The Legendary Master’s Wife


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After a sudden and unfortunate explosion, You Xiaomo wakes up in a body and a world that isn’t his own. With his name being the only remaining thing familiar to him, he has to adapt quickly, a task as incredulous as it is dire. He has taken over the body of a probationary disciple of the Tianxin Sect and only has six months to prove his worth as an alchemist, or he’ll be expelled!

Determined to make a good life for himself in this new world, You Xiaomo puts his entire soul into becoming an alchemist and finding ways to earn money. While doing so, he stumbles upon Ling Xiao, the number one practitioner and rumored successor of the Tianxin Sect. While this seems to be a stroke of good luck, You Xiaomo soon discovers, to his horror, that Ling Xiao is not who he claims to be.

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Chuanshuo Zhi Zhu De Furen
Truyền thuyết chi chủ đích phu nhân
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Celissiye rated it
February 18, 2019
Status: c685
This was boring and long. I mean, it is like the other 'isekai and Chinese fantasy action power-up novels', so if you like a dash of BL I don't see why you can't like it, but I just can't be entertained at all.

I started reading this when I was first getting into chinese BL novels, and enjoyed it back then when I was new to the genre, now due to loyalty alone I skim some of the final remaining chapters here and there.

First off, the MC and ML don't change... more>> at all. Momo is the literal wife to possessive ML character and s*upid or 'clever' at author's will. ML is a perfect guy that never loses. He enjoys making fun of the MC for being s*upid and will on a very rare occasion say something nice in a conceited manner.

In the very first part of the book it was okay, because it seemed the MC was cheeky, learning about the world, and ML was actively trying to win his affection, but it plateaus. MC started out with a slight moral dilemma because of ML killing folks left and right, but he quickly turned just as heartless, treating anyone at his spoiled whim as long as he's powerful enough. Am I supposed to like these two high-handed, one dimensional people? They are the same as the other power hungry characters in the book, I can't even say they aren't petty, just marginally less cruel and the 'MCs'... so we know we're supposed to root for them and enjoy watching them win every time? I'm fine with characters being evil, cruel, grey morality, but in this novel it's shallow.

And when I say 'clever', not really. None of the characters in this novel are clever. They make petty schemes and then the enemy always loses from underestimating the other. I don't know how many times I've read a character thinking with regret 'I underestimated X and never thought he could do X!!'. You would think with so many chapters there would be some lit intense plots going down, but everything is fast wear and none of the characters got fleshed out, so although there are chapters and chapters of 'plot', I just can't care.


In the end, ML is magical guy with all beast line blood, MC is special magical mage guy with special soul, both of lost bloodlines. Very cliche, does not need 600 chapters to reveal that they are OP, I could guess it from the start.


Besides the first 100 or so chapters (when MC was at least in his first sect and the setting was constant), I never felt a lick of danger for the mc/ml. I always knew they would win ez pz and by ch 600 whatever it's the same.

The side characters, antagonists and allies alike, are like a horde of locusts. They come in and out of the story quickly and in droves, there's no way I'll remember when they introduce one from way back when because they all are boring and unmemorable.

The only slightly interesting aspect in my opinion was the building of the Qiu team and the random settings in different places being weird and magical, but it never felt exciting. Not to mention, I was hoping Qiu team would actually, you know, get more story time than other characters since they were contract beasts so I could care about them, but the author frequently had MC send them away on some task or another so I end up barely knowing the difference between xiao hei or she qiu.

The author at least spent about a chapter of words on the first couple s*x scenes, but then quickly stopped, where they turned into a passing remark, so even steaminess isn't present to keep me cursorily entertained.

Boring, lengthy for no reason, MC and ML not very likable and have no progression, I'd give it 2.5/5 but will do 2. <<less
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Lyn0108 rated it
July 4, 2017
Status: c713
A nice bl novel

As for why it was called legendary master's wife and why not the legendary wife or something. You'll understand when you read further...


Things will be revealed about the ML, how he bacame a legend and the most powerful in the story. This story is about both side's path becoming a legend... not just about MC.

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Chichi rated it
November 4, 2020
Status: c130
Cons to LMW:

  • The MC is a fish-out-of-water ditz that is never allowed by the author to develop beyond being a ditz.
  • The ML is a creepy overbearing weirdo that doesn't treat the MC as an equal and always infuriatingly gets what he wants.
  • Their romance is uncomfortable at best, gross at worst.
  • The writing is bland and forgettable.
  • The side characters are bland and forgettable.
  • The settings are bland and forgettable.
  • The villains are bland and forgettable. Sometimes, they're even cliche. (Just kidding! That's all the time.)
  • You better care about pills and making money because HOO BOY! That's it! That's the whole novel!
  • The smut... exists. Unfortunately.
  • 'bluh bluh all women r bad evil harpies'
Pros to LMW:

  • ...
  • Reading it will help you fall asleep in less than two minutes?
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BillionJellyfish rated it
March 28, 2019
Status: Completed
The plot is great.

The side characters are great.

The contracted beasts are great.

The MC's cultivation development is great.

The only problem I have is the MC's and ML's character.

