The Human Emperor


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Forcefully brought over from the modern world to an alternate world, Wang Chong felt detached and lived his life aimlessly.

However, when calamity struck and he saw his family and everything he cared for being torn apart, he felt regret.

Thus, he stood up and eventually became the Grand Marshal of the Central Plains, leading an army against those who sought to destroy all he cherished.

Yet, despite all his efforts, it was already too late to reverse destiny.

But before his death, a shooting star, the same one which brought him to this world, appeared before him, and he was given another chance to undo his regrets.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Fani İmparator
Nhân Hoàng Kỷ
Records of the Human Emperor
Ren Huang Ji
Related Series
I am the Monarch (12)
Reverend Insanity (10)
Zhanxian (9)
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The Second Coming of Gluttony (9)
Cheeky Sword God (8)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Cultivation Novel Goodies
  2. Male Protagonist (No CP)
  3. Novels that I have read
  4. Op Mc / simulation systems
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172 Reviews sorted by

Jmeukun rated it
January 26, 2019
Status: c71
a very calm and calm style, reminds me of the light novels, it is not the typical Chinese novel where you spend half a story explaining what rank level you have or what you can do with it, it is more a fantastic story, what bothers me is... where is the harem?
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HelluvaReader rated it
October 6, 2018
Status: c120
Pretty good story, except the only bad thing in my opinion is the overpowered empowerment of female characters. Almost all the female characters are annoying, overpowered thugs.

People complaining about the author merging some other stories should read more chapters. The story has some unique stuff compared to the bland reincarnation stories we get.

I rate it a 3/5.
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Aniki212 rated it
August 23, 2018
Status: c432
give it a try! Fun to read, not kind of novel that turns to be boring after 50 chaps.


1. No damn romance cliche -- to be exact: it's been more than 400 chapters (my reading so farr) n romance is nonexistent. Its "second change" type without nauseating revenge plot, ridiculous face slapping. Hard working MC, his OP-ness not that OP since the begining, not some cliche

2. If you like mind games, military, -- well, things usually are in shounen genre-- this novel gives you plenty of them in quite well... more>> written. narration. Some loopholes are annoying in this aspects (mainly because so many characters keep being introduced and their roles then not going anywhere further), however I find its still reasonable, aceptable... C'mon you are not reading some epic published by giant publisher who has full tim editors for writer. Reading this novel, you will enjoy how MC built his group slowly, how he n the group are not "knights"-- MC was no angel.

3. Translation is very good, especially wih translator notes on various things. This is good, but you have to remember that this story setting was Alternative universe, not real history on earth. It is similar to Tang dynasty but not the same as we have on earth. LOL

4. Although characters here in this novel Did cultivate, no excessive things on trainings, leveling up, etc. Those things usually are waaay to much in wuxia/xianxia/xuanhuan genres


1. Racism

2. After decent pace at the beginning, story get slower -- not up being draggy but still I hopelessly wanted it to be quicker or at least it had more conflicts

3. (Not really con, this is more personal mumbling:) Its been forever on 393 chapter translation, no new chapter being translated. Try to MTL it with big risk of getting serious headache.. (LOL... This already beyond expectation that translation group reach this, they did in voluntarily -- thank you translator/s for the hard work!!) <<less
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ljin75651 rated it
April 28, 2018
Status: c367
I really like the MC's mentality of caring for his country first and foremost. All his plans lead up to increasing the strength of his country and its people. So it's not a typical transmigration novel where the MCs would typically just find benefits for themselves. He's definitely a forward thinker and some of the solutions he came up with to resolve some of the political problems his 'faction' are facing were really ingenious.

I can't say I'm too impressed with the writing of the fighting and military battles, but the... more>> aftermath and the benefits he receives after winning and reaching his goal definitely drives the plot along. Probably what most aggravates me though, has to do with the portrayal of the female characters. I give kudos to the author for making strong females, since basically every female he shows is either really strong cultivation wise or has really strong political backing. But then he gives them a really annoying personality, where they feel overly entitled. Just a few examples:


Marchioness Yi that we first meet around c190 is an extremely strong woman, and has a really strong personality to match that. She's quick to anger and quick to attack, so the MC is always afraid when meeting her. That's fine, except if a guy were to act the same way as her, they would end up being an antagonist cannon fodder for the MC to get rid of, but since she's female, we end up with a persistent character with an annoying personality.



