The Man Picked Up By the Gods (Reboot)


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One day, the life of middle-aged Japanese businessman Takebayashi Ryouma came to a rather sudden and disappointing end. Ryouma had never had a blessed life, but after his death, three great gods sought his cooperation and reincarnated him as a child in another world with swords and magic!

Receiving a most cordial and divine welcome from the gods, Ryouma decides to live leisurely on his own in the forest for the time being. Working diligently at magic and hunting, Ryouma’s greatest passion comes to be researching his tamed slimes?! Training a variety of slimes (some newly discovered), the curtain rises on this easygoing life fantasy celebrating a second life with kind people in another world!

Associated Names
One entry per line
By the Grace of the Gods (LN)
Kamitachi ni Hirowareta Otoko
Related Series
The Man Picked up by the Gods (Adapted From)
Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children While Being an Adventurer~ (4)
(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated! (4)
The Second Coming of Gluttony (3)
Mr. Nobu’s Otherworld Chronicles (3)
Invincible Saint ~Salaryman, the Path I Walk to Survive in This Other World~ (3)
Other World Assassin Life of a Man who was a Shut-in (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. enjoyed my time
  2. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  3. Jnovels
  4. Shousetsuka ni Narou TOP 100 (mostly isekai)
  5. isekai im not cought up on

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/12/18 Neo Translations v1c16 part1
04/09/18 Neo Translations v1c15 part2
04/08/18 Neo Translations v1c15 part1
03/31/18 Neo Translations v1c14 part2
03/25/18 Neo Translations v1c14 part1
03/25/18 Neo Translations v1c13 part3
03/20/18 Neo Translations v1c13 part2
03/19/18 Neo Translations v1c13 part1
03/11/18 Neo Translations v1c12 part2
03/02/18 Neo Translations v1c12 part1
02/23/18 Neo Translations v1c11
02/16/18 Neo Translations v1c10
02/10/18 Neo Translations v1c9
02/02/18 Neo Translations v1c8
01/26/18 Neo Translations v1c7
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63 Reviews sorted by

Poshghost rated it
May 15, 2021
Status: v3c241 part2
I absolutely love this story. It's a slow, slice of life Isekai but that's my jam. While there is the occasional fight or tense moment it's generally just about our MC and his daily life. Is it perfect? Very far from it. There are points where it drags or sometimes the story gets a little muddy or lost in the weeds BUT for every time that happens something will come along to breath new life in such as a small mystery, or conversations with the gods, or even just new... more>> slimes that the MC discovers. No spoilers but I'm greatly intrigued with some of the mystery surrounding the MC and it keeps me coming back very eagerly.

The MC is pretty OP but he has quite a few flaws and does have character growth which I very much appreciate. And making him a child with an adult mind gives quite a lot of wiggle room for more character development in the future (he can kind of rebuild himself into what or who he wants to be). Watching him develop his powers is also fun because while he's powerful he's not all knowing.

Most of the side characters are also interesting and several of them have their own tiny character growth as the story progresses. The author has done a great job of being able to make some characters walk that fine line of slightly over the top but not quite crossing into annoying territory which makes reading easier.

Also props to the translator. They do a great job. Mistakes are here and there but that's to be expected for such a long read.

If you like slice of life isekais you'll probably like this one. <<less
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ende rated it
November 16, 2020
Status: v3c207
Because I ran out of reading material, I stumble upon this novel. Usually, I'm not a picky reader. As long as the novel has long enough chapter and the rating is not a disaster, I can read it.

But this is the first time I fell asleep while reading a novel. The story is so bland that I struggle to not fall asleep while reading it. This story is like the result of you writing a diary for a day, but you need to expand it to like, 50 chapter. The... more>> novel chapters mostly contains unnecessary detail (usually half of the chapter) that have no relevance to the story progression whatsoever. If I can squeeze the story, this novel will at most have 50 chapter right now.

I don't know about you, but I read the novel mainly because of the romance part of it. I like to read the interaction between the main protagonist and the (many) love interest. But this? Until 200-ish chapter I found no such things. Yes, there is no romance plot in this novel (at least until the v3c207, because I have to drop this novel after that). The slice of life genre without romance is like eating food without spice. It is bland.