... more>>

From beginning to end, I think the ML's character never really changed. At the beginning, the ML is cold, aloof, and oppressive. At the end, the ML is still cold, aloof, and oppressive. The interactions between the MC and ML may be called a lover's banter, but I honestly see it as the ML being oppressive and not really respecting the MC. Even though the ML does love the MC and the MC also love the ML in return, their type of love is a bit difficult for me to digest hence my average rating. I read over 700+ chapters in the hopes that the ML may be slightly more loving instead of lusting after the MC, but I was sorely disappointed. In fact, after reading so many chapters, I've realized that the MC acts like a stereotypical housewife; he can cook, he can clean, he can take care of the contracted beasts, and above all, he is a meek submissive. While the ML acts like a stereotypical man of the house; he can fight, he doesn't need to cook, he doesn't need to clean, and above all, he is a dominant top that orders the wife around.

Perhaps I'm reading too much into this and there is actually nothing wrong at all. Perhaps the MC and ML really do have a great loving relationship and my brain is just not processing this. But in the end, one thing is for sure, and that is I don't really like this type of "love". The ML's love/lust is a bit too oppressive for my understanding and preference to handle. Overall, I would recommend reading this novel and then decide for yourselves if you want to continue. Even though this novel isn't my cup of tea/coffee/boba, it just may be yours.

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iampheng rated it
June 20, 2018
Status: c449
EDIT: I meant to give this 4.3 stars, but dang I forgot to press the stars again...

After reading 449 chapters, I think I'm qualified to have an informed opinion on this novel. I didn't really wanna read this novel because 1.) I don't really like Xuanhuan and 2.) the characterization of the MC like dumb, weak, door mat like those. On the first point, the world building is consistent and rich. The pace that the world is introduced, to the MC and the reader, is good. I did have to... more>> do a couple of double takes here and there.

Second, the characterization. I'm not sure if these are completely true (that the lead is dumb or weak). In front of the ML, well, these are not completely off, but I think the MC's behavior comes from a place of... complete faith in the love of the ML for him. That is, the MC can choose to ask questions that are not so smart, can choose to be cowardly, and can choose to relinquish control because he knows that the ML will hold up both of their portions of the sky. The couple is very much in love, and it is not one-sided.

Also, the MC is not dumb or weak, in fact, normally it is his contracted beasts and ML who think or say these things. Just think about it... many of these beings are much MUCH older than the MC. So the MC is not dumb or weak at all, he's just young and mortal. Compared to other rather "normal" people that we encounter, very few can best the MC in talent, intelligence, and ability. That the MC seems less cunning that others in this world (at least in the beginning) is because he comes from a world like ours, Earth. We experience less hardships compared to the ancient times, and if we're lucky enough, we've never had to wonder if someone was trying to cheat us (yay, Americans).

The Legendary Master is the ML. He's okay. I personally wouldn't tolerate being teased as much as the MC, but it works for their dynamic. The ML only jokes around with MC. We never see him have a complete two-sided conversation with another person. Although the ML "bullys" MC with s*x (which is mutually enjoyed), most other people are treated with distance or hostility. MC humanizes the ML. ML knows his boundaries with the MC.

The beginning of the novel reads very "slice of life" Stay to witness how the MC grows through his own hard work. Yes, he's got some cheats, but without these cheats, he'd probably still be an amazing mage albeit slower to be a legend (which is he is, in his own right). To be frank, the cheats are what the make the story entertaining. <<less
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kai0.1 rated it
April 30, 2022
Status: Completed
I spent 3 whole months reading this piece of garbage.

What made me continue reading was the entertaining lifestyle that we were learning and the hopes I had about the development of the characters, I was not interested in romance in the least, if XiaoMo didn't do what Ling Xiao wanted he would punish him by abusing him sexually, the worst thing is that the novel romanticizes it.

It was full of details, you could skip a few paragraphs and it didn't affect anything, it was too much information.

The misogyny of the... more>> author is very noticeable, almost all the girls were written in a horrible way, I thought that some of them would have character development but instead they were simply killed.

The story is repetitive, the same thing always happens in each book.
Momo enters to this academy where he makes a lot of enemies, he easily surpasses all of them and kills them.

I thought that he would have some exciting challenges and develop strategies in the competitions but it was the opposite. And finally I felt that XiaoMo has no personality, he only follows orders, I did not learn anything from him, it is as if all his likes and dislikes had been introduced at the beginning of the novel. <<less
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conspible rated it
February 16, 2016
Status: --
I'm giving this a 3/5 because the title still has no relevancy whilst 100 chapters in. I'm really confused, I like the style of writing, and the BL kinda came outa nowhere for me since no one tagged it as such till recently (OR I WAS REALLY s*upid AND MISSED IT). I'm really questioning my sexuality reading this, but the plot so gud tho I keep coming back.
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totoroteddy rated it
May 29, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel is such a disappointment, something called character development never happens in this 700+ novel. MC and ML represents a typical toxic relationship. MC gets manipulated, lied to, threatened, rap*d and made fun off. I was really expectant of this novel but its ended as such a huge disappointment.

After this novel my final thought is :


MC and ML need a year long counseling.

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asstrology_is_science rated it
September 5, 2020
Status: Completed
Aight, this will be my second time posting a review on this dumpster fire of a novel that I like. Is it a good novel? Nope. Do I like it? Yes, in fact, it is so bad to the point that I ironically enjoy it. It's one of those special cases where the plot is meh (too repetitive), characters are blander than white bread (I enjoy them not because they are compelling, but because they are just entertaining to read), the main couple's dynamic is somewhat functional at best and... more>> borderline abusive at worst (I'll get to that later), and the rest is just... so.. meh

or god awful plot conveniences yet I still find amus**ent in it. Anyway, here is my in depth review of the novel, enjoy.