Later, after the MC's spirit vein training ground is discovered, a princess shows up and attacks the MC and his companions. She doesn't even try to buy the training ground, but demands it be handed over for free unless he wants to be crippled. And the reason she's trying to get this training ground isn't even for herself, but because she wants to get benefits for the guy she likes.... The MC is injured badly from the confrontation, and only gets her to leave by telling her that some of the men of the guy she likes are in trouble... And then she comes back after rescuing the people to demand that he hand over the intelligence agency that he is supposedly in charge of.... just so illogical. She's so entitled that I really hoped for someone to give her a slap. But no, she ends up becoming good friends with Marchioness Yi almost right away, so now there's no way the MC can get rid of her either....


In any case, all the parts that annoy me in the novel are usually easy to ignore, and there are definitely many more good things to look forward to reading. Really recommend it! <<less
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Nu-me rated it
April 25, 2018
Status: c378
The MC wishes to change the future and has an idea of where some of the things went wrong. But that does not mean that they can always change things, sometimes they get their way sometimes not.

The aura system is interesting; thus far not well explained, but this novel does not seem to want to belabour the mechanics.

The supporting characters so far have actually been something of a dissapointment now that I think about it (they have not really had much impact). Antagonists have been much better done, particularly those... more>> within the country.

This is a story of the MC (plus however many disposable extras are required) versus the antagonists, in a bid to solidfy the power of the ethnic group of his choosing... to save humanity I guess?

As with most of these stories, by looking at the cheat you will have a decent understanding of the type of actions that will be rewarded and what will be required of the MC.

Action so far has been primarily squad based with no real strategy, at best some tactics.

Given the cheat he has and his stated goal, one can expect him in the future to lead groups of increasing size, with their leadership comprised primarily of those of ethnicity he approves, men of course (unless they are harem candidates? No harem just yet). <<less
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ziki rated it
April 4, 2018
Status: c639
I will keep this review short. This novel has many flaws but it's good point overvalue it's flaws.

By that I mean that even if there are some bad parts in the novel I dislike, the majority of the novel is great so that I can overlook it's shortcomings.

Also the one part that stands out compared to all other novels on this website is that as the time goes one the story gets better and better. It doesn't follow a straight line but at the very least the most recent and... more>> longest arc that just finished is without the doubt the best arc of the novel so far, the second best arc happens somewhere in the middle of so far translated chapters.

This is a great plus because most novels here have strong opening and eventually turn worse and worse as the time goes. Here however, I won't say that opening is bad, but rather, as long as someone enjoyed the first part then the rest of the novel will be enjoyable to them as well. (well most of it at least, there are some flaws as well, and there is one short arc that is so terrible that I nearly gave up on this novel, but good thing I stayed around)

To not end this review too positively though. My review is up to chapter 639... as for how the story develops in the future, only time will tell. <<less
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darthpsykoz rated it
January 21, 2018
Status: c280
I really like this novel, several other reviewers have disliked this novel because it has a lot of politics, no romance etc. (Be warned). Also, if you are here for a typical reincarnation = op story, you will be disappointed. The MC uses his reincarnation to gradually become stronger but his power level is still weak although he has managed to win the respect of several strong people using his brains/strategy + knowledge of the future. His main regret in his past life was that his country/family were all lost... more>> so expect the MC to be working towards saving it and not being a selfish as*hole who just tries to get power for himself. Overall I like the pacing of the story, the MC, and the translation so I am giving it 5 stars. <<less
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Mendish rated it
January 13, 2018
Status: c269
This one is definitely a gem!Many ppl have reviewed that it is slow, which is the reason for lower ratings n dropping this novel... but we need to understand that we are reading translations here! Not to mention that the novel is still ongoing. Imagine reading harry potter or any other lengthy novel Chapter wise over a span of days/months/years! Of course it is not as enjoyable as reading it all together whenever we want. It will also seem more boring even though it's not.
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President_Lincoln rated it
January 9, 2018
Status: c266
My initial rating of this novel up to chapter 100 had been a 3/5. However, The Human Emperor exceeds itself in providing a more dynamic, developed plot as the chapters progress. The training camp arc marks the turning point, as characters are actively fleshed out while an active antagonist reveals himself as both formidable and believable.

