetG rated it
October 6, 2022
Status: c4

really unsatisfying and slightly sad ending. I was really looking for the ending because MC had a lot of secrets that would be fun to watch finally be unveiled for the side characters. The only thing that was revealed at the end was that he was the author of the novel, and only Jin Sahyuk, Baal, and bell knew. And the other characters memories were just wiped so Kim Suho also forgot. I was really looking forward to Suho's reaction. I was looking forward to the reaction to everything being revealed to everyone from when I first started to read this novel so it was really annoying to me. Also I absolutely hate endings where everyone forgets the protagonist at the end so the ending was even more frustrating to me. I really liked the characters in this novel so all their memories being wiped hurt lmfao, Yeonha, Boss, Rachel, Droon, Jain, Check Jungyeong, and Evandel were the only ones that remembered him in the end, I honestly don't care about the rest but what ABOUT KIM SUHO???! All those years of hardship and trials just for him to forget his good friend Kim Hajin. Literally if they included Kim Suho I would leave with a lighter heart but no. Give me back the mistletoe or whatever, you bastard scammer you never payed back the debt.

I give this a 3. 5 hahaha I am a sucker for Bland, boring, but happy endings. I hate the 'everyone forgets the protagonist trope' makes me want to strangle the author, so I am actually pretty generous with the 3. 5/5 sorry for the decimals since giving a three would make it seem very bad I added a 0. 5

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Glenn27 rated it
September 19, 2022
Status: c378
Personal rating: 3.5

The novel started strong being strong. Personnaly I prefer how the remake manhwa start tho. Then it just become a novel that I'm reading it for the sake of finishing it and I did ignoring the 100 chapter of side story that I cant be bother to search for

Ill be talking about the negative part of the book rather than the positive so do take it with a grate of salt.

Before I start, I have no idea who most of the character are and so next to the... more>> website was a wiki for me to search through whatever I could find. Why? Because the sir name is either a Kim or a Jin. Nothing is more frustrating when a Kim or Jin character showing up being an important character and not knowing who or what they are.

The first half of the novel was interesting tho I was a bit upset of the relationship between Kim Hajin and Chae Naeyun. Not because of how their relationship is but more of how everybody thought they were together and it was never clear up. And then when the Female Lead actually appear. KH and CN has more chemistry than KH and FL even until the end of story. And no one actually knows the relationship until the end. Rather they only got together officially or something at the end.

KH was as adult that became a student in his book when he first wake up. And he stay as an adult throughout the end. Even when he hangs out with the main cast he didn't suddenly turn into a student like most isekai show. The emotional aspect when he first kill someone was great.

The second half of the novel tho was messy many things started happen. And the typical 'someones who dead is actually alive' happen and I was so close to dropping it. Its the sort of messiness that you just not interested to know how it be dealt. And by the time I reach chapter 378, it wasn't actually dealt with at all.

I do like how they explain how KH appear in the novel and how some people found out they're a character in the novel and their reaction to it. Its very unique but that all. I could guess what they write about for the side story.

In conclusion, It a bit dramatic. Very messy. And since they wrap up the story as fast as possible terrible ending. Like what happen to Lerenje vs Extra 7 maybe in the side story but why brought it up before the last 20 chapter? And the last chapter wasn't even about the MC but a various side character. So read it just be warn about the second half of the novel. <<less
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August 15, 2022
Status: c379
I have too many questions about the ending. I know there's 100 chapters remaining so I don't want to rate it first....

All in all, it was a good read. I liked the world-building and I like MCs that were OP from the start so this novel was a good read for me (for reference, I like TCF, ORV, TSCG, etc.).

MC didn't really have any obvious character development when it comes to becoming 'strong'. The development was more of his mindset.

... more>>

at the end, he didn't see this world as a novel anymore. In fact, he decided to spend his life there so that it won't be destroyed. You can say, he thought of the 'novel' world as a real world with real people living in it to the point where he thought of it as his home.