    • PLOT
The plot is shoddy and just painstakingly repetitive. It's too formulaic to the point that I see why people just drop off the novel before even reaching the first half. Seriously, you won't be missing much except from needless powerups and the names of the villains. It follows the same formula every single time and only does small/minor tweaks in the plot that doesn't even impact the story that much.

The minor plot changes are just a change in setting or goal, which if done right, could actually be good but NOOO, that's too much work! So the MC will ALWAYS get his way along with his UwU so perfect Alpha male hubby. The obstacles caused by the setting changes are so MINOR to the point that its negligible (more introductions of needless villains, monsters, etc. that are gonna be used to lick the boots of the MC and ML because oh shi- they're not glorified enough). The only time the setting change actually gives an extreme impact on the story is when they reach the God Mode Continent (not the actual name but that's what the continent is), which again, HAPPENS MORE THAN A HUNDRED CHAPTERS IN. I don't have that much beef with the setting changes (jk I do) since it gives me more world building which I like.

The only time the setting change actually has some real (dramatic) impact is in a certain arc nearing the 500-600 chapters mark and yet it's never explored and we're only stuck with this glossed over narration which REALLY messed up my immersion in the story. We've been following the characters in this second person point of view before and now we're stuck with this third person glossed over narration that only throws key events at us with no buildup whatsoever? Why not explore the lives of both MC and ML in this setting change?


Why gloss OVER the separation between Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo when it OBVIOUSLY caused both of them extreme distress? This is the arc with the most emotional distress between the MC and ML that it caused the ML to push himself so hard that he inflicted serious damage to his body. It would've given the arc more of an emotional impact if the author actually sat down and took the time to tell this arc in the character's perspective than just throw out key events with no buildup whatsoever. Like seriously, Ling Xiao pushing himself to become a star/level higher would've had so much more impact if the author just took the time to document how both of them felt during YXM's time in captivity, and even more when Ling Xiao wakes up after falling into a coma from pushing himself too hard. But hey, I guess that's too much work.


The goals that they have vary again and again in the plot, but along the way we get some cool exposition and world building which I don't really mind. I'm all up for that world building but I'll cover that later. The goals are materialistic in nature and only serve as a way to power up the MC. They have no underlying meaning than to make them more powerful, and the journey, though entertaining, has a chance of being forgettable in the cesspool of plots and conveniences that is this novel. So yeah, every single quest-like mission they went to is mildly entertaining at best and boring and forgettable at worst.

Moving on to the WORST parts of the plot is the amount of plot convenience, plot armour and just flat-out bad writing in general. There are times when things happen out of nowhere because of BS power upgrades/abilities that the author just shoves in your face oh so elegantly.


Ling Xiao versus that one man from the You Clan or something (that's how forgettable the villains are) literally pulled one of the most brazen stunts of plot armour and BS abilities EVER. Because Ling Xiao is related to the Demon Phoenix Emperor Beast Clan (that's not the actual name), he has this ability to be 'resurrected'... like a phoenix... Well, for this one I'll let it slide since phoenixes can rise from the ashes but here's the thing, they NEVER used this ability again except for this one time. Did you just introduce a new ability only for you to use it one time so that your OP ML can win and solidify his throbbing big 'chicken' (no cursing, kids) energy? Idk man, seems like a pile of plot armour and bad writing to me.


Probably, the worst assailant to the plot armour and convenience disease that this novel is infected with is this:


By the very end of the novel, Ling Xiao LITERALLY leveled up into god moding because of statues that resembled the zodiacs. Here's the thing, the statues were mentioned BEFORE the 100 chapter mark and just FORGOTTEN throughout the rest of the story. If the plan was to 'hint' at the carvings as the key then the author did a bad execution. If you want to subtly hint at something being the key to some OP upgrade then you KNOW you have to build it up and set it up properly or else it'll feel like you just pulled the idea out of thin air (ESPECIALLY in a novel like this that runs for 700+ chapters long). That's the problem with this 'twist'. The author failed so miserably at hinting at the carvings being the key to god moding to the point that I am convinced that the author just pulled this out as a last minute idea before jotting down the story. Even IF the carvings' introduction was meant to be their foreshadowing of some sorts then you're either being lazy or your really don't know how to set that up. And off the bat, the audience's attention was directed into an object that was more important at the time, so you just misdirected the audience's eyes on another object instead of this object that is gonna be something big. Now, if that was your intention then you're obviously doing something right. If not, then you're doing something wrong. Even IF the statues were mentioned again and yet they're treated as an ordinary object then that won't do. You're not 'hinting' at anything, you're just telling the reader 'hey look a statue'.


A big spoiler free TL;DR of that huge paragraph is that the author failed at setting something up that was meant to be important. I hate it when people say that it's the author being 'subtle' when they literally forget to properly set it up. Just because the author did not mention it in the story again does not mean that it is a good plot twist. A good plot twist is when the twist was set up and crafted perfectly to be believable when it happens and yet subtle enough for the (average) viewer to never notice the twist being set up. If this novel's plot twists were to be a Disney/Pixar twist villain then I'd say that this novel is a solid Hans, and that's not even counting those sudden saves where the author forgets that oh no this character was meant to do something in this continent but was never able to do it! Let's do it NOW out of nowhere so that we could tie up the loose ends in the worst way possible.