It is true that the MC shows the typical OP development that is common in the genre, but again, these improvements move beyond mere happenstance into the realm of realistic growth in face of a... more>> story displaying a wealth of adversity and genius. It is easy to be convinced by the circumstances revolving around the Tang empire's potential downfall. This allows for the MC to shine whereas before there existed a distinct lack of purpose to the novel. Finally. There is a drive for plot development to follow, and I have enjoyed watching the progress made.

Needless to say, the wait has been worthwhile. I fully intend to follow the growth of this story, and I recommend bearing with the average beginnings to this novel as The Human Emperor grows into its own unique body.

Thus, I bestow upon this novel a presidential seal of approval! Huzzah, I say! <<less
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Daoist LastWish
Daoist LastWish rated it
January 8, 2018
Status: c265
A mildly interesting novel, on the same level as History's Strongest Senior Brother. It would be even more interesting if it didn't suffer with 'the main character is the greatest, even the universe bends to his wishes' syndrome that infects the Xuanhuan genre of novels.

... more>>

Like most Xuanhuan, the MC is literally a GOD, he is great in everything - Business, Cultivation, Spying, etc. The Uniqueness of this novel lies in the fact that the novels takes a lot from the Chinese History, and chronicles the political intrigue a bit.

Unlike tr*shy novels like WDQK/ED/ATG, the MC has a mind and is respectful towards the seniors whose hard work has led to the prosperity of their country.

MC is not a ret*rd and doesn't senselessly slaughter people.

Sadly, the plot armor on the MC is so thick, that every time I read the Weng! Sound effect, I am reminded of the MC's surname, Wang! It is a pity, because the quality of writing is truly a huge bit above WDQK/ED/ATG etc., it is the plot that is lacking.


If you are starting to find novels like Emperor's Domination, Renegade Immortal, WDQK etc., mind numbingly boring, and are ready for a step up, try The Human Emperor.

Those looking for the best novels currently being translated should try: Ze Tian Ji (Way of Choices), Death Sutra, The Nine Cauldrons, When a Mage Revolts, or A Will Eternal. <<less
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Ginko rated it
January 7, 2018
Status: c303
Real Score: 4.2

An emerging gem.
Positive - A reincarnation story about a struggle to change history, rather than just one's' own life.
Positive - The MC is cunning and likable.

Negative- is that the author constantly tries to pump up the MC to the point it's annoying. Also, lack of strong female presences.

Negative- pacing is slow sometimes. I kid you not.... Later you'll get an entire chapter worth of explanation, when 4 lines of dialogue could've done more. Author tries to expozay every past detail of a world that no longer exist...


Plus - The MC isn't a hotblooded idiot, nor is there a constant revenge/big brother here. Starts off with a 'why would you go about it that way?!' sort of feel, but redeems itself quickly.


Would recommend if you got the time
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Solitude rated it
December 18, 2017
Status: c200
A better than average story. The concept was good; MC chooses to reject the new world at first in but changed after seeing his new family's downfall. But it was executed poorly and seemed more of an info dump rather than being a well-integrated part of a flowing story.

One of the fellow reviewers complained about MC not being selfish after given a second chance. Is there really something wrong with that? The reason he changed in the first place was for his family. He is kind-hearted, and we see that... more>> throughout the story. He doesn't have grand ambitions of ruling the world; he is just a simple man who wishes the best for his family, and I'm good with that.

Then there is the matter of the consort. It's clearly being implied that MC knows there is a backstory behind the whole ordeal. The reason he felt admiration for the king is as stated- the latter brought unprecedented prosperity to the kingdom and his cultivation.