There is romance, but honestly, this novel would have been good without it. There was also an ambiguous sign of a harem, but it was never fully formed. MC only ended up with one which seemed forced imo.


at first, it seemed as if they both had a superior and subordinate relationship (kind of like a lioness protecting and teaching its cub to hunt...) But the romance kinda just jumped out of nowhere. Even the development felt forced. The only time it was formed was when MC saw her past and finally confirmed his feelings. But, tbh, their relationship before that just seemed like close subordinates, not to the point of being mistaken as lovers so this sudden 'label' on the official FL popped out of the blue...


I was unsatisfied with the ending though... He did so much for the world. Protected so many people, only to

be forgotten by everyone

. I know there are 100 chapters left (that could fit a whole arc or 2) but the translations stopped at 379. the ending was unsatisfactory and there are currently no translated chapters of the side stories.

So with only the main story, I'd say it was a good story but with an unsatisfactory ending. I'd like MC's efforts to be recognized.

Not forgotten, good lord I hope someone translates the rest of the chapters soon...

. <<less
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Billyvdl rated it
August 15, 2022
Status: Completed
Amazing start but terrible flow afterwards. The academy arc was nice with characters being introduced and whatnot. We see characters developing and building relationships and it was awesome. Once the arc ends, it starts getting bad imo.

... more>>

There's some suggestive harem throughout the story but never ends up anywhere. MC has big drama with one of the FMC throughout the story even though it could've been resolved with a talk. This sh*t was dragged out for about 150 chapters which was painful. Despite being through so much with her, their ending was horrible (he doesn't even end up with her despite the hints). MC only starts caring about romance in the last 30 chapters or something even though the romance subplot has been hinted since the academy.



Latter half of the story has too many plot holes and things that don't make sense, it felt like the author was just brainstorming whatever he could at that point. Medea was completely forgotten. Co-author's favor was also forgotten despite being mentioned 3-4 times. Narrow escape through death luck was supposed to complete but also forgotten. Everyone forgets MC so how did Genkelope vessel function? Who became their commander? The gaming devil seemed interested in MC and wanted to compete in-game but they never interact past their first encounter. The 3rd devil was supposed to live peacefully if she got rare items crafted by MC but MC lost his crafting powers, so she shouldn't have any more reason to stay peaceful.


Latter half of the novel was just horrible overall. Ending was rushed and the author really tried to shove a poetic ending down reader's throats. Overall 2.5/5 <<less
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DemitR rated it
August 10, 2022
Status: Completed
I saw another review say this novel has a lot of misunderstandings. That is an understatement. In this novel, there are misunderstandings, misunderstandings that beget more misunderstandings, misunderstandings that have plot implications, misunderstandings that are resolved by other misunderstandings, misunderstandings that go unaddressed for hundreds of chapters, misunderstandings that have no actual plot relevance whatsoever, and misunderstandings that somehow turn out to be true in the most convoluted way possible. And probably more.

I don't hate it though because it's about an 90-10 split between misunderstandings for the sake of comedy... more>> vs. Melodrama. The novel is obviously self-aware of how ridiculous things get at times, and more importantly it is deliberate. When misunderstandings effect the plot progression, they are often used as comedic devices, ways to speed up the plot, or just expand on a character's motivations and though processes, all of which are welcome. The melodrama is light, and I think that's why most people hate misunderstandings, so not much of that here.

There's also the matter of convenient plot elements (get out of jail free cards etc.) which feature heavily and is probably exemplified by the MC's high luck stat saving his life a seemingly infinite number of times. Up to you on whether this is a dealbreaker - again the novel is self aware enough to treat this as a comedy element so I choose to enjoy them.

You can knock half a star off because the novel really drags after the 2nd arc (post Tower of Wish). There are far too many important characters by this point and you're stuck reading like 8 perspectives for every actual scene, an unfortunately common pitfall. It's not like other novels where you're seeing the same scene from different perspectives, and at least half the characters are imo exceptionally interesting or likable, so it isn't as bad. It's a bit of a give and take, where the stories/characters are much more interesting and have more depth, but the pacing slows to a crawl. <<less
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Reader5149 rated it
July 12, 2022
Status: --

To be honest, I honestly enjoyed it~ altho I stopped reading around 300+

It's like a stereotypical novel, where you'd do anything to go home to your world but end up not wanting to leave.