This is probably my favorite part of the novel. The world building. The world is so vast and big that they needed THREE CONTINENTS for it (and that's not even counting the other worlds that the novel has provided us). The magical systems made me confused at first but eventually, I got used to it. To be honest, I was more interested in the trade market of pills, the auctions, the making of pills, recipes, and etc. than the actual story itself. When the MC gained the jade device that contains A LOT of recipes for the pills then my nerd brain went '!!'. I wanted to learn MORE. There were so many things in the world that I wanted to learn and often times, I was left unsatisfied.

The magical beasts are so interesting (seriously, the seven deadly sins animals deserve a spin off of their own). Ironically, I am not interested in the emperor beasts as they are too generic for me. The Psychic Turtles are cool though, I like 'em. Strangely enough, the characters in the Qiu Squad were one of the characters I was looking forward to see.

I didn't really care about whatever place they inhabited or went to. Every place was empty to me. I was more interested in what was happening INSIDE the city than the city itself. Obviously, cities that are rich and prosperous were my biggest world bo*er turnoffs. They are so uninteresting and the only defining quality they have is... they're rich. Boom (magic). My favorite city is the heavily guarded one. I find it quite interesting how they rule things around there.

In contrast, as much as I loved the world building, this was more of a personal itch than an actual critique of the writing itself. It felt like there were TOO many info dumps. Of course, the info dumps work in the novel's favor as the MC is from earth therefore he is the PERFECT subject to introduce all these different concepts into the audience's minds. But sometimes I feel like it goes on too specific explaining things to the point that it doesn't feel like an MC getting introduced to new concepts with the audience learning with him, but more of an MC being obviously used as a plot device to explain concepts to the reader's head and comes off as extremely inorganic and clumsy.

In this category, the novel obviously loses out. It's more of a badly done light hearted fanfic than a good light hearted novel. It doesn't focus on any themes, nothing serious. It's an extremely bad feel-good novel about a boy who got transmigrated into a xuanhuan setting.

Of course, it's somewhat decent when setting up tension and atmosphere, some steamy steam in the smutty scenes, and ESPECIALLY the comedic tones. I remember laughing at some of the gags (most of time I just stare blankly at my phone screen since some of the jokes get too overused) but that's the most you'll get out of me. I don't really care about anything else in this section. The novel felt too self-indulgent and light hearted to the point that it makes comedies look like tragedies.

My feelings towards the category is... mixed. Fundamentally speaking, these characters are blander than white bread. To call them all vanilla is an insult to the ice cream itself. Even picking Rem as your waifu shows that you have far more compelling tastes than the goddamned personality of these characters. Subaru liking Emilia has more logical sense than liking any of these characters for being 'deep'. A body pillow has more personality than all of them-- Okay, I'll stop. I'm pretty sure that I have delivered the point by now. These characters? They're so shallow and uninteresting to the point that if you choose any of these characters and put them besides white paint, they make white paint look like the rainbow.

Even if one of the characters have tidbits of being interesting, they are shoved to the tippy top of Mount Everest so that we can focus on the less interesting characters (and by less interesting characters I mean the two main characters). I'll focus on the two main characters and then mush everyone into groups/categories that fit their type.

The characters barely have any development and when they do it's just a change in attitude. The MC and ML BARELY change at all with the ML having the most change (and he is STILL not a good character, quality wise). Even the ensemble of characters have no development in them! They are still the same bland and boring characters at their very core and only their quirks could carry them.

I usually like it when the MC and ML are not good people but here's the thing: if you're gonna do that then explore upon it and actually PRESENT it than just glorify them again and again. I HATE it when authors go for 'oh but they're not good people' route and yet glorify and mystify their characters like they are the second coming of GOD. Seriously, pick a side. You're gonna miss your mark when you glorify characters like these in your novel with the intent of presenting them as godly Mary Sues and Gary Stus when they are literally committing mass mu*der. The hypocrisy in this makes me way too irritated at the characters once I actually take a step back and observe them (a rival character gets 'educated' and learns from the 'enlightened' likes like the MC and the ML that are OBVIOUSLY superior *eye roll*). And the fact that anyone who opposes them is a bad guy that deserves to die really puts a sour taste in my mouth.

If you're gonna hammer it down that these characters are not good and are therefore flawed then here's a tip: CONSEQUENCES. Make them have consequences for their actions instead of going 'oh no they are not good people' then create a paragraph of them being oh so beautiful and perfect and fair and intelligent and--- Stop it. If you want to say that these characters are flawed people who are not good then show the consequences of their actions.

A GOOD flawed character is a character who suffers from their flaws and has to find a way to DEVELOP. Their flaws are the ones that are holding them back and are detrimental to those who surround them (take for example: my OC who is extremely intelligent is filled with so much hatred for humanity that it affects them, their relationships and it literally causes them to become the antagonist of the story before getting some sense smacked into their faces. Their ultimate flaws? Vengeance, hatred and pride). Heck, the reason why the LMW characters do not/barely develop is because they BARELY have any flaws. If they do, it's shoved to a rival/background character that are either annoying or interesting. The rival's flaws are used to bloat the MC and ML while the background character is paid no attention to.