So in conclusion? I recommend to read this if you have difficulty sleeping. <<less
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zadumu rated it
July 22, 2020
Status: c169
I never read the original and always hesitated to try this out considering it's a "reboot". I wish I would have picked up this series early as it's best experienced in small doses. This story is definitely takes a different approach than most isekai. While the in the beginning there's a small time skip in the beginning most of the chapters cover day to day life. As the story progresses the story becomes slightly episodic skipping a week or two in between larger events.
Despite being a world with "stats" because of the story's slice of life nature they don't get mentioned offend and several tens of chapters go by without them being mentioned or updated. Also, with being a slice of life, while there is action it's mostly skimmed over.

The story's biggest strength is also it's biggest weakness. The story is SLOW. It provides a nice contrast because while the MC is OP the slowness of the story makes him see more reasonable as there are a lot of chapters between major events. At the same time, because the story is so slow it's difficult to sit through and binge because barely anything ever happens. There are plot lines that would have immediately bore fruit in other novels are not set to take place unit YEARS in the future and with the current pace of the novel will probably be around chapter 500.

On a side note: I am really annoyed with seeing 1 star ratings because of "typical Japanese beta male" or "typical isekai tr*sh". Why rate a novel poorly when you're acknowledging that you don't like the genre in the first place. If the character isn't a "beta male" they're an unrealistic chunni edgelord.
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saihamaru rated it
April 9, 2019
Status: v3c102
your run of the mill isekai feel-good slice of life story
good for passing time when you want to just read a simple story without thinking too much
but yeah, that's all this novel got to offer unfortunately

character development is almost nonexistent and everybody is overly kind to MC
author even removed the few antagonists from the original one, making this reboot a really laid back read about MC doing whatever he want without any opposition

i don't hate this kind of novel
but i've got no motivation to read it either unless i've got nothing better to do
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FujiwaraSensei rated it
April 14, 2018
Status: v1c15
Like Dino Transla said, some of the story line from the old TMPG has been cut and putted a newer once. But still the story has been progressing so far as the MC has been interacting the Jamil Household and how greatly he cares for them.

... more>>

I like how Ryouma polite he is even though someone was extremely jealous of him at the tamer guild (which is the guild master and still not on the TMPG reboot)


Anyways I recommend you readers who wants to read this, is that don't read this for sometime so the chapters will accumulate (so you will not get a cliffhang diabetes) and just try to be patience and urge yourself to wait. <<less
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Hit-fir3 rated it
April 29, 2021
Status: c128
I like slice of life isekai story but this title is too mediocre.

Sum up:

-Im kind and badass. Why? Here half chapter philosopical reasons why I said abcd that make me badass and kind.

-Alot of stuff that he do just for the sake of doing it. Why? Here another few paragraphs round around philosophical explanation.

The 2 points above are also the main structures for most chapters.
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toetoe rated it
November 26, 2020
Status: v3c224 part1
I really love this story.

It is a slice of life so if you're looking for something jam-packed with action scenes better look somewhere else.

It does not follow a fixed objective, the MC doesn't need to save the world or whatever, so it is more about the daily life of a character coming to live in a new world where he will submerge himself in his hobbies, loose track of time, do s*upid things, etc., so basically things we do in our daily lives (like going down the youtube rabbit hole).

If... more>> you bing read all the chapters together you will probably get bored, so I really recommend that you read this following a steady pace and don't discard it after 2 chapters thinking you understand everything. It has a nice pace, good worldbuilding, and interesting characters. <<less
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Custardmouse rated it
May 17, 2019
Status: v3c116 part2
No romance, that tag shouldn't be on this story.
Some very fun ideas at times and the first few chapters hit all the feels, but the story slows down relatively quickly and never regains its footing. More importantly, all the heart and drama from the early chapters just stays dead until at least chapter 116. This might be right up your alley if you want some fantasy ordinary daily life, but I can't really recommend it with all the other options out there.
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Kuroakai rated it
August 19, 2018
Status: v2c46 part2
Seeing the difference between the reboot ver and the original, I'm glad that the author decide to revised the whole series since it's actually much more nicer than the original version as there isn't much un-needed content and some stuff that wasn't really detail wise enough in the original is much more detail wise in the reboot ver. The only demerit (imo for me) is that he's keep on fixate on the fact that '' he's 42 '' even though he's been reincarnated to a 5 y/o boy.. Overall it's... more>> a great read for anyone that's want to start on this. <<less
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PoDH rated it
January 28, 2022
Status: v3c200
Honestly this is your typical slow going fluffy isekai, it's interesting for the first 70ish chapter but then it introduced way too many side chara, way too many small story that you become don't really care about them. Since this is your chill isekai type, there isn't a 'bigger plot' that you can expect and keeps you going, there is one "promised event" that is going to be really interesting but the novel moves wayyyy too slow. The side chara you know the most and care about and the (potential)... more>> love interest who can bring the most interesting development is gone for a very long time.