Now let's move on to pros and cons:


1. A good engaging plot with its main focus split between political struggle within the kingdom and MC preparing for an upcoming war which only he knows is about to happen.

2. A good crew of side characters with some real depth.

3. A kind MC with a simple goal which one can empathize with.


1. Plot armor too strong, which leaves the MC himself lackluster.

2. A lot of padding, not close to the level of TMW, but still annoying.

3. The MC becomes way too OP (in terms of influence, not cultivation) for a fifteen-year-old. Even though the author took his time and showed his growth at a steady pace, it still seems a bit too ridiculous. I know a lot of other novels do this as well, but it bugs me a lot in this one, and the reason is simple; the world and the characters are not one dimensional. They have their own thoughts, personalities, and aims. That's why it feels so weird that nobody harbors any doubts regarding MC given his young age and accomplishments in several independent fields.

All in all, a good read with a lot of potential. <<less
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ej0522 rated it
November 1, 2017
Status: c600
There are a lot of Reincarnation/going-back-to-the-past novels but very few of them can be up to par with this one. The MC is likeable as well as the side characters. The MC is not arrogant, smart and lay his plans step by step. He needs a lot of people to help him fulfill his goals and work well with these people. Many of the characters introduced in the earlier chapters are still relevant in the late chapters. One of the things I find appealing in this novel the most is... more>> the fact that it is not a harem type novel where female characters introduced will only serve as a fodder to fulfill the "manliness" side of the MC. In fact, there is no romance interest for the MC at this point - (I'm just reading MTL chapters so I might have missed it if there is.) - which is one of the downside of the novel since I personally like novels with a tinge of romance in it.

It's quite refreshing for a chinese novel where lines such as "courting death", "die", "you tr*sh", "vomitted blood" cannot be seen in every chapter. Antagonists are smart, cunning and ruthless. The MC is verging to the tier of being OP but not godlike - he can be injured as there are a lot of people who are stronger than him.

The setting is medieval China so the society and world building is easy to imagine, in fact, when he builds a city or when a battle takes place, one can almost pinpoint where it happens on the map.

If you're looking for a cultivation system where the MC gains leaps and bounds in a 100 chapters, this one is not for you. There is cultivation in the novel but it is not the main focus. The novel is about an MC going back to the past and save the empire from destruction. So you can expect building an army with his friends serving as generals, building cities with in a strategic location, protecting his clan against being framed by other clans, court schemes and intrigues....

Kudos to the author who wrote this novel. Hoping that he can maintain it till the story ends. <<less
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0000000 rated it
October 31, 2017
Status: c782
Gave this series a 4* because the action is enough to make a simple man feel excited about armies, war, and some other manly shit. Please do not expect any growth in any characters, for now I seriously seen non, except for the 5th Prince (from spineless to arrogant, never give power to the weak). Girls start gathering around MC and try to claim him as theirs, MC hailed as genius thanks to being a transcender as usual, author is a sad*st by repeatingly flipping the tides of war like... more>> a flipping bastard. This is a very typical xianxia, so do get used to no logic. Also, this story is quite political, in case you did not noticed 大唐 as China, with representatives as India, mix of Korea and Japan, Mongolia and Europe.

Title is also misleading, MC currently tries to push 5th prince up the throne. MC himself is very far from being a monarch. He needs a lesson from Roan in I am the Monarch. <<less
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Bib rated it
October 2, 2017
Status: c1800
Edited comment and rating: The story was great at first with all the political schemes, war stratagems and the building of influence and power of the MC but as you read along it kinda got repetitive and boring at some point.
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HaxersDoom rated it
September 26, 2017
Status: c165
As of chapter 165 I am feeling more and more that this book is actually based off the current situation of the world as of 2016, with the Hu being Islamic people, and the Han being Americans or others, I could only think of Americans right now, as their situation is the only one I have any idea about.

I say this because it brings forth the topic of the Han sympathizing with their enemies over their allies, even if it will eventually bring about their own destruction, and the most... more>> dissatisfaction is not directed at the Hu but their allies that sympathize with the Hu.