... more>> Ehem.

I didnt like how the misunderstandings kept going and it took them a long time to fix it.

Also, I was ok at first to to the different perspectives, but it gradually went annoying to the constanst changes of povs. Maybe its also because of how it gives cliffhangers most of the time.

It also got complicated and boring as chapters goes by. But it's exciting when Fenrir or Black Lotus is in action.

I dont know but I think the Author also skips certain, no alot of scenes, and most of them were I was curious about.

Honestly, I read this expecting most about actions, it did have it but it was mostly romance. Dont get me wrong, I like romance and all, but I came here to read a different genre. Tho I stayed reading it because it was nice and cute.

My reason for suddenly deciding on stopping reading it is because, although, it is a s*upid reason. I stopped somewhere at chapter 316 and you can guess it was because Kim Hajin got close to Boss.

At first, I shipped them but now.. Ehhh~~

Maybe its because I preferred where he stayed neutral.

○^○ I feel like Nayun would have had potential too~~TT because most of the chapters are about their misunderstandings. I have alot of reasons why I prefer them with each other more, but it'll take long so ye~

Yeonha would have been nice too, but Author didnt really give them more scenes with each other than Boss and Nayun.

Also, I dont know who he's going to end up with since I'm planning to stop reading it. I have this urge to just skim through the remaining chapters and get it over with, but I just cant.

I may or may not continue to read it.I dont know <<less
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Ashie123 rated it
July 11, 2022
Status: Completed
It was overall an enjoyable story. The story is complex and interesting enough to keep you wanting to read more. The characters are also quite realistic most of the time and have depth. Vilains are not always bad and heroes are not always good. However, the story is somewhat unsatisfying, especially the ending. There are multiple built-up plots and relationships that went no where, leaving me feeling somewhat unfulfilled.


Some examples:

  • MC has this special luck stat Narrow Escape from Death that accumulated whenever MC narrowly escape from death. This is featured quite well at first then suddenly stopped right at 8/9. Unless I missed something, I really don’t understand why the author created this stat.
  • There is this whole series about demon Lejari and games. Everything built up to the point that Extra7 was the only human in the world that could defeat her in game and she promise that if people on Earth can defeat her, she would not invade the human. But then it kind of skip the whole things after the game was developed to her defying Baal. I wish it would have at least describe a bit more about what went down before that point.
  • The story mentioned how relics and objects with long history are more powerful that the ones with short history and used that to say that bows and swords are better than guns. But then the author barely ever mention any historical weapons at all. However, it could be that I am too critical as I have read several other novels that are much better with including myths and relics into the story than this one, making me feel that the ones mentioned in this story felt somewhat lackluster at time and just made me wanted more.
  • MC has so many confusing relationships with many people that goes nowhere in the end. There are so many girls that, at times, I thought the novel would go harem but then it kind of just abandoned all the built-up and resolved nothing, all those girls were still single at the end of the story. Staying single was fine but honestly, the plots for each of them were so bad that I kind of just pity all of them. And the female lead turned out to be someone that barely had any interaction with MC until after mid-point of the story and honestly felt more like a mom than a lover for a large portion of the story, which was very unsatisfying for me. The next several points are about that.
  • MC “created” this witch called Evandel using Rachel blood. Evandel appeared in the form of baby Rachel and called her mommy while calling MC daddy at birth. Then MC hid Evandel and the little girl just stayed with MC for several years and finally met Rachel. MC then pretty much left Evandel to Rachel until almost the very end. Somehow, Rachel kind of just accepted that and took care of Evandel and not expecting anything in return at all. It felt pretty forced to me and I really don’t understand why even started this whole mommy daddy situation and just let it happened like that.
  • MC and Yeonha relationship was so confusing. Yeonha no doubt has feeling for MC. She likes everything that he made for her. The whole things about her being sick and he took care of her in the first back-in-time instance was so touching. Then, the whole thing about her sleeping in MC old bed with his smell not washing off... And how she always supported him from the shadow and even brought her beloved father down for MC. She was also the person and help others remembered MC at the end. But somehow, she never even confessed her feeling for him. At first, it was somewhat understandable because of MC complicated relationship with Nayun, her so-called friend at first and real friend later. But for the whole novel to not confessing once is honestly very confusing to me. The closest to that was her text to MC when she thought he was dead, which was completely ignored by the MC. I dont understand how the MC just ignored the many messages to him from her because she told MC not to read those messages.
  • MC and Nayun convoluted relationship was very complicated. It felt like she was supposed to be the female lead but then she just became a very annoying tragic ex-gf (actually they never even formally dated, just kissed, hugged and went on dates?). I seriously don’t get how the author set her up as this rich spoiled girl then pretty much trampled on her until the end. It honestly felt like the author hated this girl for not living up to her female lead role. Her mother was killed at young age. Her beloved brother woke up after years of being in a comma just to get killed by the boy she loved, our MC. She thought the boy also loved her and watched over her for a very long time. Worst of all, she was the one who took the boy to see her brother. Then she lived solely for revenge for years in mountains. Most of her later story was about her going to mountains for training and fighting. Then she broke down again when knowing the real reasons for her brother’s death before going back to training and killing monsters. Her father is pretty much non-existent except for when he hid the real reason for her brother’s death from her. Her beloved grandfather is a hero that lost his emotion a his gift’s side effect. Although he supposedly cared about her, he never really showed it and he also is the mastermind of the plan that killed our MC’s body’s parents. She ended the story with contemplating wether to use the stone of regression or not while being the subject of the bet between Baal and Bell, with Baal cheating by sending her messages that Baal is dead so he won’t appear in the world she would regressed to. I literally can’t. This girl whole life is a tragedy. Like what was stated in the story, it must be because our MC took the ring that is supposed to increase her intelligent and then gave the ring to Boss. In return, he gave Nayun a necklace that helped with her power, finishing her as a muscle-brain awkward ex gf with a tragic life.
  • Then we have this Jin Sahyuk character with a convoluted relationship with the original occupant of MC body. After appearing extremely OP in front of the MC and original hero, she got defeated by a coin from the MC and then pretty much got trampled on by MC until she got PTSD from seeing MC. Yet somehow, she started caring and depended on MC later on. And when she found out about the whole “Synchronization” issue, she was so adamant on getting her Kindspring back but then just kind of gave up. Considering how much Sahyuk cared about Kindspring, why did she just suddenly gave up so easily like that? I don’t get how the whole plot just easily got abandoned. And Kindspring just kind of disappear?
  • The worst of all is Suho, the original MC somehow completely forgot about the MC at the end. I can’t believe how that was handle and it was honestly the most annoying thing for me. After everything that went through, and the strong bromance between our MC and Suho, the author just let Suho forgot about MC like that?
And finally, I have a small issue with how much Korean patriotism is portrayed in this story. I usually don’t care about that but it honestly felt a bit too much in this story. It felt like the author never really go oversea yet tried to write a story that has a global setting without enough background understandings needed. I believe that it would have been much better if the author has more knowledge about global myth, culture, and just general world history and geography. At times, I also felt like the author just went with the flow when writing the story without much outlining and planning, making the plot seems good at almost every point but somewhat conflicting and unsatisfying as one story from beginning to end. Overall, I would say it is a nice story to pass time with but not something I would want to re-read.
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AidanArma rated it
July 8, 2022
Status: c379
This is a review 5 months after finishing the novel. Overall I still fondly enjoy the experience of reading the novel. Although a lot of the elements are cliche, generic and convenient, it wasn't to the point that it distracted me from the core of the story which was the characters. Though some say that MC (Kim Hajin) is bland I disagree. He develops complex relationships between a lot of the characters creating a lot of drama. However the story does have glaring flaw when it comes to the unnecessary... more>> addition of love interests and unused characters.

Chae Nayun - First Love interest. She falls in love after a series of interactions which peaks after MC gives an item which allows that person to recall a distant memory which she uses to recall her past with her mother. However due to an event it will complicate their relationship. Overall satisfied with her development throughout the story.