You XiaMo- to be honest, the only reason why I feel sympathy for this dude is because he's the protagonist and we spent a long time with him. I didn't like him because of his personality (sometimes I did but his wit and personality is built on the empire of characters being dumb around him to glorify and bloat his intelligence more than it needs to be), I only liked him 'cared' for him because we kind of had no choice. We were literally stuck to this dude as our narrator and our 'vessel' to see the world around us unfold. Though, on certain occasions I will feel sympathy for this dude because of the situations he had to put up with (both in childhood and adulthood). He was neglected by his parents, was an outcast, felt inferior to his bratty younger and older sibling, and then died. He continued to live a satisfying life with his husband in a different continent, but that's the end of the positives for this dude.

He was bland and boring. The change in his attitude does not equal character growth and development. He just became sassier and tougher but he is still the same person, nothing changed too much about him. Just because Momo (You XiaoMo) became stronger and more OP did not mean that his character developed. It just meant that he became stronger as a mage but did he become better as a person? No, he did not. In fact, instead of growing as a character he just became a s*upid puppet string who would be idiotic and naive in one occasion and smart on the other. His s*upidity mainly happens around Ling Xiao but that's because the author makes him ACT s*upid as a way to overplay Ling Xiao's IQ, and also for the comedic gag. Instead of character development and growth, his character just became the embodiment of the meme "Humanity's evolving, just backwards" except replace 'humanity' with 'his personality'. Heck, the things that I sympathize about him is probably a way to cop-out the bad writing by using sympathy points and EVEN THAT FAILS.


But, in the extras where Momo meets his old family, I do get this sort of 'bitter' layer under all that naive and sassy facade. I don't know why, but him feeling bitterness for all the things that he put up with from his family really made me somewhat interested in exploring the extent of that negative emotion... and then the author just went in and rushed it. The bratty siblings turned into a comedic gag and his bitterness for them is excused and not explored. I WANTED MORE EMOTIONAL ANGST, DAMNIT! Even if something is meant to be light hearted fun, it could STILL tackle extremely serious subjects and still keep its light heartedness in its element (look at all 'em kids' shows for example).


Ling Xiao- extremely mixed feelings for this character. He falls into the same category as Momo, the 'I don't really care about you but since you're the main character I have to' category. He annoys me and his presence actually scares me sometimes, but at the same time I can see why people like OP perfect semes. Any problem you have? Call the seme. Their bland perfection will bore the problems away.

He is an extremely problematic character and the embodiment of all the things that I don't want in a fictional man. He is LITERALLY the cold CEO trope but gayer and more powerful. But, I was willing to put up with him since he's the protagonist. Though I do find his exchanges with Momo quite entertaining, some of his interactions fall into the extremely dubcon and bordering on the noncon category. He falls into the same trap as Momo, being too overhyped and his intelligence way too bloated. His perfection is the thing that makes him a boring character as perfect characters are the ones who tend to have no flaws, and no flaws means little to no character development. His character doesn't get developed much but I am more than willing to bet that he has more character development than Momo. Ling Xiao goes from this extremely condescending prick to a mildly 'decent' lover (still would not date him if given the chance). He is still an a**hole, and not the type of a**hole characters that I can put up with.


Now, I noticed a similar pattern between Momo and Ling Xiao is that they both come from families that either abandoned or neglected them, sometimes even both. The thing is, Ling Xiao's bitterness for his father abandoning him is such a good bait for me to bite down and get caught on the hook. I'm not even sure if that's intentional, but this bitter layer underneath these two characters' skins is what makes me EXTREMELY disappointed when the author doesn't explore their feelings that much. Ling Xiao feeling salty and mad at his birth 'mother' (Uncle Gu) because he never told Ling Xiao that his OTHER mother, Ji SuXin (woman where he got his phoenix blood from/the eggs donor) didn't actually love him and she only wanted freedom. YO THAT'S HEAVY! And yet they never explored on it, wow...


Wanna know a good CEO type ML that is still respectful and not an a**? READ HEAVEN OFFICIAL'S BLESSINGS.

The Qiu Team- I wanted more screen time for these fellas. They were so unique and entertaining to the point that I was EXTREMELY disappointed when we didn't get to have that much focus on them. Like I sad, they're characters are bland and shallow. A summary of their group dynamic would be the obedient-uncomfortable ones, the sarcastic-mature ones, and the wholesome-idiot ones. That's it. They only have their surface level personality traits to carry them. My personal favorites between the team was She Qiu and Xiao Hei. The edgy teenager and the sarcastic snek. I don't like them because of their compelling characters, but I like them because of their attitude. In these types of novels where everyone is super bland, you might as well pick the least bland of them all or pick the ones that don't bore you to death.

Canon Fodder- copypasta: the characters! Each character is literally the same but with a different name and a different background. They are irrelevant and only there to ogle and bloat the MC and ML's skills more than they should. Once ya meet 'em, the author will forget about 'em immediately once the MC and ML move a meter away from their location. Seriously, the only canon fodder characters that actually stuck around are

Fu ZiLin and Fang ChenLe and which I say FINALLY A GOOD JOB DONE BY THE AUTHOR but their second introduction the God Mode Continent is kind of contrived but AT LEAST IT WAS SET UP.

. My two favorite cannon fodders are Fu ZiLin and Fang ChenLe.