As for the story, it is decent but if you are bothered by it reminding you of political matters I suggest your don't read it.

Of course I might be wrong and it might not have anything to do with reality, but I feel it is likely since it definitely reminds me of the problems the world is currently undergoing. <<less
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Hitexh rated it
March 30, 2017
Status: c200
c32: The MC is smarter than most time leapers.... So I think if you like second chance story, this should be the one of best. Anyway, we do need more chapters...

c200: the story is not linear, MC solve every weakness of its clan (relation, and money) and kingdom (from weapon, politic, policy, army, agriculture). this is the very reason, why it will keep getting interesting because other than getting stronger, MC got more subordinate and supporter. Especially at around c150, the story suddenly got into its hype.

All right, the bad... more>> things are:

1. Money. The MC expenditure is higher than its income. Please just imagine that MC is filty rich, and ignore those number, then it will be allright.

2. Time. The MC spend many months for each problem solving, but his age still 15. So just consider he is around 15-18, then it will be all right.

3. Poem. The MC poem is the best, but what you actuallt read are 40 words poem of craps. So just consider the poem is godly, then it will be allright.

4. Typos. Well, the MC demand to trade the right of smithing to become a shareholder, but it wrote in as stakeholder. It make me laugh. Please ignore it and should be allright.

5. The MC is smarter than anyone, but cant smarter than the emperor.


In the late arc, the MC submit memorial to emperor, in order to decline Hu talent policy, but he suddenly become s*upid to forget giving solution to this problem, and instead promote about banknotes. A different topic. This policy is easily solve by emperor by tweaking a bit of its content, to give credit for emperor as smartest. The one who usually can do anything without reason in consort problem and lead kingdom to destruction. If you can ignore the inconsistency of character building here, it will be all right.

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Pachia rated it
March 7, 2017
Status: c208
I have great hope for this novel. And want to read more chapter! Since I don't know how to read raw.

Wang Chong takes time proving his worth but at the end it is worth it. And the novel has a nice pacing.


Especially amazing how he can makes other people move for him. For example when he was sent to jail, many big general threatened others to not excute him.

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CodeTime rated it
April 1, 2024
Status: side story 40
Overall a pretty decent kingdom building novel. It tackles the difficulty of a single guy trying to change and move a massive empire while not being the ruler. I particularly liked that even if the protagonist knows someone will become a calamity in the future, he cannot kill them off as they are protected by "heavens will", thus the protagonist has to focus more on minor changes throughout the whole system rather than single big steps.
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Arcwindz rated it
September 22, 2023
Status: Completed
I'm quite surprised by this novel, in a good way

So this is a isekai+reincarnation novel, the MC was from modern China, extremely talented in strategy, got isekai-ed into the Great Tang era and practically wasted his life since he got no "special power". He got reincarnated and decided to start doing things.

It's a cultivation novels with emphasis on kingdom building and court politics which were particularly well done, I'm surprised myself that the best part of this novel were actually the court politics.

The characters are also well defined with a... more>> good dimension to their personality, without these characters, the whole politic game will lose its color and fun. Is there romance here? Yes, but it was the barest minimum of romance, nothing noteworthy.

Alas, this novel does come with its flaw. Amidst the amazing story telling and kingdom building, the battle was simply abysmal. The MC troupe was that he's in fact a war saint with godly strategy, but I was a bit disappointed with how his campaigns unfolded.

There were strategies involved, but it mostly came down to picking a right place to hunker down and fight to the last man. The enemy's army will come down on MC with "special units" that made you question "how the f*** Great Tang survived this whole time" and MC will solve the problem with a series of plot armor. Even the ending got solved with a plot armor, what a shame.

Writing a strategically-gifted MC was never an easy job, especially so in a world where the whole army practically cultivates. But at least the author still have a good grasp on court politics.

Overall, it was not a bad read, though I admit that I just skipped read the battle arc as much as possible, especially toward the end. If you want to read how a man builds up his influence and power, this is a good one to read. 4 stars. <<less
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