Yoo Yeonha - Mostly Platonic (Friends/Business) relationship with the MC. However at a later point she develops feeling for Hajin which were completely unwarranted and also unnecessary within the story. Her being a love interest had brought no change in their dynamic except for the 'harem'

Rachel - English Student from the Cube. She's adorable yes, however she only serves as a damsel in distress for Hajin over and over again. Though she did have her moments they were forgettable at best since after 5 months I cannot recall any of her significant contributions to the story. A missed opportunity.

Boss - I find her story arc in the series to be one of the best and have no complaints.

Jin Sahyuk - Though setup to be the BBEG of the story she gets outsmarted and outplayed by the MC and due to some revelations with the Hajin and Chundong forms a very complicated partnership. Many things could have been done better with her partnership with Hajin however I wish she had more interaction with Suho and Hajin together instead of only Hajin as they have good chemistry.

Kim Suho - Best Friend and Original MC in the novel Hajin wrote. I wish there was more actual friendship between him and Hajin like their adventures in the cube. Most of the time afterwards was spent avoiding him intentionally or unintentionally through circumstance. It would have been a good development if instead of Rachel, Suho had found out about Hajin's Double Identity and formed a stronger chemistry. The only people the MC contacts and talks to are girls which gets stale.

Shin Jonghak - The Rival of Suho but becomes completely and entirely irrelevant up until the last 50 or so chapters. If he was developed more and formed a friendship/rivalry with both Suho and Hajin, I feel that the story would be much better for it as there are too many love interests and not many real friends.

A bit of a disappointing ending <<less
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July 6, 2022
Status: c50
(excuse my english)

This novel is over rated. I read the manhwa which stops at chapter 21, then I continue reading it as a novel. At first chapters, it is good. MC is too op, every now and then he'll have new power or upgraded skills. I like the excitement of hiding powers and etc. But then, I noticed that the MC mostly encounter and mostly interact with girls. Misunderstandings keep filling up. MC rarely interact with guys. I dont like harem and when I first saw this novel... more>> I didnt saw any tags of "Harem" so I thought I would be good but im disappointed. <<less
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thienhavodich rated it
July 3, 2022
Status: Completed
A really interesting novel in the first arc which is in the academy, after that, the story kept getting worse but still a very good one until the last chapters which are worthy of being called tr*shes

At least the female lead is freaking adorable, she is the reason why I kept reading this novel until the end lol
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GlueGod rated it
February 23, 2022
Status: c412
The best isekai I have ever read. It is isekai done right, not leaning towards the bland jp novels where you got a socially awkward kid in a man's body trying to have 6 different girlfriends with one of them being a supernatural being. Nor does it lean towards the totally cold and calculative novels that most korean isekai's do that focus on the magic system or the world.

There is actual character progression for all characters.... INCLUDING THE MC!!! Usually you never get those.

Read it.
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February 16, 2022
Status: c72
After reading the reviews, I come to the conclusion that I shall be dropping this novel.... honestly it was the romance subplot that ruined it for me-

Generally having action packed things and romance things in one plate is very distasteful for me...

One of the reasons I read this to a point was to be invested with the main character (Kim Hajin) and after reading the reviews, it seems that I would need to let go of this novel so that I won’t be able to regret that I read this,... more>> hopefully this is a good stopping place before all the nonsense (although I could already sense the nonsense incoming) even at this point... Which is why I came to read the reviews in the first place- I feel for them... I found myself agreeing on all the things the reviews pointed out... <<less
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Town_villagerb rated it
December 19, 2021
Status: c205
Based on my review scale I gave it a 3.5 in other words better than your average web novel but not good enough to make me remember it after a couple of months.

Summary- MC gets reincarnated into his own book after a fan ask him to rewrite it just for him. MC is suppose to be a extra in the novel while he gets close to the main cast of the original works and take items that he knows of to survive.

Lets start with Cons-

Medium level con- MC has no... more>> personality. Seriously, zero the only time he shown to have an original that other than to survive was that he didnt want to use close range weapons because he was scared of getting hurt, that's it.