The Parent Squad-

You do NOT have any idea how much I actually love the parent squad. Though they are still bland and boring, they manage to be slightly interesting to the point that I even want to know more about them than the damned MCs themselves. Of course, Momo's OG earth parents are the only exception, I don't like them at all. Everyone else? We cool. But seriously though, imagine trying to dive deep into the psyche of each parent and exploring their thoughts and feelings. Uncle Gu wants to be called something else other than 'uncle' (probs 'mom'), Lin Ming (Ling Xiao's dad) wants to be forgiven of abandoning his own son, and then there's Ji SuXin (egg donor) who wants freedom from her life as the Demon Phoenix priestess or something, there's the other parents who are just so... nice to think about and speculate about them.


Romantagonists- And this comes in the unfortunate form of female characters (why??). Female romance antagonists have always been my least favorite asset in the LGBTQ+ genre representing M/M relationships since more often than not, they're just obnoxious and overused plot device to generate more drama. There were at the very least two female romantagonists here. One deserves her fate and the other just gets tossed away even though she did nothing wrong. I really don't like it when female romantagonists get treated like their the devil's hellspawn for *GASP*

liking the main character!? WHAT A SIN! THROW HER OFF THE CLIFF! I liked the second romantagonist though she did annoy me since she was getting in the way of an established relationship and was still very stubborn to make Momo her's, but she didn't do anything wrong therefore she gets a character seal of approval for not being an obnoxious plot device. What I do not like though is how she gets thrown away after this and was never mentioned again. What happened? Did the overly obsessive shippers kidnap her and skin her alive? Bro, I need some info.

Villains- biggest disappointment yet. The villains come in forms of s*upid people who have the intent in killing the MC with the catchphrase 'don't blame me!' as an annoying repetitive element essential for creating a good xunahua/wuxia/xianxia/chinese villain *sarcasm* (i hate that catchphrase and I want to die). They have the flimsiest motive known to men and the reason why the villains here are so piss poor is because their motives and their characters are not compelling, not in the slightest bit. Their character is either fueled by vengeance that we can't understand nor sympathize with since their character lacks humanity or they're either fueled by their need to rule the world. Why? For power, duh! But why power? Because YES. And even then, a lot of villains are there to glorify the MC and ML more, heck, EVERYTHING EXISTS TO GLORIFY THE MC AND THE ML. No villain in the story is actually a good villain that makes an everlasting or a good impact to the story.

We're finally nearing the end of this review! Whew! I will be tackling the controversial topic that is You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao's relationship. From my perspective, yes, I do believe that this relationship is somewhat toxic in its core. The actions of Ling Xiao are extremely problematic once you strip away the 'rose tinted glasses' which are the contexts of the scene. A lot of media run in contexts. Violent comedy is funny even though it's violent because of the context of the story, sometimes even borderline s*xual harassment is seen as comedy why? Because that's the context of the story.

Obviously, Ling Xiao's actions are toxic to borderline abusive (out of context) and I don't really blame people telling other people that it has abusive undertones under all of its 'romantic escapades'. If you don't like that type of stuff and can't put up with it, sure, it's okay for you to not like this type of fiction AS LONG AS YOU DON'T START A WOKE TWITTER CAMPAIGN ABOUT IT. I don't see the problem in discussing it with other readers telling them that you find this disturbing, heck, I too find it questionable on later scenes but never really cared that much and went on with the story. I run with the context that the story gives me and if the character is getting too much for me to handle then I just quit reading it.

My main take on this it's that it REAAALLY lies in the grey area of things. There's a fine line between fiction and reality so I'm not calling shots until the author has explicitly said it themself that LMW is toxic/abusive. The mechanics of fiction is different from reality and so Ling Xiao's actions are, in fact, toxic and abusive under real life mechanics BUT is 100% acceptable in fiction. To me, it fully depends if you can tolerate it or nah.

THE END! My main take on this is that LMW is... not a great novel (duh). It's a meh novel that is enjoyable as a light hearted read but once you really get into it, it's not that great. Like I said, it's a meh novel bordering on bad but it's definitely not the worst.

The writing is contrived and sometimes too rushed or too slow paced with the character either being way too bland or those who have an interesting characteristic about themselves get showed the least amount of screentime. Plot armour could be seen lying everywhere to the point that you could suit up an entire army and sometimes twists and turns would come out of nowhere and are badly set up. The world is interesting and so vast, I liked it but most of the time it just fell on deaf ears as some of the locations and settings don't even put that much of a big obstacle or a change into the plot, heck, the villains that they provide make the protags more glorified than they should be. The relationship is questionable but if you've got a thick skin and could take a lot of problematic concepts then you'll be set for reading this without having to worry of the moral and relationship agenda that it serves (because like I said, fictional worlds work differently from reality but just because fiction works differently from reality doesn't mean that fangirls can ignore all the blaring red signs. A healthy dose of awareness would be too know that this is problematic in real life but not in fiction as long as it stays in fiction.)

If you like it then you like it even though it's bad. I know I like it too even with the knowledge that it is bad because I just find it enjoyable. Even though certain scenes bore me and other scenes make me question the existence of humanity and how I haven't lost all my hope yet, it's enjoyable if you are looking for a light-hearted break from all the emotional angst-filled wuxia/xianxia novels. I found this while I was taking a break from reading ErHa with its convoluted finale (I still can't bring myself to read the damned thing since it scares me) and it helped me refresh my brain.