Now I'm just jumping chapter to where the side chara I want to see appeared. <<less
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TheBingeReader rated it
March 24, 2021
Status: --
complete and utter garbage, the story goes nowhere, I see many people all say this ia a slice of life, this is not slice of life, this is worse then that, its no better than reading about the pedestrian adventures of a garbage disposal man on his 8 hour shift in elaborate and elongated detail, also having that garbage mans trials of adversity be moments such as when a bag falls out unexpectedly and he returns it asap, job well done, and he can calm his excited and strained emotions... more>> from the harrowing event.

literally nothing of worth happens in this pathetic excuse of a novel, its literally like reading your own normal day to day life depicted in your own diary and trying to squeeze excitement from it as best you can, its also the most unrealistic setup ever and is pure childlike fantasy, its like a 6 year old wrote it.

Everyone is overly nice, everyone is on their best behaviour just because the MC is nice to them in return, nobody does anythign bad to him at all (except bandits that you mostly hear of in passing and even its wrotten like their zero big deal or problem), every "non bandit" he interacts with treats him like he is their own beloved child, its simply unbelievable and way you read it.

other slice of life storys at least have some breaks in the monotony and spice things up, but nope, not here, anything that might have lead to that just results in the MC brushing away all issues like they were a childs game. <<less
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plsRespawn rated it
May 4, 2020
Status: v3c202 part2
Before I start on the review let me preface this with the fact that I do like Slice of Life stories. They don’t make up a majority of the stuff I read, but I have gone through more than half a dozen at this point probably.

Things I liked: It started out strong. The world building is nice, and the slimes evolution/what the MC does with them is interesting enough to have kept me engaged. The story moves along as a result, and therefor the MC somewhat slowly evolves with the... more>> supporting characters.

That being said by around the mid to late 100’s chapters I started having to force myself through reading them, and ultimately I stopped. Several things led to this:

  • The biggest issue with this series: the author draws out events wayyyy to much. As an example there is a wedding at one point that the character is involved with. 10+ chps are devoted to this, and ultimately nothing really happens... this is an issue that occurs over and over, and honestly I just lost interest after this happened enough. If you want to know how slow things move all you need to see is that in over 200 chps a little over maybe a year has passed...
  • There is no real goal or objective that I can tell. In the original work there was a shoehorned storyline about Demon King fragments or some such nonsense, which wasn’t that great of a storyline either, but at least the main character was making his way towards something. In this I have no idea what the objective is. Also, before people b*tch, Slice of Life does not mean that there are no objectives, that the story needs to move glacially paced, or that we give a pass to the author for this. It just means that we have day to day life struggles and a relatable character without a grandios objective.
  • Plain and simply the original was better. The pacing, the way events were portrayed, the little bit of adversity the MC had to overcome. It was all better in my opinion.
So because of all this I can’t give this more than 3.5 stars, rounding down to a 3. <<less
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mllhild rated it
April 21, 2018
Status: v1c20
The story is nice and the Translator is good and has a steady track record. The release speed of the raws is sadly slow at the moment.

Compared to the original work, this one is more fleshed out. Simply put, the author got better and he has a second chance.

I'm guessing that the author will also fix his flaw of not expanding the world and factions, which lead to him writing himself into a position where a lot of build up would have been required to continue the story.

... more>>

the story is character driven, so after Ryoumas character was explored then his interaction with Elia and her friends should probably receive more time and evolve further in this version

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firedrake110 rated it
August 19, 2022
Status: v3c270 part2
I don't know why people in the reviews here are losing their minds about a slice-of-life being slow, or revolving around the daily life of the focus character, but that's the genre... You don't have to like it (I like it a lot), but the whole point is observing as his life moves forward.