Medium level problem on the verge to major level problem The power system isnt properly explained the power system and rankings are based on super powers rather than cultavating however stats are just as important the problem is we dont know the average stat for the ranking in the hero society nor do we know roughly how strong is a weak individual mid level individual or high level individual. We do know of the intermediate level and it has 3 sub levels low mid and high and that there is a master rank but we dont know individuals who are that rank beside characters who where told are way to strong to be considered in that level (since it's based on achievement).

Medium level problem world powers/country's dont make sense. I understand making your country the strongest and at the center of attention I would too but what ridiculous is having all other country guilds and strong individual non existant. Take England for example their countrys guild the best of the best is ranked I believe 40 in the world. Are you fricken serious especially when they are the leader of the United federation in the novel, any country that is considered a major power should be in the top twenty at least not to mention half of the top is korean. I repeat half doesnt that Korea could take on the world by itself with its top powers? Why have separate country in that case?

Medium level problem- Only the girls have a personality that's not 2d. So the main good guys cast has 7 people in the book that the MC got transported into. 4 boys and 3 girls, Soho is the MC in that book you would think we would delve into his back story and interact with him the most since he is the MC but nope it's pretty uncommon for him to show up in a scene and do something with the MC of novel extra not to mention pretty cookie cutter personality justice seeking hero with no bad traits.

Next is the antagonist/rival to the hero jonghak, again you would think we would get to know him more especially since he should be the one creating problems for the MC or at least competing but nope SPOILERS; just him sending lackeys to bully hanjin (MC we are reading from) by making rumors about him. Personality is the stereotypical elitist mentality that slowly changes.

Now we have the two lackeys one that follows Soho the other that follows jonghak I wont bother naming them because they appear so little in the book that you will forget about them until the author mention their name and you sot there for a sec wondering who the f*ck are these guys? Even though they are apart of the main cast at the same level as racheal and yoo who are constantly talked about along with nayeun and these 3 have complex emotion motives and backstory that get delved into quite a lot (I will go over them in the pros)

Small nitpick Name of book should be changed. You would think with the book called extra that the MC would try to act like a extra but nope that gets thrown out quite early on in the book and has little to do with the plot pretty similar to the book tr*sh of the count family in that sense.

Medium level problem both the plot and the world building is very generic and boring. MC knows all that is happening in the book and know where are the good items are which make the world feel small the author could have tried to make it where MC randomly find rare items that he didnt write into the book or plot points but nope the author uses the fact that the MC knows all the plot points in the book to make the MC move from one scene the the next which really highlights the fact the MC has no personality/ motivation or even a goal. Even though there is a simple one laying right in front of the author of exploring the world outside of what the MC wrote and them MC writing those things down and gain inspiration for when he presumably leaves his novel.

Time for pros.

Like I said previously three of the main cast do have a personality quite good ones for a web novel too.

You have racheal someone who intentionally doesnt get close with people in Korean since ahe is a princess and a up and coming talent that can take her country (england) guild up in the ranks. She was brought up to put her country and guild first before her feelings since she is there only hope as a very talented superhero and when interacting with the main cast especially MC creates tension and interesting thoughts and conversations.

Yoo who is apart of a family who is the dog of the chae family her goal is to bring her family position high and rebel again the chae family (mostly the head). She is very career focused and only trust people she has full control over, besides MC, one of her quirks being she love fast food or commoners food but her mother doesnt like her eating that to maintain her image as a noble lady so she pretends to eat only high class food.

Lastly we have nayuen, she is a self center bit*h who had her mother killed by dijnn and brother hospitalized anyone so much as mention them has to face her anger and she will immediately start fighting them even when SPOILER; MC saves her live she also had jonghak spread rumors about the MC because of this later she realise this and ends up falling in love with mc

Powers are pretty decent though not too eye catching

Tdrl: That's about it now would I recommend this novel to people no not at all there is a lack of emotion when I read this MC has no personality there was little world building and the power system isnt define what so ever. The whole the read like this a happen so then b happen and so on. A book is suppose to be enjoyable this wasn't if you dont mind that and are really bored you can go for it otherwise dont bother. <<less
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