Really out of context but I've been reading the author's more recent work and I feel sad to say that it's just the same formulaic storytelling. Sorry if my grammar and spelling is botched and incohesive. I am not a native English speaker, it's my second language and I am quite sleep deprived while writing this (but then again when am I NOT sleep deprived while writing anything?). If I managed to skip out on any details, well, frick. <<less
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LingShei rated it
June 9, 2017
Status: ch191
The slow romance of this novel really touches me because it both focuses on the relationship of MC & ML and the story they go through. I don't mind that there aren't much of 'hot' scenes, which makes this story nice to me.
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drewjn rated it
April 7, 2016
Status: --
First off, I’m not into bl/yaoi.

That being said, before this series had the tag (which confounded many early adopters, myself definitely included) I read this series and found it to be very well written and equally well translated. Characters actually had their personalities, the main character actually felt like a person, and the story had great pacing and progression. What it also had was a very good sense of humor.

Considering the title, I had no clue it would turn out to be a bl, even assuming that Ling Xiao was... more>> actually a female in disguise. For story and characters alone, it is a great read (at least up until the tag lives up to its namesake). As for later on, depends on if you can get into it. Personally even though I loved the story, I can’t get much further into it. <<less
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softmatcha rated it
May 15, 2019
Status: c731
This was my first Chinese novel, and a BL at that. It makes me nostalgic the same way people who've had Grey Goose think back to their college days of drinking Smirnoff and wonder with amazement how they could drink such cheap stuff.

I was hooked at the beginning and flew through the first few hundred chapters, but by the end it was only thanks to Exiled Rebels' dedicated translation - and the "I'm already this far in, I might as well finish it" mindset - that I dragged my feet... more>> to the finish line.

LMW taught me that stallion novels are probably not my cup of tea. Despite my 2-star rating, the fact that I can remember much of the story is a really impressive feat for a 700+ chapter saga, considering the challenge of making story arcs, people, and plot devices unique and memorable. It's a nice touch that the world expands with the MC's growth, so that he quite literally broadens his horizons on his journey.

Nonetheless it is a 2-star rating because for every 1 thing I can praise enjoying, I can list 2 things I remember taking issue with, and some of these are pretty big flaws that I need to point out so people read at their own discretion.

The 2 most fundamental characters, the MC and ML, I barely tolerated. That's NOT a good thing. There's nothing fluffy or meng about a ML who constantly ridicules the MC for having a negative IQ and punishes his unwilling other with s*x, to the point that MC worries restoring his bodily health immediately will be interpreted as in invitation for more "punishment". Again, that's not meng, that's weird and dysfunctional. It's actually kind of hilarious that the power-leveling aspect of the stallion novel helped out in this case, otherwise I would have dropped it without a second thought.

Another thing many reviewers also pointed out was that virtually all the female characters are incredibly s*upid, b*tchy, or both. The simply s*upid but good ones were minor supporting characters, which in my memory only amounted to like 1 or 2; the vast majority were default cannon fodder & villainesses, the author's favorite flavor being the green tea b*tch.

Though there were a handful of memorable and likeable characters, some even with unique background stories, there were far more characters who were too alike to distinguish because they were just simply filling their role as martial brother/villainess/scheming elder/etc. Hell, there were characters who only had a name and I remember having to reread previous pages/chapters just to figure out why they even exist.

After stretching out the book to obscene, money-milking lengths, the author went YOLO at the final climax & ending. It was so basic that I bet a 5-year-old would have been able to come up with the same thing. <<less
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earlgreyt rated it
September 26, 2018
Status: Completed
The beginning was my favorite because it had the makings of a traditional xianxia with the MC starting off weak but working really hard to become stronger. The mystery behind the ML was really intriguing as well! Another reviewer wrote 'Farmville' (I cracked up) but that's exactly the type of story I wanted to read. So read this if you want to see the process/every step the MC takes to build power, gather treasures/cheats, powerful pets, cultivate to the top!

This is a very lighthearted almost purely entertainment read. Don't look... more>> too deeply at things, the characters are all pretty shallow, and there isn't a lot of development. There's no angst, it's all fluff and face-slapping. The MC is also almost never in any real danger.

I wish the MC became more independent when he's around the ML. First, from the way the ML treats the MC (basically like a pet or servant) it's hard to tell why he even likes him. Second, the ML literally beats the MC in everything. Skills, smarts, power-ups, etc. and pretty effortlessly as well (the MC will never catch up). And the ML is super dominant in the relationship. The MC listens to him for everything. Same with the physical intimacy. The MC is always written just 'enduring' it.

It's better to not marathon this story after a certain point because that's when the MC and ML relationship gets the most annoying. In episodic/bite-sized pieces, it's more comedic and enjoyable.


Things that could be better:

  • The ML does not seem to respect the MC
  • The ML is not tsundere but still manages to brutally mock the MC
  • The running joke that the ML thinks the MC is s*upid is seriously getting old after 500 chapters... (FYI the ML is literally thousands of years old, the MC is not; of course he doesn't have as much experience with the schemes as the ML!)
  • The ML makes the first move every single time; 10/10 times bullies the MC for s*x; there's not much 'affection' otherwise.

