The Invincible Villain


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Villains, what are they?

Are they cunning, insidious, and evil?


When the villain turns against the protagonist there is no escape.

Rather than becoming a villain destined to be slapped by the protagonist, Li Xiao pursued a different path.

He say to the son of luck who obtained the immortal cultivation heritage, “I’m your master!”

The City’s God of War says, “No! I’m the protagonist, I’m the son of heaven’s destiny.”

Does the protagonist have high martial arts skills?

So what? I had already breakthrough the Immortal Realm.

The protagonist is the immortal cultivator? So what? Likewise, I am one.

The Reincarnated Immortal Emperor? Sorry, but I’m already an Immortal Emperor.

Associated Names
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都市: 我! 究极大反派
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. Villain novels Master List
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/26/23 Fans Translations c4
12/22/22 Silver Berry c3
11/18/22 Silver Berry c2
09/05/22 Silver Berry c1
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