The last 250 chapters were laying the groundwork for a more exciting series of arcs (which we've just begun), but if you aren't here for the core focus, then you won't get to see all the cool... more>> sh*t to come <<less
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Scath rated it
February 4, 2022
Status: v3c237 part2
I prefer this one much more than the original novel, mainly because instead of that awkward three-year time skip that was in the original, we actually see what Ryouma and the others are doing during those years.
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Shamsiel rated it
October 29, 2020
Status: --
This is a slice of life story. The original actually had a plot but this does not. A slice of life story in another world just doesn't work because of how boring it'll get especially since there's no comedy in this.
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i am born for relax
i am born for relax rated it
December 6, 2019
Status: v3c140
this is your common jp novel you would found BUT with NO lack common sense MC to s*upidity and absurdity of power

the story it self is good, actually very good that's why I gave 2*. Then why you only give 2* if it is a good story ?

i say it is good story but not that good novel, why ?

... more>> 1st the author doesn't know where to cut the story like end of chapter / times skip / etc.

2nd time interval in novel si chaotic. It sometimes fast (times skip 3years), sometimes damn slow where a single day spent in couple of chapter with nothing really important.

3rd sometimes the story doesn't connect if I would say, like when you count from 1 to 3 after you got count to 2 you suddenly start counting using alphabet. Well you will understand if you read the novel chapter 139-140 because it is where it is so obvious.

i do rate it LOW if you say it, but I DO recommend you to read this novel because it is different from thrash novel where GODLIKE MC with NO COMMON SENSE and ALL PEOPLE/WOMEN LIKE HIM and he just start making his harem while keep saying I will only have one wife. <<less
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Glue rated it
February 4, 2019
Status: v1c17
Reading this light novel is like eating a bowl of saltine crackers without a drink. It's dry and hard to swallow. The premise is traditional isekai. The character is a pretty blank slate with little to expand it. The dialogue is straight forward to a fault.

Here's sort of a list:

  • So far, the protagonist is just along for the ride and doesn't particularly care about anything.
  • The dialogue for everyone he meets is so uniformly generic that even the translator misassociates who is currently talking.
  • The reactions and conversation flow is just sort of.. off? Like, soldiers feeling threatened by an unarmed 11 year old boy they found hiding in a bush in the woods. Or suddenly drinking any concoction that said boy hands you without any real second thought.

    Or being told you just solved a mystery of monster taming that's existed forever and is ground breaking. Then being told shortly after that nobody cares and that the ducal family, famous for taming/invented taming, doesn't know what they're talking about.

Look, there's a lack of cohesion and flow in conversation and the situations that still don't make sense for a slice of life. This is doubly bad considering it's the revised version... Lackluster and poorly thought out.
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agfl0105 rated it
January 27, 2023
Status: v6c13
I get that this LN is slice of life genre and I have no problem with it as I enjoy it but not this one. Seriously, main character is so bland and depressing. This LN should fall under Tragedy genre instead of Slice of life genre. Also, I read isekai LNs to escape from mundane life but to read about someone more bland than my life is just so... zzz...
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Min112 rated it
December 13, 2020
Status: v3c231 part2
I like this story. It is a bit more relaxed paced than other novels, but has some things I really enjoy in it. It's one of those stories where someone with a traumatic past is able to finally live in a healthy environment and start to thrive through struggle and healing. He is op, but there are others in the world with similar levels of op-ness, so it is balanced quite well for an isekai. Also, who doesn't love slimes ^w^

In case you don't wanna hear psychoanalysis, the following is... more>> spoilered


However Ryouma still has to deal with complicated emotions and thoughts about the past. His actions and thought processes are heavily defined on insecurity from a previously unstable and hostile environment, how to achieve security and stability, and distancing himself from others due to the fear of being hurt or hurting those around him, despite his intense longing to be closer to others. This results in a lot of overworking and people pleasing, as well as an intense effort to be independent and not rely on others. Some chapters which closely explain his character are vol 3 ch 202 pt 2, vol 3 ex ch 1 pt4, and ch 215 pt 3. If you are looking for external conflict, there is some, but I believe the primary conflict is between Ryouma and himself.

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