Really great translation, much thanks to the translator team for their consistent and fast updates through the years! <<less
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Narutolvr rated it
July 17, 2018
Status: c350
Honestly, I hope the BL isn't what brought you to this story/the reason you continue reading because you're in for a fairly long wait if that's the case. The actual story is VERY good. Good to the point that I was so absorbed into the story, I'd all but forgotten this was technically BL until the steamy parts came. And boy did they come hard. If I were to describe the novel's flow it's:

  • ~70 chapters of back story (just make it past the first 30 or so, I promise it gets exponentially more interesting from then on)
  • *pop* steamy sweat session
  • ~130 chapters of even more interesting story (you will basically forget that this is BL)
  • BAM! NSFW!!!
From there, it's a repeated cycle of 20-30 chapters of story, with the occasional... more>> leak of lust followed by several super steamy paragraphs of NSFW. Honestly, it's my ideal setup for this type of novel. The actual story is good enough to be a standalone novel, the BL is just icing on the cake.

Very much recommend this for anyone who likes novels about non-martial cultivation, even if you hate yaoi. If it's the other way around, one s*x scene per several dozen chapters probably won't make you want to keep reading. <<less
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metlife27 rated it
December 21, 2017
Status: c291
I anticipate every two days for a new chapter to upload. It is literally one of two novels that I eagerly look forward to. I love You MoMo and his hubby so very much. I love this novel and hope that the translator will continue to translate until the very end.

This is a good novel for anyone who enjoys BL, action, fantasy, etc.
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veiven rated it
June 28, 2016
Status: c58
First time reading "Yaoi". Pretty much it's going to be the same as drewjn's review.

I saw this novel got really popular with a good ratings, but didn't take note of the genre "Yaoi" or "BL" as I don't see it in the Tag. Though not knowing it's Yaoi, I enjoyed reading it up to Chapter 58 and notice the interactions are getting a bit gay. Anyways, It's really well written and I like how the story goes. Too bad I absolutely dislike Yaoi, I tried to continue reading it but... more>> failed to.

Always thought that Ling Xiao is actually a female in disguise therefore I check the Genre, and found out it was a yaoi. Probably stopping this novel for now.

Would recommend it to those whom reads BL/Yaoi or perhaps wanna try it as the Yaoi doesn't seems to be too much into gay " as at Chapter 58". Perhaps a touch of it only. Great story, great flow 5* from me. Though the Yaoi part = ( <<less
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maevalily rated it
October 17, 2018
Status: c569
This story is amazing, the only translated novel I've reread just because I didn't want to move on from it haha

Sure the MC is a bit of an airhead sometimes, but he is so damn adorable. And yeah, the ML is kind of a domineering ass (to everyone btw, not only MC), but he's so in love with the MC and the fact that he's so sarcastic and blazé about how he's being an ass is pretty funny and satisfying to read.

I don't really see where the MC is scared... more>> of the ML, except from the beginning when they weren't yet in a relationship. Later on, it's more like just the MC being meek at times? I don't know, I feel that behavior isn't meant to be portrayed as negative and well being half Asian (and living in Asia) I feel it's a pretty common thing to slightly go against but inside you didn't really mind it and then just being a bit coy?

What's important is that it's such a fun read, no unnecessary drama, funny, cute and long but not repetitive. The characters, world and adventures just keep growing.

Definitely recommended! <<less
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lithariel rated it
May 13, 2017
Status: c182
In terms of BL scenes, it is rather slow.

I mean I read 182 chapter and still main characters aren't having s*x.

For now everyting is more story based and I think this what makes this novel so good. I've become addicted to it. I can't wait to see progress between Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo
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En-Jay99 rated it
September 7, 2022
Status: Completed
Finished because I was curious about the final mystery not for the characters.

It's fairly typical for novels like these to have canon fodder which offend and fight the MC for no reason and get slapped down. Good ones have some characters which do not do that and have some variety and intelligence, but unfortunately this novel almost entirely has s*upid canon fodder. Overall I would've given this novel a 3 rating for the ML and story.

But the main reason I gave a low rating is an incredibly OOC moment... more>> from the MC which was also incredibly disturbing. MC is from the modern world and finds much of the violence in this new world horrifying and his morals are an important part of him and his feelings about ending up in this world. He also curbs the ML at times from doing more evil deeds and the ML likes for that too. So far so good.

Yet in the last half something happened to the author? Or whatever, but this young girl who was clear canon fodder is rude and arrogant to the MC, she is attacked and the men attempt to r*pe her and the MC is happy about it. He stands by and hopes for it to happen. He also tells the girl when she screams for help that she was practically asking for it.

Let me repeat: this is all completely OOC. The MC is one of the nicest people in this cruel world and out of nowhere r*pe jokes are being made by him. After these few chapters, this incident is never mentioned again and the MC is back to his usual nice and cheeky self. Reading it was so jarring, so disturbing and worse felt so personal as if it was coming from the author themselves and it really brought to the forefront how all the female characters are despised in the story.

Other than this, the novel started interesting, had secrets and a plot but was way too long, every time MC and ML would go to a new place some rando would pick a fight, get beat down and everybody would be :O and jealous of MC for having such a hot and powerful boyfriend. 700+ chapters of this was barely tolerable and I would have given it a 3-3.5 for the plot and world-building, if not for the MC being happy about the r*pe of a young girl. <<less
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Epsilon3 rated it
October 13, 2021
Status: c582
So this is where I stop reading this. When You XiaoMo says he wished another person had gotten r*ped instead of being saved. Overdue by many hundreds of chapters with all the absolutely unnecessary misogyny of almost every single female character and the confusing and violent way that the 2 seems to treat anyone who displeases them etc. I wanted to just put of with it I til I finished the story but I've had enough of this disappointing story.
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