The Male-Female Ratio In The Otherworld Is 1:99, And C*astity Has Been Reversed. I, Possessing An SS Skill, Am Troubled Because Adventurers, Princesses, And Knights Are Competing To Snatch Me Away!?!


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After dying while protecting my mother from my father’s domestic violence, I awoke to find myself in the body of Iodipus, a resident of another world.

In this world, the gender ratio is heavily skewed at 1:99.

Additionally, there are special abilities called skills, and Iodipus possesses the highest-ranked SS skill booster.

This skill has the effect of increasing the effectiveness of skills others possess. If the relationship with the boosted individual is good, not only does the effectiveness rise, but the skill may also evolve into something different.

Although I inherently possess the ability to live as the stud of an upper-class noble, I am unaware of my own value.

I don’t care about a luxurious life; I simply want to make the women around me happy.

Women who have noticed this vulnerable man don’t let the opportunity pass.

While seemingly leading a calm life, dealing with dangerous women attempting to confine me at home or women interested only in procreation, my days have begun to unfold as an adventurer alongside them.

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enkiros rated it
April 12, 2024
Status: --
Every character is severely mentally ret*rded, which would be fine in an erot*c novel but this is p*rn without the p*rn. The more you think about it the less sense it makes.


Also, he uses a magic ring to disguise himself as his own mother (the only woman he trusts and likes). What did the author mean by that?

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Unchained_melody rated it
May 29, 2024
Status: --
First of all, why did he kill his father? He can just call the police and have them protect him and his mother. And why is this MC a puss? Why can he not just enjoy the privilege of being a handsome boy and enjoy all the females? This is why I hate this kind of Mc; he got perfect looks, physique, and skill. And why can he not enjoy some women? The women in that world are hungry for men. And why no sex? This is just a waste... more>> of time. <<less
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